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43rd ICIS 2022: Copenhagen, Denmark
- Niels Bjørn-Andersen, Roman Beck, Stacie Petter, Tina Blegind Jensen, Tilo Böhmann, Kai-Lung Hui, Viswanath Venkatesh:
Proceedings of the 43rd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2022, Digitization for the Next Generation, Copenhagen, Denmark, December 9-14, 2022. Association for Information Systems 2022
Advances in Methods, Theories, and Philosophy
- Eduard Anton, Thuy Duong Oesterreich, Julian Schuir, Frank Teuteberg:
A New Way to Reflect the IS Identity? Uncovering the Intellectual Core of Podcasts. - Raffaele Fabio Ciriello, Lars Mathiassen:
Dialectical Inquiry in Information Systems Research: A Synthesis of Principles. - Gongtai Wang:
Digital Mesh: On the Rise of Mesh Computing. - Jean-Charles Pillet, Claudio Vitari, Jackie London, Kevin D. Matthews:
Early-Stage Construct Development Practices in IS Research: A 2000-2020 Review. - Anne-Marie Tuikka, Jani Koskinen, Kai K. Kimppa:
Habermasian discourse on digitalisation of governmental services - testing discourse ethical framework for communication. - Shama Patel, Mathias Tinghøj Hansen:
Material-Affective Assemblage Thinking in Researching Scalar Phenomena. - Felix Dörpmund, Friedrich Chasin:
Page-Rewriting Digital Experiments - An Approach to Digital Field Experiments and a Demonstration in Carbon Offsetting. - Lena Hylving, Dina Koutsikouri, Jonna Bornemark, Susanne Lindberg:
Ratio and Intellectus: Towards a Conceptual Framework for Understanding Human and Artificial Intelligence. - Thomas Grisold, Michael Gau, Youngjin Yoo:
Studying the Co-evolution of Individual Actions and Emergent Social Structures using Digital Trace Data. - Christian Meske, Pauline M. Kuss:
Theorizing the Concept of Agency in Human-Algorithmic Ensembles with a Socio-Technical Lens. - Frederik Möller, Thorsten Schoormann, Gero Strobel, Magnus Rotvit Perlt Hansen:
Unveiling the Cloak: Kernel Theory Use in Design Science Research.
AI in Business and Society
- Jiali Zhou, Jiexin Zheng:
A Strategic Analysis of Algorithm Manipulation: a Lending Game perspective. - Antoine Grenier Ouimet, Shamel Addas:
Algorithmic Decision-Making Systems: A Conceptualization and Agenda for Green IS Research. - Le Wang, Xi Zhao:
An Intelligent Customization Framework for Tourist Trip Design Problems. - Benjamin van Giffen, Nadine Barth, André Sagodi:
Characteristics of Contemporary Artificial Intelligence Technologies and Implications for IS Research. - Anuschka Schmitt, Maximilian Walser, Tobias Benjamin Fahse:
Conceptual Foundations on Debiasing for Machine Learning-Based Software. - Xiyang Hu, Yan Huang, Beibei Li, Tian Lu:
Credit Risk Modeling without Sensitive Features: An Adversarial Deep Learning Model for Fairness and Profit. - Sagarika Suresh Thimmanayakanapalya, Pavankumar Mulgund, Raj Sharman:
Development of an Automated Physician Review Classification System: A hybrid Machine Learning Approach. - Manos Gkeredakis:
Fair Algorithms in Organizations: A Performative-Sensemaking Model. - Emmanuelle Vaast:
Future imperfect: How AI developers imagine the future. - Xuetao Wang, Cheuk Hang (Allen) Au, Evelyn Ng, Barney Tan:
Leveraging an Ecosystem for the Development of AI Applications. - Sergey Stroppiana Tabankov:
Machine Learning for ARUP: Time to Redefine the Ground Truth. - Alexandra Haimerl, Anne-Sophie Mayer, Marina Fiedler:
Managing Organizational Identity Challenges Caused By AI Implementation: The Role Of AI Principles. - Dominik Stoffels, Stefan Faltermaier, Kim Simon Strunk, Marina Fiedler:
Opening the Black-Box of AI: Challenging Pattern Robustness and Improving Theorizing through Explainable AI Methods. - Yue Cheng, Lingyun Qiu, Chee-Wee Tan:
Restoring Justice: The Moderating Role of AI Agent in Consumers' Reactions to Service Recovery. - Yonggang Li, Jungpil Hahn:
Review of Research on Human Trust in Artificial Intelligence. - Saskia Haug, Marcel Ruoff, Ulrich Gnewuch:
The Impact of Conversational Assistance on the Effective Use of Forecasting Support Systems: A Framed Field Experiment. - Maggie C. M. Lee, Helana Scheepers, Ariel K. H. Lui, Eric W. T. Ngai:
The Role of Artificial Intelligence for Business Value.
Blockchain, DLT, and FinTech
- Christian Ziegler, Isabell M. Welpe:
A Taxonomy of Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. - Karina Honey, D. Alastair Robb, Fiona H. Rohde:
Are we contributing? The who, when, where, & what of the Blockchain research landscape. - Ping Fan Ke, Ka Chung Boris Ng:
Bank Error in Whose Favor? A Case Study of Decentralized Finance Misgovernance. - Kanghyun Cho, Kihwan Nam, JaeHwuen Jung:
Blessing or Curse: Impact of Algorithmic Trading Bots Invasion of the Cryptocurrency Market. - Norman Pytel, Benedikt Putz, Fabian Böhm, Axel Winkelmann:
Digging for Quality Management in Production Systems: A Solution Space for Blockchain Collaborations. - Jayit Saha, Smit Patel, Frank Xing, Erik Cambria:
Does Social Media Sentiment Predict Bitcoin Trading Volume? - Robert Woroch, Gero Strobel, Tobias Wulfert:
Four Shades of Customer: How Value Flows in Fintech Ecosystems. - Julia Theresia Zielonka, Rebecca Maria Heigl, Franz Rothlauf:
From Block to TOE: Analyzing Opportunities of Blockchain Technologies in the Automotive Industry. - Nik Tavakoli Darestani, Sebastian Kruse, Christoph Maus, Malte Brettel:
Goal Size Signaling in Entrepreneurial Finance: Evidence for Costless and Simultaneous Signaling in Initial Coin Offerings. - Gayan Benedict, Clare Sullivan, Asif Gill:
Governance Challenges of AI-enabled Decentralized Autonomous Organizations: Toward a Research Agenda. - Nargess Tahmasbi, Alexander Fuchsberger:
Non-fungible Tokens - Exploring Suspicious Washtrader Communities in NFT Networks. - Jona Stinner:
On the Economics of Bitcoin Mining: A Theoretical Framework and Simulation Evidence. - Yanlin Zhang, Jiawei Chen:
Risk and Return of Blockchain Announcements in Chinese Stock Market - An Event Study. - Leonardo Maria De Rossi, Michel Avital, Rob Gleasure, Rebecca Solcia:
The Impact of Layer 2 Technologies on the Adoption and Security of Blockchain. - Tamara Roth, Alexander Rieger, Manuel Utz, Amber Grace Young:
The Role of Cultural Fit in the Adoption of Fashionable IT: A Blockchain Case Study. - Chaoyue Gao, Alvin Chung Man Leung:
True or False Prosperity? The Effect of Token Incentives in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations. - Wael Jabr, Arun Rai:
When Trading Becomes Social: How Social Trading Platforms Affect the Disposition Effect.
Cybersecurity, Privacy and Ethics in AI
- Jana Gerlach, Oliver Werth, Michael H. Breitner:
Artificial Intelligence for Cybersecurity: Towards Taxonomy-based Archetypes and Decision Support. - Mazen Shawosh, May Bantan, France Bélanger:
Chief Privacy Officer Role and Organizational Transformation in the Digital Economy. - Ashley Baines Anderson, Atif Ahmad, Shanton Chang:
Competencies of Cybersecurity Leaders: A Review and Research Agenda. - Chul Woo Yoo, Jahyun Goo, H. Raghav Rao:
Do individual employees' security compliance intentions relate to workgroup security effectiveness? - Manoj Kahdan, Nicole Janine Hartwich, Oliver Salge:
Ethical AI Research Untangled: Mapping Interdisciplinary Perspectives for Information Systems Research. - Anne Zöll, Amina Wagner, Melanie Reuter-Oppermann:
Giving Users Control Over How Peers Handle Their Data: A Design Science Study. - Bowen Guan, Carol Hsu:
Investigating Employees' Proactive Extra-Role Information Security Behaviors through Security Mindfulness. - Vinod Kumar Ahuja, Holly K. Rosser, Andrea Grover, Matthew Hale:
Phish Finders: Improving Cybersecurity Training Tools Using Citizen Science. - Nikolai Sachs, Daniel Schnurr:
Privacy Risks in Digital Markets: The Impact of Ambiguity Attitudes on Transparency Choices. - Michelle René Lowry, Zeynep Sahin, Anthony Vance:
Taking a Seat at the Table: The Quest for CISO Legitimacy. - Lijun Wang, Jun Zhang, Jingzhi Zhang, Xiabing Zheng:
The Role of Psychological Ownership in Privacy Risk Compensation: A Moderated Mediation Model. - Till Ole Diesterhöft, Saskia Isabel Schweneker, Kristin Masuch, Aycan Aslan, Marvin Braun:
The Role of Uncertainty in Data Breach Response Processes - A Reactance Theory Perspective. - Da Ma, Matthew J. Hashim, Qiuzhen Wang:
Using Active Privacy Transparency to Mitigate the Tension Between Data Access and Consumer Privacy. - Alexander Gladis, Nicole Janine Hartwich, Oliver Salge:
Weaponizing the GDPR: How Flawed Implementations Turn the Gold Standard for Privacy Laws into Fool's Gold. - Anjuli Franz:
Why Do Employees Report Cyber Threats? Comparing Utilitarian and Hedonic Motivations to Use Incident Reporting Tools.
Data Analytics for Business and Societal Challenges
- Wolfgang Maass, Arturo Castellanos, Monica C. Tremblay, Roman Lukyanenko, Veda C. Storey:
AI Explainability: Embedding Conceptual Models. - Olga Vasilyeva, Alex Richardson:
Big Data and Data Analytics for Enhanced Decision-Making in the Public Sector. - Hao Zhong, Chuanren Liu:
Career Path Clustering via Sequential Job Embedding and Mixture Markov Models. - Sven Klee, Andreas Janson:
Data Analytics for Effective Decision-Making in Crises - Identifying Relevant Data Analytics Competencies for Automotive Procurement Departments. - Maxx Richard Rahman, Thomas Piper, Hans Geyer, Tristan Equey, Norbert Baume, Reid Aikin, Wolfgang Maass:
Data Analytics for Uncovering Fraudulent Behaviour in Elite Sports. - Matthias Klumpp, Benedikt Severin, Henrik Lechte, Jannes Heinrich Diedrich Menck, Maria Keil, Sarah M. Straub, Caroline Ruiner, Viola Milke, Vera Hagemann, Marc Hesenius:
Driving Big Data - Integration and Synchronization of Data Sources for Artificial Intelligence Applications with the Example of Truck Driver Work Stress and Strain Analysis. - Shen Liu, Shangkun Che, Hongyan Liu:
Enhancing Recommendation Interpretability with Tags: A Neural Variational Model. - Hao Zhong, Chuanren Liu:
Firm Profiling and Competition Assessment via Heterogeneous Occupation Network. - Wenwen Li, Yue Wu, Yingjie Zhang, Tian Lu, Yiheng Sun, Xuehao Zheng:
Insights from Niche Markets: Explainable and Predictive Values of Consumption Tendency on Credit Risks. - Anindya Ghose, Beibei Li, Rubing Li, Kaiquan Xu:
Real-Time Purchase Prediction Using Retail Video Analytics. - Christoph Kecht, Michael Kurschilgen, Magnus Strobel:
Revival of the Cover Letter? Experimental Evidence on the Performance of AI-driven Personality Assessments. - Jannik Rößler, Richard Guse, Detlef Schoder:
The Best of Two Worlds - Using Recent Advances from Uplift Modeling and Heterogeneous Treatment Effects to Optimize Targeting Policies. - Lorena Göritz, Daniel Stattkus, Jan Heinrich Beinke, Oliver Thomas:
To Reduce Bias, You Must Identify It First! Towards Automated Gender Bias Detection. - Pablo Weingart, Thiemo Wambsganss, Matthias Söllner:
Unleashing the Potential of Argument Mining for IS Research: A Systematic Review and Research Agenda. - Xiang Li, Yunhui Wang, Junming Liu, Hui Xiong:
Visual Communication and Fashion Popularity Contagion in Social Networks.
Digital and Mobile Commerce
- Ton Nu Huong Giang Hoang, Calvin Chan, Hock-Hai Teo:
Achieving Omnichannel Implementation: A Resource Orchestration Analysis. - Jiayan Han, Yingjie Zhang, Tian Lu, Yiheng Sun, Wen Huang:
Brake or Step On the Gas? Empirical Analyses of Credit Effects on Individual Consumption. - Kitae Kim, Dongwon Lee, Sung-Hyuk Park, Jaeung Sim:
Digital Rule of Thumb: A Natural Experiment on Autocomplete in Search Engines. - Cong Cao, Haipeng Yang:
Explore How Factors that Contribute to Online Review Helpfulness in Automotive Marketing. - Yahui Liu, Lei Wang, Shuai Yang, Yanwen Wang:
Gamified Live-streaming: Is Avatar Better than Human Being? - Melanie Schwede, Naim Zierau, Andreas Janson, Maik Hammerschmidt, Jan Marco Leimeister:
"I Will Follow You!" - How Recommendation Modality Impacts Processing Fluency and Purchase Intention. - Soonjae Kwon, Sunghyuk Park, Gene Moo Lee, Dongwon Lee:
Learning Faces to Predict Matching Probability in an Online Matching Platform. - Heli Hallikainen, Nino Ruusunen, Tommi Laukkanen:
Reconsidering consumer need for touch: Latent class analysis and purchase experience in a 360-virtual store. - Takeshi Moriguchi, Guiyang Xiong, Xueming Luo:
Retargeting Ads for Shopping Cart Recovery: Online Field Experiments. - Yutong Guo, Chao Ban, Xiao Liu, Khim Yong Goh, Xixian Peng, Jiang Yang, Xiaobo Li:
Short-Video Marketing in E-commerce: Analyzing and Predicting Consumer Response. - Qingyuan Lin, Angela Lu:
The Magic of Lottery: Investigating the PAYW in Live Streaming from Opportunism and Impulsiveness. - Yunhui Wang, Junming Liu, Yulin Fang:
The Sales Impact of Storytelling in Live Streaming E-Commerce. - Hyunji So, Jui Ramaprasad, Angela Choi:
What Influences Influencers? Hiding Popularity Signals and Influencer Behavior. - Danyang Song, Xi Chen, Zhiling Guo, Xiao Liu, Ruijin Jin:
What Should Streamers Communicate in Livestream E-Commerce? The Effects of Social Interactions on Live Streaming Performance.
Digital Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and New Business Models
- Katharina Drechsler, Thomas Grisold, Stefan Seidel:
Cascading Digital Options and the Evolution of Digital Infrastructures: The Case of IIoT. - Angela Lu, Abhay Mishra, Jintao Du:
Concentration and Platform Growth in the Sharing Economy: A Resource Partitioning Perspective. - Shaila M. Miranda, Qidi Xing, Sophie Zhai:
Creating Opportunity amid Geographic Constraint on Digital Innovation Discourses. - Gabriele Piccoli, Joaquin Rodriguez, Ida Asadi Someh, Barbara H. Wixom:
Data Liquidity: Conceptualization, Measurement and Determinants. - Ting Li, Yi (Zoe) Zou, Yolande E. Chan:
Digital Affordances and Digital Capabilities: Evidence from Six AI Startups. - Stan Karanasios, P. K. Senyo, John Effah, Aljona Zorina:
Digital Bricolage: Creating a Digital Transformation from Nothing. - Florian Wedel, Sebastian Kruse, Christoph Maus, Malte Brettel:
"Digital In, Digital Out?" - Evidence for a Curvilinear Relationship Between IT Experience in Top Management Teams and Firms' Digital Orientation. - Inmyung Choi, Alain Pinsonneault, Kunsoo Han:
Effects of CEO Political Orientation on Software-Driven Innovation. - Annalena Lorson, Christian Dremel, Falk Uebernickel:
Evolution of Digital Innovation Units for Digital Transformation - The Convergence of Motors of Change. - Shiyuan Eric Liu, Ola Henfridsson, Joe Nandhakumar:
Growing through Platform Distinctiveness in Early Saturated Markets. - Guohou Shan, Michael Rivera:
Humanizing Digital Transformation Across People and Things: An Empirical Investigation of the Impact of Real-time Feedback Types on Performance. - Can Azkan, Frederik Möller, Martin Ebel, Taskeen Iqbal, Boris Otto, Jens Poeppelbuss:
Hunting the Treasure: Modeling Data Ecosystem Value Co-Creation. - Dongyeob Kim, Youngjin Yoo:
Hyperbolic Organizational Identity and Identity of Digital Artifacts: A Comparative Study of Healthcare Innovations. - Dinh Khoi Nguyen, Thijs L. J. Broekhuizen, John Qi Dong, Peter C. Verhoef:
Power Distribution of IT Executives in the TMT: When Should It Be Equal? - Thomas Haskamp, Christian Dremel, Nicholas Berente, Youngjin Yoo, Falk Uebernickel:
Punctuated Multi-Layered Liminality in Digital Transformation: The Case of an Automotive Platform. - Sihan Fang, Anand Gopal, Hyeokkoo Eric Kwon, Yongjin Park:
Return of the Movie Night? Analyzing the Impact of Netflix Subscriptions on Offline Movie Spending. - Altus Viljoen, Andreas Hein, Leonard Przybilla, David Soto Setzke, Helmut Krcmar:
Striving for Global Optima in Digital Transformation: A Paradox Theory Approach. - Mengjin Gao, Young-Kyu Kim, Jieun Kim, Dongwon Lee, Sungyong Um:
When Do Firms Add Digital Platforms? Organizational Status as an Enabler to Incumbents' Platformization.
Digital Learning and IS Curricula
- Nastaran Mohammadhossein, Alexander Richter, Stephan G. Lukosch:
Benefits of Using Augmented Reality in Learning Settings: A Systematic Literature Review. - Markus Böhm, Christian Müller:
Business Model Innovation in Times of Crisis: Highway2Hybrid - A Trade Fairs Digital Transformation. - Charlotte Husom Grøder, Stefan Schmager, Elena Parmiggiani, Polyxeni Vassilakopoulou, Ilias O. Pappas, Sofia Papavlasopoulou:
Educating about Responsible AI in IS: Designing a course based on Experiential Learning. - Andy Nguyen, Yvonne Hong, Belle Dang, Bich-Phuong Thi Nguyen:
Emotional Regulation in Synchronous Online Collaborative Learning: A Facial Expression Recognition Study. - Shadi Esnaashari, Lesley A. Gardner, Michael Rehm:
Exploring the Cyclical Nature of Self-Regulation in Blended Learning: A Longitudinal Study. - Jiaqi Li, Maarten H. Lamers, René Riedl:
Fewer Faces Displayed Simultaneously, Less Videoconference Fatigue in Distance Learning? An Experimental Study. - Nikola Levkov:
Preferences for digital versus printed textbooks: Existing and emerging challenges. - Jihao Luo, Jiamin Yin, Hock-Hai Teo:
The Effects of Gamification Rewards in E-Learning: A Longitudinal Field Study on Motivation and Mental Fatigue. - Jonna Järveläinen, Markus Philipp Zimmer, Marko Niemimaa:
The Importance of Business Continuity for Making Business: The Case of Design Kitchen. - Gwamaka Mwalemba, Kenneth Mashingaidze:
The State of Information Systems Education Research in Africa. - Dennis Benner, Sofia Schöbel, Christoph Süess:
Towards Gamified Conversational Agents for Self-Regulated Learning in Digital Education. - Daniel E. O'Leary:
Using AI to Read Contracts.
Digitization for the Next Generation
- José Monteiro, João Barata:
Advancing the Smart Region Digital Twin: The Case of UNESCO GEOfood. - Cancan Wang, Carsten S. Østerlund, Qiuyu Jiang, Yvonne Dittrich:
Becoming Sustainable Together: ESG Data Commons for Fintech Startups. - Xinyue Zhang, Shan Ling Pan, Yenni Tim, Zixi Jiang:
Designing a Virtual Reality Video for Disability Inclusion: An Action Design Research. - Laurie Gagne-Pratte, Elaine Mosconi, Leandro Feitosa Jorge:
Digital Literacy for Business Leaders and Managers. - Liping Chen, Minya Xu, Azadeh Savoli:
Early-age Digital Experience Helps Form IT Identity and Its Impact on Workplace Performance. - Richard Guse, Scott Thiebes, Phil Hennel, Christoph Rosenkranz, Ali Sunyaev:
How Do Employees Perceive Digital Transformation and its Effects? A Theory of the Smart Machine Perspective.