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40th ICMC 2014: Athens, Greece
- Music Technology meets Philosophy - From Digital Echos to Virtual Ethos: Joint Proceedings of the 40th International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2014, and the 11th Sound and Music Computing Conference, SMC 2014, Athens, Greece, September 14-20, 2014. Michigan Publishing 2014
- Gérard Assayag:
Creative Symbolic Interaction. - John Chowning:
Mathews' Diagram and Euclid's Line: Fifty Years Ago. - Peter Nelson:
What Is Sound? - Jean-Claude Risset:
Sound and Music Computing Meets Philosophy. - Curtis Roads:
Rhythmic Processes in Electronic Music. - Clarence Barlow:
Chorale Synthesis by the Multidimensional Scaling of Pitches. - Cort Lippe:
Musings on the Status of Electronic Music Today. - Alan Marsden:
Echoes in Plato's Cave: Ontology of Sound Objects in Computer Music and Analysis. - Agostino Di Scipio:
The place and meaning of computing in a sound relationship of man, machines, and environment. - Makis Solomos:
Xenakis's Philosophy of Technology Through Some Interviews. - Georgia Spiropoulos:
Real-Time Composition of Sound Environments. - George Tzanetakis:
Computational ethnomusicology: a music information retrieval perspective. - Panayiotis Kokoras:
Auditory Fusion and Holophonic Musical Texture in Xenakis's Pithoprakta. - Ivan Zavada:
Chronotope: the mutual dependency of time and space in visual music. - Dariusz Jackowski, Francho Melendez, Andrzej Bauer, Pawel Hendrich, Cezary Duchnowski:
Computer Game Piece: Exploring Video Games as Means for Controlled Improvisation. - José Luis Besada:
Computer, Formalisms, Intuition and Metaphors. A Xenakian and Post-Xenakian Approach. - Jeremy C. Baguyos:
Contemporary Practices in the Performance and Sustainability of Computer Music Repertoire. - François-Xavier Féron:
Could the endless progressions in James Tenney's music be viewed as sonic koans? - Kostas Paparrigopoulos:
Creativity Through Technology And Science In Xenakis. - Richard Hoadley:
December Variations (on a Theme by Earle Brown). - Jessica Aslan:
Degrees of Interpretation in Computer Aided Algorithmic Composition. - Bridget Johnson, Michael Norris, Ajay Kapur:
Diffusing Diffusion: A History of the Technological Advances in Spatial Performance. - Alexander Dupuis, Carlos Domínguez:
Digitally Extending the Optical Soundtrack. - Jonathan Weinel, Darryl Griffiths, Stuart Cunningham:
Easter Eggs: Hidden Tracks and Messages in Musical Mediums. - Danielle Sofer:
Eroticism and Time in Computer Music: Juliana Hodkinson and Niels Rønsholdt's Fish & Fowl. - Michael Musick:
Examining the Analysis of Dynamical Sonic Ecosystems: in Light of a Criterion for Evaluating Theories. - Tone Åse:
Expanding the Vocalist's Role Through the Use of Live Electronics in Real-Time Improvisation. - Oliver Hödl
, Geraldine Fitzpatrick, Simon Holland:
Experimence: Considerations for Composing a Rock Song for Interactive Audience Participation. - Lindsay Vickery:
Exploring a Visual/Sonic Representational Continuum. - Raphaël Marczak, Pierre Hanna, Jean-Luc Rouas, Jasper van Vught, Gareth Schott:
From Automatic Sound Analysis of Gameplay Footage [Echos] to the Understanding of Player Experience [Ethos]: an Interdisciplinary Approach to Feedback- Based Gameplay Metrics. - George Kosteletos, Anastasia Georgaki:
From Digital 'Echos' to virtual 'ethos': Ethical aspects of Music Technology. - Michael Clarke, Frédéric Dufeu, Peter D. Manning:
From Technological Investigation and Software Emulation to Music Analysis: An integrated approach to Barry Truax's Riverrun. - Maddalena Murari, Antonio Rodà, Osvaldo Da Pos, Sergio Canazza, Giovanni De Poli, Marta Sandri:
How blue is Mozart? Non verbal sensory scales for describing music qualities. - Alberto de Campo:
Lose control, gain influence - Concepts for Metacontrol. - Emery Schubert, Giovanni De Poli, Antonio Rodà, Sergio Canazza:
Music Systemisers and Music Empathisers - Do they rate expressiveness of computer generated performances the same? - Ivica Ico Bukvic, Cody Cahoon, Ariana Wyatt, Tracy Cowden, Katie Dredger:
OPERAcraft: Blurring the Lines between Real and Virtual. - Apostolos Loufopoulos, Georgios P. Heliades, Minas Emmanouil, Fanis Matagkos:
Realism, Art, Technology and Audiovisual Immersion into the Environment of the Ionian Islands. - Ryan Maguire:
The Ghost in the MP3. - David Hirst:
The Use of Rhythmograms in the Analysis of Electroacoustic Music, with Application to Normandeau's Onomatopoeias Cycle. - Michael Musick, Tae Hong Park:
Timbral Hauntings: An Interactive System Re-Interpreting the Present in Echoes of the Past. - Marko Ciciliani:
Towards an Aesthetic of Electronic-Music Performance Practice. - Alexis Story Crawshaw:
Towards Defining the Potential of Electroacoustic Infrasonic Music. - Georgios N. Marentakis, David Pirrò
, Raphael Kapeller:
Zwischenräume - A Case Study in the Evaluation of Interactive Sound Installations. - Niklas Klügel, Andreas Lindström, Georg Groh:
A Genetic Algorithm Approach to Collaborative Music Creation on a Multi-Touch Table. - Matt McVicar, Satoru Fukayama, Masataka Goto:
AutoRhythmGuitar: Computer-aided Composition for Rhythm Guitar in the Tab Space. - Ian Whalley:
Broadening Telematic Electroacoustic Music by Affective Rendering and Embodied Real-time Data Sonification. - Andrea Agostini, Éric Daubresse, Daniele Ghisi:
cage: a high-level library for real-time computer-aided composition. - Georgia Kalodiki:
Interactive Performance Systems Conceptual interacting strategies in forming electroacoustic sound identities. - Gilberto Bernardes, Matthew E. P. Davies, Carlos Guedes, Bruce W. Pennycook:
Considering Roughness to Describe and Generate Vertical Musical Structure in Content-Based Algorithmic-Assisted Audio Composition. - Jakob Leben, George Tzanetakis:
Declarative Composition and Reactive Control in Marsyas. - Jason Cullimore, Howard Hamilton, David Gerhard:
Directed Transitional Composition for Gaming and Adaptive Music Using Q-Learning. - Dalia El-Shimy, Steve Cowan, Jeremy R. Cooperstock:
EmbodiComp: Embodied Interaction for Mixing and Composition. - Luke Keunhyoung Kim, Woon Seung Yeo:
Griddy: a Drawing Based Music Composition System with Multi-layered Structure. - Rodrigo F. Cádiz, Patricio de la Cuadra:
Kara: a BCI approach to composition. - David Johnson, Bill Z. Manaris, Yiorgos Vassilandonakis, Seth Stoudenmier:
Kuatro: A Motion-Based Framework for Interactive Music Installations. - André V. Perrotta, Flo Menezes, Luis Gustavo Martins:
Modelling the live-electronics in electroacoustic music using particle systems. - Amalia de Götzen, Nicola Bernardini, Alvise Vidolin:
Musical perspectives on composition, sonification and performace. - Stefano Alessandretti, Giovanni Sparano:
NEYMA, interactive soundscape composition based on a low budget motion capture system. - Jérémie Garcia, Philippe Leroux, Jean Bresson:
pOM: Linking Pen Gestures to Computer-Aided Composition Processes. - Ge Wang:
Principles of Visual Design for Computer Music. - Tiago Fernandes Tavares, Jônatas Manzolli:
Query-by-Multiple-Examples: Content-Based Search in Computer-Assisted Sound-Based Musical Composition. - Daichi Ando:
Real-time Breeding Composition System by means of Genetic Programming and Breeding Procedure. - Adriano Baratè, Goffredo Haus, Luca A. Ludovico:
Real-time Music Composition through P-timed Petri Nets. - Panayiotis Kokoras:
Sense: an electroacoustic composition for surround sound and tactile transducers. - Charles Nichols, Mark Lorang, Mark Gibbons, Nicole Bradley Browning, Amber Bushnell:
Sound of Rivers: Stone Drum: a Multimedia Collaboration, with Sonified Data, Computer-Processed Narration, and Electric Violin. - Maximos A. Kaliakatsos-Papakostas, Andreas Floros, Konstantinos Drossos, Konstantinos Koukoudis, Manolis Kyzalas, Achilleas Kalantzis:
Swarm Lake: A Game of Swarm Intelligence, Human Interaction and Collaborative Music Composition. - Georgios Diapoulis, Ioannis Zannos:
Tangibility and Low-Level Live Coding. - Theodoros Lotis:
The Creation and Projection of Space-Source in Electroacoustic Music. - Robert Hamilton:
The Procedural Sounds and Music of ECHO: : Canyon. - Pete Furniss, Richard Dudas:
Transcription, Adaptation and Maintenance in Live Electronic Performance with Acoustic Instruments. - Christopher Jette, Kelland Thomas, Javier Villegas, Angus Graeme Forbes:
Translation as Technique: Collaboratively Creating an Electro-Acoustic Composition for Saxophone and Live Video Projection. - Andrew Robertson:
Bassline Pitch Prediction for Real-Time Performance Systems. - Andrew John Lambert, Tillman Weyde, Newton Armstrong:
Beyond the Beat: Towards Metre, Rhythm and Melody Modelling with Hybrid Oscillator Networks. - Tae Hong Park, Michael Musick, Johnathan Turner, Charlie Mydlarz, Jun Hee Lee, Jaeseong You, R. Luke DuBois:
Citygram One: One Year Later ... - Cécile Le Prado, Stéphane Natkin:
Design process for interactive sound installations: the designer, the interactor and the system. - Winfried Ritsch:
ICE - towards distributed networked computermusic ensemble. - Davi Mota, Mauricio Alves Loureiro, Rafael Laboissière:
Influence of Expressive Coupling in Ensemble Performance on Musicians' Body Movement. - Nathan Bowen, David Reeder:
Mobile Phones as Ubiquitous Instruments: Towards Standardizing Performance Data on the Network. - Steven T. Kemper, Wendy F. Hsu, Carey Sargent, Josef Taylor, Linda Wei:
Movable Party: A bicycle-powered system for interactive musical performance. - Philippe Kocher:
Polytempo Network: A System for Technology-Assisted Conducting. - Diogo Cocharro, George Sioros, Marcelo F. Caetano, Matthew E. P. Davies:
Real-time Manipulation of Syncopation in Audio Loops. - Gerhard Eckel, Martin Rumori:
StiffNeck: The Electroacoustic Music Performance Venue in a Box. - Joanne L. Armitage, Kia Ng:
Tactile Composition: Configurations and communications for a musical haptic chair. - Alyssa Aska:
The Black Swan: Probable and Improbable Communcation Over Local and Geographically Displaced Networked Connections as a Musical Performance System. - Rui Dias, Carlos Guedes, Telmo Marques:
A computer-mediated Interface for Jazz Piano Comping. - Thor Kell, Marcelo M. Wanderley:
A High-Level Review of Mappings in Musical iOS Applications. - Romain Michon, Julius O. Smith III:
A Hybrid Guitar Physical Model Controller: The BladeAxe. - Joel Eaton, Duncan Williams, Eduardo R. Miranda:
Affective Jukebox: A Confirmatory Study of EEG Emotional Correlates in Response to Musical Stimuli. - Sean Soraghan:
Animating Timbre - A User Study. - Jun-qi Deng, Francis Chi-Moon Lau, Yu-Kwong Kwok:
ArmKeyBoard: A Mobile Keyboard Instrument Based on Chord-scale System and Tonal Hierarchy. - Thomas Coffy, Arshia Cont, Jean-Louis Giavitto:
AscoGraph: A User Interface for Sequencing and Score Following for Interactive Music. - Annie Luciani:
Being There & Being With: The Philosophical and Cognitive Notions of Presence and Embodiment in Virtual Instruments. - Tzu-En Ngiao:
Building a Gamelan from Bricks. - Leontios J. Hadjileontiadis:
Conceptual Blending in Biomusic Composition Space: The "Brainswarm" Paradigm. - Jan C. Schacher:
Corporeality, Actions and Perceptions in Gestural Performance of Digital Music. - Takayuki Hamano, Hidefumi Ohmura, Ryu Nakagawa, Hiroko Terasawa, Reiko Hoshi-Shiba, Kazuo Okanoya, Kiyoshi Furukawa:
Creating a Place as a Medium for Musical Communication Using Multiple Electroencephalography. - Caspar Mølholt Kjellberg, David Meredith:
CriticalEd: A Tool for Assisting with the Creation of Critical Commentaries. - Lamtharn Hantrakul, Konrad Kaczmarek:
Implementations of the Leap Motion in sound synthesis, effects modulation and assistive performance tools. - Yuri De Pra, Federico Fontana, Linmi Tao:
Infrared vs. Ultrasonic Finger Detection on a Virtual Piano Keyboard. - Martin Ritter, Alyssa Aska:
Leap Motion As Expressive Gestural Interface. - Jim W. Murphy, Dale A. Carnegie, Ajay Kapur:
Little Drummer Bot: Building, Testing, and InterfacingWith a New Expressive Mechatronic Drum System. - Israel Neuman, Charles Okpala, Cesar E. Bonezzi:
Mapping Motion to Timbre: Orientation, FM Synthesis and Spectral Filtering. - Jim W. Murphy, Ajay Kapur, Dale A. Carnegie:
Mechatronic Keyboard Music: Design, Evaluation, and Use of a New Mechatronic Harmonium. - Spencer Salazar, Ge Wang:
miniAudicle for iPad: Touchscreen-based Music Software Programming. - Alex Migicovsky, Jonah Scheinerman, Georg Essl:
MoveOSC - Smart Watches in Mobile Music Performance. - Gwendal Le Vaillant, Rudi Giot:
Multi-touch Interface for Acousmatic Music Spatialization. - Mo H. Zareei, Dale A. Carnegie, Ajay Kapur, Dugal McKinnon:
Mutor: Drone Chorus of Metrically Muted Motors. - Blake Johnston, Josh Bailey, Dugal McKinnon:
NICO: An Open-Source Interface, Bridging the Gap Between Musician and Tesla Coil. - N. J. van Nispen tot Pannerden:
NLN-live, an application for live nonlinear and interactive instrumental music. - Yuan-Yi Fan:
Organic Oscillator: Experiments using Natural Oscillation Sources from Audiences. - Zacharias Vamvakousis, Rafael Ramírez:
P300 Harmonies: A Brain-Computer Musical Interface. - Roger B. Dannenberg, Thomas P. Neuendorffer:
Scaling Up Live Internet Performance with The Global Net Orchestra. - Alberto Boem:
SCULPTON: A Malleable Tangible Interface for Sound Sculpting. - Antonio Deusany de Carvalho Junior:
Sensors2PD: Mobile sensors and WiFi information as input for Pure Data. - Avneesh Sarwate, Jeff Snyder:
SkipStep: A Multi-Paradigm Touch-screen Instrument. - Claude Cadoz, Annie Luciani, Jérôme Villeneuve, Alexandros Kontogeorgakopoulos, Iannis Zannos:
Tangibility, Presence, Materiality, Reality in Artistic Creation with Digital Technology. - Kevin Schlei:
TC-Data: Extending Multi-Touch Interfaces for Generalized Relational Control. - Joe Cantrell, Colin Zyskowski, Drew Ceccato:
The Breath Engine: Challenging Biological and Technological Boundaries through the Use of NK Complex Adaptive Systems. - Marco Marinoni:
The feature extraction based hypersampler in Il grifo nelle perle nere: a bridge between player and instrument paradigm. - Edward Jangwon Lee, Woon Seung Yeo:
Towards Touch Screen Live Instruments with Less Risk: A Gestural Approach. - Edward Kingsley Rutter, Tom Mitchell, Chris Nash:
Turnector: Tangible ControlWidgets For Capacitive Touchscreen Devices. - Keita Tsuzuki, Tomoyasu Nakano, Masataka Goto, Takeshi Yamada, Shoji Makino:
Unisoner: An Interactive Interface for Derivative Chorus Creation from Various Singing Voices on the Web. - Bridget Johnson, Michael Norris, Ajay Kapur:
tactile.motion: An iPad Based Performance Interface For Increased Expressivity In Diffusion Performance. - Martin Neukom:
Ambisonics User Defined Opcodes for Csound. - Stephen A. Pearse, David Moore:
An Agent Based Approach to Interaction and Composition. - Miguel Cerdeira Negrão:
ImmLib - A new library for immersive spatial composition. - David Wagner, Ludger Brümmer, Götz Dipper, Jochen Arne Otto:
Introducing the Zirkonium MK2 System for Spatial Composition. - Gerriet K. Sharma, Franz Zotter, Matthias Frank:
Orchestrating wall reflections in space by icosahedral loudspeaker: findings from first artistic research exploration. - Ignacio Pecino:
Spatial and Kinematic Models for Procedural Audio in 3D Virtual Environments. - Brian Hansen:
Spatial Utilization of Sensory Dissonance and the Creation of Sonic Sculpture. - Eric D. Lyon:
The Future of Spatial Computer Music. - Anne Sèdes, Pierre Guillot, Eliott Paris:
The HOA library, review and prospects.