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Image Processing 2011: Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA
- Benoit M. Dawant, David R. Haynor:
Medical Imaging 2011: Image Processing, Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA, February 14-16, 2011. SPIE Proceedings 7962, SPIE 2011, ISBN 978-0-8194-8504-5
Keynote and Segmentation I
- Krzysztof Chris Ciesielski, Jayaram K. Udupa, Alexandre X. Falcão
, Paulo A. V. Miranda:
Comparison of fuzzy connectedness and graph cut segmentation algorithms. 796203 - Zhihong Hu, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Meindert Niemeijer, Mona Kathryn Garvin:
Automated multimodality concurrent classification for segmenting vessels in 3D spectral OCT and color fundus images. 796204
Cardiac Applications
- Xiaoguang Lu, Hui Xue, Marie-Pierre Jolly, Christoph Guetter, Peter Kellman, Li-yueh Hsu
, Andrew E. Arai
, Sven Zühlsdorff, Arne Littmann, Bogdan Georgescu, Jens Guehring:
Simultaneous detection of landmarks and key-frame in cardiac perfusion MRI using a joint spatial-temporal context model. 796205 - Fangxu Xing
, Sahar Soleimanifard, Jerry L. Prince
, Bennett A. Landman:
Statistical fusion of continuous labels: identification of cardiac landmarks. 796206 - Johannes Keustermans, Stijn De Buck
, Hein Heidbüchel, Paul Suetens:
Automated planning of ablation targets in atrial fibrillation treatment. 796207 - Sameh Hamrouni, Nicolas Rougon, Françoise J. Prêteux:
Groupwise registration of cardiac perfusion MRI sequences using normalized mutual information in high dimension. 796208 - Joyeeta Mitra Mukherjee, P. Hendrik Pretorius, Karen L. Johnson, Brian F. Hutton, Michael A. King:
A comparison of cost functions for data-driven motion estimation in myocardial perfusion SPECT imaging. 796209 - Cédric Blanchard, Tadeusz Sliwa, Alain Lalande, Pauliah Mohan, Olivier Bouchot, Yvon Voisin:
Automatic evaluation of the Valsalva sinuses from cine-MRI. 79620A
Skeletal and Orthopedic Applications
- Jeff Calder
, Amir M. Tahmasebi, Abdol-Reza Mansouri:
A variational approach to bone segmentation in CT images. 79620B - Franz Graf, Hans-Peter Kriegel, Matthias Schubert, Michael Strukelj, Alexander Cavallaro:
Fully automatic detection of the vertebrae in 2D CT images. 79620C - Darko Stern
, Tomaz Vrtovec
, Franjo Pernus, Bostjan Likar:
Segmentation of vertebral bodies in CT and MR images based on 3D deterministic models. 79620D - Claire R. Donoghue, Anil Rao, Anthony M. J. Bull
, Daniel Rueckert
Manifold learning for automatically predicting articular cartilage morphology in the knee with data from the osteoarthritis initiative (OAI). 79620E - Tomaz Vrtovec
, Franjo Pernus, Bostjan Likar:
Determination of vertebral pose in 3D by minimization of vertebral asymmetry. 79620F - Christof Seiler
, Xavier Pennec
, Lucas E. Ritacco, Mauricio Reyes:
Femur specific polyaffine model to regularize the log-domain demons registration. 79620G - Jian Mu, Xiaomin Liu, Shuang Luan, Philip H. Heintz, Gary W. Mlady, Danny Z. Chen:
Segmentation of knee joints in x-ray images using decomposition-based sweeping and graph search. 79620H
2D Image Analysis
- Peter O. Ajemba, Yousef Al-Kofahi, Richard Scott, Michael J. Donovan, Gerardo Fernandez:
Integrated segmentation of cellular structures. 79620I - Xiaomin Liu, Alvernia F. Setiadi, Mark S. Alber, Peter P. Lee
, Danny Z. Chen:
Identification and classification of cells in multispectral microscopy images of lymph nodes. 79620J - Niranjan Timilsina, Christopher Moffatt, Kazunori Okada
Development of a stained cell nuclei counting system. 79620K - Holger F. Böhm, Markus Körner, Bernhard Baumert, Ulrich Linsenmaier, Maximilian Reiser:
Texture analysis of clinical radiographs using radon transform on a local scale for differentiation between post-menopausal women with and without hip fracture. 79620L - Monique Frize, Cynthia Adéa, Pierre Payeur, Gina Di Primio, Jacob Karsh, Abiola Ogungbemile:
Detection of rheumatoid arthritis using infrared imaging. 79620M
Brain Structure and DTI
- Sergey Osechinskiy, Frithjof Kruggel:
Identifying intrasulcal medial surfaces for anatomically consistent reconstruction of the cerebral cortex. 79620N - Piotr A. Habas, Vidya Rajagopalan, Julia A. Scott, Kio Kim, Ahmad Roosta, François Rousseau
, A. James Barkovich, Orit A. Glenn, Colin Studholme:
Detection and mapping of delays in early cortical folding derived from in utero MRI. 79620O - Manuel Jorge Cardoso
, Matthew J. Clarkson
, Marc Modat
, Hugues Talbot
, Michel Couprie, Sébastien Ourselin
Topologically correct cortical segmentation using Khalimsky's cubic complex framework. 79620P - Sentibaleng Ncube, Anuj Srivastava
A novel Riemannian metric for analyzing HARDI data. 79620Q - Nagulan Ratnarajah, Andy Simmons, Alan C. F. Colchester, Ali Hojjatoleslami:
Resolving complex fibre configurations using two-tensor random-walk stochastic algorithms. 79620R - Alexis Boucharin, Ipek Oguz, Clement Vachet
, Yundi Shi, Mar Sanchez, Martin Styner
Efficient, graph-based white matter connectivity from orientation distribution functions via multi-directional graph propagation. 79620S
Registration I
- Alexander Schmidt-Richberg, René Werner, Jan Ehrhardt, Jan-Christoph Wolf, Heinz Handels
Landmark-driven parameter optimization for non-linear image registration. 79620T - Jens von Berg, Jalda Dworzak, Tobias Klinder, Dirk Manke, Adrian Kreth, Hans Lamecker, Stefan Zachow, Cristian Lorenz:
Temporal subtraction of chest radiographs compensating pose differences. 79620U - Di Xiao, David Zahra, Pierrick Bourgeat
, Paula Berghofer, Oscar Acosta Tamayo
, Catriona Wimberley, Marie Claude Grégoire, Olivier Salvado
An accurate 3D shape context based non-rigid registration method for mouse whole-body skeleton registration. 79620V - Lena Maier-Hein, Thiago R. dos Santos, Alfred M. Franz
, Hans-Peter Meinzer, J. Michael Fitzpatrick:
Iterative closest point algorithm with anisotropic weighting and its application to fine surface registration. 79620W - Duy V. N. Luong, Daniel Rueckert
, Berç Rustem:
Incorporating hard constraints into non-rigid registration via nonlinear programming. 79620X
Shape Methods and Applications
- Marc Fournier, Benoît Combès, Neil Roberts, José Braga, Sylvain Prima:
Mapping the distance between the brain and the inner surface of the skull and their global asymmetries. 79620Y - Seongho Seo, Moo K. Chung
, Brian J. Whyms, Houri K. Vorperian:
Mandible shape modeling using the second eigenfunction of the Laplace-Beltrami operator. 79620Z - Mehmet Yigitsoy
, Christian Wachinger
, Nassir Navab:
Manifold learning for image-based breathing gating in MRI. 796210 - Matthias Kirschner, Stefan Wesarg:
Active shape models unleashed. 796211 - Marius Erdt
, Georgios Sakas, Matthias Hammon
, Stefano De Beni, Luigi Solbiati
, Alexander Cavallaro:
Automatic shape based deformable registration of multiphase contrast enhanced liver CT volumes. 796212 - Vimal Singh, Ahmed H. Tewfik:
Real-time cardiac surface tracking from sparse samples using subspace clustering and maximum-likelihood linear regressors. 796213
Segmentation II
- Jan Hendrik Moltz, Jan Rühaak, Horst K. Hahn, Heinz-Otto Peitgen:
A novel adaptive scoring system for segmentation validation with multiple reference masks. 796214 - Cristina Gallego-Ortiz, Anne L. Martel
Automatic model-based 3D segmentation of the breast in MRI. 796215 - Carsten Meyer, Jochen Peters, Jürgen Weese:
Fully automatic segmentation of complex organ systems: example of trachea, esophagus and heart segmentation in CT images. 796216 - Jack H. Noble, Theodore A. Schuman
, Charles G. Wright, Robert F. Labadie, Benoit M. Dawant:
Automatic identification of cochlear implant electrode arrays for post-operative assessment. 796217 - Soumya Ghose, Arnau Oliver
, Robert Marti
, Xavier Lladó
, Jordi Freixenet
, Joan Carles Vilanova, Fabrice Mériaudeau:
Prostate segmentation with local binary patterns guided active appearance models. 796218
Registration II
- Annemie Ribbens, Jeroen Hermans, Frederik Maes
, Dirk Vandermeulen
, Paul Suetens:
Probabilistic framework for subject-specific and population-based analysis of longitudinal changes and disease progression in brain MR images. 796219 - Sana Fathima, Sylvia Rueda, Aris T. Papageorghiou
, J. Alison Noble
A novel local-phase method of automatic atlas construction in fetal ultrasound. 79621A - Kai-Kai Shen
, Pierrick Bourgeat
, Fabrice Mériaudeau, Olivier Salvado
Atlas selection strategy in multi-atlas segmentation propagation with locally weighted voting using diversity-based MMR re-ranking. 79621B - Thiago R. dos Santos, Alexander Seitel
, Thomas Kilgus, Tobias Heimann, Ralf Tetzlaff, Hans-Peter Meinzer, Lena Maier-Hein:
Multi-modal surface comparison and its application to intra-operative range data. 79621C - Min Chen, Aaron Carass
, John A. Bogovic, Pierre-Louis Bazin
, Jerry L. Prince
Distance transforms in multi channel MR image registration. 79621D - Rushin Shojaii, Tigran Karavardanyan, Martin J. Yaffe, Anne L. Martel
Validation of histology image registration. 79621E
Image Enhancement/Classification
- Snehashis Roy
, Aaron Carass
, Pierre-Louis Bazin
, Jerry L. Prince
Intensity inhomogeneity correction of magnetic resonance images using patches. 79621F - Mark Joshi, Paulo R. S. Mendonça
, Darin Okerlund, Peter Lamb, Naveen Kulkarni, Duque de Pinho, Dushyant Sahani, Rahul Bhotika:
Initial evaluation of virtual un-enhanced imaging derived from fast kVp-switching dual energy contrast enhanced CT for the abdomen. 79621G - Mohammad Saleh Nambakhsh, Kumaradevan Punithakumar
, Ismail Ben Ayed, Aashish Goela, Ali Islam, Terry M. Peters, Shuo Li
A neural network learned information measures for heart motion abnormality detection. 79621H - Rachel Sparks
, Anant Madabhushi
Content-based image retrieval utilizing explicit shape descriptors: applications to breast MRI and prostate histopathology. 79621I - Mona Frommert, Irina Sidorenko
, Jan S. Bauer, Dirk Müller, Ernst J. Rummeny, Felix Eckstein, Roberto A. Monetti, Christoph Räth:
Amplitude remapping as a step towards standardizing the analysis of MR-images. 79621J
Segmentation of Vascular Images
- Yefeng Zheng
, Maciej Loziczonek, Bogdan Georgescu, Shaohua Kevin Zhou, Fernando Vega Higuera, Dorin Comaniciu
Machine learning based vesselness measurement for coronary artery segmentation in cardiac CT volumes. 79621K - Nizar Almoussa, Brittany Dutra, Bryce Lampe, Pascal Getreuer, Todd Wittman, Carolyn M. Salafia, Luminita A. Vese:
Automated vasculature extraction from placenta images. 79621L - Chunliang Wang, Hans Frimmel, Örjan Smedby
Level-set based vessel segmentation accelerated with periodic monotonic speed function. 79621M - Hui Tang, Theo van Walsum, Robbert S. van Onkelen, Stefan Klein, Reinhard Hameeteman, Michiel Schaap, Quirijn J. A. van den Bouwhuijsen, Jacqueline C. M. Witteman, Aad van der Lugt, Lucas J. van Vliet
, Wiro J. Niessen
Multispectral MRI centerline tracking in carotid arteries. 79621N - Filippo Molinari
, U. Rajendra Acharya
, Guang Zeng, Jasjit S. Suri:
CARES: Completely Automated Robust Edge Snapper for carotid ultrasound IMT measurement on a multi-institutional database of 300 images: a two stage system combining an intensity-based feature approach with first order absolute moments. 79621O - Uros Mitrovic, Primoz Markelj, Bostjan Likar, Zoran Milosevic, Franjo Pernus:
Gradient-based 3D-2D registration of cerebral angiograms. 79621P
Posters: Registration
- Marc Modat
, Gerard R. Ridgway
, Pankaj Daga, Manuel Jorge Cardoso
, David J. Hawkes, John Ashburner
, Sébastien Ourselin
Log-Euclidean free-form deformation. 79621Q - Jonas Wulff, Thomas Lotz, Thomas Stehle, Til Aach, J. Geoffrey Chase:
Correspondence estimation from non-rigid motion information. 79621R - Jérémy Lecoeur, Feng Wang
, Li Min Chen, Rui Li, Malcolm Avison, Benoit M. Dawant:
Co-registration of high resolution MRI sub-volumes in non-human primates. 79621S - Hyun-Gyu Lee, Min-Kook Choi
, Sang-Chul Lee
Motion analysis for duplicate frame removal in wireless capsule endoscope. 79621T - Brynmor J. Davis, James A. Norris
, Jerry Bieszczad, Jorge A. Soto, David Kynor:
Fully automated prone-supine coregistration in computed tomographic colonography. 79621U - Sebastian Steger:
Local rigid registration for multimodal texture feature extraction from medical images. 79621V - Harriët H. Mulder, Marijn van Stralen
, Heleen B. van der Zwaan, K. Y. Esther Leung, Johan G. Bosch, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Registration of multi-view apical 3D echocardiography images. 79621W - Ender Konukoglu, Antonio Criminisi, Sayan D. Pathak, Duncan P. Robertson, Steve White, David R. Haynor, Khan M. Siddiqui:
Robust linear registration of CT images using random regression forests. 79621X - Ying Li, Giovanni Gregori, Robert Knighton, Brandon Lujan, Philip J. Rosenfeld
, Byron L. Lam:
Ridge-based retinal image registration algorithm involving OCT fundus images. 79621Y - Mehdi Esteghamatian, Stephen E. Pautler, Charles A. McKenzie
, Terry M. Peters:
A 2D to 3D ultrasound image registration algorithm for robotically assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy. 79621Z - Almar Klein, Dirk-Jan Kroon, Yvonne Hoogeveen, Leo J. Schultze Kool, W. Klaas Jan Renema, Cornelis H. Slump:
Multimodal image registration by edge attraction and regularization using a B-spline grid. 796220 - Kevin S. Lorenz
, Paul Salama
, Kenneth W. Dunn, Edward J. Delp
Non-rigid registration of multiphoton microscopy images using B-splines. 796221 - Tsuneya Kurihara, Kazuki Matsuzaki, Kumiko Seto, Yoshihiko Nagamine:
Efficient registration method of medical images using GPU. 796222 - I. M. J. van der Bom, Stefan Klein, Marius Staring
, R. Homan, Lambertus W. Bartels, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Evaluation of optimization methods for intensity-based 2D-3D registration in x-ray guided interventions. 796223
Posters: Atlases
- Antong Chen, Kenneth J. Niermann, Matthew A. Deeley, Benoit M. Dawant:
Evaluation of multi atlas-based approaches for the segmentation of the thyroid gland in IMRT head-and-neck CT images. 796224 - Ipek Oguz, Joohwi Lee, François Budin, Ashley Rumple, Matthew McMurray
, Cindy Ehlers, Fulton Crews
, Josephine Johns, Martin Styner
Automatic skull-stripping of rat MRI/DTI scans and atlas building. 796225 - Thomas R. Langerak, Uulke A. van der Heide
, Alexis N. T. J. Kotte, Floris F. Berendsen, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Evaluating and improving label fusion in atlas-based segmentation using the surface distance. 796226 - Clement Vachet
, Heather Cody Hazlett, Marc Niethammer, Ipek Oguz, Joshua E. Cates
, Ross T. Whitaker, Joseph Piven, Martin Styner:
Group-wise automatic mesh-based analysis of cortical thickness. 796227 - Ali Sadeghi-Naini
, Rajni V. Patel
, Abbas Samani:
A totally deflated lung's CT image construction by means of extrapolated deformable registration. 796228 - Wen Li, Luis Ibáñez, Arnaud Gelas, B. T. Thomas Yeo
, Marc Niethammer, Nancy Andreasen
, Vincent A. Magnotta
An automated pipeline for cortical surface generation and registration of the cerebral cortex. 796229 - Ziga Spiclin, Peter Usenik, Miran Bürmen, Ales Fidler
, Franjo Pernus, Bostjan Likar:
Groupwise consistent image registration: a crucial step for the construction of a standardized near infrared hyper-spectral teeth database. 79622A
Posters: Segmentation
- Fitsum A. Reda, Jack H. Noble, Alejandro Rivas, Robert F. Labadie, Benoit M. Dawant:
Model-based segmentation of the facial nerve and chorda tympani in pediatric CT scans. 79622B - Sami Savio, Lara Harrison, Pertti Ryymin, Prasun Dastidar, Seppo Soimakallio, Hannu Eskola
Estimation of sufficient signal to noise ratio for texture analysis of magnetic resonance images. 79622C - Mariam Afshin, Ismail Ben Ayed, Ali Islam, Ian G. Ross, Terry M. Peters, Shuo Li
Variational level-set segmentation and tracking of left ventricle using field prior. 79622D - Ahmad O. Algohary, Mohamed K. Metwally, Ahmed M. El-Bialy
, Ahmed H. Kandil, Nael F. Osman:
A novel segmentation method to identify left ventricular infarction in short-axis composite strain-encoded magnetic resonance images. 79622E - YingLi Lu, Gideon Paul, Kim Connelly, Graham A. Wright, Perry Radau:
Automated analysis of infarct heterogeneity on delayed enhancement magnetic resonance images. 79622F - Yuchen Xie, Xiaodong Tao:
White matter lesion segmentation using machine learning and weakly labeled MR images. 79622G - Hervé Lombaert, Yiyong Sun, Farida Cheriet:
Fast 4D segmentation of large datasets using graph cuts. 79622H - Jiayin Zhou, Feng Ding, Wei Xiong, Weimin Huang, Qi Tian, Zhimin Wang, Sudhakar K. Venkatesh
, Wee Kheng Leow:
Segmentation of liver and liver tumor for the Liver-Workbench. 79622I - Mahmut Karakaya, Ryan A. Kerekes, Shaun S. Gleason, Rodrigo A. P. Martins
, Michael A. Dyer:
Automatic detection, segmentation and characterization of retinal horizontal neurons in large-scale 3D confocal imagery. 79622J - Hamed Akbari
, Xiaofeng Yang
, Luma V. Halig, Baowei Fei
3D segmentation of prostate ultrasound images using wavelet transform. 79622K - Ulas Bagci
, Jayaram K. Udupa, Xinjian Chen
Orientation estimation of anatomical structures in medical images for object recognition. 79622L - Andrew Janowczyk, Sharat Chandran, Michael D. Feldman, Anant Madabhushi
Local morphologic scale: application to segmenting tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in ovarian cancer TMAs. 79622N - Astrid Franz, Stefanie Remmele, Jochen Keupp:
Brain tumour segmentation and tumour tissue classification based on multiple MR protocols. 79622O - Jing Huo, Eva M. van Rikxoort, Kazunori Okada
, Hyun J. Kim, Whitney B. Pope
, Jonathan G. Goldin
, Matthew S. Brown:
Confidence-based ensemble for GBM brain tumor segmentation. 79622P - Arish A. Qazi, John J. Kim, David A. Jaffray
, Vladimir Pekar:
Feature-driven model-based segmentation. 79622Q - Hui Kong, Kamel Belkacem-Boussaid, Metin N. Gurcan
Cell nuclei segmentation for histopathological image analysis. 79622R - Klaus Drechsler, Michael Strosche, Cristina Oyarzun Laura:
Automatic ROI identification for fast liver tumor segmentation using graph-cuts. 79622S - Xiayu Xu, Mona Kathryn Garvin, Michael D. Abràmoff
, Joseph M. Reinhardt
Simultaneous automatic detection of optic disc and fovea on fundus photographs. 79622T - Marijn van Stralen
, Mirjam I. Geerlings
, Koen L. Vincken, Josien P. W. Pluim:
Supervised segmentation methods for the hippocampus in MR images. 79622U - Robert Toth, Julie Bulman, Amish D. Patel, B. Nicolas Bloch, Elizabeth Genega, Neil Rofsky, Robert E. Lenkinski
, Anant Madabhushi
Integrating an adaptive region-based appearance model with a landmark-free statistical shape model: application to prostate MRI segmentation. 79622V - Sahirzeeshan Ali, Anant Madabhushi
Segmenting multiple overlapping objects via a hybrid active contour model incorporating shape priors: applications to digital pathology. 79622W - Sowmya Ramakrishnan, Christopher V. Alvino, Leo J. Grady, Atilla P. Kiraly:
Automatic three-dimensional rib centerline extraction from CT scans for enhanced visualization and anatomical context. 79622X - Norbert Masson, Philippe Zanne, Florent Nageotte, Michel de Mathelin:
Segmentation of in vivo target prior to tracking. 79622Y - Peter O. Ajemba, Richard Scott, Michael J. Donovan, Gerardo Fernandez:
Stability based validation of cellular segmentation algorithms. 79622Z - Stephane Ulysse Rigaud, Nicolas Loménie
Neural stem cell tracking with phase contrast video microscopy. 796230 - Bulat Ibragimov, Bostjan Likar, Franjo Pernus:
Boundary detection by linear programming with application to lung fields segmentation. 796231 - Ahmed Afifi, Toshiya Nakaguchi, Norimichi Tsumura:
A liver segmentation approach in contrast-enhanced CT images with patient-specific knowledge. 796232 - Yu Zhang, Noriko Tomuro, Jacob Furst, Daniela Stan Raicu:
Building multiple weak segmentors for strong mass segmentation in mammogram. 796233 - Jing Wu, Gordon Ferns, John Giles, Emma Lewis:
A framework for automated coronary artery tracking of low axial resolution multi slice CT images. 796234 - Myungeun Lee, Wanhyun Cho, Sun-Worl Kim
, Yanjuan Chen, Soo-Hyung Kim:
3D segmentation of medical volume image using hybrid level set method. 796235 - Xuqiang Wu, Stéphanie Bricq, Christophe Collet:
Brain MRI segmentation and lesion detection using generalized Gaussian and Rician modeling. 796236 - Pinyo Taeprasartsit
, William E. Higgins:
Robust method for extracting the pulmonary vascular trees from 3D MDCT images. 796237 - Tatsuro Hayashi, Huayue Chen
, Kei Miyamoto, Xiangrong Zhou, Takeshi Hara, Ryujiro Yokoyama, Masayuki Kanematsu, Hiroaki Hoshi, Hiroshi Fujita:
A computerized scheme for localization of vertebral bodies on body CT scans. 796238