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SMC 2004: The Hague, The Netherlands
- Pei-shih Huang, Jürgen Guldner, Henk Smakman:
Control concepts for lateral vehicle guidance including HMI properties. 1-6 - Elyon DeKoven, Arnold P. O. S. Vermeeren, Xi Zeng:
Designing collaborative interfaces for programmable appliances: a SenSay case study. 7-12 - Abdolhossein Sarrafzadeh, Chao Fan, Farhad Dadgostar, Samuel Alexander, Chris H. Messom:
Frown gives game away: affect sensitive systems for elementary mathematics. 13-18 - Juan P. Wachs, Helman Stern, Yael Edan:
Hand gesture vocabulary design: a multicriteria optimization. 19-23 - Wu Mingxia, Huang Qichun, Chen Qi:
Graphical user interface based on multidatabase query optimization. 24-29 - Deng Chao, Yang Jiangang:
Agent-based adaptive interface for multimedia Web services. 30-35 - Manabu Ichikawa, Kiyoshi Tanaka, Shoji Kondo, Koji Hiroshima, Kazuo Ichikawa, Shoko Tanabe, Kiichiro Fukami:
Preliminary study on color modification for still images to realize barrier-free color vision. 36-41 - Antonio M. López, Luciano Sánchez
, Faiyaz Doctor, Hani Hagras
, Victor Callaghan
An evolutionary algorithm for the off-line data driven generation of fuzzy controllers for intelligent buildings. 42-47 - Maria Virvou
, Efthymios Alepis:
Mobile versus desktop facilities for an e-learning system: users' perspective. 48-52 - Patrick Rößler, Uwe D. Hanebeck
Telepresence techniques for exception handling in household robots. 53-58 - Martijn H. Vastenburg, David V. Keyson, Huib de Ridder:
Interrupting people at home. 59-64 - Paulo J. Garrido
A learning-oriented knowledge representation for teaching interfaces. 65-69 - George Chin Jr., Eric G. Stephan
, Deborah K. Gracio
Computing through scientific abstractions in SysBioPSE. 70-75 - Jorge Sales
, Rafael Fernández, José Manuel Jiménez, Raúl Marín
, Pedro J. Sanz:
Telecontrol of an industrial robot arm by means of a multimodal user interface: a case study. 76-81 - Christopher M. Schlick, Carsten Winkelholz, Florian Motz, Scott N. MacKinnon, Anthony Patterson:
A complexity study of human-machine interaction on motion platforms. 82-87 - Goran Martinovic, Leo Budin:
Human in computational grid establishment. 88-93 - Markus Reischl, Ralf Mikut, Lutz Gröll:
EMG-control of prostheses by switch signals: extraction and classification of features. 94-96 - Jong-Sung Kim, Hyuk Jeong, Wookho Son:
A new means of HCI: EMG-MOUSE. 100-104 - F. Wilhelm Bruns, Jörg Richard:
Aesthetic cybernetics: turning towards senses of man and machine. 105-110 - John L. Arnott, Zayneb Khairulla, Anna Dickinson, Audrey Syme, Norman Alm, Roos Eisma
, Peter Gregor:
E-mail interfaces for older people. 111-117 - Avital Bechar, Yael Edan
, Joachim Meyer:
An objective function for performance measurement of human-robot target recognition systems in unstructured environments. 118-123 - Walter Hussak, Shaun H. Yang:
Formal development of remote interfaces for large-scale real-time systems. 124-129 - Juanying Qin, Xuhua Yang, Guoping Wu:
Intelligent control of double power supplies system based on DSP and CAN bus. 130-135 - Polydoros Chios, Alf D. Linney:
The design process of an autostereoscopic viewing interface for computer-assisted microsurgery. 136-143 - Antonio Chella
, Ignazio Infantino
, Irene Macaluso:
Conceptual spaces and robotic emotions. 144-149 - Xiaoqiang Liu, Henk Koppelaar
, Hendrik Koffijberg
, Ronald Hamers, Nico Bruining:
Data reconciliation of immersive heart inspection. 150-155 - Jean-Luc Lugrin, Paolo Libardi, Matthew J. Barnes, Mikael Le Bras, Marc Cavazza
Event-based causality in virtual reality. 156-163 - Benoît Guiost, Serge Debernard, Thierry Poulain, Patrick Millot:
Supporting air-traffic controllers by delegating tasks. 164-169 - Claus Marberger, Manfred Dangelmaier, Harald Widlroither, Evangelos Bekiaris
User centred HMI development in the AWAKE - project. 170-175 - Angelos Amditis
, Aris Polychronopoulos:
Communication and interaction strategies in automotive adaptive interfaces. 176-181 - Rattikorn Hewett:
Decision making using incomplete data. 182-187 - Machteld van der Vlugt, Peter A. Wieringa:
Training aircrews to recover from human error: a proposal for a training outline. 188-193 - Shun-Pin Hsu, Aristotle Arapostathis:
Strict-sense constrained Markov decision processes. 194-199 - Xinyu Wang, Jianling Sun, Xiaohu Yang, Zhijun He, Srinivasa R. Maddineni:
Human factors in extracting business rules from legacy systems. 200-205 - Marko A. Rodriguez:
Advances towards a general-purpose societal-scale human-collective problem-solving engine. 206-211 - Nasrine Bagheri, Greg A. Jamieson:
The impact of context-related reliability on automation failure detection and scanning behaviour. 212-217 - Rattikorn Hewett:
Model extraction for fault isolation. 218-223 - Xu Li, Chunxia Lu:
Research on the policy optimization problems in system dynamics model. 224-228 - Harmen Wigert Boschloo, Thanh Mung Lam, Max Mulder, René van Paassen:
Collision avoidance for a remotely-operated helicopter using haptic feedback. 229-235 - Shun-Pin Hsu, Aristotle Arapostathis:
Competitive Markov decision processes with partial observation. 236-241 - Lee C. Yang, Ji Hyun Yang, Eric Feron:
Multiple model estimation for improving conflict detection algorithms. 242-249 - Frizo J. Vormer, Max Mulder, René van Paassen, Hans Melissen:
Describing 4-D space for air traffic scheduling. 250-255 - Joost C. F. de Winter, Max Mulder, René van Paassen, Tomohiro Yamamura:
Weighted two-dimensional longitudinal impedance for driving support system. 256-260 - Shun-Pin Hsu, Aristotle Arapostathis
Safety control of partially observed MDPs with applications to machine maintenance problems. 261-265 - Björn J. E. Johansson, Georgios Rigas:
Functional failures, time and control. 266-270 - Jos L. M. Vrancken, Willem G. Vree:
Balancing in organizations: applying complex adaptive systems' patterns to organizational architecture. 271-275 - Yu-Hsing Huang, M. Ljung, Jesper Sandin, Erik Hollnagel:
Accident models for modern road traffic: changing times creates new demands. 276-281 - Rogier Woltjer, Kip Smith:
Decision support through constraint propagation in collaborative distributed command and control. 282-287 - Farida Saad:
Behavioural adaptations to new driver support systems: some critical issues. 288-293 - Yoshiteru Nakamori, Mina Ryoke:
Modeling of fuzziness in multivariate analysis. 294-298 - Taki Kanda:
Colors and Kansei. 299-305 - Ken Nishina, Mayumi Yasui, Masanori Nagata, Naru Ishii:
Structural analysis of steering wheel grip comfort by semantic differential method. 306-313 - Teppei Inomata, Masafumi Hagiwara:
Understanding presumption system from an image sequence using HMM. 314-320 - Naotoshi Sugano, Shinsuke Nakagawa, Yuuichirou Negishi, Toshihiro Ishihara:
Human color impression for color sequence with minimum distance. 321-326 - Yuichiro Kinoshita, Eric W. Cooper, Yukinobu Hoshino
, Katsuari Kamei:
A townscape evaluation system based on Kansei and colour harmony models. 327-332 - Shinya Nagasawa:
Present state of Kansei engineering in Japan. 333-338 - Manami Matsumoto, Masashi Emoto, Masao Mukaidono:
Similarity based on uniqueness measure in fuzzy information system and its clustering. 339-344 - Manami Matsumoto, Masashi Emoto, Masao Mukaidono:
Clustering using similarity based on uniqueness measure and its properties. 345-349 - Kazuhiro Yamawaki, Hisao Shiizuka:
Correlation of synesthesia and common recognition concerning music and color. 350-357 - Hideaki Ito, Hiroyasu Koshimizu:
Keyword and face image retrieval based on latent semantic indexing. 358-363 - Kensaku Sakai, Masaaki Mochimaru, Kazunori Yokoyama:
Modelling patient responses to surgical procedures during endoscopic sinus surgery using local anesthesia. 364-369 - Kazuhiko Takahashi, Tomohiko Tanigawa:
Remarks on real-time human posture estimation from silhouette image using neural network. 370-375 - Shaohong Wu, Dilip B. Kotak, Martin Fleetwood, Hiroshi Tomato:
Hydrogen assisted renewable energy system using FC-IDEA. 376-381 - Zhinong Miao, Shifeng Xia:
State space method for fuzzy control system description. 382-386 - Xiulin Xiao, Zhaohui Wu:
EbXML-based credibility e-commerce. 387-391 - Jing Fan, Bo Ren, Jia-Mei Cai:
Design of customer credit evaluation system for e-business. 392-397 - Qinghua Xiao, Lingdi Ping:
A general secure electronic auction protocol. 398-402 - Hung-Ching Lu:
Grey prediction approach for designing grey sliding mode controller. 403-408 - Kang Li:
Application of various modeling techniques to analyze a housing condition survey dataset. 409-414 - Shunsuke Kamijo, Masahiro Harada, Masao Sakauchi:
Incident detection based on semantic hierarchy composed of the spatio-temporal MRF model and statistical reasoning. 415-421 - Loïc Lavigne, Franck Cazaurang, Massimiliano Maini, Madjid Zerar:
Satellite path planning by flatness approach. 422-427 - Mohand Salah Madi, Karim Khayati, Pascal Bigras:
Parameter estimation for the LuGre friction model using interval analysis and set inversion. 428-433 - Zaheer A. Dindar, Tshilidzi Marwala:
Option pricing using a committee of neural networks and optimized networks. 434-438 - Yingchun Yang, Zhaohui Wu, Zhiyou Ma:
Real time user authentication system for PDA. 439-443 - Stephen Robinson, Thomas J. C. Hunniford, Sally Cook:
The application of optimal foraging theory in route finding algorithms for ad-hoc networks. 444-449 - David Prieto, Basilio Bona:
Modelling and control of orbit relative motion in small satellites. 450-455 - Ying Li, Qing Wu, Zhaohui Wu:
IMSA: integrated multi-computing-sources software architecture. 456-460 - Yukun Bao, Wen Wang, Jinlong Zhang:
Forecasting intermittent demand by SVMs regression. 461-466 - Misayo Kitamura, Nobutoshi Todoroki, Masanori Akiyoshi, Taizo Kojima, Shogo Nishida:
Cellular phone applied systems with interaction by figures on diagrams. 467-472 - Gwo-Ruey Yu, Rey-Chue Hwang:
Optimal PID speed control of brush less DC motors using LQR approach. 473-478 - Wu-Neng Zhou:
On some important properties of containwise regularity and category L-CLOSURE. 479-484 - Xiaoping Qiu
, Yang Xu, Xiaohong Liu, Guofen Zhang:
Workflow model of intelligent office information system. 485-489 - Oliver Gabel, Mohammed Bani Younis:
Internet based Remote Control and Remote Maintenance with AConML. 490-495 - Ashraf Elnagar
, Leena Lulu:
Performance evaluation of robot motion planning algorithms: VIS-PRM vs. AGRM. 496-501 - Yoshihiro Adachi:
Visual language design system based on context-sensitive NCE graph grammar. 502-507 - Hongliang Zhou:
Model based regulator in PM DC motor. 508-512 - Caicong Wu, Xiuwan Chen, Yunxia Han, Shuhui Zhang:
System modeling and control of automatically variable rate fertilizer applicator. 513-518 - Cuiyan Li, Dongchun Zhang, Xianyi Zhuang:
Repetitive learning control and its application to a class of nonlinear systems. 519-523 - Keiji Gyohten, Yoshiyuki Hirayama:
Community partition based chat system easy to join for new members. 525-529 - Ning He, Jianming Zhang, Shuqing Wang:
Combination of independent component analysis and multi-way principal component analysis for batch process monitoring. 530-535 - Madjid Zerar, Franck Cazaurang, Ali Zolghadri:
Robust tracking of nonlinear MIMO uncertain flat systems. 536-541 - Javier Molina-Vilaplana, Jorge Feliú Batlle, Juan López Coronado:
A neural model of hand grip formation during reach to grasp. 542-546 - Haishu Zheng, Yingchun Yang, Zhaohui Wu:
Two-stage decision for short utterance speaker identification in mobile telecommunication environment. 547-551 - Aristomenis S. Lampropoulos
, Dionisios N. Sotiropoulos, George A. Tsihrintzis:
Individualization of music similarity perception via feature subset selection. 552-556 - Zhenchun Lei, Zhaohui Wu, Yingchun Yang:
Accelerate training by DWT in speaker identification using SVMs. 557-561 - Carlos Humberto Lopes Costa, Jaime Dalla Valle, Alessandro L. Koerich:
Automatic classification of audio data. 562-567 - Tao Liu, Shouqian Sun, Yunhe Pan:
Emotional recognition for chime bell music. 568-573 - Larbi Mesbahi, Abdelkader Benyettou:
Continuous speech recognition by adaptive temporal radial basis function. 574-579 - Niall A. Fox, Richard B. Reilly
Robust multi-modal person identification with tolerance of facial expression. 580-585 - Lijun Yin, Johnny Loi, Wei Xiong:
Facial expression analysis based on enhanced texture and topographical structure. 586-591 - Marian Stewart Bartlett, Gwen Littlewort, Claudia Lainscsek
, Ian R. Fasel, Javier R. Movellan:
Machine learning methods for fully automatic recognition of facial expressions and facial actions. 592-597 - Michael J. Lyons
Facial gesture interfaces for expression and communication. 598-603 - Yuwen Wu, Hong Liu, Hongbin Zha:
A new method of detecting human eyelids based on deformable templates. 604-609 - Jeffrey F. Cohn, Lawrence Ian Reed, Zara Ambadar, Jing Xiao, Tsuyoshi Moriyama:
Automatic analysis and recognition of brow actions and head motion in spontaneous facial behavior. 610-616 - Nicolas Gourier, Daniela Hall, James L. Crowley:
Facial features detection robust to pose, illumination and identity. 617-622 - Ira Cohen, Nicu Sebe, Yafei Sun, Michael S. Lew, Thomas S. Huang:
Towards authentic emotion recognition. 623-628 - Tsuyoshi Moriyama, Jing Xiao, Jeffrey F. Cohn:
Meticulously detailed eye model and its application to analysis of facial image. 629-634 - Michel François Valstar
, Maja Pantic, Ioannis Patras
Motion history for facial action detection in video. 635-640 - Jan Nesvadba, Pedro Miguel Fonseca, Richard P. Kleihorst, Harry Broers, Jun Fan:
Face related features in consumer electronic (CE) device environments. 641-648 - Liyanage C. De Silva
Audiovisual emotion recognition. 649-654 - Yiping Tang, Kaifeng Liu:
JSP automatic generation technology based on mapping mechanism. 655-659 - Seonju Ahn, Shinji Ozawa:
Generating facial expressions based on estimation of muscular contraction parameters from facial feature points. 660-665 - Ioanna-Ourania Stathopoulou, George A. Tsihrintzis:
An improved neural-network-based face detection and facial expression classification system. 666-671 - John R. Cowell, Aladdin Ayesh
Emotional analysis of facial expressions. 672-676 - John R. Cowell, Aladdin Ayesh
Extracting subtle facial expression for emotional analysis. 677-681 - Rana El Kaliouby, Peter Robinson:
Mind reading machines: automated inference of cognitive mental states from video. 682-688 - Takahiro Kagawa
, Hiroshi Fukuda, Yoji Uno:
A stability analysis of a standing posture in paraplegia. 689-694 - Gary T. Anderson, Youlong Yang, Gang Cheng:
An adaptable controller for autonomous robots operating in unexplored environments. 695-700 - Peter H. Veltink, Christian B. Liedtke, Ed A. Droog:
Ambulatory measurement of ground reaction forces. 701-703 - Fumihiko Asano, Zhi Wei Luo, Masaki Yamakita, Kenji Tahara, Shigeyuki Hosoe:
Bio-mimetic control for whole arm cooperative manipulation. 704-709 - Yingjie Yin, Mikhail M. Svinin, Shigeyuki Hosoe:
Modeling and control of multifingered robot hand for dexterous manipulation: a continuous and discrete hybrid approach. 710-715 - Vignesh Kumar Munirajan, Ferat Sahin, Eric Cole:
Ant colony optimization based swarms: implementation for the mine detection application. 716-721 - Hirokazu Seki, Susumu Tadakuma:
Minimum jerk control of power assisting robot on human arm behavior characteristic. 722-727