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65th VTC Spring 2007: Dublin, Ireland
- Proceedings of the 65th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, VTC Spring 2007, 22-25 April 2007, Dublin, Ireland. IEEE 2007
Applications of Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Kit-Yee Chow, King-Shan Lui, Edmund Y. Lam:
Efficient Selective Image Transmission in Visual Sensor Networks. 1-5 - Junaid Ansari, José M. Sánchez Santana, Marina Petrova, Janne Riihijärvi, Ossi Raivio, Krisakorn Rerkrai, Christine Jardak, Frank Oldewurtel, Matthias Wellens, Lili Wu, Petri Mähönen:
Flexible Hardware/Software Platform for Tracking Applications. 6-10 - Sandor Dornbush, Anupam Joshi
StreetSmart Traffic: Discovering and Disseminating Automobile Congestion Using VANET's. 11-15 - Saad Almajnooni, Bayan S. Sharif
, Charalampos Tsimenidis:
Mobile Ad Hoc Network for Motorway Transport Applications. 16-20 - Victor Gradinescu, Cristian Gorgorin, Raluca Diaconescu, Valentin Cristea, Liviu Iftode:
Adaptive Traffic Lights Using Car-to-Car Communication. 21-25
Medium Access Control for Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Jongwon Yoon, Hyogon Kim, JeongGil Ko:
Data Fragmentation Scheme in IEEE 802.15.4 Wireless Sensor Networks. 26-30 - Ray-Guang Cheng
, Ruei-I Chang:
Improved Wireless Token Ring Protocol (IWTRP) for Wireless Metropolitan Area Networks. 31-35 - Ying Li, Minglu Li, Min-You Wu:
An Interference-Aware Busy Tone Based MAC Protocol. 36-40 - Kaveh Ghaboosi, Matti Latva-aho:
A Novel Topology Aware MAC Protocol for the Next Generation Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 41-45 - Shou-Chih Lo, Chia-Wei Tseng:
A Novel Multi-Channel MAC Protocol for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 46-50
Mobility in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Hochoong Cho, Sang-Ho Lee, Younghwan Choi, Fucai Yu, Sang-Ha Kim
Efficient Overlay Multicast Protocol in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 51-55 - Ruidong Li
, Jie Li
, Peng Liu, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
An Objective Trust Management Framework for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. 56-60 - Jeehyeon Na, Yun Won Chung, Jaewook Shin, Sangho Lee, Sang-Ha Kim
A Novel Routing Path Discovery and Data Delivery Scheme for Ubiquitous Internet Connectivity Based on Hierarchical Mobile AODV6 Networks. 61-65 - Soochang Park, Bongsoo Kim, Euisin Lee, Donghun Lee, Younghwan Choi, Sang-Ha Kim
A Novel Communication Architecture to Support Mobile Users in Wireless Sensor Fields. 66-70 - Iana Siomina, Di Yuan:
Managing a Broadcast Infrastructure in Ad Hoc Networks in Presence of Mobility: A New Algorithmic Framework. 71-75
Performance Analysis of Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Jennifer Hartwell, Geoffrey G. Messier, Robert J. Davies:
Optimizing Physical Layer Energy Consumption for Wireless Sensor Networks. 76-79 - Hrishikesh Venkataraman, Abdurazak Mudesir, Sinan Sinanovic
, Harald Haas
Time Slot Partitioning and Random Data Hopping for TDD Based Multihop Wireless Networks. 80-84 - Tuan-Duc Nguyen, Olivier Berder, Olivier Sentieys
Cooperative MIMO Schemes Optimal Selection for Wireless Sensor Networks. 85-89 - Hongju Gao, David G. Daut:
Performance Evaluation of Multihop WPANs Based on a Realistic OFDM UWB Physical Layer. 90-94 - Oualid Chaker, Jean Conan:
Multicast Capacity of Wireless Ad Hoc Networks with Hierarchical Routing. 95-99
Power Control and Efficiency in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks
- Sverrir Olafsson, E. Chin:
Integrating Adaptive Power Control and Channel Selection in Ad Hoc Networks. 100-104 - Begonya Otal, Christos V. Verikoukis, Luis Alonso
Efficient Power Management Based on a Distributed Queuing MAC for Wireless Sensor Networks. 105-109 - Joseph Jeon, Jongwook Lee, Jae Yeao Ha, Wook Hyun Kwon:
DCA: Duty-Cycle Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled Networks. 110-113 - Chih-Cheng Tseng, Kwang-Cheng Chen
, Yu-Jia Liang, Zhi-Wei Tuan:
Organizing Power Efficient Cluster-Based Network Architectures for Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 114-118 - Angela Feistel, Slawomir Stanczak:
Hop-by-Hop Congestion Control with Power Control for Wireless Mesh Networks. 119-123 - Wei Wang, Dongming Peng, Honggang Wang
, Hamid Sharif, Hsiao-Hwa Chen:
Taming Underlying Design for Energy Efficient Distributed Source Coding in Multirate Wireless Sensor Network. 124-129
Routing and Reliability
- Chiara Buratti, Francesca Cuomo
, Sara Della Luna, Ugo Monaco, John Orriss, Roberto Verdone:
Optimum Tree-Based Topologies for Multi-Sink Wireless Sensor Networks Using IEEE 802.15.4. 130-134 - Caleb K. Lo, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Sriram Vishwanath:
Opportunistic Relay Selection with Limited Feedback. 135-139 - Gang Shen, Kayin Wu, Erwu Liu
, Dongyao Wang, Shan Jin:
Path Diversity with a New Coded Cooperation Scheme over Multi-hop Wireless Channels. 140-144 - Jonathan P. Benson, Utz Roedig, André M. Barroso, Cormac J. Sreenan:
On the Effects of Aggregation on Reliability in Sensor Networks. 145-149 - Xuan Zhong, Ravish Khosla, Gunjan Khanna, Saurabh Bagchi, E. J. Doyle:
Data-Centric Routing in Sensor Networks: Single-hop Broadcast or Multi-hop Unicast? 150-154 - Qing Huang, Yong Bai, Lan Chen:
An Efficient Route Maintenance Scheme for Wireless Sensor Network with Mobile Sink. 155-159
Ad Hoc and Ambient Wireless Systems Poster
- Edward Casey, Gabriel-Miro Muntean
TCP Compatible Greediness Control Algorithm for Wireless Multimedia Streaming. 160-164 - Masahiro Umehira, Hiroshi Saito, Osamu Kagami, Takafumi Fujita, Yosuke Fujino:
Concept and Feasibility Study of Wide Area Ubiquitous Network for Sensors and Actuators. 165-169 - John Barton, John L. Buckley, Brendan O'Flynn
, S. Cian O'Mathuna, Jonathan P. Benson, Tony O'Donovan, Utz Roedig, Cormac J. Sreenan:
The D-Systems Project - Wireless Sensor Networks for Car-Park Management. 170-173 - Tracy McKay, James Irvine
Authentication and Authorisation for a Personal Distributed Environment. 174-178 - Ralf Burda, Christian Wietfeld
Multimedia over 802.15.4 and ZigBee Networks for Ambient Environment Control. 179-183 - Alexnewton Alexander, John Dunlop, John Bush:
The Architecture of Personal Content Manager. 184-188 - Mohammed S. Elmusrati
, Naser Tarhuni
, Riku Jäntti:
Performance Analysis of Wireless Deaf CDMA Sensor Networks in Fading Channels. 189-192 - Tsang-Yi Wang, Wei-Ping Hong, Chih-Peng Li:
Distributed Energy-Efficient Detection in Sensor Networks with an Unknown Number of Sensors. 193-197 - Sofiane Khalfallah
, Cheikh Sarr, Isabelle Guérin Lassous:
Dynamic Bandwidth Management for Multihop Wireless Ad Hoc Networks. 198-202 - Jongwook Lee, Jae Yeol Ha, Joseph Jeon, Dongsung Kim, Wook Hyun Kwon:
ECAP: A Bursty Traffic Adaptation Algorithm for IEEE 802.15.4 Beacon-Enabled Networks. 203-207 - Bing Liu, Lin Zhang, Yumei Wang, Huimin Zhang:
An Energy-Efficient Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor Networks. 208-211 - Yuji Tohzaka, Yukinori Higa, Hiroshi Furukawa:
Evaluations of Wireless Multihop Network Incorporating Intermittent Periodic Transmit and Packet Forwarding Path Reservation. 212-216 - Hiraku Okada, Kentaro Kobayashi, Takaya Yamazato, Kenichi Mase:
Route Diversity Effect of Joint Decoding Using Correlation between Observed Data Sequences in Sensor Networks. 217-221 - Alexander Tyrrell, Gunther Auer:
Imposing a Reference Timing onto Firefly Synchronization in Wireless Networks. 222-226 - Muriel Mabiala, Anthony Busson, Véronique Vèque:
Inside VANET: Hybrid Network Dimensioning and Routing Protocol Comparison. 227-232 - Yi-Feng Guo, Geng-Sheng Kuo:
A Packet Scheduling Framework for Multipath Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Networks. 233-237 - Chih-Yu Wen
, Jun-Koh Chen, William A. Sethares:
Joint Distributed Clustering and Ranging for Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks. 238-242 - Kiyoshi Takahashi, Takuya Terasawa, Toshinori Tsuboi:
A MAC Protocol Using Energy Signals for QoS in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks. 243-247 - Samee Ullah Khan
Approximate Optimal Sensor Placements in Grid Sensor Fields. 248-251
Applications of Context Awareness
- Raffaele Giaffreda, Javier A. Barria:
Collaborative Context-Awareness and Reasoning for Optimised Service Delivery. 252-256 - Jian Zhang, Yinong Li, Yang Ji, Ping Zhang:
A Context-Aware Infrastructure with Reasoning Mechanism and Aggregating Mechanism for Pervasive Computing Application. 257-261 - Sasitharan Balasubramaniam
, Dmitri Botvich, Tao Gu, William Donnelly:
Chemotaxis and Quorum Sensing Inspired Device Interaction Supporting Social Networking. 262-266 - Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu:
Spontaneous and Context-Aware Media Recommendation in Heterogeneous Spaces. 267-271 - Stephan Sigg
, Sandra Haseloff, Klaus David:
Minimising the Context Prediction Error. 272-276
Pervasive applications and architectures
- Murat Caliskan, Andreas Barthels, Björn Scheuermann, Martin Mauve:
Predicting Parking Lot Occupancy in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks. 277-281 - Pietro Lungaro:
Collaborative Information Revelation and Collusion in "Word-of-Mouth" Access Selection Schemes. 282-286 - Michael Sutterer, Olaf Droegehorn, Klaus David:
User Profile Management on Service Platforms for Ubiquitous Computing Environments. 287-291 - Josip Zoric, N. A. Gjermundshaug, S. Alapnes:
Experiments with Semantic Support in Mobile Service Architectures. 292-297 - György Kálmán, Mohammad M. R. Chowdhury, Josef Noll:
Security for Ambient Wireless Services. 298-303
Antenna Arrays
- Inas Khalifa, Rodney G. Vaughan:
Optimal Configuration of Multi-Faceted Phased Arrays for Wide Angle Coverage. 304-308 - Yifan Chen, Chau Yuen, Yan Zhang, Zhenrong Zhang:
Cross-Correlation Analysis of Generalized Distributed Antenna Systems with Cooperative Diversity. 309-313 - Tetsuki Taniguchi, Nordin Bin Ramli
, Yoshio Karasawa:
CORPS - Combined Recursion Processing of Subsets for Adaptive Array Antennas Under Frequency Selective Fading. 314-318 - Milan Narandzic, Martin Käske, Christian Schneider, Marko Milojevic, Markus H. Landmann
, Gerd Sommerkorn
, Reiner S. Thomä:
3D-Antenna Array Model for IST-WINNER Channel Simulations. 319-323 - Panagiotis Theofilakos, Athanasios G. Kanatas
Robustness of Receive Antenna Subarray Formation to Hardware and Signal Non-Idealities. 324-328
Transmission Technologies and Antennas and Propagation Posters
- Dmitriy Shutin, Gernot Kubin:
Tracking and Prediction of Multipath Components in Wireless MIMO Channels. 329-333 - Tsan-Ming Wu, Chia-Ming Kuo:
3-D Space-Time-Frequency Correlation Functions of Mobile-to-Mobile Radio Channels. 334-338 - Hiroki Sugimoto, Takuro Sato:
Experimental Results of 2.45, 3.5, 5, and 10GHz Radio Propagation Characteristics. 339-343 - David de la Vega
, Susana López, David Guerra
, Gorka Prieto
, Manuel Vélez
, Pablo Angueira
Analysis of the Attenuation Caused by the Influence of Orography in the Medium Wave Band. 344-347 - Xiulong Bao
, Max J. Ammann
Investigation on Miniature Wideband Patch Antenna for Portable Wireless and Cellular Applications. 348-351 - Sergio Curto, Matthias John, Max J. Ammann
Groundplane Dependent Performance of Printed Antenna for MB-OFDM-UWB. 352-356 - Andreas Timm-Giel
, Anand Prabhu Subramanian, Kannan Dhanasekaran, Vishnu Navda, Samir R. Das:
Directional Antennas for Vehicular Communication - Experimental Results. 357-361 - Timothy Stephen Cooper, Justine McCormack, Ronan Farrell
, Gerard Baldwin:
Toward Scalable, Automated Tower-Top Phased Array Calibration. 362-366 - Shigeru Kozono
, Kenichi Nakajima, Tomoyuki Soga, Rui Wang:
A Study of Narrow Band Multi-path Channel Phase Difference Characteristics on Domain with Time and Frequency Axes. 367-371 - Simon L. Cotton, William G. Scanlon
Spatial Diversity and Correlation for Off-Body Communications in Indoor Environments at 868 MHz. 372-376 - Katsuyuki Haneda, Jun-ichi Takada
, Takehiko Kobayashi:
Applicability of UWB Double Directional Propagation Modeling for Evaluating UWB Transmission Performance. 377-381 - Juha Villanen, Milla Mikkola, Clemens Icheln
, Pertti Vainikainen:
Radiation Characteristics of Antenna Structures in Clamshell-Type Phones in Wide Frequency Range. 382-386 - Isabelle LaRoche, Sébastien Roy
An Efficient VLSI Architecture of a Layered Space-Time Receiver. 387-391 - Gareth A. Conway
, William G. Scanlon
, David Linton:
Low-Profile Microstrip Patch Antenna for Over-Body Surface Communication at 2.45 GHz. 392-396
Channel Models
- Robert J. C. Bultitude, Yvo L. C. de Jong, J. A. Pugh, Sana Salous, Khawar Khokhar:
Measurement and Modelling of Emergency Vehicle-to-Indoor 4.9 GHz Radio Channels and Prediction of IEEE 802.16 Performance for Public Safety Applications. 397-401 - Livio Denegri, Luca Bixio, Fabio Lavagetto
, Alessandro Iscra, Carlo Braccini:
An Analytical Model of Microcellular Propagation in Urban Canyons. 402-406 - Tommi Jämsä, Pekka Kyösti
, Jari H. Iinatti:
Correlation Error Metrics of Simulated MIMO Channels. 407-412 - Milan Narandzic, Christian Schneider, Reiner S. Thomä, Tommi Jämsä, Pekka Kyösti
, Xiongwen Zhao:
Comparison of SCM, SCME, and WINNER Channel Models. 413-417 - John Diskin, Conor Brennan:
Accelerated Ray-Tracing for Indoor Ultra-wideband Propagation Modelling. 418-422
MIMO Antennas
- Yang Gao, Guangjie Li, Kuilin Chen, Xiaoyun Wu:
A Novel HARQ Scheme Utilizing the Iterative Soft-information Feedback in MIMO System. 423-424 - Ramya Bhagavatula
, Robert W. Heath Jr.
, Sriram Vishwanath:
Optimizing MIMO Antenna Placement and Array Configurations for Multimedia Delivery in Aircraft. 425-429 - Maria Mustonen, Pasi Suvikunnas, I. Salonen, Pertti Vainikainen:
Analysis of 5 GHz MIMO Antennas for Peer-to-Peer Communications. 430-434 - Ernest Kurniawan, A. S. Madhukumar
, Francois P. S. Chin:
Sub Optimal Antenna Selection Method for MIMO-OFDM Systems. 435-439 - Pasi Suvikunnas, Maria Mustonen, Pertti Vainikainen:
A Novel MIMO Antenna Evaluation Method for Ad-Hoc-Based Communications Systems. 440-444
MIMO Channels I
- Mikko Alatossava, Lassi Hentilä, Veli-Matti Holappa, Juha Meinilä:
Comparison of Outdoor to Indoor and Indoor to Outdoor MIMO Propagation Characteristics at 5.25 GHz. 445-449 - Abdulla A. Abouda, Hassan M. El-Sallabi, Sven-Gustav Häggman:
Reducing Impact of Phase Noise on Accuracy of Measured MIMO Channel Capacity. 450-454 - Bjørn Olav Hogstad
, Matthias Pätzold
Exact Closed-Form Expressions for the Distribution, Level-Crossing Rate, and Average Duration of Fades of the Capacity of MIMO Channels. 455-460 - Alenka G. Zajic, Gordon L. Stüber:
Influence of 3-D Spatial Correlation on the Capacity of MIMO Mobile-to-Mobile Channels. 461-465 - Patrick C. F. Eggers, Tim W. C. Brown, Kim Olesen, Gert Frølund Pedersen
Assessment of Capacity Support and Scattering in Experimental High Speed Vehicle to Vehicle MIMO Links. 466-470
MIMO Channels II
- Ping-Heng Kuo, Peter J. Smith
, Lee M. Garth:
A Markov Model for MIMO Channel Condition Number with Application to Dual-Mode Antenna Selection. 471-475 - Masafumi Tsutsui, Hiroyuki Seki:
Throughput Performance of Downlink MIMO Transmission with Multi-Beam Selection using a Novel Codebook. 476-480 - Attaphongse Taparugssanagorn
, Mikko Alatossava, Veli-Matti Holappa, Juha Ylitalo:
Channel Eigenvalue Distribution and Ergodic Capacity Analysis of Outdoor-Indoor MIMO Measured Channel. 481-485 - Daisuke Takeda, Yasuhiko Tanabe, Kazumi Sato:
Channel Estimation Scheme with Low Complexity Discrete Cosine Transformation in MIMO-OFDM System. 486-490 - Xin Zhou, Persefoni Kyritsi, Patrick C. F. Eggers, Frank H. P. Fitzek:
"The Medium is The Message": Secure Communication via Waveform Coding in MIMO Systems. 491-495
Propagation Models
- James Chuang, Ni Xin, Howard Huang, Simon Chiu, David G. Michelson:
UWB Radiowave Propagation within the Passenger Cabin of a Boeing 737-200 Aircraft. 496-500 - Terhi Rautiainen, Juha Juntunen, Kimmo Kalliola:
Propagation Analysis at 5.3 GHz in Typical and Bad Urban Macrocellular Environments. 501-505 - Conor Brennan:
Incorporation of Backscattering Into FAFFA Analysis of UHF Wave Propagation Over Irregular Terrain. 506-509 - Daniel Catrein, Michael Reyer, Tobias Rick:
Accelerating Radio Wave Propagation Predictions by Implementation on Graphics Hardware. 510-514 - Dora Di Napoli, Flaminio Ferrara
, Claudio Gennarelli
, Giovanni Riccio
A UAPO Based Model for Predicting the Field Propagation Near a Tunnel Entrance. 515-519
Radio Channel Performance Analysis I
- Sandra E. M. Dudley, Terence J. Quinlan, Stuart D. Walker:
1.6Gb/s Data Throughput Optically-Remoted Leaky Feeders for Underground Transport Environments. 520-524 - Lei Zhang, Haipeng Lei, Butong Zhang, Xin Zhang, Dacheng Yang:
A New Full-Rate Orthogonal Space-Time Block Coding Scheme Based on Quaternion. 525-528 - Konstantinos Konstantinou, Shaoli Kang, Costas Tzaras:
A Measurement-Based Model for Mobile-to-Mobile UMTS Links. 529-533 - Kevin C. Borries, Daniel D. Stancil
Efficient Simulation of Mobile-To-Mobile Rayleigh Fading using Gaussian Quadrature. 534-538 - Jean-Francois Bousquet
, Geoffrey G. Messier, Sebastian Magierowski:
IEEE 802.11b SDMA Performance in Realistic Environments. 539-543
Radio Channel Performance Analysis II
- Tommy Hult, Abbas Mohammed:
Assessment of Multipath Propagation for a 2.4 GHz Short-Range Wireless Communication System. 544-548 - Mesud Hadzialic, Mirza Milisic, Nasuf Hadziahmetovic, Anida Sarajlic:
Moment-based and Maximum Likelihood-based Quotiential estimation of the Nakagami-m fading parameter. 549-553 - Ioannis Sarris
, Andrew R. Nix:
Capacity Evaluation of LoS-Optimised and Standard MIMO Antenna Arrays at 5.2 GHz. 554-558 - Hao Liu, Liyu Cai, Hongwei Yang, Dong Li:
EESM Based Link Error Prediction for Adaptive MIMO-OFDM System. 559-563 - Fernando A. Ramos, Valeri Ya. Kontorovitch, M. Mauricio Lara:
High Order Fading Distributions in Nakagami Wireless Channels. 564-568
Smart Antennas & Beamforming I
- Shiann Shiun Jeng, Chen Wan Tsung:
Performance Evaluation of IEEE 802.11g with Smart Antenna System in the Presence of Bluetooth Interference Environment. 569-573 - Timothy A. Thomas, Bishwarup Mondal, Frederick W. Vook:
Methods for Switching Between Long Term and Short Term Transmit Beamforming in OFDM. 574-578 - Shiann Shiun Jeng, Chen Wan Tsung, Yen Feng Lu:
Estimation and Cancellation of Doppler Shift for an OFDM Smart Antenna System. 579-583