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Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, Volume 18
Volume 18, Number 1, January 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Sustainable Responsible Research and Innovation Through Secure, Private Data. 1-2 - Monica T. Whitty
, James Doodson, Sadie Creese, Duncan Hodges
Individual Differences in Cyber Security Behaviors: An Examination of Who Is Sharing Passwords. 3-7 - Jennifer L. Bevan
, Megan B. Cummings, Ashley Kubiniec, Megan Mogannam, Madison Price, Rachel Todd:
How Are Important Life Events Disclosed on Facebook? Relationships with Likelihood of Sharing and Privacy. 8-12 - Hsuan-Ting Chen
, Wenghong Chen:
Couldn't or Wouldn't? The Influence of Privacy Concerns and Self-Efficacy in Privacy Management on Privacy Protection. 13-19 - Christine P. Kreutzer, Clint A. Bowers:
Attitudes Toward a Game-Based Approach to Mental Health. 20-24 - Zachary L. Schmitt, Michael G. Livingston:
Video Game Addiction and College Performance Among Males: Results from a 1 Year Longitudinal Study. 25-29 - Grace S. Chng, Dong Dong Li, Albert Kien Liau, Angeline Khoo:
Moderating Effects of the Family Environment for Parental Mediation and Pathological Internet Use in Youths. 30-36 - Michael J. Dunn, Holly McLean:
Jealousy-Induced Sex Differences in Eye Gaze Directed at Either Emotional- or Sexual Infidelity-Related Mobile Phone Messages. 37-40 - Jaehee Cho, H. Erin Lee, Sun Jin Kim, Dong Jin Park:
Effects of Body Image on College Students' Attitudes Toward Diet/Fitness Apps on Smartphones. 41-45 - Claudia Carissoli
, Daniela Villani, Giuseppe Riva
Does a Meditation Protocol Supported by a Mobile Application Help People Reduce Stress? Suggestions from a Controlled Pragmatic Trial. 46-53 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 54-55 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 56
Volume 18, Number 2, February 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Brain Interventions and Neuroethics Must Coexist Peacefully. 57-58 - Emily L. Harkness, Barbara A. Mullan
, Alex Blaszczynski:
Association Between Pornography Use and Sexual Risk Behaviors in Adult Consumers: A Systematic Review. 59-71 - Steven J. Seiler:
Hand on the Wheel, Mind on the Mobile: An Analysis of Social Factors Contributing to Texting While Driving. 72-78 - Ellen M. Selkie
, Rajitha Kota, Ya-Fen Chan, Megan A. Moreno:
Cyberbullying, Depression, and Problem Alcohol Use in Female College Students: A Multisite Study. 79-86 - Michael B. Hudson, Sylis C. Nicolas, Molly E. Howser, Kristen E. Lipsett, Ian W. Robinson, Laura J. Pope, Abigail F. Hobby, Denise R. Friedman:
Examining How Gender and Emoticons Influence Facebook Jealousy. 87-92 - Kyounghee Hazel Kwon, Alexander Halavais, Shannon Havener:
Tweeting Badges: User Motivations for Displaying Achievement in Publicly Networked Environments. 93-100 - Thomas Zielhorst, Daphne van den Brule, Valentijn Visch, Marijke Melles
, Sam van Tienhoven, Helle Sinkbaek, Bart Schrieken, Eduard S.-H. Tan, Alfred Lange:
Using a Digital Game for Training Desirable Behavior in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy of Burnout Syndrome: A Controlled Study. 101-111 - Benedetta Emanuela Palladino
, Annalaura Nocentini, Ersilia Menesini
Psychometric Properties of the Florence CyberBullying-CyberVictimization Scales. 112-119 - Giulia Fioravanti
, Silvia Casale:
Evaluation of the Psychometric Properties of the Italian Internet Addiction Test. 120-128 - Maria Anna Donati
, Francesca Chiesi
, Giulio Ammannato
, Caterina Primi:
Versatility and Addiction in Gaming: The Number of Video-Game Genres Played Is Associated with Pathological Gaming in Male Adolescents. 129-132 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 133 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 134
Volume 18, Number 3, March 2015
- Marlies van Toorenburg, Janneke K. Oostrom
, Thomas V. Pollet
What a Difference Your E-Mail Makes: Effects of Informal E-Mail Addresses in Online Résumé Screening. 135-140 - Sonja Utz
, Nicole L. Muscanell, Cameran Khalid:
Snapchat Elicits More Jealousy than Facebook: A Comparison of Snapchat and Facebook Use. 141-146 - Chris Fullwood
, Sally Quinn, Josephine Chen-Wilson
, Darren Chadwick
, Katie Reynolds:
Put on a Smiley Face: Textspeak and Personality Perceptions. 147-151 - Cherrie Joy Billedo, Peter Kerkhof, Catrin Finkenauer
The Use of Social Networking Sites for Relationship Maintenance in Long-Distance and Geographically Close Romantic Relationships. 152-157 - Hongjin Shim, Poong Oh
, Hyunjin Song
, Yeonkyung Lee:
An Exploration of Motivations for Two Screen Viewing, Social Interaction Behaviors, and Factors that Influence Viewing Intentions. 158-164 - Archana Krishnan, Daniel Scot Hunt:
Influence of a Multidimensional Measure of Attitudes on Motives to Use Social Networking Sites. 165-172 - Jih-Hsuan Lin
The Role of Attachment Style in Facebook Use and Social Capital: Evidence from University Students and a National Sample. 173-180 - Matt C. Howard, Bradley S. Jayne:
An Analysis of More Than 1, 400 Articles, 900 Scales, and 17 Years of Research: The State of Scales in Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. 181-187 - Juliana Chioda Ribeiro Dias, João Maroco
, Juliana Alvares Duarte Bonini Campos
Weight Concerns Scale Applied to College Students: Comparison Between Pencil-and-Paper and Online Formats. 188-192 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 193 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 194
Volume 18, Number 4, April 2015
- Johannes Breuer
, Rachel Kowert
, Ruth Festl
, Thorsten Quandt
Sexist Games=Sexist Gamers? A Longitudinal Study on the Relationship Between Video Game Use and Sexist Attitudes. 197-202 - Morgan E. Ellithorpe, Carlos Cruz, John A. Velez
, David R. Ewoldsen, Adam K. Bogert:
Moral License in Video Games: When Being Right Can Mean Doing Wrong. 203-207 - Sherice Gearhart
, Weiwu Zhang:
"Was It Something I Said?" "No, It Was Something You Posted!" A Study of the Spiral of Silence Theory in Social Media Contexts. 208-213 - Sunny Jung Kim, Jeffrey T. Hancock
Optimistic Bias and Facebook Use: Self-Other Discrepancies About Potential Risks and Benefits of Facebook Use. 214-220 - Juyoung Jang, Jodi Dworkin, Heather Hessel:
Mothers' Use of Information and Communication Technologies for Information Seeking. 221-227 - Chengfu Yu, Xian Li, Wei Zhang:
Predicting Adolescent Problematic Online Game Use from Teacher Autonomy Support, Basic Psychological Needs Satisfaction, and School Engagement: A 2-Year Longitudinal Study. 228-233 - Seungcheol Austin Lee, Yuhua (Jake) Liang:
Reciprocity in Computer-Human Interaction: Source-Based, Norm-Based, and Affect-Based Explanations. 234-240 - Julia Barlinska
, Anna Szuster
, Mikolaj Winiewski
The Role of Short- and Long-Term Cognitive Empathy Activation in Preventing Cyberbystander Reinforcing Cyberbullying Behavior. 241-244 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 245 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 246
Volume 18, Number 5, May 2015
- Katerina Lup, Leora Trub, Lisa Rosenthal:
Instagram #Instasad?: Exploring Associations Among Instagram Use, Depressive Symptoms, Negative Social Comparison, and Strangers Followed. 247-252 - Vincent Cicchirillo, Jay D. Hmielowski, Myiah J. Hutchens
The Mainstreaming of Verbally Aggressive Online Political Behaviors. 253-259 - Jae-A. Lim
, Ah Reum Gwak, Su Mi Park, Jun-Gun Kwon, Jun-Young Lee, Hee Yeon Jung, Bo Kyung Sohn, Jae-Won Kim, Dai Jin Kim, Jung-Seok Choi:
Are Adolescents with Internet Addiction Prone to Aggressive Behavior? The Mediating Effect of Clinical Comorbidities on the Predictability of Aggression in Adolescents with Internet Addiction. 260-267 - Jinmoo Heo, Sanghee Chun, Sunwoo Lee
, Kyung Hee Lee
, Junhyoung Kim
Internet Use and Well-Being in Older Adults. 268-272 - Lisa J. Smith, Michael Gradisar
, Daniel L. King
Parental Influences on Adolescent Video Game Play: A Study of Accessibility, Rules, Limit Setting, Monitoring, and Cybersafety. 273-279 - Geir Scott Brunborg, Daniel Hanss
, Rune Aune Mentzoni, Ståle Pallesen:
Core and Peripheral Criteria of Video Game Addiction in the Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents. 280-285 - Pei-Ling Hsieh:
Encounters in an Online Brand Community: Development and Validation of a Metric for Value Co-Creation by Customers. 286-295 - Laura Orsolini
, Gabriele Duccio Papanti, Giulia Francesconi, Fabrizio Schifano
Mind Navigators of Chemicals' Experimenters? A Web-Based Description of E-Psychonauts. 296-300 - Stephen P. Lewis, Amanda K. I. Knoll:
Do It Yourself: Examination of Self-Injury First Aid Tips on YouTube. 301-304 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 305-306 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 307
Volume 18, Number 6, June 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
Behavioral Health Apps Abundant, but Evidence-Based Research Nearly Nonexistent. 309-310 - Leah Thompson, Frederick P. Rivara, Jennifer M. Whitehill:
Prevalence of Marijuana-Related Traffic on Twitter, 2012-2013: A Content Analysis. 311-319 - Seunga Venus Jin
, Cassie Martin:
"A Match Made...Online?" The Effects of User-Generated Online Dater Profile Types (Free-Spirited Versus Uptight) on Other Users' Perception of Trustworthiness, Interpersonal Attraction, and Personality. 320-327 - Monica Barbovschi
, Hana Machácková
, Kjartan Ólafsson
Underage Use of Social Network Sites: It's About Friends. 328-332 - Gökçe Nur Say, Zehra Babadagi, Koray Karabekiroglu, Murat Yüce, Seher Akbas:
Abuse Characteristics and Psychiatric Consequences Associated with Online Sexual Abuse. 333-336 - Nazir S. Hawi, Maya Samaha Rupert:
Impact of e-Discipline on Children's Screen Time. 337-342 - Mario Lehenbauer-Baum, Armin Klaps
, Zuzana Kovacovsky, Karolin Witzmann, Raphaela Zahlbruckner, Birgit U. Stetina
Addiction and Engagement: An Explorative Study Toward Classification Criteria for Internet Gaming Disorder. 343-349 - Jaehee Cho:
Roles of Smartphone App Use in Improving Social Capital and Reducing Social Isolation. 350-355 - Sidharth Muralidharan
, Carrie La Ferle
, Yongjun Sung
How Culture Influences the "Social" in Social Media: Socializing and Advertising on Smartphones in India and the United States. 356-360 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 361 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 362 - Correction to: Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw 2014;17(7): 425-430. 363
Volume 18, Number 7, July 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
mHealth VR Can Transform Mental Health. 365-366 - Catalina L. Toma, Mina Choi
The Couple Who Facebooks Together, Stays Together: Facebook Self-Presentation and Relationship Longevity Among College-Aged Dating Couples. 367-372 - Pan Liu, William Tov
, Michal Kosinski
, David J. Stillwell, Lin Qiu:
Do Facebook Status Updates Reflect Subjective Well-Being? 373-379 - Hugues Sampasa-Kanyinga
, Rosamund F. Lewis
Frequent Use of Social Networking Sites Is Associated with Poor Psychological Functioning Among Children and Adolescents. 380-385 - Lynette Vernon
, Bonnie L. Barber
, Kathryn L. Modecki
Adolescent Problematic Social Networking and School Experiences: The Mediating Effects of Sleep Disruptions and Sleep Quality. 386-392 - Namin Shin, Hwasil Ahn:
Factors Affecting Adolescents' Involvement in Cyberbullying: What Divides the 20% from the 80%? 393-399 - Kevin C. Runions
, Michal Bak:
Online Moral Disengagement, Cyberbullying, and Cyber-Aggression. 400-405 - Aaron S. Veenstra, Chang Sup Park, Benjamin A. Lyons
, Cheeyoun Stephanie Kang, Narayanan Iyer:
Intramedium Interaction and the Third-Person Effect: How Partisans Respond to YouTube Ads and Comments. 406-410 - Cynthia A. Hoffner
, Sangmi Lee:
Mobile Phone Use, Emotion Regulation, and Well-Being. 411-416 - Julia M. Alber, Anna M. Watson, Tracey E. Barnett
, Rebeccah Mercado, Jay M. Bernhardt:
Development of a Coding Instrument to Assess the Quality and Content of Anti-Tobacco Video Games. 417-425 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 426 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 427
Volume 18, Number 8, August 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
mHealth Apps Empower Individuals. 429-430 - Stephan Winter
, Caroline Brückner, Nicole C. Krämer:
They Came, They Liked, They Commented: Social Influence on Facebook News Channels. 431-436 - Diana J. Meter
, Sheri Bauman:
When Sharing Is a Bad Idea: The Effects of Online Social Network Engagement and Sharing Passwords with Friends on Cyberbullying Involvement. 437-442 - German Neubaum, Nicole C. Krämer:
My Friends Right Next to Me: A Laboratory Investigation on Predictors and Consequences of Experiencing Social Closeness on Social Networking Sites. 443-449 - Yu-Ping Chiu
, Shu-Chen Chang
Leverage Between the Buffering Effect and the Bystander Effect in Social Networking. 450-456 - Julie Broadbent, Michelle A. Dakki:
How Much Is Too Much to Pay for Internet Access? A Behavioral Economic Analysis of Internet Use. 457-461 - Erin K. Ruppel, Christopher J. McKinley:
Social Support and Social Anxiety in Use and Perceptions of Online Mental Health Resources: Exploring Social Compensation and Enhancement. 462-467 - Toby Hopp, Valerie Barker, Amy Schmitz Weiss:
Interdependent Self-Construal, Self-Efficacy, and Community Involvement as Predictors of Perceived Knowledge Gain Among MMORPG Players. 468-473 - Hyeon Min Ahn, Hwan Jun Chung, Sang Hee Kim:
Altered Brain Reactivity to Game Cues After Gaming Experience. 474-479 - Adam Eichenbaum, Florian Kattner
, Daniel Bradford, Douglas A. Gentile
, C. Shawn Green:
Role-Playing and Real-Time Strategy Games Associated with Greater Probability of Internet Gaming Disorder. 480-485 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 486 - Giuseppe Riva
CyberEurope. 487
Volume 18, Number 9, September 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
mHealth Sensors Transforming Healthcare. 489-490 - Jesse Fox, Robert S. Tokunaga:
Romantic Partner Monitoring After Breakups: Attachment, Dependence, Distress, and Post-Dissolution Online Surveillance via Social Networking Sites. 491-498 - Wilfred McCloskey, Sierra Iwanicki, Dean Lauterbach, David M. Giammittorio, Kendal Maxwell:
Are Facebook "Friends" Helpful? Development of a Facebook-Based Measure of Social Support and Examination of Relationships Among Depression, Quality of Life, and Social Support. 499-505 - Lemi Baruh
, Zeynep Cemalcilar
Rubbernecking Effect of Intimate Information on Twitter: When Getting Attention Works Against Interpersonal Attraction. 506-513 - Hoon Jung Koo, Sungbum Woo, Eunjoo Yang, Jung Hye Kwon:
The Double Meaning of Online Social Space: Three-Way Interactions Among Social Anxiety, Online Social Behavior, and Offline Social Behavior. 514-520 - Zumei Wu, Jinhui Li
, Yin-Leng Theng:
Examining the Influencing Factors of Exercise Intention Among Older Adults: A Controlled Study Between Exergame and Traditional Exercise. 521-527 - Ki Joon Kim
, Dong-Hee Shin, Eunil Park:
Can Coolness Predict Technology Adoption? Effects of Perceived Coolness on User Acceptance of Smartphones with Curved Screens. 528-533 - S. Adam Brasel, James Gips:
Interface Psychology: Touchscreens Change Attribute Importance, Decision Criteria, and Behavior in Online Choice. 534-538 - Cecilia Cheng
, Peizhen Sun, Kwok-Kei Mak:
Internet Addiction and Psychosocial Maladjustment: Avoidant Coping and Coping Inflexibility as Psychological Mechanisms. 539-546 - Rachel Young:
Source Similarity and Social Media Health Messages: Extending Construal Level Theory to Message Sources. 547-551 - Eunji Lee, Jung-Ah Lee, Jang Ho Moon, Yongjun Sung
Pictures Speak Louder than Words: Motivations for Using Instagram. 552-556 - Andrea Gaggioli:
CyberSightings. 557 - Giuseppe Riva:
CyberEurope. 558
Volume 18, Number 10, October 2015
- Brenda K. Wiederhold
mHealth Sensors Can Promote Behavior Change and Reduce Healthcare Costs. 559-560 - Michelle Drouin, Daniel A. Miller, Jayson L. Dibble:
Facebook or Memory: Which Is the Real Threat to Your Relationship? 561-566 - Roselyn J. Lee-Won
, Leo Herzog, Sung Gwan Park:
Hooked on Facebook: The Role of Social Anxiety and Need for Social Assurance in Problematic Use of Facebook. 567-574 - Christian Laier, Jaro Pekal, Matthias Brand
Sexual Excitability and Dysfunctional Coping Determine Cybersex Addiction in Homosexual Males. 575-580 - Sharon Rabinovitz, Maayan Nagar
Possible End to an Endless Quest? Cognitive Bias Modification for Excessive Multiplayer Online Gamers. 581-587 - Angelica B. Ortiz de Gortari
, Halley M. Pontes
, Mark D. Griffiths
The Game Transfer Phenomena Scale: An Instrument for Investigating the Nonvolitional Effects of Video Game Playing. 588-594 - Sidharth Muralidharan
, Rita Linjuan Men:
How Peer Communication and Engagement Motivations Influence Social Media Shopping Behavior: Evidence from China and the United States. 595-601 - Ibrahim Arpaci
, Yasemin Yardimci Çetin, Ozgur Turetken
Impact of Perceived Security on Organizational Adoption of Smartphones. 602-608 - Ching-Man Lai, Kwok-Kei Mak, Cecilia Cheng
, Hiroko Watanabe, Shinobu Nomachi, Norharlina Bahar, Kimberly S. Young, Huei-Chen Ko, Dong-Il Kim, Mark D. Griffiths
Measurement Invariance of the Internet Addiction Test Among Hong Kong, Japanese, and Malaysian Adolescents. 609-617 - Fong-Ching Chang
, Chiung-Hui Chiu, Ping-Hung Chen, Nae-Fang Miao, Ching-Mei Lee, Jengtung Chiang
, Ying-Chun Pan:
Relationship Between Parental and Adolescent eHealth Literacy and Online Health Information Seeking in Taiwan. 618-624 - Andrea Gaggioli
CyberSightings. 625