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International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Volume 17
Volume 17, Number 1, January 2007
- Eleonora Bilotta
, Pietro S. Pantano, Fausto Stranges:
A Gallery of Chua attractors: Part I. 1-60 - Guofeng Zhang
, Guanrong Chen
, Tongwen Chen
, María Belén D'Amico:
Dynamical Analysis of a Networked Control System. 61-83 - Y. Charles Li:
Chaos in Wave Interactions. 85-98 - Ian Stewart:
Elimination of Multiple Arrows and Self-Connections in Coupled Cell Networks. 99-106 - Paolo Arena, Luigi Fortuna, Mattia Frasca
, Davide Lombardo, Luca Patané
, Paolo Crucitti:
Turing Patterns in RD-CNNS for the Emergence of Perceptual States in Roving Robots. 107-127 - Qinghua Zhou, Jianhua Sun, Guanrong Chen
Global Exponential Stability and Periodic oscillations of Reaction-diffusion BAM Neural Networks with Periodic Coefficients and General Delays. 129-142 - E. J. Janowski, Mustafa R. S. Kulenovic
, Zehra Nurkanovic
Stability of the kth Order Lyness' equation with a Period-k Coefficient. 143-152 - Yifan Zhao
, Stephen A. Billings, Alexander F. Routh
Identification of Excitable Media Using Cellular Automata Models. 153-168 - Simone Giannerini
, Rodolfo Rosa, Diego Luis Gonzalez:
Testing Chaotic Dynamics in Systems with Two Positive Lyapunov Exponents: a bootstrap Solution. 169-182 - Pei Yu:
Local and Global bifurcations to Limit Cycles in a Class of LiÉnard equation. 183-198 - Eric Campos-Cantón
, J. S. González, J. Urías:
PoincarÉ Planes in Nonlinear Electronics. 199-208 - Donato Cafagna
, Giuseppe Grassi:
Decomposition Method for Studying Smooth Chua's equation with Application to hyperchaotic multiscroll attractors. 209-226 - Ahmed G. Radwan
, Ahmed M. Soliman, Ahmed S. Elwakil
1-d digitally-Controlled multiscroll Chaos Generator. 227-242 - Qingfei Chen, Qiuhai Zhong, Yiguang Hong, Guanrong Chen
Generation and Control of Spherical and Circular attractors Using Switching Schemes. 243-253 - Eugenio Gutiérrez, David K. Arrowsmith:
The Equivalence between Feedback and Dissipation in Impact oscillators. 255-269 - Lixin Tian, Gang Xu:
Sudden Occurrence of Chaos in nonsmooth Maps. 271-282 - Takeo Sumida, Hiroaki Iwanaga, Takashi Tahara:
Numerical Indication of Structural Stability in Dynamical Systems and its Application to Clinical Study. 283-291
Volume 17, Number 2, February 2007
- Eleonora Bilotta
, Pietro S. Pantano, Fausto Stranges:
A Gallery of Chua attractors: Part II. 293-380 - Vladimir E. Bondarenko, Randall L. Rasmusson:
Suppression of Cellular Alternans in Guinea pig Ventricular Myocytes with LQT2: Insights from the Luo-rudy Model. 381-425 - Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Boids Control of Chaos. 427-444 - Emilio Freire
, Enrique Ponce
, Javier Ros
A Biparametric bifurcation in 3D Continuous Piecewise Linear Systems with Two Zones: Application to Chua's Circuit. 445-457 - Takashi Takemoto, Takashi Kohno, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Circuit Implementation and Dynamics of a Two-Dimensional MOSFET Neuron Model. 459-508 - Antonio Palacios, Peter Blomgren, Scott Gasner:
Bifurcation Analysis of Hopping Behavior in Cellular Pattern-Forming Systems. 509-520 - Shujing Gao, Lansun Chen, Zhidong Teng, Dehui Xie:
Dynamic Complexities in an Epidemic Model with Birth Pulses and Pulse Culling. 521-533 - Cheng-Hsiung Hsu, Tzi-Sheng Yang:
Stability of Cellular Neural Networks with Distributive Time Delays and Noise Perturbations. 535-544 - Joyce Macabéa:
Bifurcations in Dynamics of Shepherd Systems. 545-559 - Martin E. Homer
, Stephen John Hogan
Impact Dynamics of Large Dimensional Systems. 561-573 - Fernando Verduzco:
Control of codimension One Stationary bifurcations. 575-582 - Xiao-Song Yang, Qingdu Li:
Chaos in Simple Cellular Neural Networks with Connection Matrices Satisfying Dale's Rule. 583-587 - Josep Sardanyés, Ricard V. Solé
Chaotic Stability in Spatially-Resolved Host-parasite Replicators: the Red Queen on a Lattice. 589-606 - Recai Kiliç, Fatma Yildirim:
Experimental Realizations of Higher Dimensional Chaotic Circuits Including Both Floating and Grounded inductors. 607-616 - Sinuhe Benitez, Leonardo Acho
Impulsive Synchronization for a New Chaotic oscillator. 617-623 - Ricardo Chacón
, A. Martínez García-Hoz, J. A. Martínez:
Reshaping-Induced Control of Chaos and Crisis Phenomena in a damped, Parametrically Driven Pendulum. 625-630 - Shuifa Sun, Sam Kwong
Stochastic Resonance Signal Processor: Principle, Capacity Analysis and Method. 631-639 - Shing-Lin Chang, Cheng-Sheng Chien:
Numerical Continuation for Nonlinear SchrÖdinger Equations. 641-656
Volume 17, Number 3, March 2007
- Eleonora Bilotta
, Fausto Stranges, Pietro S. Pantano:
A Gallery of Chua attractors: Part III. 657-734 - Balázs Bánhelyi, Tibor Csendes, Barnabas M. Garay:
Optimization and the Miranda Approach in Detecting Horseshoe-Type Chaos by Computer. 735-747 - P. J. Chang, Bharathwaj Muthuswamy:
Optimal CNN Templates for Linearly-Separable One-Dimensional Cellular Automata. 749-790 - Mingshu Peng, Yuan Yuan:
Synchronization and Desynchronization in a Delayed Discrete Neural Network. 791-803 - James P. England, Bernd Krauskopf
, Hinke M. Osinga
Computing Two-Dimensional Global Invariant Manifolds in Slow-fast Systems. 805-822 - Tiansi Zhang, Deming Zhu:
Bifurcations of homoclinic Orbit Connecting Two Nonleading Eigendirections. 823-836 - Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta
, Hiroshi Kawakami:
Bifurcation Analysis of Current Coupled BVP oscillators. 837-850 - M. H. Yao, W. Zhang:
Shilnikov-Type multipulse orbits and Chaotic Dynamics of a Parametrically and Externally excited Rectangular Thin Plate. 851-875 - En-Guo Gu:
The Feasible Domains and their bifurcations in an Extended logistic Model with an External Interference. 877-889 - Christophe Letellier
, Eduardo M. A. M. Mendes, Ronald E. Mickens:
Nonstandard Discretization Schemes Applied to the Conservative Hénon-heiles System. 891-902 - Max Lungarella, Katsuhiko Ishiguro, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Nobuyuki Otsu:
Methods for Quantifying the Causal Structure of bivariate Time Series. 903-921 - K. W. Tang, Wallace Kit-Sang Tang
, Kim-Fung Man
A Chaos-Based Pseudo-Random Number Generator and its Application in Voice Communications. 923-933 - Fernando Antoneli
, Ian Stewart:
Symmetry and Synchrony in Coupled Cell Networks 2: Group Networks. 935-951 - Xiao-Song Yang, Yan Huang:
Chaos and Two-Tori in a New Family of 4-CNNs. 953-963 - Victor Castro, Marco Monti, William B. Pardo, Jonathan A. Walkenstein, Epaminondas Rosa Jr.:
Characterization of the Rössler System in Parameter Space. 965-973 - Li Zeng, Yi Zhao:
Characterization of Static bifurcations for Maps in the Frequency Domain. 975-983 - Shigeki Tsuji, Tetsushi Ueta
, Hiroshi Kawakami, Hiroshi Fujii, Kazuyuki Aihara:
Bifurcations in Two-Dimensional Hindmarsh-rose Type Model. 985-998 - Tianping Chen, Zhimiao Zhu:
Exponential Synchronization of Nonlinear Coupled Dynamical Networks. 999-1005 - Patrick Grete, Mario Markus:
Residence Time Distributions for Double-scroll attractors. 1007-1015
Volume 17, Number 4, April 2007
- Eleonora Bilotta
, Gianpiero di Blasi, Fausto Stranges, Pietro S. Pantano:
A Gallery of Chua attractors: Part IV. 1017-1077 - Gennady A. Leonov
, Nikolay V. Kuznetsov
Time-Varying Linearization and the Perron Effects. 1079-1107 - Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Advanced Image Processing Cellular Neural Networks. 1109-1150 - Marian Gidea
, Josep J. Masdemont:
Geometry of homoclinic Connections in a Planar Circular Restricted Three-Body Problem. 1151-1169 - Jaume Llibre, Enrique Ponce
, Antonio E. Teruel
Horseshoes Near homoclinic orbits for Piecewise Linear Differential Systems in R3. 1171-1184 - Alexander L. Baranovski, Anthony J. Lawrance:
Sensitive Parameter Dependence of Autocorrelation Function in Piecewise Linear Maps. 1185-1197 - Erik M. Bollt:
Attractor Modeling and Empirical Nonlinear Model Reduction of dissipative Dynamical Systems. 1199-1219 - Stanislaus Maier-Paape, Konstantin Mischaikow, Thomas Wanner
Structure of the Attractor of the Cahn-hilliard equation on a Square. 1221-1263 - André Barbé, Fritz von Haeseler:
Correlation and Spectral Properties of Multidimensional Thue-morse Sequences. 1265-1303 - Raymond A. Adomaitis, Ioannis G. Kevrekidis, Rafael de la Llave:
A Computer-Assisted Study of Global Dynamic Transitions for a Noninvertible System. 1305-1321 - Giuseppe Grassi, Pietro Vecchio, Eugenio Di Sciascio
, Luigi Alfredo Grieco:
Cellular Neural Networks for Edge Detection. 1323-1328 - Kerstin Dolzmann, S. Kaltenbach, W. Hanke, V. M. Fernandes de Lima:
Biphasic Optical Signal of an oscillating nonstationary Belousov-zhabotinsky Bulk Reaction and its Similarity to Some neurophysiological Events. 1329-1335 - Giuseppe Grassi, Damon A. Miller:
Projective Synchronization via a Linear Observer: Application to Time-Delay, Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems. 1337-1342 - René Yamapi, B. R. Nana Nbendjo, H. G. Enjieu Kadji:
Dynamics and Active Control of Motion of a Driven Multi-Limit-Cycle van der Pol oscillator. 1343-1354 - Wenwu Yu, Jinde Cao:
Stability and Hopf bifurcation on a Two-Neuron System with Time Delay in the Frequency Domain. 1355-1366 - Qian Guo
, Changpin Li:
Hopf bifurcation of a Delayed Differential equation. 1367-1374 - Raymond A. Adomaitis:
The Trouble with Spurious eigenvalues. 1375-1381
Volume 17, Number 5, May 2007
- Eleonora Bilotta
, Gianpiero di Blasi, Fausto Stranges, Pietro S. Pantano:
A Gallery of Chua attractors Part V. 1383-1511 - Jing Hui, de-Ming Zhu:
Dynamics of Seis Epidemic Models with Varying Population Size. 1513-1529 - Makoto Itoh, Leon O. Chua:
Oscillations on the Edge of Chaos via Dissipation and Diffusion. 1531-1573 - Vivi Rottschäfer, Bernd Krauskopf
The ECM-Backbone of the Lang-kobayashi Equations: a Geometric Picture. 1575-1588 - Jefferson S. E. Portela
, Iberê L. Caldas, Ricardo Luiz Viana
, Philip J. Morrison:
Diffusive Transport through a Nontwist Barrier in tokamaks. 1589-1598 - C. Cabeza, M. Rosen:
Complexity in Faraday Experiment with Viscoelastic Fluid. 1599-1607 - Yanfeng Chen, Chi Kong Tse, Siu Chung Wong
, Shui-Sheng Qiu:
Interaction of Fast-Scale and Slow-Scale bifurcations in Current-Mode Controlled DC/DC converters. 1609-1622 - Federico I. Robbio, Eduardo E. Paolini
, Jorge L. Moiola
, Guanrong Chen
Harmonic Distortion Analysis Based on Hopf bifurcation Theorem and Fast Fourier Transform. 1623-1635 - W. Zhang, C. Z. Song:
Higher-Dimensional Periodic and Chaotic oscillations for Viscoelastic Moving Belt with Multiple Internal resonances. 1637-1660 - Oleg Anosov, Bernhard Hensel, S. Berczynski, Yurii A. Kravtsov:
Detection Threshold of the Control Parameters Modulation in a Noisy Chaotic Map. 1661-1672 - Bixiang Wang
Dynamical Behavior of the Almost-Periodic Discrete Fitzhugh-nagumo Systems. 1673-1685 - Yifan Zhao
, Stephen A. Billings, Alexander F. Routh:
Identification of the Belousov-zhabotinskii Reaction Using Cellular Automata Models. 1687-1701 - Giuseppe Grassi, Pietro Vecchio, Luigi Alfredo Grieco, Eugenio Di Sciascio
Cellular Neural Networks for Video Compression: an Object-Oriented Approach. 1703-1711 - Motoyoshi Takahashi, Tetsuya Asai
, Tetsuya Hirose, Yoshihito Amemiya:
A CMOS Reaction-diffusion Device Using Minority-Carrier Diffusion in Semiconductors. 1713-1719 - Felipe Barra
Stress Driven Interface Dynamics: the Effects of Surface Stress. 1721-1733 - Zhong Liu, Xiaohua Zhu, Wen Hu, Fei Jiang:
Principles of Chaotic Signal Radar. 1735-1739 - Tomomichi Nakamura, Yoshito Hirata
, Kevin Judd, Devin Kilminster, Michael Small
Improved Parameter Estimation from Noisy Time Series for Nonlinear Dynamical Systems. 1741-1752 - Guilin Wen, Qing-Guo Wang, Chong Lin
, Guangyao Li, Xu Han:
Chaos Synchronization via multivariable PID Control. 1753-1758 - Zhenya Yan, Pei Yu:
Globally Exponential Hyperchaos (Lag) Synchronization in a Family of Modified hyperchaotic RÖssler Systems. 1759-1774 - René Yamapi, Samuel Bowong:
Dynamical States in a Ring of Four Mutually Coupled Self-Sustained Electrical Systems with Time Periodic Coupling. 1775-1783 - Simin Yu
, Jinhu Lu
, Guanrong Chen:
A Module-Based and Unified Approach to Chaotic Circuit Design and its Applications. 1785-1800
Volume 17, Number 6, June 2007
- Eleonora Bilotta
, Gianpiero di Blasi, Fausto Stranges, Pietro S. Pantano:
A Gallery of Chua attractors Part VI. 1801-1910 - Giorgio Colacchio, Marco Sparro, Claudio Tebaldi:
Sequences of Cycles and Transitions to Chaos in a Modified Goodwin's Growth Cycle Model. 1911-1932 - Gregory J. Chaitin:
How Much Information Can There be in a Real Number? 1933-1935 - Cristian S. Calude
, Michael J. Dinneen:
Exact Approximations of omega Numbers. 1937-1954 - Mohammad Reza Jahed-Motlagh, Behnam Kia, William L. Ditto
, Sudeshna Sinha
Fault Tolerance and Detection in Chaotic Computers. 1955-1968 - Ya-Wen Chang, Jonq Juang, Chin-Lung Li:
Snap-Back Repellers and Chaotic Traveling Waves in One-Dimensional Cellular Neural Networks. 1969-1983 - Lingzhong Guo, Stephen A. Billings:
Identification of Binary Cellular Automata from Spatio-Temporal Binary Patterns Using a Fourier Representation. 1985-1996 - Antonio Algaba
, Emilio Freire
, Estanislao Gamero
, Alejandro J. Rodríguez-Luis
Resonances of Periodic orbits in RÖssler System in Presence of a Triple-Zero bifurcation. 1997-2008 - Jefferson Cassiano, José Manoel Balthazar:
On homoclinic Chaos and a Control Chaos Strategy Applied to a Free-Joint Nonholonomic Manipulator. 2009-2020 - Hak-Keung Lam
, Frank H. F. Leung
Stabilization of Chaotic Systems Using Linear sampled-Data Controller. 2021-2031 - Maoan Han, Guanrong Chen
, Chengjun Sun:
On the Number of Limit Cycles in Near-Hamiltonian Polynomial Systems. 2033-2047 - Jack Heidel, Fu Zhang:
Nonchaotic and Chaotic Behavior in Three-Dimensional Quadratic Systems: Five-One Conservative Cases. 2049-2072 - Yi Song, Stephen P. Banks, David Diaz:
Dynamical Systems on Three Manifolds Part I: Knots, Links and Chaos. 2073-2084 - Yi Song, Stephen P. Banks:
Dynamical Systems on Three Manifolds Part II: Three-Manifolds, Heegaard Splittings and Three-Dimensional Systems. 2085-2095 - Julien Clinton Sprott, Konstantinos E. Chlouverakis:
Labyrinth Chaos. 2097-2108 - Zengrong Liu, Chengdong Dong, Qingduan Fan:
Multicenter Network and Synchronization. 2109-2115 - Hak-Keung Lam
, Lakmal D. Seneviratne
Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Using Neural-Network-Based Controller. 2117-2125 - Zhanji Gui, Weigao Ge:
Impulsive Effect of Continuous-Time Neural Networks under Pure Structural Variations. 2127-2139 - Abdelkrim Boukabou
, Noura Mansouri:
Fuzzy Predictive Controller for Unknown Discrete Chaotic Systems. 2141-2148 - Junjie Wei, Dejun Fan:
Hopf bifurcation Analysis in a Mackey-glass System. 2149-2157 - Antoni Ferragut
, Jaume Llibre, Marco Antonio Teixeira
Hyperbolic Periodic orbits from the bifurcation of a Four-Dimensional Nonlinear Center. 2159-2167 - Jiao Jiang, Maoan Han, Pei Yu, Stephen Lynch
Limit Cycles in Two Types of Symmetric LiÉnard Systems. 2169-2174 - Jaume Llibre, Daniel Pasca
Periodic orbits Near a heteroclinic Loop formed by One-Dimensional Orbit and a Two-Dimensional Manifold: Application to the charged Collinear Three-Body Problem. 2175-2183 - Hiroshi Gotoda, Yuko Saso:
Unsteady Motion of Pool Fire on Small-Scale Burner. 2185-2193
Volume 17, Number 7, July 2007
- S. Boccaletti, Vito Latora
Editorial. 2195-2199 - Claire Christensen, Réka Albert
Using Graph Concepts to Understand the Organization of Complex Systems. 2201-2214 - Lidia A. Braunstein, Zhenhua Wu, Yiping Chen, Sergey V. Buldyrev
, Tomer Kalisky, Sameet Sreenivasan, Reuven Cohen
, Eduardo López
, Shlomo Havlin, Harry Eugene Stanley:
Optimal Path and Minimal Spanning Trees in Random Weighted Networks. 2215-2255 - Ruedi Stoop, C. Wagner:
Neocortex's Architecture optimizes Computation, Information Transfer and Synchronizability, at Given Total Connection Length. 2257-2279 - Juyong Park, Òscar Celma, Markus Koppenberger, Pedro Cano, Javier M. Buldú
The Social Network of Contemporary Popular Musicians. 2281-2288