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NeuroImage, Volume 55
Volume 55, Number 1, March 2011
- Sarael Alcauter, Fernando A. Barrios, Rosalinda Díaz, Juan Fernández-Ruiz:
Gray and white matter alterations in spinocerebellar ataxia type 7: An in vivo DTI and VBM study. 1-7 - Franco Cauda, Federico D'Agata, Katiuscia Sacco, Sergio Duca, Giuliano Carlo Geminiani, Alessandro Vercelli:
Functional connectivity of the insula in the resting brain. 8-23 - Martin Ystad, Erlend Hodneland, Steinunn Adolfsdottir, Judit Haasz, Astri J. Lundervold, Tom Eichele, Arvid Lundervold:
Cortico-striatal connectivity and cognition in normal aging: A combined DTI and resting state fMRI study. 24-31 - Andreana Leskovjan, Ariane Kretlow, Antonio Lanzirotti, Raul Barrea, Stefan Vogt, Lisa M. Miller:
Increased brain iron coincides with early plaque formation in a mouse model of Alzheimer's disease. 32-38
- Dimitris A. Pinotsis, Karl J. Friston:
Neural fields, spectral responses and lateral connections. 39-48 - Chi Zeng, Yongjie Li, Chaoyi Li:
Center-surround interaction with adaptive inhibition: A computational model for contour detection. 49-66 - Julien Krieg, Agnès Trébuchon-Da Fonseca, Eduardo Martínez-Montes, Patrick Marquis, Catherine Liégeois-Chauvel, Christian G. Bénar:
A comparison of methods for assessing alpha phase resetting in electrophysiology, with application to intracerebral EEG in visual areas. 67-86 - Shr-Tai Liou, Thomas Witzel, Aapo Nummenmaa, Wei-Tang Chang, Kevin Wen-Kai Tsai, Wen-Jui Kuo, Hsiao-Wen Chung, Fa-Hsuan Lin:
Functional magnetic resonance inverse imaging of human visuomotor systems using eigenspace linearly constrained minimum amplitude (eLCMA) beamformer. 87-100 - Natalia del Campo, Roger J. Tait, Julio Acosta-Cabronero, Young T. Hong, David Izquierdo-Garcia, Rob Smith, Franklin I. Aigbirhio, Barbara J. Sahakian, Ulrich Müller, Trevor W. Robbins, Tim D. Fryer:
Quantification of receptor-ligand binding potential in sub-striatal domains using probabilistic and template regions of interest. 101-112 - Martin Luessi, S. Derin Babacan, Rafael Molina, James R. Booth, Aggelos K. Katsaggelos:
Bayesian symmetrical EEG/fMRI fusion with spatially adaptive priors. 113-132 - Kerstin Pannek, Jane L. Mathias, Erin D. Bigler, Greg Brown, Jamie D. Taylor, Stephen E. Rose:
The average pathlength map: A diffusion MRI tractography-derived index for studying brain pathology. 133-141 - Andrej Vovk, Robert W. Cox, Janez Stare, Dusan Suput, Ziad S. Saad:
Segmentation priors from local image properties: Without using bias field correction, location-based templates, or registration. 142-152 - Carl Lederman, Anand A. Joshi, Ivo D. Dinov, Luminita A. Vese, Arthur W. Toga, John Darrell Van Horn:
The generation of tetrahedral mesh models for neuroanatomical MRI. 153-164 - Moriah E. Thomason, Emily L. Dennis, Anand A. Joshi, Shantanu H. Joshi, Ivo D. Dinov, Catie Chang, Melissa L. Henry, Rebecca F. Johnson, Paul M. Thompson, Arthur W. Toga, Gary H. Glover, John D. Van Horn, Ian H. Gotlib:
Resting-state fMRI can reliably map neural networks in children. 165-175 - Sungho Tak, Soo Jin Yoon, Jaeduck Jang, Kwangsun Yoo, Yong Jeong, Jong Chul Ye:
Quantitative analysis of hemodynamic and metabolic changes in subcortical vascular dementia using simultaneous near-infrared spectroscopy and fMRI measurements. 176-184 - Veronika Schöpf, Christian Windischberger, Simon Robinson, Christian H. Kasess, Florian Ph. S. Fischmeister, Rupert Lanzenberger, J. Albrecht, A. M. Kleemann, R. Kopietz, Martin Wiesmann, Ewald Moser:
Model-free fMRI group analysis using FENICA. 185-193
- William R. Marchand, James N. Lee, Yana Suchy, Cheryl Garn, Susanna Johnson, Nicole Wood, Gordon Chelune:
Age-related changes of the functional architecture of the cortico-basal ganglia circuitry during motor task execution. 194-203 - Tao Wu, Liang Wang, Mark Hallett, Yi Chen, Kuncheng Li, Piu Chan:
Effective connectivity of brain networks during self-initiated movement in Parkinson's disease. 204-215 - Christian Maihöfner, Frank Seifert, Roberto DeCol:
Activation of central sympathetic networks during innocuous and noxious somatosensory stimulation. 216-224 - Susan L. Whitfield-Gabrieli, Joseph M. Moran, Alfonso Nieto-Castañón, Christina Triantafyllou, Rebecca Saxe, John D. E. Gabrieli:
Associations and dissociations between default and self-reference networks in the human brain. 225-232 - Kyle S. Burger, Eric Stice:
Relation of dietary restraint scores to activation of reward-related brain regions in response to food intake, anticipated intake, and food pictures. 233-239 - Jungang Qin, Sasha Kimel, Shinobu Kitayama, Xiaoying Wang, Xuedong Yang, Shihui Han:
How choice modifies preference: Neural correlates of choice justification. 240-246 - Andreas von Leupoldt, Pei-Ying S. Chan, Margaret M. Bradley, Peter J. Lang, Paul W. Davenport:
The impact of anxiety on the neural processing of respiratory sensations. 247-252 - Sarah E. Forster, Joshua W. Brown:
Medial prefrontal cortex predicts and evaluates the timing of action outcomes. 253-265 - Kathryn C. Dickerson, Jian Li, Mauricio R. Delgado:
Parallel contributions of distinct human memory systems during probabilistic learning. 266-276 - Massieh Moayedi, Irit Weissman-Fogel, Adrian P. Crawley, Michael B. Goldberg, Bruce V. Freeman, Howard C. Tenenbaum, Karen D. Davis:
Contribution of chronic pain and neuroticism to abnormal forebrain gray matter in patients with temporomandibular disorder. 277-286 - Ying Han, Jinhui Wang, Zhilian Zhao, Baoquan Min, Jie Lu, Kuncheng Li, Yong He, Jianping Jia:
Frequency-dependent changes in the amplitude of low-frequency fluctuations in amnestic mild cognitive impairment: A resting-state fMRI study. 287-295 - Laura Nynke van der Laan, D. T. D. de Ridder, Max A. Viergever, Paul A. M. Smeets:
The first taste is always with the eyes: A meta-analysis on the neural correlates of processing visual food cues. 296-303 - Carmen Schmid, Christian Büchel, Michael Rose:
The neural basis of visual dominance in the context of audio-visual object processing. 304-311
- Giorgio Ganis, J. Peter Rosenfeld, John Meixner, Rogier A. Kievit, Haline E. Schendan:
Lying in the scanner: Covert countermeasures disrupt deception detection by functional magnetic resonance imaging. 312-319 - Paolo Fusar-Poli, Nicolas Crossley, James Woolley, Francesco Carletti, Rocío Perez-Iglesias, Matthew R. Broome, Louise Johns, Paul Tabraham, Elvira Bramon, Philip K. McGuire:
Gray matter alterations related to P300 abnormalities in subjects at high risk for psychosis: Longitudinal MRI-EEG study. 320-328 - Martin Brüne, Seza Özgürdal, Nina Ansorge, Heinrich Graf von Reventlow, Sören Peters, Volkmar Nicolas, Martin Tegenthoff, Georg Juckel, Silke Lissek:
An fMRI study of "theory of mind" in at-risk states of psychosis: Comparison with manifest schizophrenia and healthy controls. 329-337 - Marte Swart, Richard Bruggeman, Frank Larøi, Behrooz Z. Alizadeh, Ido P. Kema, Rudie Kortekaas, Durk Wiersma, André Aleman:
COMT Val158Met polymorphism, verbalizing of emotion and activation of affective brain systems. 338-344 - Lindsey Ossewaarde, Shaozheng Qin, Hein J. F. van Marle, Guido A. van Wingen, Guillén Fernández, Erno J. Hermans:
Stress-induced reduction in reward-related prefrontal cortex function. 345-352 - Nicola Canessa, Matteo Motterlini, Federica Alemanno, Daniela Perani, Stefano F. Cappa:
Learning from other people's experience: A neuroimaging study of decisional interactive-learning. 353-362 - John P. Ryan, Lei K. Sheu, Peter J. Gianaros:
Resting state functional connectivity within the cingulate cortex jointly predicts agreeableness and stressor-evoked cardiovascular reactivity. 363-370 - Chandra Sekhar Sripada, Mike Angstadt, Patrick McNamara, Andrea C. King, K. Luan Phan:
Effects of alcohol on brain responses to social signals of threat in humans. 371-380 - Carrie L. Masten, Sylvia A. Morelli, Naomi I. Eisenberger:
An fMRI investigation of empathy for 'social pain' and subsequent prosocial behavior. 381-388 - Ruben P. Alvarez, Gang Chen, Jerzy Bodurka, Raphael Kaplan, Christian Grillon:
Phasic and sustained fear in humans elicits distinct patterns of brain activity. 389-400 - Emily M. Drabant, Janice R. Kuo, Wiveka Ramel, Jens Blechert, Michael D. Edge, Jeff R. Cooper, Philippe R. Goldin, Ahmad R. Hariri, James J. Gross:
Experiential, autonomic, and neural responses during threat anticipation vary as a function of threat intensity and neuroticism. 401-410 - Thomas Ethofer, Markus Gschwind, Patrik Vuilleumier:
Processing social aspects of human gaze: A combined fMRI-DTI study. 411-419 - Simon Lacey, Henrik Hagtvedt, Vanessa M. Patrick, Amy Anderson, Randall Stilla, Gopikrishna Deshpande, Xiaoping Hu, João R. Sato, Srinivas Reddy, Krish Sathian:
Art for reward's sake: Visual art recruits the ventral striatum. 420-433
- Maarten Mennes, Clare Kelly, Xi-Nian Zuo, Adriana Di Martino, Bharat B. Biswal, F. Xavier Castellanos, Michael P. Milham:
Corrigendum to "Inter-individual differences in resting-state functional connectivity predict task-induced BOLD activity" [NeuroImage 50/4 (2010) 1690-1701]. 434 - Max Garagnani, Friedemann Pulvermüller:
Erratum to "From sounds to words: A neurocomputational model of adaptation, inhibition and memory processes in auditory change detection" [NeuroImage 54/1 (2011) 170-181]. 435-436 - Alexander Gussew, Reinhard Rzanny, Daniel Güllmar, Hans-Christoph Scholle, Jürgen R. Reichenbach:
Erratum to "1H-MR spectroscopic detection of metabolic changes in pain processing brain regions in the presence of non-specific chronic low back pain" [NeuroImage 54/2 (2011) 1315-1323]. 437
Volume 55, Number 2, March 2011
- Matthew J. Marzelli, Fumiko Hoeft, David S. Hong, Allan L. Reiss:
Neuroanatomical spatial patterns in Turner syndrome. 439-447 - Ming-Chang Chiang, Marina Barysheva, Arthur W. Toga, Sarah E. Medland, Narelle K. Hansell, Michael R. James, Katie McMahon, Greig I. de Zubicaray, Nicholas G. Martin, Margaret J. Wright, Paul M. Thompson:
BDNF gene effects on brain circuitry replicated in 455 twins. 448-454 - Clare K. Underwood, Nyoman D. Kurniawan, Tim J. Butler, Gary J. Cowin, Robyn H. Wallace:
Non-invasive diffusion tensor imaging detects white matter degeneration in the spinal cord of a mouse model of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. 455-461 - Thomas Jubault, Jean-François Gagnon, Sherif Karama, Alain Ptito, Anne-Louise Lafontaine, Alan C. Evans, Oury Monchi:
Patterns of cortical thickness and surface area in early Parkinson's disease. 462-467 - J. Jean Chen, H. Diana Rosas, David H. Salat:
Age-associated reductions in cerebral blood flow are independent from regional atrophy. 468-478 - Deanne K. Thompson, Terrie E. Inder, Nathan Faggian, Leigh A. Johnston, Simon K. Warfield, Peter J. Anderson, Lex W. Doyle, Gary F. Egan:
Characterization of the corpus callosum in very preterm and full-term infants utilizing MRI. 479-490 - Kate Baker, Christopher A. Chaddock, Torsten Baldeweg, David Skuse:
Neuroanatomy in adolescents and young adults with 22q11 Deletion Syndrome: Comparison to an IQ-matched group. 491-499 - Psyche Loui, H. Charles Li, Gottfried Schlaug:
White matter integrity in right hemisphere predicts pitch-related grammar learning. 500-507 - Antonio Cerasa, Aldo Quattrone, Maria C. Gioia, Patrizia Tarantino, Grazia Annesi, Francesca Assogna, Carlo Caltagirone, Vincenzo De Luca, Gianfranco Spalletta:
Dysbindin C-A-T haplotype is associated with thicker medial orbitofrontal cortex in healthy population. 508-513
- Andres H. Neuhaus, Florin Popescu, Cristian Grozea, Eric Hahn, Constanze Hahn, Carolin Opgen-Rhein, Carsten Urbanek, Michael Dettling:
Single-subject classification of schizophrenia by event-related potentials during selective attention. 514-521 - Prashanthi Vemuri, György J. Simon, Kejal Kantarci, Jennifer L. Whitwell, Matthew L. Senjem, Scott A. Przybelski, Jeffrey L. Gunter, Keith A. Josephs, David S. Knopman, Bradley F. Boeve, Tanis J. Ferman, Dennis W. Dickson, Joseph E. Parisi, Ronald C. Petersen, Clifford R. Jack Jr.:
Antemortem differential diagnosis of dementia pathology using structural MRI: Differential-STAND. 522-531 - Sebastiano Barbieri, Miriam H. A. Bauer, Jan Klein, Christopher Nimsky, Horst K. Hahn:
Segmentation of fiber tracts based on an accuracy analysis on diffusion tensor software phantoms. 532-544 - Pew-Thian Yap, Yasheng Chen, Hongyu An, Yang Yang, John H. Gilmore, Weili Lin, Dinggang Shen:
SPHERE: SPherical Harmonic Elastic REgistration of HARDI data. 545-556 - Renske de Boer, Michiel Schaap, Fedde van der Lijn, Henri A. Vrooman, Marius de Groot, Aad van der Lugt, Mohammad Arfan Ikram, Meike W. Vernooij, Monique M. B. Breteler, Wiro J. Niessen:
Statistical analysis of minimum cost path based structural brain connectivity. 557-565 - Wim Van Hecke, Alexander Leemans, Caroline A. Sage, Louise Emsell, Jelle Veraart, Jan Sijbers, Stefan Sunaert, Paul M. Parizel:
The effect of template selection on diffusion tensor voxel-based analysis results. 566-573 - Chris Hinrichs, Vikas Singh, Guofan Xu, Sterling C. Johnson:
Predictive markers for AD in a multi-modality framework: An analysis of MCI progression in the ADNI population. 574-589 - Andrea Antal, Rafael Polanía, Carsten Schmidt-Samoa, Peter Dechent, Walter Paulus:
Transcranial direct current stimulation over the primary motor cortex during fMRI. 590-596 - Christina Triantafyllou, Jonathan R. Polimeni, Lawrence L. Wald:
Physiological noise and signal-to-noise ratio in fMRI with multi-channel array coils. 597-606 - Han Zhang, Lian Duan, Yu-Jin Zhang, Chun-Ming Lu, Hanli Liu, Chaozhe Zhu:
Test-retest assessment of independent component analysis-derived resting-state functional connectivity based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy. 607-615
- William Gaetz, J. Christopher Edgar, D. J. Wang, Timothy P. L. Roberts:
Relating MEG measured motor cortical oscillations to resting γ-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) concentration. 616-621 - Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbacaru, Daniel Procissi, Andrey V. Demyanenko, F. Scott Hall, George R. Uhl, Russell E. Jacobs:
Quantitative pharmacologic MRI: Mapping the cerebral blood volume response to cocaine in dopamine transporter knockout mice. 622-628 - Danyang Kong, Chun Siong Soon, Michael W. L. Chee:
Reduced visual processing capacity in sleep deprived persons. 629-634 - Francis R. Loayza, María A. Fernández-Seara, Maite Aznárez-Sanado, María A. Pastor:
Right parietal dominance in spatial egocentric discrimination. 635-643
- Daniel Keeser, Frank Padberg, E. Reisinger, Oliver Pogarell, Valerie Kirsch, U. Palm, Susanne Karch, Hans-Jürgen Möller, Michael A. Nitsche, Christoph Mulert:
Prefrontal direct current stimulation modulates resting EEG and event-related potentials in healthy subjects: A standardized low resolution tomography (sLORETA) study. 644-657 - Yury Shtyrov, Lilli Kimppa, Friedemann Pulvermüller, Teija Kujala:
Event-related potentials reflecting the frequency of unattended spoken words: A neuronal index of connection strength in lexical memory circuits? 658-668 - Tetsuo Kida, Emi Tanaka, Yasuyuki Takeshima, Ryusuke Kakigi:
Neural representation of feature synergy. 669-680 - Hikaru Takeuchi, Yasuyuki Taki, Hiroshi Hashizume, Yuko Sassa, Tomomi Nagase, Rui Nouchi, Ryuta Kawashima:
Failing to deactivate: The association between brain activity during a working memory task and creativity. 681-687 - Cedric E. Ginestet, Andrew Simmons:
Statistical parametric network analysis of functional connectivity dynamics during a working memory task. 688-704 - David Dodell-Feder, Jorie Koster-Hale, Marina Bedny, Rebecca Saxe:
fMRI item analysis in a theory of mind task. 705-712 - Jonas Obleser, Sonja A. Kotz:
Multiple brain signatures of integration in the comprehension of degraded speech. 713-723 - Lisa B. Wilson, Jason R. Tregellas, Erin Slason, Bryce E. Pasko, Donald C. Rojas:
Implicit phonological priming during visual word recognition. 724-731 - Dirk Koester, Niels O. Schiller:
The functional neuroanatomy of morphology in language production. 732-741 - Felipe Pegado, Kimihiro Nakamura, Laurent Cohen, Stanislas Dehaene:
Breaking the symmetry: Mirror discrimination for single letters but not for pictures in the Visual Word Form Area. 742-749 - Jeremy J. Purcell, Eileen M. Napoliello, Guinevere F. Eden:
A combined fMRI study of typed spelling and reading. 750-762 - Anna Manelis, Mark E. Wheeler, Christopher A. Paynter, Lisa Storey, Lynne M. Reder:
Opposing patterns of neural priming in same-exemplar vs. different-exemplar repetition predict subsequent memory. 763-772 - Carlos Cesar Faraco, Nash Unsworth, Jason Langley, Doug Terry, Kaiming Li, Degang Zhang, Tianming Liu, L. Stephen Miller:
Complex span tasks and hippocampal recruitment during working memory. 773-787 - Tyler M. Seibert, Sarah I. Gimbel, Donald J. Hagler Jr., James B. Brewer:
Parietal activity in episodic retrieval measured by fMRI and MEG. 788-793 - Scott D. Slotnick, Preston P. Thakral:
Memory for motion and spatial location is mediated by contralateral and ipsilateral motion processing cortex. 794-800 - Scott A. Guerin, Michael B. Miller:
Parietal cortex tracks the amount of information retrieved even when it is not the basis of a memory decision. 801-807 - Nicole Naue, Daniel Strüber, Ingo Fründ, Jeanette Schadow, Daniel Lenz, Stefan Rach, Ursula Körner, Christoph S. Herrmann:
Gamma in motion: Pattern reversal elicits stronger gamma-band responses than motion. 808-817 - Tomislav Majic, Johannes Rentzsch, Yehonala Gudlowski, Stefan Ehrlich, Georg Juckel, Thomas Sander, Undine E. Lang, Georg Winterer, Jürgen Gallinat:
COMT Val108/158Met genotype modulates human sensory gating. 818-824 - Hein J. F. van Marle, Indira Tendolkar, Maren Urner, Robbert Jan Verkes, Guillén Fernández, Guido A. van Wingen:
Subchronic duloxetine administration alters the extended amygdala circuitry in healthy individuals. 825-831 - Fabian Grabenhorst, Edmund T. Rolls, Christian Margot:
A hedonically complex odor mixture produces an attentional capture effect in the brain. 832-843
- Serge Vulliémoz, David W. Carmichael, Karin Rosenkranz, Beate Diehl, Roman Rodionov, Matthew C. Walker, Andrew W. McEvoy, Louis Lemieux:
Corrigendum to Simultaneous intracranial EEG fMRI of interictal epileptic discharges in humans [NeuroImage 54/1 (2011) 182-190]. 844
Volume 55, Number 3, April 2011
- Prapti Gautam, Nicolas Cherbuin, Perminder S. Sachdev, Wei Wen, Kaarin Anstey:
Relationships between cognitive function and frontal grey matter volumes and thickness in middle aged and early old-aged adults: The PATH Through Life Study. 845-855 - Daoqiang Zhang, Yaping Wang, Luping Zhou, Hong Yuan, Dinggang Shen:
Multimodal classification of Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment. 856-867 - Stuart M. Grieve, Mayuresh S. Korgaonkar, C. Richard Clark, Leanne M. Williams:
Regional heterogeneity in limbic maturational changes: Evidence from integrating cortical thickness, volumetric and diffusion tensor imaging measures. 868-879 - Gwenaëlle Douaud, Saâd Jbabdi, Timothy Edward John Behrens, Ricarda A. Menke, Achim Gass, Andreas U. Monsch, Anil Rao, Brandon J. Whitcher, Gordon L. Kindlmann, Paul M. Matthews, Stephen M. Smith:
DTI measures in crossing-fibre areas: Increased diffusion anisotropy reveals early white matter alteration in MCI and mild Alzheimer's disease. 880-890 - Yoshikazu Kikuchi, Katsuya Ogata, Toshirou Umesaki, Takashi Yoshiura, Masamutsu Kenjo, Yoji Hirano, Tsuyoshi Okamoto, Shizuo Komune, Shozo Tobimatsu:
Spatiotemporal signatures of an abnormal auditory system in stuttering. 891-899 - Erin A. Hazlett, Kim E. Goldstein, Kazuhiro Tajima-Pozo, Elizabeth R. Speidel, Yuliya Zelmanova, Jonathan J. Entis, Jeremy M. Silverman, Antonia S. New, Harold W. Koenigsberg, M. Mehmet Haznedar, William Byne, Larry J. Siever:
Cingulate and temporal lobe fractional anisotropy in schizotypal personality disorder. 900-908 - Michela Pievani, Samantha Galluzzi, Paul M. Thompson, Paul E. Rasser, Matteo Bonetti, Giovanni B. Frisoni:
APOE4 is associated with greater atrophy of the hippocampal formation in Alzheimer's disease. 909-919
- Marc Goodfellow, Kaspar Schindler, Gerold Baier:
Intermittent spike-wave dynamics in a heterogeneous, spatially extended neural mass model. 920-932 - Bedda L. Rosario, Lisa A. Weissfeld, Charles M. Laymon, Chester A. Mathis, William E. Klunk, Michael D. Berginc, Jeffrey A. James, Jessica A. Hoge, Julie C. Price:
Inter-rater reliability of manual and automated region-of-interest delineation for PiB PET. 933-941 - Giampaolo Tomasi, Alessandra Bertoldo, Claudio Cobelli, Nicola Pavese, Yen. F. Tai, Alexander Hammers, Federico E. Turkheimer:
Global-two-stage filtering of clinical PET parametric maps: Application to [11C]-(R)-PK11195. 942-953 - John Ashburner, Karl J. Friston:
Diffeomorphic registration using geodesic shooting and Gauss-Newton optimisation. 954-967 - Hongzhi Wang, Sandhitsu R. Das, Jung Wook Suh, Murat Altinay, John Pluta, Caryne Craige, Brian B. Avants, Paul A. Yushkevich:
A learning-based wrapper method to correct systematic errors in automatic image segmentation: Consistently improved performance in hippocampus, cortex and brain segmentation. 968-985 - Wieslaw L. Nowinski, Chua Beng Chua, Yevgen Marchenko, Fiftarina Puspitasari, Ihar Volkau, Michael V. Knopp:
Three-dimensional reference and stereotactic atlas of human cerebrovasculature from 7 Tesla. 986-998