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IEEE Transactions on Computers, Volume 21
Volume 21, Number 1, January 1972
- Robert Mahl:
Visible Surface Algorithms for Quadric Patches. 1-4 - Keijiro Nakamura, Nobuki Tokura, Tadao Kasami:
Minimal Negative Gate Networks. 5-11 - Hsiao-Peng Lee, Edward S. Davidson:
A Transform for NAND Network Design. 12-20 - Stephen Y. H. Su, Yun-Chung Cho:
A New Approach to the Fault Location of Combinational Circuits. 21-30 - James W. Gault, John P. Robinson, Sudhakar M. Reddy:
Multiple Fault Detection in Combinational Networks. 31-36 - William W. Plummer:
Asynchronous Arbiters. 37-42 - Renato Stefanelli:
A Suggestion for a High-Speed Parallel Binary Divider. 42-55 - Warren L. G. Koontz, Keinosuke Fukunaga:
A Nonlinear Feature Extraction Algorithm Using Distance Transformation. 56-63 - Monroe M. Newborn, Thomas F. Arnold:
Universal Modules for Bounded Signal Fan-Out Synchronous Sequential Circuits. 63-79 - Melvin A. Breuer:
Generation of Fault Tests for Linear Logic Networks. 79-83 - W. R. Cyre, G. Jack Lipovski:
On Generating Multipliers for a Cellular Fast Fourier Transform Processor. 83-87 - M. H. Mxcdougall:
A Note on the Interruption of Extended Core Storage Transfers. 87-90 - G. I. Opsahl:
Optimum Logic Modules. 90-96 - Bernd Reusch:
Note on Minimal Congruences on Transition Graphs. 96-97 - David Pager:
Some Notes on Speeding Up Certain Loops by Software, Firmware, and Hardware Means. 97-100 - Pepe Siy, C. S. Chen:
Minimization of Fuzzy Functions. 100-102 - Zvonko G. Vranesic, K. M. Waliuzzaman:
Functional Transformation in Simplification of Multivalued Switching Functions. 102-105 - Stephen Campbell:
B72-4 System/360 Job Control Language. 108-109 - Thomas F. Anderson:
B72-2 A Compiler Generator. 109 - Michael J. Flynn:
B72-3 Computer Structures, Readings and Examples. 109-110 - Earl C. Joseph:
B72-4 Expanding Use of Computers in the 70' Technology-Markets • Needs • Technology. 110
Volume 21, Number 2, February 1972
- Ronald W. Larsen, Irving S. Reed:
Redundancy by Coding Versus Redundancy by Replication for Failure-Tolerant Sequential Circuits. 130-137 - Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy, K. Mani Chandy, Mario J. Gonzalez Jr.:
Optimal Scheduling Strategies in a Multiprocessor System. 137-146 - Roy L. Russo:
On the Tradeoff Between Logic Performance and Circuit-to-Pin Ratio for LSI. 147-153 - Charles R. Baugh, C. S. Chandersekaran, Richard S. Swee, Saburo Muroga:
Optimal Networks of NOR-OR Gates for Functions of Three Variables. 153-160 - Masakazu Ejiri, Takeshi Uno, Haruo Yoda, Tatsuo Goto, Kiyoo Takeyasu:
A Prototype Intelligent Robot that Assembles Objects from Plan Drawings. 161-170 - Warren L. G. Koontz, Keinosuke Fukunaga:
A Nonparametric Valley-Seeking Technique for Cluster Analysis. 171-178 - Daniel I. Barnea, Harvey F. Silverman:
A Class of Algorithms for Fast Digital Image Registration. 179-186 - Anthony C. Davies:
On the Definition and Generation of Walsh Functions. 187-189 - Albert C. L. Chiang, Irving S. Reed, Anthony V. Banes:
Path Sensitization, Partial Boolean Difference, and Automated Fault Diagnosis. 189-195 - Gösta H. Granlund:
Fourier Preprocessing for Hand Print Character Recognition. 195-201 - A. B. Shahidul Hussain, Godfried T. Toussaint, Robert W. Donaldson:
Results Obtained Using a Simple Character Recognition Procedure on Munson's Handprinted Data. 201-205 - Godfried T. Toussaint:
Polynomial Representation of Classifiers with Independent Discrete-Valued Features. 205-208 - Corina Reischer, Dan A. Simovici:
On the Existence of a Periodic Analog of a Finite Connected Automaton. 208-211 - Tadahiro Kitahashi, Kohkichi Tanaka:
Orthogonal Expansion of Many-Valued Logical Functions and its Application to their Realization with a Single-Threshold Element. 211-218 - W. G. S. Brown, E. A. Parrish Jr.:
A Model for Pattern Recognition Systems with Binary Pattern Vectors. 219 - Julian R. Ullmann:
Transference of Learning Between Recognition Classes. 219-220 - I. White:
Comment on "A Nonlinear Mapping for Data Structure Analysis". 220-221
Volume 21, Number 3, March 1972
- Shi-Kuo Chang:
On the Execution of Fuzzy Programs Using Finite-State Machines. 241-253 - Thammavarapu R. N. Rao:
Error Correction in Adders using Systematic Subcodes. 254-259 - Jack Sklansky, Robert L. Chazin, Bruce J. Hansen:
Minimum-Perimeter Polygons of Digitized Silhouettes. 260-268 - Charles T. Zahn, Ralph Z. Roskies:
Fourier Descriptors for Plane Closed Curves. 269-281 - Gabriele Saucier:
State Assignment of Asynchronous Sequential Machines Using Graph Techniques. 282-288 - Nikitas A. Alexandridis, Allen Klinger:
Real-Time Walsh-Hadamard Transformation. 288-292 - K. L. Suryanarayanan, A. C. Soudack, S. G. Rao:
An On-Line Computer Method for Parameter Tracking of Sampled-Data Systems. 292-299 - Marcel J. E. Golay:
Smoothing of Data by Least Squares Procedures and by Filtering. 299-301 - Hudai Dirilten:
On the Mathematical Models Characterizing Faulty Four-Phase MOS Logic Arrays. 301-305 - C. Dennis Weiss:
Bounds on the Length of Terminal Stuck-Fault Test. 305-309 - P. K. Sinha Roy, Ching-Lai Sheng:
A Decomposition Method of Determining Maximum Compatibles. 309-312 - Samuel C. Lee, Edward T. Lee:
On Multivalued Symmetric Functions. 312-317 - Min-Wen Du:
A Way to Find a Lower Bound for the Minimal Solution of the Covering Problem. 317-318 - A. B. Shahidul Hussain:
On the Correctness of Some Sequential Classification Schemes in Pattern Recognition. 318-320 - King-Sun Fu, Yi-Tzuu Chien, Gerald P. Cardillo:
Authors' Reply. 320
Volume 21, Number 4, April 1972
- John S. Sobolewski, William H. Payne:
Pseudonoise with Arbitrary Amplitude Distribution-Part I: Theory. 337-345 - John S. Sobolewski, William H. Payne:
Pseudonoise with Arbitrary Amplitude Distribution-Part II: Hardware Implementation. 346-352 - Teuvo Kohonen:
Correlation Matrix Memories. 353-359 - Harold S. Stone:
Dynamic Memories with Enhanced Data Access. 359-366 - Glenn David Bergland:
A Parallel Implementation of the Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm. 366-370 - Charles A. Harlow, Clarence L. Coates:
Feedback in Sequential Machine Realizations. 371-381 - J. P. Lawrence, Kenneth Steiglitz:
Randomized Pattern Search. 382-385 - James C. Bassett, Charles R. Kime:
Improved Procedures for Determining Diagnostic Resolution. 385-388 - Behrooz Parhami:
Stochastic Automata and the Problems of Reliability in Sequential Machines. 388-391 - Michael Randolph Garey:
Resident-Bubble Cellular Logic Using Magnetic Domains. 392-396 - Subrata K. Das, Donald F. Stanat:
A Modified Training Procedure for Linear Threshold Devices. 396-397 - Gabriele Saucier:
Next-State Equations of Asynchronous Sequential Machines. 397-399 - Melvin A. Breuer:
A Note on Three-Valued Logic Simulation. 399-402 - Tsunehiro Aibara, Michihiro Akagi:
Enumeration of Ternary Threshold Functions of Three Variables. 402-407 - Hsiao-Peng Lee, Edward S. Davidson:
Comments on "A Minimization Technique for TANT Networks". 407 - Kyung Shik Koh:
Author's Reply. 408 - Godfried T. Toussaint, Toomas R. Vilmansen:
Comments on "Feature Selection with a Linear Dependence Measure". 408 - Subrata K. Das:
Author's Reply. 409 - Godfried T. Toussaint:
Some Inequalities Between Distance Measures for Feature Evaluation. 409-410 - C. Chitti Babu:
On the Extraction of Pattern Features from Imperfectly Identified Samples. 410-411
Volume 21, Number 5, May 1972
- Robert T. Chien, Se June Hong:
Error Correction in High-Speed Arithmetic. 433-438 - Leo Hellerman:
A Measure of Computational Work. 439-446 - Efrem G. Mallach:
Job-Mix Modeling and System Analysis of an Aerospace Multiprocessor. 446-454 - Hsieh S. Hou:
Application of Uniform Loading Theory to Circuit Packaging and Memory Arrays in High-Speed Computers. 454-463 - Douglas B. Armstrong:
A Deductive Method for Simulating Faults in Logic Circuits. 464-471 - Kazuaki Harada:
Sequential Permutation Networks. 472-479 - Stephen Y. H. Su, Achilles A. Sarris:
The Relationship Between Multivalued Switching Algebra and Boolean Algebra Under Different Definitions of Complement. 479-485 - Per A. Holst:
Symbolic Treatment of Certain Selector Functions. 486-488 - Otto Kolp:
The Synthesis of Multivalued Cellular Cascades and the Decomposability of Group Functions. 489-492 - David Mandelbaum:
On Error Control in Sequential Machines. 492-495 - C. Gordon Bell, John L. Eggert, John Grason, Peter Williams:
The Description and Use of Register-Transfer Modules (RTM's)®. 495-500 - Hans-Dieter Ehrich:
A Note on State Minimization of a Special Class of Incomplete Sequential Machines. 500-502 - Ioan Tomescu:
A Matrix Method for Determining All Pairs of Compatible States of a Sequential Machine. 502-503 - Sukumar Ghosh, Subir Bandyopadhyay, Sanjit Kumar Mitra, Arun Kumar Choudhury:
Simple Methods for the Testing of 2-Summability of Boolean Functions and Isobaricity of Threshold Functions. 503-507 - William E. Hansalik:
A Lower Bound on the Complexity of Arbitrary Switching Function Realizers. 507-510 - Arthur D. Friedman, Prem R. Menon:
Comments on "Design of Diagnosable Iterative Arrays". 511 - Jayanti C. Majithia:
Comments on "A Fast Digital Computer Method for Recursive Estimation of the Mean". 511-512 - Reuven Kitai, Karl-Hans Siemens:
Comments on "A Simplified Definition of Walsh Functions". 512 - P. V. Sankar, Syamal Kumar Sen, E. V. Krishnamurthy:
Simply Invertible Matrices. 512-513 - Z. Shaham, Z. Riesel:
A Note on Division Algorithms Based on Multiplication. 513-514 - Edward A. Feustel:
B72-9 Compiler Construction for Digital Computers. 517 - Eldon H. Remy:
B72-10 PL/I Programming In Technological Applications. 517 - Larry L. Kinney:
B72-11 An Introduction to Switching System Design. 518
Volume 21, Number 6, June 1972
- David Mandelbaum:
Error Correction in Residue Arithmetic. 538-545 - K. Mani Chandy, Chittoor V. Ramamoorthy:
Rollback and Recovery Strategies for Computer Programs. 546-556 - Igal Kohavi, Zvi Kohavi:
Detection of Multiple Faults in Combinational Logic Networks. 556-568 - Eskil Kjelkerud:
A Computer Program for the Synthesis of Switching Circuits by Decomposition. 568-573 - Saburo Muroga, Toshihide Ibaraki:
Design of Optimal Switching Networks by Integer Programming. 573-582 - Leon J. Ricardi, Michael L. Burrows:
A Recurrence Technique for Expanding a Function in Spherical Harmonics. 583-585 - Franco P. Preparata:
Universal Logic Modules of a New Type. 585-588 - Michael Randolph Garey:
Simple Binary Identification Problems. 588-590 - H. Butin:
A Compact Definition of Walsh Functions. 590-592 - Alan W. Biermann, Jerome A. Feldman:
On the Synthesis of Finite-State Machines from Samples of Their Behavior. 592-597 - C. E. Holborow:
An Improved Bound on the Length of Checking Experiments for Sequential Machines with Counter Cycles. 597-598 - K. Vairavan:
Minimal Input-Memory and Output-Memory Finite-State Machines. 598-602 - Terry L. Dollhoff, Bernard L. Weinberg:
A Result on Set Extraction and Application to Covering-Closure Tables. 603-606 - H. R. Hwa:
Contradiction Equations in a B Matrix of Vertex Weight Method and Their Correspondence with the k-Summability Property of Vertices. 606-610 - Leo Sintonen:
On the Realization of Functions in N-Valued Logic. 610-612 - David C. van Voorhis:
An Improved Lower Bound for Sorting Networks. 612-613 - Rainer Parchmann:
The Number of State Assignments for Sequential Machines. 613-614 - Nathan O. Sokal:
Optimum Choice of Noise Frequency Band and Sampling Rate for Generating Random Binary Digits from Clipped White Noise. 614-615 - Godfried T. Toussaint:
Comments on "Theoretical Comparison of a Class of Feature Selection Criteria in Pattern Recognition". 615-616 - Chi-Hau Chen:
Author's Reply. 616 - George H. Williams, E. G. Zavisca:
Comments on "Sequential Machine Identification". 616
Volume 21, Number 7, July 1972
- William K. Pratt:
Generalized Wiener Filtering Computation Techniques. 636-641 - Louis F. Schaefer, Albert Macovski:
Encoding and Decoding of Color Information Using Two-Dimensional Spatial Filtering. 642-647 - Raymond L. Sengbush, Manus R. Foster:
Design and Application of Optimal Velocity Filters in Seismic Exploration. 648-654 - Robert L. Lillestrand:
Techniques for Change Detection. 654-659 - Hsien-Che Lee, King-Sun Fu:
A Stochastic Syntax Analysis Procedure and Its Application to Pattern Classification. 660-666 - Richard N. Sutton, Ernest Lenard Hall:
Texture Measures for Automatic Classification of Pulmonary Disease. 667-676 - Azriel Rosenfeld, Mark Thurston, Yung-Han Lee:
Edge and Curve Detection: Further Experiments. 677-715 - Eric A. Smith, Dennis R. Phillips:
Automated Cloud Tracking Using Precisely Aligned Digital ATS Pictures. 715-729 - James M. Davis:
Velocity Analysis: An Application of Deterministic Estimation to Reflection Seismology. 730-738