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IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, Volume 28
Volume 28, Number 1, January 2009
- Milan Sonka:
Editorial. 1-2 - Iuri Frosio, N. Alberto Borghese:
Statistical Based Impulsive Noise Removal in Digital Radiography. 3-16 - Qiu Huang, Jiangsheng You, Gengsheng L. Zeng, Grant T. Gullberg:
Reconstruction From Uniformly Attenuated SPECT Projection Data Using the DBH Method. 17-29 - Qianqian Fang, Stefan A. Carp, Juliette Selb, Gregory Boverman, Quan Zhang, Daniel B. Kopans, Richard H. Moore, Eric L. Miller, Dana H. Brooks, David A. Boas:
Combined Optical Imaging and Mammography of the Healthy Breast: Optical Contrast Derived From Breast Structure and Compression. 30-42 - Adam Huang, Hon-Man Liu, Chung-wei Lee, Chung-Yi Yang, Yuk-Ming Tsang:
On Concise 3-D Simple Point Characterizations: A Marching Cubes Paradigm. 43-51 - Hans Henrik Thodberg, Sven Kreiborg, Anders Juul, Karen Damgaard Pedersen:
The BoneXpert Method for Automated Determination of Skeletal Maturity. 52-66 - Johan Nuyts, Christian Michel, Lieselot Brepoels, Liesbet De Ceuninck, Christophe M. Deroose, Karolien Goffin, Felix M. Mottaghy, Sigrid Stroobants, Jelle Van Riet, Raf Verscuren:
Performance of MAP Reconstruction for Hot Lesion Detection in Whole-Body PET/CT: An Evaluation With Human and Numerical Observers. 67-73 - Jennifer Patterson, Patrick S. Stayton, Xingde Li:
In Situ Characterization of the Degradation of PLGA Microspheres in Hyaluronic Acid Hydrogels by Optical Coherence Tomography. 74-81 - Wei Lin, Hee Kwon Song:
Extrapolation and Correlation (EXTRACT): A New Method for Motion Compensation in MRI. 82-93 - Ernst G. P. Bovenkamp, Jouke Dijkstra, Johan G. Bosch, Johan H. C. Reiber:
User-Agent Cooperation in Multiagent IVUS Image Segmentation. 94-105 - Joshua Trzasko, Armando Manduca:
Highly Undersampled Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction via Homotopic ℓ0 -Minimization. 106-121 - Karen Drukker, Charlene A. Sennett, Maryellen L. Giger:
Automated Method for Improving System Performance of Computer-Aided Diagnosis in Breast Ultrasound. 122-128 - Hyohoon Choi, Kenneth R. Castleman, Alan C. Bovik:
Color Compensation of Multicolor FISH Images. 129-136 - Florian Jäger, Joachim Hornegger:
Nonrigid Registration of Joint Histograms for Intensity Standardization in Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 137-150 - Georg Langs, Philipp Peloschek, Horst Bischof, Franz Kainberger:
Automatic Quantification of Joint Space Narrowing and Erosions in Rheumatoid Arthritis. 151-164
Volume 28, Number 2, February 2009
- Lili He, Ian R. Greenshields:
A Nonlocal Maximum Likelihood Estimation Method for Rician Noise Reduction in MR Images. 165-172 - Mathews Jacob, Bradley P. Sutton:
Algebraic Decomposition of Fat and Water in MRI. 173-184 - Xin He, Eric C. Frey:
The Validity of Three-Class Hotelling Trace (3-HT) in Describing Three-Class Task Performance: Comparison of Three-Class Volume Under ROC Surface (VUS) and 3-HT. 185-193 - António J. R. Neves, Armando J. Pinho:
Lossless Compression of Microarray Images Using Image-Dependent Finite-Context Models. 194-201 - Soumik Ukil, Joseph M. Reinhardt:
Anatomy-Guided Lung Lobe Segmentation in X-Ray CT Images. 202-214 - François Destrempes, Jean Meunier, Marie-France Giroux, Gilles Soulez, Guy Cloutier:
Segmentation in Ultrasonic B-Mode Images of Healthy Carotid Arteries Using Mixtures of Nakagami Distributions and Stochastic Optimization. 215-229 - Zheng Li, Quanzheng Li, Xiaoli Yu, Peter S. Conti, Richard M. Leahy:
Lesion Detection in Dynamic FDG-PET Using Matched Subspace Detection. 230-240 - Ping Zou, Philip Chan, Peter I. Rockett:
A Model-Based Consecutive Scanline Tracking Method for Extracting Vascular Networks From 2-D Digital Subtraction Angiograms. 241-249 - Catherine Lemmens, David Faul, Johan Nuyts:
Suppression of Metal Artifacts in CT Using a Reconstruction Procedure That Combines MAP and Projection Completion. 250-260 - Bernard Ng, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Xuemei Huang, Martin J. McKeown:
Spatial Characterization of fMRI Activation Maps Using Invariant 3-D Moment Descriptors. 261-268 - Maxime Descoteaux, Rachid Deriche, Thomas R. Knösche, Alfred Anwander:
Deterministic and Probabilistic Tractography Based on Complex Fibre Orientation Distributions. 269-286 - Arnold J. den Dekker, Dirk H. J. Poot, Robert Bos, Jan Sijbers:
Likelihood-Based Hypothesis Tests for Brain Activation Detection From MRI Data Disturbed by Colored Noise: A Simulation Study. 287-296 - Zhengrong Liang, Su Wang:
An EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A Numerical Analysis. 297-310
Volume 28, Number 3, March 2009
- Thomas Deffieux, Gabriel Montaldo, Mickaël Tanter, Mathias Fink:
Shear Wave Spectroscopy for In Vivo Quantification of Human Soft Tissues Visco-Elasticity. 313-322 - Erik Bresch, Shrikanth S. Narayanan:
Region Segmentation in the Frequency Domain Applied to Upper Airway Real-Time Magnetic Resonance Images. 323-338 - Subok Park, Aldo Badano, Brandon D. Gallas, Kyle J. Myers:
Incorporating Human Contrast Sensitivity in Model Observers for Detection Tasks. 339-347 - Nathan S. Hageman, Arthur W. Toga, Katherine L. Narr, David W. Shattuck:
A Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography Algorithm Based on Navier-Stokes Fluid Mechanics. 348-360 - Yonggang Shi, Zhuowen Tu, Allan L. Reiss, Rebecca A. Dutton, Agatha D. Lee, Albert M. Galaburda, Ivo D. Dinov, Paul M. Thompson, Arthur W. Toga:
Joint Sulcal Detection on Cortical Surfaces With Graphical Models and Boosted Priors. 361-373 - Huan Yu, Curtis Caldwell, Katherine Mah, Daniel Mozeg:
Coregistered FDG PET/CT-Based Textural Characterization of Head and Neck Cancer for Radiation Treatment Planning. 374-383 - Jun Zhao, Yannan Jin, Yang Lu, Ge Wang:
A Filtered Backprojection Algorithm for Triple-Source Helical Cone-Beam CT. 384-393 - Tobias Knopp, Holger Eggers, Hannes Dahnke, Jürgen Prestin, Julien Sénégas:
Iterative Off-Resonance and Signal Decay Estimation and Correction for Multi-Echo MRI. 394-404 - Dong-Goo Kang, Dae Chul Suh, Jong Beom Ra:
Three-Dimensional Blood Vessel Quantification via Centerline Deformation. 405-414 - Carl Matteau-Pelletier, Mathieu Dehaes, Frederic Lesage, Jean-Marc Lina:
1/f Noise in Diffuse Optical Imaging and Wavelet-Based Response Estimation. 415-422 - Hien M. Nguyen, Bradley P. Sutton, Robert L. Morrison Jr., Minh N. Do:
Joint Estimation and Correction of Geometric Distortions for EPI Functional MRI Using Harmonic Retrieval. 423-434 - Guillem Pratx, Garry Chinn, Peter D. Olcott, Craig S. Levin:
Fast, Accurate and Shift-Varying Line Projections for Iterative Reconstruction Using the GPU. 435-445 - Empar Rollano-Hijarrubia, Rashindra Manniesing, Wiro J. Niessen:
Selective Deblurring for Improved Calcification Visualization and Quantification in Carotid CT Angiography: Validation Using Micro-CT. 446-453 - Hayit Greenspan, Shiri Gordon, Gali Zimmerman, Shelly Lotenberg, Jose Jeronimo, Sameer K. Antani, L. Rodney Long:
Automatic Detection of Anatomical Landmarks in Uterine Cervix Images. 454-468 - Kush R. Varshney, Nikos Paragios, Jean-François Deux, Alain Kulski, Rémy Raymond, Phillipe Hernigou, Alain Rahmouni:
Postarthroplasty Examination Using X-Ray Images. 469-474
Volume 28, Number 4, April 2009
- Jianwen Luo, Kana Fujikura, Leslie S. Tyrie, M. David Tilson III, Elisa E. Konofagou:
Pulse Wave Imaging of Normal and Aneurysmal Abdominal Aortas In Vivo. 477-486 - Vasilis Megalooikonomou, Michael Barnathan, Despina Kontos, Predrag R. Bakic, Andrew D. A. Maidment:
A Representation and Classification Scheme for Tree-Like Structures in Medical Images: Analyzing the Branching Pattern of Ductal Trees in X-ray Galactograms. 487-493 - Sascha Seifert, Irina Wächter, Gottfried Schmelzle, Rüdiger Dillmann:
A Knowledge-Based Approach to Soft Tissue Reconstruction of the Cervical Spine. 494-507 - Gheorghe Postelnicu, Lilla Zöllei, Bruce Fischl:
Combined Volumetric and Surface Registration. 508-522 - Dan J. Kadrmas, Michael E. Casey, Noel F. Black, James J. Hamill, Vladimir Y. Panin, Maurizio Conti:
Experimental Comparison of Lesion Detectability for Four Fully-3D PET Reconstruction Schemes. 523-534 - Hamied A. Haroon, David M. Morris, Karl V. Embleton, Daniel C. Alexander, Geoffrey J. M. Parker:
Using the Model-Based Residual Bootstrap to Quantify Uncertainty in Fiber Orientations From Q -Ball Analysis. 535-550 - Shumin Wang, Joseph Murphy-Boesch, Hellmut Merkle, Alan P. Koretsky, Jeff H. Duyn:
B1 Homogenization in MRI by Multilayer Coupled Coils. 551-554 - Wonryull Koh, Bruce H. McCormick:
Topology-graph Directed Separating Boundary Surfaces Approximation of Nonmanifold Neuroanatomical Structures: Application to Mouse Brain Olfactory Bulb. 555-563 - Koray Ö. Özkan, Nevzat Güneri Gençer:
Low-Frequency Magnetic Subsurface Imaging: Reconstructing Conductivity Images of Biological Tissues via Magnetic Measurements. 564-570 - Jiamin Liu, Jayaram K. Udupa:
Oriented Active Shape Models. 571-584 - Jean Provost, Frederic Lesage:
The Application of Compressed Sensing for Photo-Acoustic Tomography. 585-594 - Avan Suinesiaputra, Alejandro F. Frangi, Theodorus Kaandorp, Hildo J. Lamb, Jeroen J. Bax, Johan H. C. Reiber, Boudewijn P. F. Lelieveldt:
Automated Detection of Regional Wall Motion Abnormalities Based on a Statistical Model Applied to Multislice Short-Axis Cardiac MR Images. 595-607 - Guobao Wang, Jinyi Qi:
Analysis of Penalized Likelihood Image Reconstruction for Dynamic PET Quantification. 608-620 - Eva M. van Rikxoort, Bartjan de Hoop, Saskia van de Vorst, Mathias Prokop, Bram van Ginneken:
Automatic Segmentation of Pulmonary Segments From Volumetric Chest CT Scans. 621-630 - Zhengrong Liang, Su Wang:
Erratum to "An EM Approach to MAP Solution of Segmenting Tissue Mixtures: A Numerical Analysis". 631
Volume 28, Number 5, May 2009
- Richard Z. Shilling, Trevor Q. Robbie, Timothée Bailloeul, Klaus Mewes, Russell M. Mersereau, Marijn E. Brummer:
A Super-Resolution Framework for 3-D High-Resolution and High-Contrast Imaging Using 2-D Multislice MRI. 633-644 - Hugo R. Shi, Jeffrey A. Fessler:
Quadratic Regularization Design for 2-D CT. 645-656 - Subok Park, Joel M. Witten, Kyle J. Myers:
Singular Vectors of a Linear Imaging System as Efficient Channels for the Bayesian Ideal Observer. 657-668 - Rongmin Xia, Xu Li, Bin He:
Reconstruction of Vectorial Acoustic Sources in Time-Domain Tomography. 669-675 - Kees Joost Batenburg, Jan Sijbers:
Optimal Threshold Selection for Tomogram Segmentation by Projection Distance Minimization. 676-686 - Yu Li, Feng Huang:
Regionally Optimized Reconstruction for Partially Parallel Imaging in MRI Applications. 687-695 - Aldo Badano, Iacovos S. Kyprianou, Melanie Freed, Robert J. Jennings, Josep Sempau:
Effect of Oblique X-ray Incidence in Flat-Panel Computed Tomography of the Breast. 696-702 - Wen-Chau Wu, Brian L. Edlow, Mark A. Elliott, Jiongjiong Wang, John A. Detre:
Physiological Modulations in Arterial Spin Labeling Perfusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 703-709 - Jiantao Pu, Joseph K. Leader, Bin Zheng, Friedrich Knollmann, Carl Fuhrman, Frank C. Sciurba, David Gur:
A Computational Geometry Approach to Automated Pulmonary Fissure Segmentation in CT Examinations. 710-719 - Erlend Hodneland, Nickolay V. Bukoreshtliev, Tilo Wolf Eichler, Xue-Cheng Tai, Steffen Gurke, Arvid Lundervold, Hans-Hermann Gerdes:
A Unified Framework for Automated 3-D Segmentation of Surface-Stained Living Cells and a Comprehensive Segmentation Evaluation. 720-738 - Samuel Matej, Suleman Surti, Shridhar Jayanthi, Margaret E. Daube-Witherspoon, Robert M. Lewitt, Joel S. Karp:
Efficient 3-D TOF PET Reconstruction Using View-Grouped Histo-Images: DIRECT - Direct Image Reconstruction for TOF. 739-751 - Sylvie Treuillet, Benjamin Albouy, Yves Lucas:
Three-Dimensional Assessment of Skin Wounds Using a Standard Digital Camera. 752-762 - Ali Yousefi, David E. Goertz, Kullervo Hynynen:
Transcranial Shear-Mode Ultrasound: Assessment of Imaging Performance and Excitation Techniques. 763-774 - Meindert Niemeijer, Michael D. Abràmoff, Bram van Ginneken:
Information Fusion for Diabetic Retinopathy CAD in Digital Color Fundus Photographs. 775-785
Volume 28, Number 6, June 2009
- Volker J. Schmid, Brandon J. Whitcher, Anwar R. Padhani, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Quantitative Analysis of Dynamic Contrast-Enhanced MR Images Based on Bayesian P-Splines. 789-798 - Mehdi Hedjazi Moghari, Purang Abolmaesumi:
Distribution of Target Registration Error for Anisotropic and Inhomogeneous Fiducial Localization Error. 799-813 - Benjamin J. Vakoc, Guillermo J. Tearney, Brett E. Bouma:
Statistical Properties of Phase-Decorrelation in Phase-Resolved Doppler Optical Coherence Tomography. 814-821 - Koen Van Leemput:
Encoding Probabilistic Brain Atlases Using Bayesian Inference. 822-837 - Olivier Commowick, Simon K. Warfield:
A Continuous STAPLE for Scalar, Vector, and Tensor Images: An Application to DTI Analysis. 838-846 - Martin Groher, Darko Zikic, Nassir Navab:
Deformable 2D-3D Registration of Vascular Structures in a One View Scenario. 847-860 - Minsong Cao, Yun Liang, Changyu Shen, Kathy D. Miller, Keith M. Stantz:
Developing DCE-CT to Quantify Intra-Tumor Heterogeneity in Breast Tumors With Differing Angiogenic Phenotype. 861-871 - Hendrik H. G. Hansen, Richard G. P. Lopata, Chris L. de Korte:
Noninvasive Carotid Strain Imaging Using Angular Compounding at Large Beam Steered Angles: Validation in Vessel Phantoms. 872-880 - Mathieu Hatt, Catherine Cheze Le Rest, Alexandre Turzo, Christian Roux, Dimitris Visvikis:
A Fuzzy Locally Adaptive Bayesian Segmentation Approach for Volume Determination in PET. 881-893 - Juin-Der Lee, Hong-Ren Su, Philip E. Cheng, Michelle Liou, John A. D. Aston, Arthur C. Tsai, Cheng-Yu Chen:
MR Image Segmentation Using a Power Transformation Approach. 894-905 - Xin Liu, Deanna L. Langer, Masoom A. Haider, Yongyi Yang, Miles N. Wernick, Imam Samil Yetik:
Prostate Cancer Segmentation With Simultaneous Estimation of Markov Random Field Parameters and Class. 906-915 - Hela Masmoudi, Stephen M. Hewitt, Nicholas Petrick, Kyle J. Myers, Marios A. Gavrielides:
Automated Quantitative Assessment of HER-2/neu Immunohistochemical Expression in Breast Cancer. 916-925 - Su-Lin Lee, Emile Tan, Vik Khullar, Wladyslaw Gedroyc, Ara Darzi, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Physical-Based Statistical Shape Modeling of the Levator Ani. 926-936 - Luping Zhou, Richard I. Hartley, Lei Wang, Paulette Lieby, Nick Barnes:
Identifying Anatomical Shape Difference by Regularized Discriminative Direction. 937-950 - Marco Feuerstein, Tobias Reichl, Jakob Vogel, Jörg Traub, Nassir Navab:
Magneto-Optical Tracking of Flexible Laparoscopic Ultrasound: Model-Based Online Detection and Correction of Magnetic Tracking Errors. 951-967
Volume 28, Number 7, July 2009
- David W. Winters, Jacob D. Shea, Panagiotis Kosmas, Barry D. Van Veen, Susan C. Hagness:
Three-Dimensional Microwave Breast Imaging: Dispersive Dielectric Properties Estimation Using Patient-Specific Basis Functions. 969-981 - Alexander Katsevich, Alexander A. Zamyatin, Michael D. Silver:
Optimized Reconstruction Algorithm for Helical CT With Fractional Pitch Between 1PI and 3PI. 982-990 - Jovan G. Brankov, Yongyi Yang, Liyang Wei, Issam El-Naqa, Miles N. Wernick:
Learning a Channelized Observer for Image Quality Assessment. 991-999 - Ivana Isgum, Marius Staring, Annemarieke Rutten, Mathias Prokop, Max A. Viergever, Bram van Ginneken:
Multi-Atlas-Based Segmentation With Local Decision Fusion - Application to Cardiac and Aortic Segmentation in CT Scans. 1000-1010 - Matthias Bertram, Jens Wiegert, Dirk Schäfer, Til Aach, Georg Rose:
Directional View Interpolation for Compensation of Sparse Angular Sampling in Cone-Beam CT. 1011-1022 - Andrew Zalesky, Alex Fornito:
A DTI-Derived Measure of Cortico-Cortical Connectivity. 1023-1036 - Po-Whei Huang, Cheng-Hsiung Lee:
Automatic Classification for Pathological Prostate Images Based on Fractal Analysis. 1037-1050 - Mustafa Karaman, Ira O. Wygant, Ömer Oralkan, Butrus T. Khuri-Yakub:
Minimally Redundant 2-D Array Designs for 3-D Medical Ultrasound Imaging. 1051-1061 - Victor Sanchez, Rafeef Abugharbieh, Panos Nasiopoulos:
Symmetry-Based Scalable Lossless Compression of 3D Medical Image Data. 1062-1072 - Gregory Boverman, Tzu-Jen Kao, David Isaacson, Gary J. Saulnier:
An Implementation of CalderÓn's Method for 3-D Limited-View EIT. 1073-1082 - Dinghui Wang, Tim P. DeMonte, Weijing Ma, Michael L. G. Joy, Adrian I. Nachman:
Multislice Radio-Frequency Current Density Imaging. 1083-1092 - Uygar Sümbül, Juan M. Santos, John M. Pauly:
Improved Time Series Reconstruction for Dynamic Magnetic Resonance Imaging. 1093-1104 - Chong Zhang, Maria-Cruz Villa-Uriol, Mathieu De Craene, Jose M. Pozo, Alejandro F. Frangi:
Morphodynamic Analysis of Cerebral Aneurysm Pulsation From Time-Resolved Rotational Angiography. 1105-1116 - Chander Sadasivan, Liliana Cesar, Jaehoon Seong, Ajay K. Wakhloo, Baruch B. Lieber:
Treatment of Rabbit Elastase-Induced Aneurysm Models by Flow Diverters: Development of Quantifiable Indexes of Device Performance Using Digital Subtraction Angiography. 1117-1125 - Simon Le Floc'h, Jacques Ohayon, Philippe Tracqui, Gérard Finet, Ahmed M. Gharib, Roch L. Maurice, Guy Cloutier, Roderic I. Pettigrew:
Vulnerable Atherosclerotic Plaque Elasticity Reconstruction Based on a Segmentation-Driven Optimization Procedure Using Strain Measurements: Theoretical Framework. 1126-1137
Volume 28, Number 8, August 2009
- Marina Piccinelli, Alessandro Veneziani, David A. Steinman, Andrea Remuzzi, Luca Antiga:
A Framework for Geometric Analysis of Vascular Structures: Application to Cerebral Aneurysms. 1141-1155 - Richard A. Lasher, Robert W. Hitchcock, Frank B. Sachse:
Towards Modeling of Cardiac Micro-Structure With Catheter-Based Confocal Microscopy: A Novel Approach for Dye Delivery and Tissue Characterization. 1156-1164 - Ammar Mechouche, Xavier Morandi, Christine Golbreich, Bernard Gibaud:
A Hybrid System Using Symbolic and Numeric Knowledge for the Semantic Annotation of Sulco-Gyral Anatomy in Brain MRI Images. 1165-1178 - Xishi Huang, John Moore, Gerard Guiraudon, Douglas L. Jones, Daniel Bainbridge, Jing Ren, Terry M. Peters:
Dynamic 2D Ultrasound and 3D CT Image Registration of the Beating Heart. 1179-1189 - Rachel R. Bitton, Roger J. Zemp, Jesse Yen, Lihong V. Wang, K. Kirk Shung:
A 3-D High-Frequency Array Based 16 Channel Photoacoustic Microscopy System for In Vivo Micro-Vascular Imaging. 1190-1197 - Adam Wunderlich, Frédéric Noo:
Estimation of Channelized Hotelling Observer Performance With Known Class Means or Known Difference of Class Means. 1198-1207 - Roshni R. Bhagalia, Jeffrey A. Fessler, Boklye Kim:
Accelerated Nonrigid Intensity-Based Image Registration Using Importance Sampling. 1208-1216 - Chris L. de Korte, Nancy J. van Hees, Richard G. P. Lopata, Gert Weijers, Christos Katsaros, Johan M. Thijssen:
Quantitative Assessment of Oral Orbicular Muscle Deformation After Cleft Lip Reconstruction: An Ultrasound Elastography Study. 1217-1222 - Henri Bouma, Jeroen J. Sonnemans, Anna Vilanova, Frans A. Gerritsen:
Automatic Detection of Pulmonary Embolism in CTA Images. 1223-1230