19th CIKM 2010: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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Keynote addresses

KM track: information extraction

IR track: ranking and retrieval model

DB track: indexes and query optimization

IR track: domain-specific and multimedia IR

KM track: link and graph mining

IR track: machine learning for IR (I)

DB track: mobile and distributed data management

KM track: classification and clustering

KM track: large-scale statistical techniques

IR track: machine learning for IR (II)

DB track: top-K and shortest path processing

IR track: IR evaluation

KM track: information filtering and recommender systems (I)

IR track: social networks and text mining

Industry track: IR applications

DB track: information retrieval in databases

KM track: temporal, spatial and stream data mining

IR track: filtering and recommendation

Industry track: databases and OLAP

KM track: data pre- and post-processing

KM track: information filtering and recommender systems (II)

IR track: user modeling and search personalization

Industry track: web and social networks

IR track: query analysis and feedback

KM track: semantic techniques

IR track: web search