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IADIS-ICWI 2003: Algarve, Portugal
- Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference WWW/Internet 2003, ICWI 2003, Algarve, Portugal, November 5-8, 2003. IADIS 2003, ISBN 972-98947-1-X
Full Papers
- Joze Kuzic, Angela Scollary, Julie Fisher:
E-Business in the Communications Industry. ICWI 2003: 3-10 - David Lanc, Lachlan M. MacKinnon:
Application of a Holistic Information Systems Strategy for Organisational Management (Hissom), to an E-Commerce Card Payment Processor. ICWI 2003: 11-20 - Christian Kittl, Otto Petrovic:
Trust in Digital Transactions and its Role as a Source of Competitive Advantage in the Network Economy. ICWI 2003: 21-29 - Colin Combe:
Analysing Value-Adding Strategies for Gaining and Sustaining Competitive Advantage in Electronic Commerce. ICWI 2003: 30-36 - Paulo Rita, Luis Filipe Lages, Carmen Lages:
The Relationship between E-Marketing Strategy and E-Performance: A Conceptual Framework. ICWI 2003: 37-44 - Jacques Nel, Gert J. P. Human:
The Use of Interactive Functions to Improve Contact Efficiency: A Marketing Perspective. ICWI 2003: 45-52 - Catherine Chu, Steve Smithson:
Organizational Structure and E-Business: A Case Study and Structurational Analysis. ICWI 2003: 53-60 - Nicola Gessa, Fabio Vitali, Guido Cucchiara, Piero De Sabbata, Massimiliano Fraulini, Massimo Marzocchi, Thomas Imolesi, Luca Mainetti:
Moda-Ml, an Interoperability Framework for the Textile-Clothing Sector. ICWI 2003: 61-68 - Shailey Minocha, Lisa Dawson, Ann Blandford, Dave Roberts:
The Customer's Perspective Sociological Accounts of E-Commerce Encounters. ICWI 2003: 69-76 - Élisabeth Lefebvre, Louis A. Lefebvre:
E-Commerce Adoption Trajectories Among Manufacturing SMES. ICWI 2003: 77-84 - Ezendu Ifeanyi Ariwa, Mohamed B. Senousy, Mohamed M. Medhat:
Informatization and E-Business Model Application for Distributed Data Mining Using Mobile Agents. ICWI 2003: 85-92 - Stephen Burgess, Paul Darbyshire, Carmine Sellino, Arthur Tatnall, Andrew Wenn:
A Classification System for Tracking the Adoption of it by GPS in Rural Australia. ICWI 2003: 93-99 - Robin Wilson:
Information Management and Interoperability Strategies: The Case for Digital Identifiers. ICWI 2003: 100-109 - Jorge Ricardo da Costa Ferreira:
Internet Geography: New Spaces of Information. ICWI 2003: 110-115 - K. K. Wong, C. K. Heng, P. C. Leong, Ma-Tit Yap:
A Mobile Agent Based Registration System. ICWI 2003: 116-122 - Miguel Delgado, Waldo Fajardo, Eva Lucrecia Gibaja Galindo, Ramón Pérez-Pérez:
A Multi-Agent System with a Cooperative Strategy to Study Biodiversity and Orientation in Re-Collect Countryside. ICWI 2003: 123-128 - Ruth M. Rettie:
Connectedness: A New Dimension of CMC? ICWI 2003: 129-136 - K. Satya Sai Prakash, S. V. Raghavan:
Analysis of the Web, Processor Soeed and Bandwidth Growth: Impact on Search Engine Design. ICWI 2003: 137-144 - Jerome Robinson:
Data Extraction from Web Database Query Result Pages via Tagsets and Integer Sequences. ICWI 2003: 145-152 - Carlos Duarte, Teresa Chambel, Luís Carriço, Nuno Guimarães, Hugo Simões:
A Multimodal Interface for Digital Talking Books. ICWI 2003: 153-160 - Nicola Aloia, Cesare Concordia, Maria Teresa Paratore:
Automatic Gui Generation in Web Based Information Systems. ICWI 2003: 161-168 - Myra P. van Esch-Bussemakers, Anita H. M. Cremers, Mark A. Neerincx, Astrif J. van der Flier:
Deriving the Optimal Modality Combination for Searching in Multidimensional Databases. ICWI 2003: 169-177 - Jeroen van den Heuvel, Kees van Slooten, Roy Tai:
Selecting an Approach to Designing Group Support Systems. ICWI 2003: 178-186 - Tero Hakkarainen, Ali Lattunen, Vespe Savikk:
Flexible Framework for Local Wireless Services. ICWI 2003: 187-194 - David N. Olivieri, Juan Fco. Gálvez Gálvez, F. Javier Calderon Otero:
Com Technology for Remote Database Connectivity with Wireless PDAS. ICWI 2003: 195-202 - Mark van Setten, Mettina Veenstra, Anton Nijholt, Betsy van Dijk:
Prediction Strategies in a TV Recommender System - Method and Experiments. ICWI 2003: 203-210 - Kerstin Heuwinkel:
Subjective Aspects of Personalization: The Impact of Trust and Information. ICWI 2003: 211-218 - Jehad Najjar, Erik Duval, Stefaan Ternier, Filip Neven:
Towards Interoperable Learning Object Repositories: The Ariadne Experience. ICWI 2003: 219-226 - Stephen Newton:
Managing with M-Commerce: A Case Study of NDC Limited. ICWI 2003: 227-234 - Jorge Aguiar Miguens, João Falcão e Cunha, António Amador:
E-Procurement Decision Support System for a Civil Construction Company. ICWI 2003: 235-241 - Alan Hogarth:
Change Management and Collaborative Technologies: An Industry Survey. ICWI 2003: 242-249 - Mae McSporran, Caroline King:
Preparing Students for Effective Workplace Collaboration. ICWI 2003: 250-256 - Faheem Bukhatwa, Ahmed Patel:
Effects of Ordered Access Lists in Firewalls. ICWI 2003: 257-264 - Ilhoon Shin, Kern Koh:
An Efficient Object Placement Scheme for Shared Web Cachei. ICWI 2003: 265-269 - Heng Poh Choo, Chennupati K. Ramaiah, Schubert Foo:
Electronic Publishing Trends in Singapore. ICWI 2003: 270-277 - Anne Aubert, Marta Iglesias-Sucasas, Giorgio Lanzarone, Fernando Serván-López:
Digital Libraries ath the United Nations: Building Capacities in Developing Countries. ICWI 2003: 278-283 - Daniel F. García, Javier García, Carlos López, I. Canga, Diego González:
Performance Evaluation of E-Commerce Servers Using the TPC-W Benchmark. ICWI 2003: 284-292 - Jiang Liu, S. Manoharan:
ESI-Based WEB Caching for Efficient Dynamic Content Delivery. ICWI 2003: 293-298 - S. Selvakennedy:
Performance Analysis of DCF Access Schemes over IEEE 802.11A Physical Layer. ICWI 2003: 299-306 - Michael Lang:
Reconsidering the "Software Crisis": A Study of Hypermedia Systems Development. ICWI 2003: 307-313 - Thomas Kejser, Kaj Grønbæk:
The Gala Framework: Version Support in Web Based Open Hypermedia. ICWI 2003: 314-325 - Mattias Steinke, Thomas Huk, Christian Floto:
Knowledge Acquisition Strategies and Navigation in Hypermedia Learning Environments: THe Influence of Instructional Design Properties. ICWI 2003: 326-332 - Chong Yan Han, Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yu-N Cheah:
Adaptive Hypermedia Systems Featuring Information Customization Using Constraint Satisfaction Methods. ICWI 2003: 333-340 - Evangelos Kranakis, Danny Krizanc, Miguel Vargas Martin:
Optimizing Web Server's Data Transfer with Hotlinks. ICWI 2003: 341-346 - Thomas Phelan, Ahmed Patel, Séamus Ó Ciardhuáin:
Simulation Based Approach to Evaluate a Distributed Search Engine. ICWI 2003: 347-354 - Erol Gelenbe, Arturo Núñez:
Adaptive Web Service for QOS Improvement. ICWI 2003: 355-360 - Thomas Strang, Claudia Linnhoff-Popien, Korbinian Frank:
Integration Issues of an Ontology Based Context Modelling Approach. ICWI 2003: 361-368 - Michel Sala, Pierre Pompidor, Danièle Hérin:
Aid to the Semantic Maintenance of the Web Site. ICWI 2003: 369-377 - Freddy Duitama, Bruno Defude, Amel Bouzeghoub, Claire Carpentier:
Educational Component Model for Adaptive Web-Based Courses. ICWI 2003: 378-385 - Zhaohui Cheng, Kenneth Chin, Yuan Luo:
Computing Migration Through Context Awareness and Context Transmission. ICWI 2003: 386-394 - M. Howard Williams, Dimitris Halvatzaras, Lars Mehrmann:
Personalized Context-Aware Presentation of Information to Mobile Users. ICWI 2003: 395-402 - Anne Aula:
Query Formulation in Web Information Search. ICWI 2003: 403-410 - Mário J. Silva:
The Case for a Portuguese Web Search Engine. ICWI 2003: 411-418 - Waseem Ahmad, Khawar Sajjad:
Unified Navigation Architecture for Hypertext Applications: A Replacement for Tradicional Web Browsers' Navigation. ICWI 2003: 419-426 - Tanya Linden, Jacob L. Cybulski:
Capturing Best Practices in Web Development. ICWI 2003: 427-434 - Michal Szymaniak, Guillaume Pierre, Maarten van Steen:
Netairt: A Flexible Redirection System for Apache. ICWI 2003: 435-442 - Olga De Troyer, Peter Plessers, Sven Casteleyn:
Solving Semantic Conflicts in Audience Driven Web Design. ICWI 2003: 443-450 - Davide Brugali, Giuseppe Psaila, Franco Guidi-Polanco:
A Light Web-Oriented Business Framework. ICWI 2003: 451-457 - Riccardo Lancellotti, Francesca Mazzoni, Michele Colajanni:
Scalability of Cooperative Algorithms for Distributed Architectures of Proxy Servers. ICWI 2003: 458-466 - Maria Buckley, Carl Vogel:
Improving Internet Research Methods: A Web Laboratory. ICWI 2003: 467-476 - Adam Jatowt, Khoo Khyou Bun, Mitsuru Ishizuka:
Query-Based Discovering of Popular Changes in WWW. ICWI 2003: 477-484 - Mika Yrjölä, Pekka Jäppinen, Jari Porras:
Personal Information Transfer From a Mobile Device to Web Page. ICWI 2003: 485-492 - Shun-Chieh Lin, Wen-Hsiang Tsai, Shian-Shyong Tseng, Wen-Guey Tzeng, Shyan-Ming Yuan:
A Framework of High Confidence E-Healthcare Information System. ICWI 2003: 493-500 - Christos Tatsiopoulos, George Vardangalos, Dimitrios Alexandrou, Panagiotis Gouvas:
A Distributed and Multilingual Search System for Exploring Large Image Databases. ICWI 2003: 501-507 - Christian S. Collberg, Stephen G. Kobourov, Joshua Louie, Thomas Slattery:
SPLAT: A System for Self-Plagiarism Detection. ICWI 2003: 508-514 - Raúl Izquierdo Castanedo, Francisco J. García Izquierdo, Mirian Andrés, Aquilino A. Juan Fuente, P. Manrubia:
JST: Towards a Usable Web Site Development Method. ICWI 2003: 515 - Sung Sik Park, Yang Sok Kim, Byeong Ho Kang:
Web Information Management System: Personalization and Generalization. ICWI 2003: 532 - Tatjana M. Burkow, Kristian Fossen, Line Lundvoll Nilsen, Thomas Strandenæs, Sindre A. Fiskaa, Per Atle Bakkevoll:
A Web-Based Collaboration System for Geographically Distributed Medical Professionals. ICWI 2003: 531-537 - Jun Du, Ken Barker, Reda Alhajj:
Attraction - A Global Affinity Measure for Database Vertical Partitioning. ICWI 2003: 538-548 - Perfecto Mariño, César A. Sigüenza, Francisco Poza, Fernando Vázquez, Fernando Machado:
Application of Metadata and Replication Mechanisms in Industrial Databases. ICWI 2003: 549-556 - Kai Jakobs:
A Closer Look at the Internet's Standards Setting Process. ICWI 2003: 557-564 - Xinhua Zhang, Alexandre Dulaunoy, Christoph Meinel:
Enhance Opensst Protocol's Security with Smart Card. ICWI 2003: 565-571 - Jafar M. H. Ali, Aboul Ella Hassanien:
A Human Iris Recognition Techniques to Enhance E-Security Environment Using Wavelet Trasform. ICWI 2003: 572-579 - Xiuguo Bao, Ming-Zheng Hu, Xiao-chun Yun, Ri Ding:
Anti-Sniffing in Unbounded Networks. ICWI 2003: 580-586 - Paul Maclear, Paul Darbyshire:
Paradigm Shifts and Business Processes: A Case Study. ICWI 2003: 587-594 - David Greiff, Armin B. Cremers:
The Indilib Approach: How to Integrate Heterogeneous SGML/XML Data by Means of the Semantic Web. ICWI 2003: 595-602 - Nuno Silva, João Rocha:
Ontology Mapping for Interoperability in Semantic Web. ICWI 2003: 603-610 - Mohamed Hammami, Youssef Chahir, Liming Chen:
Combining Text and Image Analysis in the Web Filtering System "Webguard". ICWI 2003: 611-618 - Isabel Ramos, Maribel Yasmina Santos:
Knowledge Discovery Process Supporting Organizational Learning. ICWI 2003: 619-626 - Ray R. Hashemi, Charles Ford, Ashish Bansal, Stephen D. Sieloff, John R. Talburt:
Building Semantic-Rich Patterns for Extracting Features from Events of an On-Line Newspaper. ICWI 2003: 627-634 - Y. Hafri:
Using Combined Markov Chains to Predict WWW Navigation Paths. ICWI 2003: 635-642 - Davide Brugali, Giuseppe Psaila, Franco Guidi-Polanco:
XML for E-Government: A New Approach to E-Law Categorization and Retrieval. ICWI 2003: 643-650 - Renate Motschnig-Pitrik, Michael Derntl:
Can the Web Improve the Effectiveness Opperson-Centered Learning? Case Study on Teaching and Living Web-Engineering. ICWI 2003: 651-658 - Judit Bajnai, Claudia Steinberger:
Eduweaver the Web-Based Courseware Design Tool. ICWI 2003: 659-666 - Gina M. Santos, Manuel Cabral Reis, Célia L. Teixeira:
Bringing Elementary Schools of Trás-Os-Montes e Alto Douro Region on the Net. ICWI 2003: 667-674 - Teresa Roselli, Paola Plantamura, Mary Victoria Pragnell:
An Authoring Environment for E-Learning. ICWI 2003: 675-680 - Linda A. Jackson, Frank A. Biocca, Lynette Lim:
Effects of Culturally Adapted Interfaces on Learning and Attitudes: Findings from the Homenettoo Project. ICWI 2003: 681-688 - Thomas Huk, Mattias Steinke, Christian Floto:
Learning with Educational Hypermedia Software: The Impact of Signals in Animations. ICWI 2003: 689-695 - Kerstin V. Siakas, Elli Georgiadou:
Learning in a Changing Society and the Importance of Cultural Awareness. ICWI 2003: 696-702 - Yoshiro Imai, Shinji Tomita:
A Web-Based Education Tool for Collaborative Learning of Assembly Programming. ICWI 2003: 703-710 - Víctor Tomico, Daniel Bolaños, Javier Tejedor, Nicolás Morales, Isabel Orjales, José Colás, Javier Garrido Salas:
Interactive Web Platform for Encouraging Reader Comprehension. ICWI 2003: 711-718 - Wolfgang Theilmann, Michael Altenhofen:
Versioning of E-Learning Objects Enabling Flexible Reuse. ICWI 2003: 719-727 - Miguel Baptista Nunes, Robert C. Pasley, Maggie McPherson, Helen Thomas, Tanko Ishaya:
Learning Objects: Are They Serving Practitioners Working with VLES? ICWI 2003: 728-738
Short Papers
- Jonathan Paul, Mari Davis:
Welfare on the Web: Examining the Onlinepresence of Social Service Organisations. ICWI 2003: 739-744 - Eun-A Park:
A Strategic Analysis of M-Commerce in the United States. ICWI 2003: 745-749 - Vijay K. Vemuri, Shahid Siddiqi:
The Dynamics of Trade Patterns in the Internet Era. ICWI 2003: 750-753 - Daniel Chandran:
Non-English Speaking Background Parents' Perceptions of the Internet a Case Study in a Primary School. ICWI 2003: 754-758 - Anne Aula, Mika Käki:
Understanding Expert Search Strategies for Designing User-Friendly Search Interfaces. ICWI 2003: 759-762 - Zdenek Míkovec, Pavel Slavík, Martin Klíma:
Human-Computer Communication in Special Environments. ICWI 2003: 763-766 - Vladislav Nemec, Pavel Zikovsky, Pavel Slavík:
Multimodal Interaction and Access to Complex Data. ICWI 2003: 767-770 - Jalal Kawash:
XML User Interfaces for Collaborative Mobile Virtual Communities. ICWI 2003: 771-774 - Jürgen Karla:
Electronic Newspaper. ICWI 2003: 775-780 - Mario Muñoz Organero:
Service Capabilities Model for Next Generation Ad Hoc Networks. ICWI 2003: 781-784 - Yuping Yang, M. Howard Williams:
Personalized Redirection and Content Adaptation. ICWI 2003: 785-788 - Fernando Bellas, Daniel Fernández, Iago Toral, Abel Muiño:
Towards a Generic and Adaptable J2EE-Based Framework for Engineering Personalizable "My" Portals. ICWI 2003: 789-792 - Jianyun Zhou, Tor Stålhane:
Shorter Time-To-Market Through a Pattern-Driven Architectural Framework. ICWI 2003: 793-796 - Walter Balzano:
Multiresolution Modeling for Fast Image Rendering on the Web. ICWI 2003: 797-802 - Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Carlo Mastroianni:
A Pruning Algorithm for Improving Web Resources Searching and Classification in Knowledge Management-Based Web Systems. ICWI 2003: 803-808 - Anália Lourenço, Orlando Belo:
Assessing Web Usage Profiles. ICWI 2003: 809-812 - Irene Garrigós, Jaime Gómez, Cristina Cachero:
Modelling Adaptive Web Applications. ICWI 2003: 813-816 - Byurhan Hyusein, Ahmed Patel:
Significance of HTML Tags for Document Indexing and Retrieval. ICWI 2003: 817-820 - Laura M. Bartolo, Cathy S. Lowe:
Shared Metadata and Markup Tools for Characterizing Materials Science Digital Resources. ICWI 2003: 821-824 - Luca Contursi, Roberto Paiano, Andrea Pandurino:
Model Driven Fast Prototyping: A Semantic Approach. ICWI 2003: 825-828 - Chris Mattmann, Dana Freeborn, Daniel J. Crichton:
Towards a Distributed Information Architecture for Avionics Data. ICWI 2003: 829-832 - Filipa Borrego, Juan-Antonio Martinez Rosique, Manfred Lugert:
Using Opnet Modeler to Analyse Galileo Communication Networks. ICWI 2003: 833-838 - Frans Dondorp, Kees van der Meer:
A Standardizing Harvester Design for Durable Web Content. ICWI 2003: 839-842 - Jacopo Armani, Luca Botturi:
Adaptive Hypermedia System Design: A Method From Practice. ICWI 2003: 843-848 - Brian Kelly, Andrew Williamson, Alan Dawson:
Deployment of Quality Assurance Procedures for Digital Library Programms. ICWI 2003: 849-852 - Santiago Chumbe, Roddy MacLeod:
Developing Seamless Discovery of Scholarly and Trade Journal Resources via OAI and RSS. ICWI 2003: 853-856 - Laila Benhlima, Dalila Chiadmi:
Information Retrieval in Digital Libraries Using XML Mediation. ICWI 2003: 857-860 - Sakthiaseelan Karthigasoo, Selvakumar Manickam, Yu-N Cheah:
An Approach to Analyze Visual Field and Diagnose Glaucoma Progression Using Artificial Neural Network Techniques. ICWI 2003: 861-864 - Hui-Jung Chang:
Upward Communication Strategies in a CMC Environment: A Case Study of Six University Presidential BBS in Taiwan. ICWI 2003: 865-868 - Jeannette Shiaw-Yuan Chin, Victor Callaghan:
Embedded-Internet Devices: A Means of Realising th Pervasive Computing Vision. ICWI 2003: 869-872 - Antonia M. Reina Quintero, Jesús Torres Valderrama, Miguel Toro, Juan Antonio Álvarez:
Concerns vs Components for Web Development. ICWI 2003: 873-876 - Nobuyoshi Sato, Minoru Uehara, Yoshifumi Sakai:
A Scalable Distributed Search Engine for Fresh Information Retrieval. ICWI 2003: 877-880 - Galileu Batista de Souza, Ulisses Telemaco Neto, Gleydson de Azevedo Ferreira Lima:
Improving Session Control in JSP Applications. ICWI 2003: 881-884 - Sameer Bajaj, Lee S. Sproull:
First Impressions in Online Matchmaking. ICWI 2003: 885-888 - José Carlos Pinho:
A Typology of Website Objectives in Non-Profit Organisations an Exploratory Study. ICWI 2003: 889-893 - Milena Radenkovic:
User Proxy Service in Mygrid. ICWI 2003: 894-898 - Martin Klíma, Zdenek Míkovec, Pavel Slavík:
Mobile Data Sharing and Collaboration. ICWI 2003: 899-902 - Vic Grout:
Towards an Optimal Routing Strategy. ICWI 2003: 903-906 - Nikita Schmidt, Ahmed Patel, Mikhail Sogrine:
Ad Hoc Interface Evolution in Soap. ICWI 2003: 907-910 - Sungmin Park, Howard J. Harris, Patricia Crosbie:
Requirements for Groupware Calendar Systems (GCS): Addressing Social Relationships. ICWI 2003: 911-914 - Joumana Dargham, Zeina Alti, Deema Zurayk:
Representing Views in XML. ICWI 2003: 915-918 - Kurt Nørmark:
The Duality of XML Markup and Programming Notation. ICWI 2003: 919-924 - Mirian Andrés,