KES 2004: Wellington, New Zealand

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Keynote Lecturers

DNA-Based Semantic Information Processing

Emergent Computational Intelligence Approaches - Artificial Immune Systems and DNA Computing

Innovations in Intelligent Agents and Their Applications

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

Robotics: Intelligent Control and Sensing

Intelligent Tutoring Systems

Intelligence and Technology in Educational Applications

Creativity Support Systems

Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence - Knowledge Management and Communication Model

Intelligent Media Technology for Communicative Intelligence - Interaction and Visual Content

Soft Computing Techniques in the Capital Markets

Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business

Intelligent Hybrid Systems for Medical Diagnosis

Techniques of Computational Intelligence for Web Applications

Intelligent Information Processing for Remote Sensing

Intelligent and Knowledge-Based Solutions for Mobile and Ad-Hoc Networks

Rough Sets - Theory and Applications

Soft Computing Techniques and Their Applications