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3rd LREC 2002: Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain
- Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC 2002, May 29-31, 2002, Las Palmas, Canary Islands, Spain. European Language Resources Association 2002
- Susana Afonso, Eckhard Bick, Renato Haber, Diana Santos:
Floresta Sintá(c)tica: A treebank for Portuguese. - Hiroyuki Shinnou:
Learning of word sense disambiguation rules by Co-training, checking co-occurrence of features. - Lorna Balkan, Ken Miller, Birgit Austin, Anne Etheridge, Myriam Garcia Bernabé, Pam Miller:
ELSST: a broad-based Multilingual Thesaurus for the Social Sciences. - Vincent Vandeghinste:
Lexicon Optimization: Maximizing Lexical Coverage in Speech Recognition through Automated Compounding. - Eduard H. Hovy, Margaret King, Andrei Popescu-Belis:
Computer-Aided Specification of Quality Models for Machine Translation Evaluation. - Serge Sharoff:
Meaning as use: exploitation of aligned corpora for the contrastive study of lexical semantics. - Min-Yen Kan, Judith L. Klavans, Kathleen R. McKeown:
Using the Annotated Bibliography as a Resource for Indicative Summarization. - Choy-Kim Chuah, Zaharin Yusoff:
Computational Linguistics at Universiti Sains Malaysia. - Judit Feliu, Jorge Vivaldi, M. Teresa Cabré:
Towards an Ontology for a Human Genome Knowledge Base. - Tom Laureys, Kris Demuynck, Jacques Duchateau, Patrick Wambacq:
An Improved Algorithm for the Automatic Segmentation of Speech Corpora. - Katja Markert, Malvina Nissim:
Towards a Corpus Annotated for Metonymies: the Case of Location Names. - Philippe Langlais, Marie Loranger, Guy Lapalme:
Translators at work with TRANSTYPE: Resource and Evaluation. - Qiang Zhou, Elliott Franco Drábek, Fuji Ren:
Annotating the functional chunks in Chinese sentences. - Hisao Kuwabara, Shuichi Itahashi, Mikio Yamamoto, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Satoshi Nakamura, Kazuya Takeda:
The Present Status of Speech Database in Japan: Development, Management, and Application to Speech Research. - Diana Santos, Caroline Gasperin:
Evaluation of parsed corpora: Experiments in user-transparent and user-visible evaluation. - Laura Docío Fernández, Carmen García-Mateo:
Acoustic Modeling and Training of a Bilingual ASR System when a Minority Language is Involved. - Steven Bird, Hans Uszkoreit, Gary Simons:
The Open Language Archives Community. - Jakub Piskorski, Witold Drozdzynski, Oliver Scherf, Feiyu Xu:
A Flexible XML-based Regular Compiler for Creation and Conversion of Linguistic Resources. - Robert Modic, Bojan Petek:
A Contrastive Acoustic-Phonetic Analysis of Slovenian and English Diphthongs. - Christoph Draxler, Florian Schiel:
Three New Corpora at the Bavarian Archive for Speech Signals - and a First Step Towards Distributed Web-Based Recording. - René Schneider:
n-grams of Seeds: A Hybrid System for Corpus-Based Text Summarization. - Barry Schiffman:
Building a Resource for Evaluating the Importance of Sentences. - Sabine Schulte im Walde:
A Subcategorisation Lexicon for German Verbs induced from a Lexicalised PCFG. - Ingunn Amdal, Torbjørn Svendsen:
Evaluation of Pronunciation Variants in the ASR Lexicon for Different Speaking Styles. - Andrea Bozzi:
LAperLA: an integrated graphical-linguistic System for old printed Latin Texts. - Pascale Bernard, Josette Lecomte, Jacques Dendien, Jean-Marie Pierrel:
Computerized linguistic resources of the research laboratory ATILF for lexical and textual analysis: Frantext, TLFi, and the software Stella. - Masaki Murata, Hitoshi Isahara:
Automatic extraction of differences between spoken and written languages, and automatic translation from the written to the spoken language. - Fabio Tamburini:
Automatic detection of prosodic prominence in continuous speech. - Fabio Tamburini:
A dynamic model for reference corpora structure definition. - Daniela Alderuccio, Luciana Bordoni:
An ontology-based approach in the literary research: two case-studies. - F. Javier Caminero-Gil, Joaquin Gonzalez-Rodriguez, Javier Ortega-Garcia, Daniel Tapias, Pedro M. Ruz, Mercedes Solá:
A Multilingual Speaker Verification System: Architecture and Performance Evaluation. - Dan Tufis, Ana-Maria Barbu:
Lexical token alignment: experiments, results and applications. - Achim F. Müller, Janez Stergar, Bogomir Horvat:
Designing Prosodic Databases for Automatic Modeling of Slovenian Language in a Multilingual TTS System. - Nadjet Bouayad-Agha, Richard Power, Donia Scott, Anja Belz:
PILLS: Multilingual generation of medical information documents with overlapping content. - Felix Sasaki, Claudia Wegener, Andreas Witt, Dieter Metzing, Jens Pönninghaus:
Co-reference annotation and resources: A multilingual corpus of typologically diverse languages. - Udo Hahn, Stefan Schulz:
Towards Very Large Ontologies for Medical Language Processing. - Enrique Alfonseca, Suresh Manandhar:
Improving an Ontology Refinement Method with Hyponymy Patterns. - Enrique Alfonseca, Suresh Manandhar:
Proposal for Evaluating Ontology Refinement Methods. - Matthieu Constant:
Methods for Constructing Lexicon-Grammar Resources: The Example of Measure Expressions. - Kristina Nilsson, Lars Borin:
Living off the land: The Web as a source of practice texts for learners of less prevalent languages. - Sebastian Möller, Ergina Kavallieratou:
Diagnostic Assessment of Telephone Transmission Impact on ASR Performance and Human-to-Human Speech Quality. - Carlos D. Martínez-Hinarejos, Emilio Sanchis, Fernando García-Granada, Pablo Aibar:
A Labelling Proposal to Annotate Dialogues. - Simone Teufel, Noemie Elhadad:
Collection and linguistic processing of a large-scale corpus of medical articles. - Takenobu Tokunaga, Manabu Okumura, Suguru Saito, Hozumi Tanaka:
Constructing a lexicon of action. - Birte Lönneker:
Building Concept Frames based on Text Corpora. - Inma Hernáez, Eva Navas, Jon Sánchez, I. Madariaga, Iñaki Gaminde, X. Zalbide:
BIZKAIFON: A sound archive of dialectal varieties of spoken Basque. - Marta Villegas, Núria Bel:
From DTD to relational dB. An automatic generation of a lexicographical station out off ISLE guidelines. - Florian Schiel, Silke Steininger, Ulrich Türk:
The SmartKom Multimodal Corpus at BAS. - Nicole Beringer, Katerina Louka, Victoria Penide-Lopez, Uli Türk:
End-to-End Evaluation of Multimodal Dialogue Systems - can we Transfer Established Methods? - Antonio Molina, Ferran Pla, Encarna Segarra, Lidia Moreno:
Word Sense Disambiguation using Statistical Models and WordNet. - Hans Christian Boas:
Bilingual FrameNet Dictionaries for Machine Translation. - Yllias Chali:
Experiments in Topic Detection. - Gosse Bouma, Geert Kloosterman:
Querying Dependency Treebanks in XML. - Marianne Starlander, Andrei Popescu-Belis:
Corpus-based Evaluation of a French Spelling and Grammar Checker. - Adam Meyers, Ralph Grishman, Michiko Kosaka:
Formal Mechanisms for Capturing Regularizations. - Erhard W. Hinrichs, Sandra Kübler, Frank Henrik Müller, Tylman Ule:
A Hybrid Architecture for Robust Parsing of German. - Rainer Siemund, Barbara Heuft, Khalid Choukri, Ossama Emam, Emmanuel Maragoudakis, Herbert S. Tropf, Oren Gedge, Sherrie Shammass, Asunción Moreno, Albino Nogueiras Rodríguez, Imed Zitouni, Dorota J. Iskra:
OrienTel - Multilingual access to interactive communication services for the Mediterranean and the Middle East. - Kazutaka Takao, Kenji Imamura, Hideki Kashioka:
Comparing and Extracting Paraphrasing Words with 2-Way Bilingual Dictionaries. - Reinhard Rapp:
A Part-of-Speech-Based Search Algorithm for Translation Memories. - Sabine Brants, Silvia Hansen:
Developments in the TIGER Annotation Scheme and their Realization in the Corpus. - António Branco, José Leitão, João Ricardo Silva, Luís Gomes:
Nexing Corpus: a corpus of verbal protocols on syllogistic reasoning. - Eva Hajicová, Ivona Kucerova:
Argument/Valency Structure in PropBank, LCS Database and Prague Dependency Treebank: A Comparative Pilot Study. - Karl Weilhammer, Uwe D. Reichel, Florian Schiel:
Multi-Tier Annotations in the Verbmobil Corpus. - Stefan Schaden:
A Database for the Analysis of Cross-Lingual Pronunciation Variants of European City Names. - Hatem Ghorbel, Giovanni Coray, André Linden:
SAM: System for Multi-criteria Text Alignment. - Pius ten Hacken:
Word Formation and the Validation of Lexical Resources. - Amedeo Cappelli, Maria Novella Catarsi, Patrizia Michelassi, Lorenzo Moretti, Miriam Baglioni, Franco Turini, M. Tavoni:
Knowledge Mining and Discovery for Searching in Literary Texts. - Alberto Lavelli, Fabio Pianesi, E. Maci, Irina Prodanof, Luca Dini, Giampaolo Mazzini:
SiSSA: An Infrastructure for Developing NLP Applications. - Kiril Ivanov Simov, Petya Osenova, Milena Slavcheva, Sia Kolkovska, Elisaveta Balabanova, Dimitar Doikoff, Krassimira Ivanova, Alexander Simov, Milen Kouylekov:
Building a Linguistically Interpreted Corpus of Bulgarian: the BulTreeBank. - Ton van der Wouden, Heleen Hoekstra, Michael Moortgat, Bram Renmans, Ineke Schuurman:
Syntactic Analysis in the Spoken Dutch Corpus (CGN). - Andrei Popescu-Belis, Susan Armstrong, Gilbert Robert:
Electronic Dictionaries - from Publisher Data to a Distribution Server: the DicoPro, DicoEast and RERO Projects. - Claudia Kunze, Lothar Lemnitzer:
GermaNet - representation, visualization, application. - Petra Geutner, Frank Steffens, Dietrich Manstetten:
Design of the VICO Spoken Dialogue System: Evaluation of User Expectations by Wizard-of-Oz Experiments. - Nadia Mana, Ornella Corazzari:
The Lexico-semantic Annotation of an Italian Treebank. - Bernardo Magnini, Matteo Negri, Roberto Prevete, Hristo Tanev:
Towards Automatic Evaluation of Question/Answering Systems. - Martin Rajman, Anthony Hartley:
Automatic Ranking of MT Systems. - Luisa Bentivogli, Emanuele Pianta:
Opportunistic Semantic Tagging. - Petr Pollák, Václav Hanzl:
Tool for Czech Pronunciation Generation Combining Fixed Rules with Pronunciation Lexicon and Lexicon Management Tool. - Tony Rose, Mark Stevenson, Miles Whitehead:
The Reuters Corpus Volume 1 -from Yesterday's News to Tomorrow's Language Resources. - Tilly Dutilh, Truus Kruyt:
Implementation and Evaluation of PAROLE PoS in a National Context. - Zdenek Zabokrtský, Petr Sgall, Saso Dzeroski:
A Machine Learning Approach to Automatic Functor Assignment in the Prague Dependency Treebank. - Carole Tiberius:
How to build a multilingual inheritance-based lexicon. - Carole Tiberius, Dunstan Brown, Greville Corbett:
A typological database of agreement. - Jimmy Lin:
The Web as a Resource for Question Answering: Perspectives and Challenges. - Mitsuo Shimohata, Eiichiro Sumita:
Automatic paraphrasing based on parallel corpus for normalization. - Gianni Lazzari:
Speech to Speech Translation: Present and Future Challenges. - Ivan Kopecek, Karel Pala:
Databases of Heterogeneous Segments for Concatenative Speech Synthesis. - Andrej Zgank, Zdravko Kacic, Bogomir Horvat:
Preliminary Evaluation of Slovenian Mobile Database PoliDat. - Thierry Poibeau, Dominique Dutoit, Sophie Bizouard:
Evaluating resource acquisition tools for Information Extraction. - Dominique Dutoit, Pierre Nugues:
An Algorithm to Find Words from Definitions. - Algimantas Rudzionis, Vytautas Rudzionis:
Lithuanian Speech Database LTDIGITS. - Olivier Ferret, Christian Fluhr, Françoise Rousseau-Hans, Jean-Luc Simoni:
Building domain specific lexical hierarchies from corpora. - Walter Daelemans, Véronique Hoste:
Evaluation of Machine Learning Methods for Natural Language Processing Tasks. - Tristan van Rullen, Philippe Blache:
An evaluation of different symbolic shallow parsing techniques. - Jeska Buhmann, Johanneke Caspers, Vincent J. van Heuven, Heleen Hoekstra, Jean-Pierre Martens, Marc Swerts:
Annotation of prominent words, prosodic boundaries and segmental lengthening by non-expert transcribers in the Spoken Dutch Corpus. - Jean-Pierre Martens, Diana Binnenpoorte, Kris Demuynck, Ruben Van Parys, Tom Laureys, Wim Goedertier, Jacques Duchateau:
Word Segmentation in the Spoken Dutch Corpus. - Nelleke Oostdijk, Wim Goedertier, Frank Van Eynde, Louis Boves, Jean-Pierre Martens, Michael Moortgat, R. Harald Baayen:
Experiences from the Spoken Dutch Corpus Project. - George K. Mikros:
Quantitative parameters in corpus design: Estimating the optimum text size in Modern Greek language. - Pierrette Bouillon, Vincent Claveau, Cécile Fabre, Pascale Sébillot:
Acquisition of Qualia Elements from Corpora - Evaluation of a Symbolic Learning Method. - Michelina Savino, Mario Refice, Domenico Daleno:
Methods and Tools for Prosodic Analysis of a Spoken Italian Corpus. - Oliver Lemon, Alexander Gruenstein:
Language Resources for Multi-Modal Dialogue Systems. - Dominic Widdows, Beate Dorow, Chiu-Ki Chan:
Using Parallel Corpora to enrich Multilingual Lexical Resources. - Ariadna Font Llitjós, Alan W. Black:
Evaluation and collection of proper name pronunciations online. - Toshifumi Tanabe, Yasuo Koyama, Kenji Yoshimura, Kosho Shudo:
Modal Expressions in Natural Language Sentence and Their Similarity. - Alex Alsina, Toni Badia, Gemma Boleda, Stefan Bott, Angel Gil, Martí Quixal, Oriol Valentín:
CATCG: a general purpose parsing tool applied. - Alexander Raake:
Does the Content of Speech Influence its Perceived Sound Quality?. - Monica Ward:
Issues in the design, construction and use of Language Resources (LR) for Endangered Languages (Els). - Aoife Cahill, Josef van Genabith:
TTS - A Treebank Tool Suite. - Rudolf Muhr, Robert Hölrdich, Eva Wächter-Kollpache:
The Pronouncing Dictionary of Austrian German and the other Major Varieties of German - A Phonetic Resources Database on the Pronunciation of German. - Pascale Nicolas, Sabine Letellier-Zarshenas, Igor Schadle, Jean-Yves Antoine, Jean Caelen:
Towards a large corpus of spoken dialogue in French that will be freely available: the "Parole Publique" project and its first realisations. - Steve Cassidy:
XQuery as an Annotation Query Language: a Use Case Analysis. - Constantin Orasan, Ramesh Krishnamurthy:
A corpus-based investigation of junk emails. - Constantin Orasan:
Building annotated resources for automatic text summarisation. - Lynne Bowker, Peter Bennison:
Translation Tracking System: A tool for managing translation archives. - Ilona Steiner, Laura Kallmeyer:
VIQTORYA -- A Visual Query Tool for Syntactically Annotated Corpora. - Massimo Poesio, Tomonori Ishikawa, Sabine Schulte im Walde, Renata Vieira:
Acquiring Lexical Knowledge for Anaphora Resolution. - Mike Maxwell:
Resources for Morphology Learning and Evaluation. - Chikashi Nobata, Satoshi Sekine, Hitoshi Isahara, Ralph Grishman:
Summarization System Integrated with Named Entity Tagging and IE pattern Discovery. - Satoshi Sekine, Kiyoshi Sudo, Chikashi Nobata:
Extended Named Entity Hierarchy. - Nick Campbell:
Recording techniques for capturing natural every-day speech. - Kenji Matsumoto, Hideki Tanaka:
Automatic Alignment of Japanese and English Newspaper Articles using an MT System and a Bilingual Company Name Dictionary. - Satoshi Shirai, Kazuhide Yamamoto, Francis Bond, Hozumi Tanaka:
Towards a Thesaurus of Predicates. - Yong-Ju Lee, Bong-Wan Kim, Yongnam Um:
Speech Information Technology & Industry Promotion Center in Korea: Activities and Directions. - Oren Gedge, Christophe Couvreur, Klaus Linhard, Shaunie Shammass, Ami Moyal:
Database Adaptation for Speech Recognition in Cross-Environmental Conditions. - Manolis Maragoudakis, Katia Kermanidis, Nikos Fakotakis, George Kokkinakis:
Combining Bayesian and Support Vector Machines Learning to automatically complete Syntactical Information for HPSG-like Formalisms. - Keiji Yasuda, Fumiaki Sugaya, Toshiyuki Takezawa, Seiichi Yamamoto, Masuzo Yanagida:
Automatic machine translation selection scheme to output the best result. - Aristomenis Thanopoulos, Nikos Fakotakis, George Kokkinakis:
Comparative Evaluation of Collocation Extraction Metrics. - Christophe Laprun, Jonathan G. Fiscus, John S. Garofolo, Sylvain Pajot:
A Pratical Introduction to ATLAS.