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PDPTA 2000: Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
- Hamid R. Arabnia:
Proceedings of the International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications, PDPTA 2000, June 24-29, 2000, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. CSREA Press 2000
Volume I
Parallel and Sequential Algorithms for Numerical Solution of Differential Equations
- George A. Gravvanis:
Domain Decomposition Approximate Inverse Preconditioning for Solving Fourth Order Equations. PDPTA 2000 - M. B. Reed:
Element-level solvers for nonlinear finite element analyses. PDPTA 2000 - Daoud S. Daoud, Abdul-Qayyum M. Khaliq, Bruce A. Wade:
A Non-Overlapping Implicit Predictor-Corrector Scheme for Parabolic Equations. PDPTA 2000 - Clint Dawson, V. J. Parr, Mary F. Wheeler:
Issues in Parallel Computation of Flow and Transport in Surface Waters. PDPTA 2000 - Srinivasan Natesan, Jesús Vigo-Aguiar:
A Parallel Boundary Value Technique for Singularly Perturbed Two-Point Boundary Value Problems. PDPTA 2000
Teaching Java in Advanced Topics Courses
- James P. Fink:
Differential Equations and Java. PDPTA 2000 - Rodney S. Tosten, Jeannie R. Albrecht, Christyann Ferraro:
Using Enterprise JavaBeans in a Computer Science Curriculum. PDPTA 2000 - Peter H. Welch:
Process Oriented Design for Java: Concurrency for All. PDPTA 2000 - Eileen T. Kraemer:
A Java-based Course in Human-Computer Interaction. PDPTA 2000
Fine-grain and Coarse-grain Parallelism in Future Processors
- Gyungho Lee, Akhilesh Tyagi:
Instruction-level Distributed Microarchitecture Based on Data Decoupling. PDPTA 2000 - Toshinori Sato, Itsujiro Arita:
The KIT COSMOS Processor: Introducing CONDOR. PDPTA 2000 - Ulrich Sigmund, Jochen Kreuzinger, Theo Ungerer:
Latency and Bandwidth Considerations for MPEG-2 Video Decompression on Simultaneous Multithreaded Processors. PDPTA 2000 - Jurij Silc, Borut Robic:
Did Processor Architecture Make the Best of Dataflow? PDPTA 2000 - Jochen Kreuzinger, Matthias Pfeffer, A. Schulz, Theo Ungerer, Uwe Brinkschulte, C. Krakowski:
Performance Evaluations of a Multithreaded Java Microcontroller. PDPTA 2000
Issues in Wireless and Mobile Communication Networks
- Pramod Immaneni, Devendra Jalihal:
Design of a real time audio conferencing system over wired and wirelesses Internet. PDPTA 2000 - Sirisha Medidi, Edward A. Ashcroft:
Performance Analysis of Mobile Wireless ATM Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Mehul J. Shah, Paul G. Flikkema:
Minimum-Power Dynamic TDMA for Multimedia Wireless Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Haihong Zheng, Sourav Bhattacharya:
Deadlock Management in Cellular Network Systems. PDPTA 2000
The Second International Workshop on Engineering of Reconfigurable Hardware/Software Objects (ENREGLE)
- Michael J. Wirthlin, Navaneethan Sundaramoorthy:
Measuring the Routing Costs of FPGA Circuit Components. PDPTA 2000 - Jeffrey Hammes, Robert Rinker, A. P. Wim Böhm, Walid A. Najjar, Bruce A. Draper:
A High Level, Algorithmic Programming Language and Compiler for Reconfigurable Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Andreas Koch:
Creation and Embedding of Complex Parameterized Hardware Objects. PDPTA 2000 - Michael Eisenring, Marco Platzner:
An Implementation Framework for Run-time Reconfigurable Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Xuejun Liang, Jack S. N. Jean:
Interface Design for the Mapping of Generalized Template Matching on Reconfigurable Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Florent de Dinechin, Vincent Lefèvre:
Constant Multipliers for FPGAs. PDPTA 2000 - Simon Leung, Adam Postula, Ahmed Hemani:
Reconfigurable Architecture for Base-band Data Processing. PDPTA 2000 - Jürgen Becker, Manfred Glesner, Ahmad Alsolaim, Janusz A. Starzyk:
Fast Communication Mechanisms in Coarse-grained Dynamically Reconfigurable Array Architectures. PDPTA 2000 - Steven Derrien, Tanguy Risset:
Interfacing compiled FPGA programs: the MMAlpha approach. PDPTA 2000 - Enn Tyugu:
A Specification Logic for Reconfigurable Computing. PDPTA 2000 - Jifeng He, Qiwen Xu:
An Operational Semantics of a Simulator Algorithm. PDPTA 2000 - Jesse D. Bingham, Micaela Serra:
Solving Hamiltonian Cycle on FPGA Technology via Instance to Circuit Mappings. PDPTA 2000 - Isidoros Kanakis, Klaus Waldschmidt:
An object oriented model for synthesis and mapping of mixed-signal systems. PDPTA 2000 - Jürgen Becker, Manfred Glesner:
IP-based Application Mapping Techniques for Dynamically Reconfigurable Hardware Architectures. PDPTA 2000 - Hyuk-Jun Lee, Albert A. Liddicoat, Michael J. Flynn:
Exploiting Parallelism and Data Locality of Systolic Array Applications using Multi-Ported FPGA. PDPTA 2000 - Hugo A. Andrade, Margarida F. Jacome:
The Common Hardware and Software Object Model: CHSOM. PDPTA 2000
Aspect Oriented Programming
- Fabio Arciniegas A.:
Introduction to Perceval: AO Design Using XML Schema and Groves. PDPTA 2000 - John C. Grundy:
An implementation architecture for aspect-oriented component engineering. PDPTA 2000 - Jane Pryor, Natalio Bastán:
A Java Meta-Level Architecture for the Dynamic Handling of Aspects. PDPTA 2000 - X. Xie, Sol M. Shatz:
An Approach To Using Formal Methods In Aspect Orientation. PDPTA 2000 - Paniti Netinant, Constantinos Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad, Mohamed Fayad, Atef Bader:
Supporting the Design of Adaptable Operating Systems Using Aspect-Oriented Frameworks. PDPTA 2000
Applied Parallel Algorithms
- Ray Gallagher, Behrouz Fathi Vajargah:
Bayesian modelling of variability in expert to expert opinion using parallel Monte Carlo methods. PDPTA 2000 - Norman S. Matloff:
Decentralized Task Assignment Is Scalable. PDPTA 2000 - George Charonitakis, David Jackson:
Distributed Lazy Simulation of Digital Logic using PVM. PDPTA 2000 - Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan:
Efficient Parallel Pseudo-random Number Generation. PDPTA 2000 - Gabriel Oksa, Vassil N. Alexandrov:
Regular Array for the Solution of Toeplitz System of Linear Equations by Monte Carlo Method. PDPTA 2000 - Daniel Mattner, Vassil N. Alexandrov, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan:
Comparison of two Parallel Monte Carlo Algorithms for Solving Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations. PDPTA 2000 - Andrea Takeda, Simon J. Cox, Antony J. Payne:
Parallel Numerical Modelling of Ice Flow in Antarctica. PDPTA 2000
Parallel and Distributed Intelligent Systems
- H. K. Dai, Shinji Fujino:
Improving the Esau-Williams Algorithm for Designing Local Access Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Tae-Wan Ryu, Haklin Kimm:
Clustered Computer Architecture For Automated Database Query Generation System. PDPTA 2000
Network Management Systems
- Alexander Keller, Gautam Kar:
Dynamic Dependencies in Application Service Management. PDPTA 2000 - Weimin Du, Anisur Rahman, Raja P. K. Banerjee, Sunil Gharat:
Practical Alarm Suppression of End-to-End Virtual Circuit Connections. PDPTA 2000 - Radu State, Olivier Festor, Emmanuel Nataf:
A Programmable Network Based Approach for Managing Dynamic Virtual Private Networks. PDPTA 2000
The 2000 International Workshop on Cluster Computing - Technologies, Environments, and Applications CC-TEA'2000
- Rajkumar Buyya, Toni Cortes, Hai Jin:
Cluster Computing Workshop - Preface/Introduction. PDPTA 2000 - Thara Angskun, Choopan Rattanapoca, Putchong Uthayopas:
KSIX Parallel Environment for Beowulf Cluster. PDPTA 2000 - Arnold L. Rosenberg:
Optimal Sharing of Partitionable Workloads in Heterogeneous Networks of Workstations. PDPTA 2000 - Kai Hu, Jianwei Niu, Jianping Hu:
Task Scheduling Onto Dynamic Large-Scale Parallel Cluster (DLPC). PDPTA 2000 - Benny Wang-Leung Cheung, Cho-Li Wang, Kai Hwang:
JUMP-DP: A Software DSM System with Low-Latency Communication Support. PDPTA 2000 - Sudharshan Vazhkudai, P. Tobin Maginnis:
The PODOS File System - Exploiting the High-Speed Communication Subsystem. PDPTA 2000 - Geetanjali Sampemane, Scott Pakin, Andrew A. Chien:
Performance Monitoring on an HPVM Cluster. PDPTA 2000 - Thomas Barth, Bernd Freisleben, Manfred Grauer, Frank Thilo:
A Scalable Algorithm for the Parallel Solution of Simulation-Based Optimization Problems. PDPTA 2000 - Atanas Radenski, Boyana Norris:
Generic Cluster-Computing Algorithms and Applications. PDPTA 2000 - Sung-Yong Park, Salim Hariri, Ilkyeun Ra:
Design and Evaluation of an Adaptive Communication System for High Peformance Distributed Computing Applications. PDPTA 2000 - Jens Mache, Robert Broadhurst, Jeffrey Ely:
Ray Tracing on Cluster Computers. PDPTA 2000
Reliability and Fault-Tolerance
- Baback A. Izadi, Füsun Özgüner:
Two-Stage Fault-Tolerant k-ary Tree Multiprocessors. PDPTA 2000 - Peter T. Popov, Lorenzo Strigini, Bev Littlewood:
Choosing Between Fault-Tolerance and Increased V&V for Improving Reliability. PDPTA 2000 - Vivek Halwan, Füsun Özgüner:
Multicast in Faulty Wormhole-Routed 2-Dimensional Meshes with the Block-Fault Model. PDPTA 2000 - Atakan Dogan, Füsun Özgüner:
Reliable Scheduling of Precedence-Constrained Tasks Using a Genetic Algorithm. PDPTA 2000
DSM Systems and Persistence
- Alan Skousen, Donald Miller:
The Sombrero Single Address Space Operating System Prototype A Testbed for Evaluating Distributed Persistent System Concepts and Implementation. PDPTA 2000 - Michael Schöttner, Oliver Schirpf, Moritz Wende, Peter Schulthess:
Multiple Subtyping in a Persistent Distributed Shared Memory Operating System. PDPTA 2000 - Christian Rehn:
Top-Down Development of a Decentralized Single Address Space Management. PDPTA 2000 - Kuo-Shun Ding, Jyh-Jong Tsay:
The Design of User-Level Distributed Shared Memory System in SCI-Based Clusters. PDPTA 2000 - Ki-Young Moon, Young-Chul Lew, Han Namgoong, Dukjoo Son:
An Extended Nested Transaction Concepts in Distributed Transaction Model. PDPTA 2000
Volume II
Mathematical Modeling and Problem Solving
- Nobuaki Kikuchi, Zhongmin Li, Demelo Madrazo Lao, Natalia V. Polulyakh, Yoshio Yoshioka, Toshio Shimizu:
Parallel Computing Technique of Pairwise Alignment by a Dataflow Loop-Structured-Computer. PDPTA 2000 - Hiroshi Date, Vikram Iyengar, Krishnendu Chakrabarty, Makoto Sugihara:
Mathematical Modeling of Intellectual Property Protection Using Partially-Mergeable Cores. PDPTA 2000 - Mika Kaneko, Mitsunori Miki, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu:
A Parallel Genetic Algorithm with Distributed Environment Scheme. PDPTA 2000 - Masanori Kuzuno, Toshihiko Nishio, Koji Koyamada:
A thermal compact modeling method using Response Surface Methodology with Genetic Algorithm. PDPTA 2000 - Masayo Haneda, Mariko Sasakura, Umpei Nagashima, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Kazuki Joe:
Collaboration of Parafrase-2 and NaraView for Effective Parallelization Supports. PDPTA 2000 - Makoto Ando, Yutaka Akiyama, Hideo Matsuda:
Hierarchical Approach to Parallel Tree Search for Protein Conformational Analysis. PDPTA 2000 - Hidetoshi Tanaka:
Local Search Using Orthogonal Design of Experiment. PDPTA 2000 - Mika Koganeyama, Moyo Sugita, Toshiyasu Nagao, Kazuki Joe:
Removing Train Noise from Telluric Current Data by Neural Networks for Automatic Short-term Earthquake Prediction in Japan. PDPTA 2000 - Shinya Watanabe, Tomoyuki Hiroyasu, Mitsunori Miki:
Parallel Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization for Block Layout Problems. PDPTA 2000
Scheduling Algorithms for Parallel/Distributed Computing - From Theory to Implementation
- Min-You Wu, Wei Shu, Yong Chen:
Hypertool/2: A Parallel Incremental DAG Scheduling System. PDPTA 2000 - Sayaka Akioka, Yoichi Muraoka:
An Autonomous Dynamic Load Balancing Algorithm on Distributed Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Masami Takata, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Kazuki Joe:
Accelerated Program Partitioning Algorithm - An Improvement of Girkar's Algorithm. PDPTA 2000 - Tetsuya Saito, Tsuneo Nakanishi, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Akira Fukuda:
Genetic Algorithm Based Data and Program Partitioning. PDPTA 2000 - Shoichi Saito, Akihito Hayashi, Tetsutaro Uehara, Kazuki Joe, Yoshitoshi Kunieda:
Wind : a Low-Costs Communication Module for Software DSM Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Moyo Sugita, Mayumi Outo, Mariko Sasakura, Yoshitoshi Kunieda, Kazuki Joe:
Intuitive Data Partitioning by a Simple Physical Model and Its Visualization. PDPTA 2000 - Hirobumi Sugino, Kazuyuki Shudo, Masayoshi Sekiguchi, Yoichi Muraoka:
A Model for Stream Calculation. PDPTA 2000 - Takao Tobita, Masayoshi Kouda, Hironori Kasahara:
Performance Evaluation of Minimum Execution Time Multiprocessor Scheduling Algorithms Using Standard Task Graph Set. PDPTA 2000
Coordination in Parallel and Distributed Applications and Activities
- Manuel Díaz, Bartolomé Rubio, Enrique Soler, José M. Troya:
BCL: A Border-based Coordination Language. PDPTA 2000 - Koenraad De Bosschere, Jean-Marie Jacquet:
Meta-coordination in the µLog Coordination Model. PDPTA 2000 - Moisés González-García, Ana María Martínez Enríquez, Raúl Jacinto-Montes:
CWSLR Model Used to Synthesize a Software Development Environment and an Application Design Tool. PDPTA 2000 - Mohamed Jarraya, Didier El Baz:
A new implementation of asynchronous iterations with flexible communication on a network of symmetric multi-processor. PDPTA 2000 - Eric Cariou, Antoine Beugnard:
Specification of Communication Components in UML. PDPTA 2000 - Robert Tolksdorf, Antony I. T. Rowstron:
Evaluating Fault Tolerance Methods for Large-scale Linda-like systems. PDPTA 2000 - Hans de Bruin:
BCOOPL: A Language for Controlling Component Interactions. PDPTA 2000 - Paola Inverardi, Henry Muccini:
A Coordination Process Based on UML and a Software Architectural Description. PDPTA 2000
Distributed Objects in Computational Science
- Xiaoya Lin, Peili Zhou:
An Implementation of Agents Collaboration: C + Rules. PDPTA 2000 - Eun Man Choi, Anneliese von Mayrhauser:
Testing Object-Oriented Systems Using Extended Use-Cases. PDPTA 2000 - Kab-Lae Lee, Ki-Tae Kim, Chang-Mo Yang, Weon-Hee Yoo:
Design of Translator for generating Java Bytecode from Thread code of Multithreaded Models. PDPTA 2000 - Atef Bader, Constantinos Constantinides, Tzilla Elrad, T. Fuller, Paniti Netinant:
Building Reusable Concurrent Software Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Robert E. Filman, Diana D. Lee:
Managing Distributed Systems with Smart Subscriptions. PDPTA 2000 - Sudharshan Vazhkudai, H. Conrad Cunningham:
A Reusable Software Framework for Distributed Decision-Making Protocols. PDPTA 2000 - T. Es-sqalli, Eric Fleury, Jacques Guyard:
A broadcast message passing protocol based on CORBA event service. PDPTA 2000 - Kazuyuki Shudo, Yoichi Muraoka:
MetaVM: A Transparent Distributed Object System Supported by Runtime Compiler. PDPTA 2000
Interconnection Networks and Related Topics
- Rza Bashirov:
Combinatorial model of the class of rearrangeable nonsymmetric interconnection networks. PDPTA 2000 - Hong Shen, Francis Y. L. Chin:
Selection and Multiselection on Multi-Dimensional Meshes. PDPTA 2000 - Rza Bashirov:
On the rearrangeability of (2s-1)-stage nonsymmetric interconnection networks. PDPTA 2000 - Constantine Katsinis, Diana Hecht:
Hot-Spots and Message Combining in An Interconnection Network for Broadcast Communication. PDPTA 2000 - Ibrahim Cahit, Ahmet Adalier:
Multi-Stage Interconnection Network Layouts Suitable For Photonic Switching. PDPTA 2000
Communication Issues + E-Commerce
- Hong Shen, John Sum, Gilbert H. Young, Susumu Horiguchi:
Efficient Dynamic Group Membership Updating for On-Line Communication in Optical WDM Networks (Preliminary Version). PDPTA 2000 - Hong Shen, John Sum, Gilbert H. Young, Susumu Horiguchi:
Efficient Algorithms for On-line Communication in Optical WDM Networks (Preliminary Version). PDPTA 2000 - Tadayoshi Horita, Itsuo Takanami:
A System for Efficiently Self-Reconstructing 1½-Track Switch Torus Arrays. PDPTA 2000 - H. Al-Sharjabi, Lewis M. Mackenzie:
A Methodology for Designing Networked Secure Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Lih-Chyau Wuu, Ming-Shou Liu, Longsong Lin, Yao-Te Huang:
Decentralized Reconfiguration of Multicast Trees on Faulty Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Muhammed F. Mudawwar:
A Switch-Free Router for k-ary m-way Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Mark de Wit, Lewis M. Mackenzie, Mohamed Ould-Khaoua:
A Quality of Service Interconnect. PDPTA 2000 - Ki Seon Ryu, Sang Yun Park, Young Ik Eom:
A Reliable Multicast Routing Scheme for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Lenka Motyckova, David A. Carr, Esther Jennings:
A Cluster-Ring Topology for Reliable Multicasting. PDPTA 2000 - Seungjin Park, Jong-Hoon Youn, Bella Bose:
Wormhole Routing in Faulty Mesh Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Bjorn De Sutter, Bruno De Bus, Koenraad De Bosschere, P. Keyngnaert, Bart Demoen:
On the Static Analysis of Indirect Control Transfers in Binaries. PDPTA 2000 - Jean-Luc Koning:
Compiling a Conversation Policy's Implementation from its Validated Specification Model. PDPTA 2000 - Hyoung-Woo Park, Jin-Wook Chung:
Improvement of congestion control for burst traffic. PDPTA 2000 - Behrooz Parhami:
Extended-Fault Diameter of Mesh Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Li-Der Chou, Yang-Hung Peng:
Bandwidth Prediction for Video on Demand Systems with Fast Load in ATM Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Ming-Chung Tang, Chin-Nan Chou, Ching-Hui Tang, D. C. Pan, Wei-Kuan Shih:
Short Message Command Interface for GSM System. PDPTA 2000 - Dirk Eilers, Alfred Voglgsang, Arnold Plankl, Gerri Körner, Helmut Steckenbiller, Rudi Knorr:
Implementation of an AAL for High Bit Rate Real-Time Data Transmission System over ATM Networks Using a RSE CODEC. PDPTA 2000 - Junseok Lee, Yeonjeong Jeong, Seongoun Hwang, Young B. Choi, Kisong Yoon, Myung-Joon Kim:
A Design of the Hybrid Messaging System (HMS) Based on PKI. PDPTA 2000 - Stephen L. Spitler, Daniel C. Lee:
Optimal CAC Satisfying Cell and Call Level QoS Requirements for an ATM Switch with Output Buffering. PDPTA 2000 - Jeom Goo Kim, Young-Cheol Lee, Jae-Kwang Lee:
An Implementation of Vulnerability Evaluation System for Network Security on CC. PDPTA 2000 - Petra Berenbrink, André Brinkmann, Christian Scheideler:
Distributed Path Selection for Storage Networks. PDPTA 2000 - Craig D. Ulmer, Sudhakar Yalamanchili:
An Extensible Message Layer for High-Performance Clusters. PDPTA 2000 - Mohammed Mahafzah, Simon Y. Berkovich:
A Multichannel Bus for Distributed Computing. PDPTA 2000 - Saúl E. Pomares Hernández, Khalil Drira, Jean Fanchon:
A Reference Design Model for Group Communication Systems. PDPTA 2000 - Thaís Vasconcelos Batista, Christina von Flach G. Chavez, Noemi de La Rocque Rodriguez:
Dynamic Reconfiguration through a Generic Connector. PDPTA 2000 - Hyo Jong Lee:
Multicast Performance of Interconnected Networks with High Speed Routers. PDPTA 2000 - José Incera, Gerardo Rubino, Nicolás E. Stier Moses:
On the application of accelerating simulation methods in network analysis. PDPTA 2000