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Communications of the ACM, Volume 64
Volume 64, Number 1, January 2021
- Andrew A. Chien:
2021: Computing's divided future. 5
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
Reboot the computing-research publication systems. 7
- Dona Crawford:
A career fueled by HPC. 9
- Mark Guzdial
Talking about race in CS education. 10-11
- Samuel Greengard:
Geometric deep learning advances data science. 13-15 - Don Monroe:
Fugaku takes the lead. 16-18 - Chris Edwards:
Coalition of the willing takes aim at COVID-19. 19-21
- Michael A. Cusumano:
Boeing's 737 MAX: a failure of management, not just technology. 22-25
- Terry Benzel:
Cybersecurity research for the future. 26-28
- Kate Klonick:
Content moderation modulation. 29-31
- Thomas Haigh:
The immortal soul of an old machine. 32-37
- Gary Marcus, Ernest Davis:
Insights for AI from the human mind. 38-41 - Ofir Turel
, Christopher J. Ferguson:
Excessive use of technology: can tech providers be the culprits? 42-44
- Phil Vachon:
The identity in everyone's pocket. 46-55 - Edlyn V. Levine:
The die is cast. 56-60
- José González Cabañas
, Ángel Cuevas
, Aritz Arrate Galán, Rubén Cuevas
Does Facebook use sensitive data for advertising purposes? 62-69 - Pantelis Koutroumpis
, Aija Leiponen, Llewellyn D. W. Thomas:
Digital instruments as invention machines. 70-78 - Karoly Bozan, Kalle Lyytinen, Gregory M. Rose:
How to transition incrementally to microservice architecture. 79-85
- Yehuda Lindell:
Secure multiparty computation. 86-96 - Stephen B. Wicker:
The ethics of zero-day exploits - : the NSA meets the trolley car. 97-103
- Daniel Gottesman
Technical perspective: Deciphering errors to reduce the cost of quantum computation. 105 - Omar Fawzi
, Antoine Grospellier, Anthony Leverrier:
Constant overhead quantum fault tolerance with quantum expander codes. 106-114 - Richard Han
Technical perspective: SkyCore's architecture takes it to the 'edge'. 115 - Mehrdad Moradi, Karthikeyan Sundaresan, Eugene Chai, Sampath Rangarajan, Z. Morley Mao:
SkyCore: moving core to the edge for untethered and reliable UAV-based LTE networks. 116-124
- Dennis E. Shasha:
Stay in balance. 128
Volume 64, Number 2, February 2021
- Andrew A. Chien:
Driving the cloud to true zero carbon. 5
- Vinton G. Cerf:
Half-baked high-resolution referencing. 7
- CACM Staff:
Salary disputes. 8-9
- Robin K. Hill:
Issues arise when time goes digital. 10-11
- Chris Edwards:
Moore's Law: what comes next? 12-14 - Logan Kugler:
The state of virtual reality hardware. 15-16 - Keith Kirkpatrick:
Technological responses to COVID-19. 17-19
- Yannis Bakos, Hanna Halaburda, Christoph Müller-Bloch
When permissioned blockchains deliver more decentralization than permissionless. 20-22
- Carol L. Fletcher, Jayce R. Warner:
CAPE: a framework for assessing equity throughout the computer science education ecosystem. 23-25
- George V. Neville-Neil
Kabin fever. 26-27
- Chris Maurer, Kevin Kim, Dan J. Kim, Leon A. Kappelman:
Cybersecurity: is it worse than we think? 28-30 - Subbarao Kambhampati:
Polanyi's revenge and AI's new romance with tacit knowledge. 31-32 - Donald E. Knuth, Len Shustek:
Let's not dumb down the history of computer science. 33-35
- CACM Staff:
Differential privacy: the pursuit of protections by default. 36-43 - Thomas A. Limoncelli:
The time I stole $10, 000 from Bell Labs. 44-46
- Anna Maria Feit
, Mathieu Nancel
, Maximilian John, Andreas Karrenbauer, Daryl Weir, Antti Oulasvirta
AZERTY amélioré: computational design on a national scale. 48-58 - Supreeth Shastri, Melissa Wasserman, Vijay Chidambaram
GDPR anti-patterns. 59-65 - Dong H. Ahn, Allison H. Baker
, Michael Bentley, Ian Briggs, Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Dorit M. Hammerling, Ignacio Laguna, Gregory L. Lee, Daniel J. Milroy
, Mariana Vertenstein:
Keeping science on keel when software moves. 66-74
- Pascal Hitzler:
A review of the semantic web field. 76-83 - Sameer Wagh, Xi He, Ashwin Machanavajjhala, Prateek Mittal:
DP-cryptography: marrying differential privacy and cryptography in emerging applications. 84-93
- Nada Amin
Technical perspective: Programming microfluidics to execute biological protocols. 96 - Jason Ott, Tyson Loveless, Christopher Curtis, Mohsen Lesani, Philip Brisk:
BioScript: programming safe chemistry on laboratories-on-a-chip. 97-104 - Zachary G. Ives:
Technical perspective: Solving the signal reconstruction problem at scale. 105 - Abolfazl Asudeh
, Jees Augustine, Saravanan Thirumuruganathan, Azade Nazi, Nan Zhang, Gautam Das
, Divesh Srivastava:
Scalable signal reconstruction for a broad range of applications. 106-115
- Leah Hoffmann:
Bringing stability to wireless connections.
Volume 64, Number 3, March 2021
- Andrew A. Chien:
Around the world: (the first time) with Communications' Regional Special Sections. 5-7
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
The people vs. tech. 9
- Graham Oakes:
Enabling renewable energy through smarter grids. 11
- Mark Guzdial
, Joel C. Adams:
Disputing Dijkstra, and birthdays in base 2. 12-13
- Don Monroe:
The power of quantum complexity. 15-17 - Neil Savage:
Fact-finding mission. 18-19 - Paul Marks:
Can the biases in facial recognition be fixed; also, should they? 20-22 - Simson L. Garfinkel, Eugene H. Spafford:
Edmund M. Clarke (1945 - 2020). 23-24
- Pamela Samuelson:
The push for stricter rules for internet platforms. 26-28
- Lorrie Faith Cranor
Informing California privacy regulations with evidence from research. 29-32
- Deborah G. Johnson, Nicholas Diakopoulos:
What to do about deepfakes. 33-35
- Peter J. Denning, Jeffrey Johnson
Science is not another opinion. 36-38
- Niklaus Wirth:
50 years of Pascal. 39-41 - Sascha Friesike, Frédéric Thiesse, George Kuk:
What can the maker movement teach us about the digitization of creativity? 42-45 - Oded Nov, Yindalon Aphinyanaphongs
, Yvonne W. Lui, Devin M. Mann
, Maurizio Porfiri, Mark O. Riedl, John-Ross Rizzo
, Batia Mishan Wiesenfeld:
The transformation of patient-clinician relationships with AI-based medical advice. 46-48
- CACM Staff:
A second conversation with Werner Vogels. 50-57 - Jessie Frazelle:
Out-of-this-world additive manufacturing. 58-62
- Neil C. Thompson, Svenja Spanuth:
The decline of computers as a general purpose technology. 64-72 - Andreea Molnar, Therese Keane
, Rosemary Stockdale:
Educational interventions and female enrollment in IT degrees. 73-77 - Lucy Lu Wang
, Gabriel Stanovsky, Luca Weihs, Oren Etzioni:
Gender trends in computer science authorship. 78-84
- Wojciech Mazurczyk
, Luca Caviglione:
Cyber reconnaissance techniques. 86-95 - Claudio Gutierrez, Juan F. Sequeda:
Knowledge graphs. 96-104
- Sanjeev Arora:
Technical perspective: Why don't today's deep nets overfit to their training data? 106 - Chiyuan Zhang, Samy Bengio, Moritz Hardt, Benjamin Recht, Oriol Vinyals:
Understanding deep learning (still) requires rethinking generalization. 107-115 - Prabal Dutta:
Technical perspective: Localizing insects outdoors. 116 - Rajalakshmi Nandakumar, Vikram Iyer, Shyamnath Gollakota:
3D localization for subcentimeter-sized devices. 117-125
- Brian Clegg:
Volume 64, Number 4, April 2021
- Vinton G. Cerf:
What does a static, sustainable economy look like? 5
- John Arquilla, Mark Guzdial
The SolarWinds hack, and a grand challenge for CS education. 6-7
- Chris Edwards:
The best of NLP. 9-11 - Paul Marks:
Deep learning speeds MRI scans. 12-14 - Samuel Greengard:
The worsening state of ransomware. 15-17
- Mari Sako:
From remote work to working from anywhere. 20-22
- Quincy Brown, Tyrone Grandison, Jamika D. Burge, Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Tawanna Dillahunt:
Reflections on black in computing. 23-24
- George V. Neville-Neil:
The non-psychopath's guide to managing an open source project. 25-27
- Thomas Haigh:
When hackers were heroes. 28-34
- Liesbeth De Mol, Maarten Bullynck:
Roots of 'program' revisited. 35-37 - Denny Vrandecic:
Building a multilingual Wikipedia. 38-41
- Sherif G. Aly, Mohamed F. Mokbel, Moustafa Youssef:
Welcome. 42-44
- Elmootazbellah (Mootaz) Elnozahy:
Building a research university in the Arab region: the case of KAUST. 46-49 - Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Abdellatif Saoudi:
Building a preeminent research lab in the Arab region: the case of QCRI. 50-53 - Motaz El Saban:
Data science for the oil and gas industry in the Arab region. 54-56 - Farah E. Shamout, Dana Abu Ali:
The strategic pursuit of artificial intelligence in the United Arab Emirates. 57-58 - Ashraf Aboulnaga
, Sanjay Chawla, Ahmed K. Elmagarmid, Mohammed Al-Mannai, Hassan Al-Sayed:
An AI-enabled future for Qatar and the region. 59-61 - Walid R. Touma, Saad El Zein:
Entrepreneurship ecosystem in Lebanon. 62-63 - Hesham M. Eraqi
, Ibrahim Sobh:
Autonomous driving in the face of unconventional odds. 64-66 - Sofiane Abbar, Rade Stanojevic, Shadab Mustafa, Mohamed F. Mokbel:
Traffic routing in the ever-changing city of Doha. 67-68 - Shaimaa Lazem, Mennatallah Saleh, Ebtisam Abdullah Alabdulqader:
ArabHCI: five years and counting. 69-71
- Kareem Darwish, Nizar Habash
, Mourad Abbas
, Hend S. Al-Khalifa, Hussein T. Al-Natsheh, Houda Bouamor, Karim Bouzoubaa, Violetta Cavalli-Sforza, Samhaa R. El-Beltagy, Wassim El-Hajj, Mustafa Jarrar
, Hamdy Mubarak:
A panoramic survey of natural language processing in the Arab world. 72-81 - David E. Keyes
The Arab world prepares the exascale workforce. 82-87 - Ingmar Weber, Muhammad Imran, Ferda Ofli, Fouad Mrad, Jennifer Colville, Mehdi Fathallah, Alissar Chaker, Wigdan Seed Ahmed:
Non-traditional data sources: providing insights into sustainable development. 88-95 - Christina Pöpper
, Michail Maniatakos
, Roberto Di Pietro:
Cyber security research in the Arab region: a blooming ecosystem with global ambitions. 96-101 - Slim Abdennadher, Sherif G. Aly, Joe Tekli, Karima Echihabi
Unleashing early maturity academic innovations. 102-107 - Seif Eldawlatly, Mohamed Abouelhoda, Omar S. Al-Kadi, Takashi Gojobori, Boris R. Jankovic
, Mohamad Khalil, Ahsan H. Khandoker, Ahmed Morsy:
Biomedical computing in the Arab world: unlocking the potential of a growing research community. 108-113 - Basem Shihada
, Tamer A. ElBatt, Ahmed M. Eltawil
, Mohammad Mansour, Essaid Sabir
, Slim Rekhis, Sanaa Sharafeddine:
Networking research for the Arab world: from regional initiatives to potential global impact. 114-119 - Ashraf Aboulnaga
, Azza Abouzied, Karima Echihabi
, Mourad Ouzzani:
Database systems research in the Arab world: a tradition that spans decades. 120-123 - Ahmed Ali, Shammur A. Chowdhury, Mohamed Afify, Wassim El-Hajj, Hazem M. Hajj, Mourad Abbas
, Amir Hussein, Nada Ghneim, Mohammad A. M. Abushariah
, Assal A. M. Alqudah:
Connecting Arabs: bridging the gap in dialectal speech recognition. 124-129
- David Crawshaw:
Everything VPN is new again. 130-134
- Sorelle A. Friedler, Carlos Scheidegger, Suresh Venkatasubramanian
The (Im)possibility of fairness: different value systems require different mechanisms for fair decision making. 136-143 - Ralf Jung
, Jacques-Henri Jourdan
, Robbert Krebbers, Derek Dreyer:
Safe systems programming in Rust. 144-152
- Eduardo Souza dos Reis, Cristiano André da Costa
, Diórgenes Eugênio da Silveira, Rodrigo Bavaresco
, Rodrigo da Rosa Righi, Jorge Luis Victória Barbosa
, Rodolfo Stoffel Antunes
, Márcio Miguel Gomes, Gustavo Federizzi:
Transformers aftermath: current research and rising trends. 154-163
- Stratos Idreos:
Technical perspective: The strength of SuRF. 165 - Huanchen Zhang, Hyeontaek Lim, Viktor Leis, David G. Andersen, Michael Kaminsky, Kimberly Keeton, Andrew Pavlo
Succinct range filters. 166-173
- Dennis E. Shasha:
Roulette Angel.
Volume 64, Number 5, May 2021
- Moshe Y. Vardi:
The agency trilemma and ACM. 4
- Cherri M. Pancake, Andrew A. Chien:
In response to 'Vardi's insights'. 5
- Caven Cade Mitchell:
Computing enabled me to...promote sustainability and help underserved communities. 7
- Mark Guzdial
Teaching other teachers how to teach CS better. 8-9
- Don Monroe:
A satisfying result. 10-12 - Neil Savage:
Catching the fakes. 13-14 - Keith Kirkpatrick:
A traffic cop for low earth orbit. 15-17
- Sean Peisert
Trustworthy scientific computing. 18-21
- Bryan H. Choi:
Software professionals, malpractice law, and codes of ethics. 22-24
- Tim Bell:
CS unplugged or coding classes? 25-27
- Mireille Hildebrandt:
Understanding law and the rule of law: a plea to augment CS curricula. 28-31 - Vanessa V. Sochat:
The 10 best practices for remote software engineering. 32-36 - Nachum Dershowitz:
Let's be honest. 37-41
- Jatinder Singh, Jennifer Cobbe, Do Le Quoc, Zahra Tarkhani:
Enclaves in the clouds. 42-51 - Jessie Frazelle:
Battery day. 52-59