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CoRR, July 2009
- Huma Naeem, Asif Masood, Mukhtar Hussain, Shoab A. Khan:
A Novel Two-Staged Decision Support based Threat Evaluation and Weapon Assignment Algorithm, Asset-based Dynamic Weapon Scheduling using Artificial Intelligence Techinques. - Hamidreza Mahini, Alireza Mahini, Javad Ghofrani:
XDANNG: XML based Distributed Artificial Neural Network with Globus Toolkit. - Farzad Didehvar, Ali D. Mehrabi, Fatemeh Raee B:
On Unique Independence Weighted Graphs. - Céline Engelbeen, Samuel Fiorini, Antje Kiesel:
A closest vector problem arising in radiation therapy planning. - Narad Rampersad, Jeffrey O. Shallit, Zhi Xu:
The computational complexity of universality problems for prefixes, suffixes, factors, and subwords of regular languages. - Ghassan Hamarneh:
Multi-Label MRF Optimization via Least Squares s-t Cuts. - S. V. Polikarpov, V. S. Dergachev, K. E. Rumyantsev, D. M. Golubchikov:
A new model of artificial neuron: cyberneuron and its use. - Hazer Inaltekin, Mung Chiang, H. Vincent Poor:
A Cut-off Phenomenon in Location Based Random Access Games with Imperfect Information. - Simant Dube:
An Iterative Fingerprint Enhancement Algorithm Based on Accurate Determination of Orientation Flow. - Alin Bostan, Bruno Salvy, Khang Tran:
Generating functions of Chebyshev-like polynomials. - Leah Epstein, Asaf Levin, Julián Mestre, Danny Segev:
Improved approximation guarantees for weighted matching in the semi-streaming model. - Wojciech Mazurczyk, Krzysztof Szczypiorski:
Steganography in Handling Oversized IP Packets. - James M. Whitacre, Axel Bender:
Degenerate neutrality creates evolvable fitness landscapes. - James M. Whitacre:
Evidence of coevolution in multi-objective evolutionary algorithms. - James M. Whitacre:
Survival of the flexible: explaining the dominance of meta-heuristics within a rapidly evolving world. - James M. Whitacre, Ruhul A. Sarker, Q. Tuan Pham:
The Self-Organization of Interaction Networks for Nature-Inspired Optimization. - James M. Whitacre, Hussein A. Abbass, Ruhul A. Sarker, Axel Bender, Stephen Baker:
Strategic Positioning in Tactical Scenario Planning. - Krzysztof R. Apt, Andreas Witzel, Jonathan A. Zvesper:
Common Knowledge in Interaction Structures. - Sohail Safdar, Jamil Ahmad, Shaftab Ahmed, M. Tayyab Asghar, Saqib Saeed:
Agent based Model for providing optimized, synchronized and failure free execution of workflow process. - Andrew Kae, Gary B. Huang, Erik G. Learned-Miller:
Bounding the Probability of Error for High Precision Recognition. - (Withdrawn) Random DFAs are Efficiently PAC Learnable.
- Xiaohu Shang, Biao Chen, Gerhard Kramer, H. Vincent Poor:
Capacity Regions and Sum-Rate Capacities of Vector Gaussian Interference Channels. - Fahem Kebair, Frédéric Serin:
Agent-Oriented Approach for Detecting and Managing Risks in Emergency Situations. - Xiaohu Shang, Biao Chen, H. Vincent Poor:
Multi-User MISO Interference Channels with Single-User Detection: Optimality of Beamforming and the Achievable Rate Region. - (Withdrawn) Spontaneous organization leads to robustness in evolutionary algorithms.
- James M. Whitacre:
Adaptation and Self-Organization in Evolutionary Algorithms. - Hussein A. Abbass, Axel Bender, Helen Dam, Stephen Baker, James M. Whitacre, Ruhul A. Sarker:
Computational Scenario-based Capability Planning. - Christine Michel
, Marc-Eric Bobillier-Chaumon
, Véronique Cohen Montandreau, Franck Tarpin-Bernard:
Démarche d'évaluation de l'usage et des répercussions psychosociales d'un environnement STIC sur une population de personnes âgées en résidence médicalisée. - Rahul Gupta, Sunita Sarawagi, Ajit A. Diwan:
Generalized Collective Inference with Symmetric Clique Potentials. - James M. Whitacre, Q. Tuan Pham, Ruhul A. Sarker:
Credit Assignment in Adaptive Evolutionary Algorithms. - James M. Whitacre, Q. Tuan Pham, Ruhul A. Sarker:
Use of statistical outlier detection method in adaptive evolutionary algorithms. - James M. Whitacre, Axel Bender, Stephen Baker, Qi Fan, Ruhul A. Sarker, Hussein A. Abbass:
Network Topology and Time Criticality Effects in the Modularised Fleet Mix Problem. - Slawomir Wesolkowski, Michael Mazurek, James M. Whitacre, Axel Bender, Hussein A. Abbass:
Robustness and Adaptiveness Analysis of Future Fleets. - S. Butdee, Chaiwat Noomtong, Serge Tichkiewitch:
A process planning system with feature based neural network search strategy for aluminum extrusion die manufacturing. - Emilie Charlier, Tomi Kärki, Michel Rigo:
Multidimensional Generalized Automatic Sequences and Shape-symmetric Morphic Words. - Philipp Weis, Neil Immerman:
Structure Theorem and Strict Alternation Hierarchy for FO^2 on Words. - Jason P. Bell, Emilie Charlier, Aviezri S. Fraenkel, Michel Rigo:
A Decision Problem for Ultimately Periodic Sets in Non-standard Numeration Systems. - Michel Rigo, Laurent Waxweiler:
A note on syndeticity, recognizable sets and Cobham's theorem. - Benoît Darties, Fabrice Theoleyre, Andrzej Duda:
A Divide-and-Conquer Scheme for Assigning Roles in Multi-Channel Wireless Mesh Networks. - Piyush Kumar Shukla, Sanjay Silakari, Sarita Singh Bhadoria:
Design and Analysis of an Attack Resilient and Adaptive Medium access Control Protocol for Computer Networks. - Elaine M. Eschen, Chính T. Hoàng, R. Sritharan, Lorna Stewart:
On the complexity of deciding whether the distinguishing chromatic number of a graph is at most two. - Jonathan P. Sorenson:
A Sublinear Time Parallel GCD Algorithm for the EREW PRAM. - Ertugrul Basar, Ümit Aygölü:
High-Rate Full-Diversity Space-Time Block Codes for Three and Four Transmit Antennas. - Zachary Friggstad, Mohammad R. Salavatipour, Zoya Svitkina:
Asymmetric Traveling Salesman Path and Directed Latency Problems. - Travis Gagie, Yakov Nekrich:
Tight Bounds for Online Stable Sorting. - Marcus Hutter:
Open Problems in Universal Induction & Intelligence. - Dan R. Ghica:
Function Interface Models for Hardware Compilation: Types, Signatures, Protocols. - Gábor Ivanyos, Marek Karpinski, Nitin Saxena:
Deterministic Polynomial Time Algorithms for Matrix Completion Problems. - Hal Daumé III:
Bayesian Multitask Learning with Latent Hierarchies. - Hal Daumé III:
Cross-Task Knowledge-Constrained Self Training. - Hal Daumé III, Lyle Campbell:
A Bayesian Model for Discovering Typological Implications. - Hal Daumé III, John Langford, Daniel Marcu:
Search-based Structured Prediction. - James E. Raynolds, Lenore M. R. Mullin:
A generalized inner and outer product of arbitrary multi-dimensional arrays using A Mathematics of Arrays (MoA). - Lenore M. R. Mullin, James E. Raynolds:
Tensors and n-d Arrays:A Mathematics of Arrays (MoA), psi-Calculus and the Composition of Tensor and Array Operations. - Hal Daumé III, Daniel Marcu:
Induction of Word and Phrase Alignments for Automatic Document Summarization. - Hal Daumé III, Daniel Marcu:
A Noisy-Channel Model for Document Compression. - Hal Daumé III, Daniel Marcu:
A Large-Scale Exploration of Effective Global Features for a Joint Entity Detection and Tracking Model. - Hal Daumé III, Daniel Marcu:
A Bayesian Model for Supervised Clustering with the Dirichlet Process Prior. - Hal Daumé III, Daniel Marcu:
Learning as Search Optimization: Approximate Large Margin Methods for Structured Prediction. - Chengqing Li, Shujun Li, Kwok-Tung Lo:
Breaking a new substitution-diffusion based image cipher using chaotic standard and logistic maps. - Stephen L. Bloom, Zoltán Ésik:
Algebraic Ordinals. - Nir Ailon, Bernard Chazelle, Kenneth L. Clarkson, Ding Liu, Wolfgang Mulzer, C. Seshadhri:
Self-Improving Algorithms. - Sariel Har-Peled:
Randomized Incremental Construction of Compressed Quadtrees. - Yoshiyuki Kabashima, Tadashi Wadayama, Toshiyuki Tanaka:
Typical reconstruction limit of compressed sensing based on Lp-norm minimization. - Mihai Letia, Nuno M. Preguiça, Marc Shapiro:
CRDTs: Consistency without concurrency control. - Danny Bickson, Danny Dolev:
Distributed Sensor Selection via Gaussian Belief Propagation. - Nadia Creignou, Hervé Daudé, Uwe Egly, Raphaël Rossignol:
The threshold for random (1,2)-QSAT. - Thierry Petit, Emmanuel Poder:
The Soft Cumulative Constraint. - Emilie Charlier, Marion Le Gonidec, Michel Rigo:
Representing Real Numbers in a Generalized Numeration Systems. - Frédéric Didier, Yann Laigle-Chapuy:
Attacking the combination generator. - Julien Cohen:
A class of structured P2P systems supporting browsing. - Chao-Yang Pang, Wei Hu, Xia Li, Ben-Qiong Hu:
Apply Local Clustering Method to Improve the Running Speed of Ant Colony Optimization. - Mikhail Belkin, Kaushik Sinha:
Learning Gaussian Mixtures with Arbitrary Separation. - George K. Atia, Venkatesh Saligrama:
Boolean Compressed Sensing and Noisy Group Testing. - Ramasuri Narayanam, Y. Narahari:
Design of an Optimal Bayesian Incentive Compatible Broadcast Protocol for Ad hoc Networks with Rational Nodes. - (Withdrawn) Self-Assembling Systems are Distributed Systems.
- Matt Gibson, Gaurav Kanade, Erik Krohn, Kasturi R. Varadarajan:
Quasi-Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes for Target Tracking. - Niranjay Ravindran, Nihar Jindal:
Multi-User Diversity vs. Accurate Channel State Information in MIMO Downlink Channels. - Mihai Patrascu:
A Lower Bound for Succinct Rank Queries. - Sariel Har-Peled:
Approximating Spanning Trees with Low Crossing Number. - Tzipora Halevi, Nitesh Saxena, Shai Halevi:
Using HB Family of Protocols for Privacy-Preserving Authentication of RFID Tags in a Population. - Matteo Buferli, Matteo Magnani, Danilo Montesi:
ChOrDa: a methodology for the modeling of business processes with BPMN. - Tobias Kuhn
How Controlled English can Improve Semantic Wikis. - Tobias Kuhn
How to Evaluate Controlled Natural Languages. - Samir Medina Perlaza, Nadia Fawaz, Samson Lasaulce, Mérouane Debbah:
From Spectrum Pooling to Space Pooling: Opportunistic Interference Alignment in MIMO Cognitive Networks. - Nitesh Saxena, Jonathan Voris:
We Can Remember It for You Wholesale: Implications of Data Remanence on the Use of RAM for True Random Number Generation on RFID Tags (RFIDSec 2009). - Libin Jiang, Devavrat Shah, Jinwoo Shin, Jean C. Walrand:
Distributed Random Access Algorithm: Scheduling and Congesion Control. - James King, Erik Krohn:
The Complexity of Guarding Terrains. - Ankur Gupta, Anna Kispert, Jonathan P. Sorenson:
Online Sorting via Searching and Selection. - Scott M. Summers:
Reducing Tile Complexity for the Self-Assembly of Scaled Shapes Through Temperature Programming. - Xiaotie Deng, Qi Qi, Amin Saberi:
On the Complexity of Envy-Free Cake Cutting. - Jean-François Couchot, Alain Giorgetti, Nicolas Stouls
Graph Based Reduction of Program Verification Conditions. - Manjish Pal:
Towards an $O(\sqrt[3]{\log n})$-Approximation Algorithm for {\sc Balanced Separator}. - Cédric Chevalier, François Pellegrini
PT-Scotch: A tool for efficient parallel graph ordering. - (Withdrawn) Privacy constraints in regularized convex optimization.
- Adnan Raja, Vinod M. Prabhakaran, Pramod Viswanath:
Reciprocity in Linear Deterministic Networks under Linear Coding. - Arno Pauly:
How discontinuous is Computing Nash Equilibria? - Federico Penna, Roberto Garello:
Theoretical Performance Analysis of Eigenvalue-based Detection. - Sonja Georgievska, Suzana Andova:
Testing Probabilistic Processes: Can Random Choices Be Unobservable? - Se Baek Oh, George Barbastathis, Ramesh Raskar:
Augmenting Light Field to model Wave Optics effects. - James A. R. Marshall, Thomas Glyn Hinton:
Beyond No Free Lunch: Realistic Algorithms for Arbitrary Problem Classes. - Naveen Ashish, Sharad Mehrotra, Pouria Pirzadeh:
Incorporating Integrity Constraints in Uncertain Databases. - Chen Avin, Yuval Lando, Zvi Lotker:
Simple Random Walks on Radio Networks (Simple Random Walks on Hyper-Graphs). - Samar Agnihotri, Rajesh Venkatachalapathy:
Distributed Function Computation in Asymmetric Communication Scenarios. - Ryszard Janicki, Dai Tri Man Le:
Modelling Concurrency with Comtraces and Generalized Comtraces. - Samar Agnihotri, Rajesh Venkatachalapathy:
Worst-case Compressibility of Discrete and Finite Distributions. - Leslie Ann Goldberg, Mark Jerrum:
Inapproximability of the Tutte polynomial of a planar graph. - Linyuan Lu, Tao Zhou:
Role of Weak Ties in Link Prediction of Complex Networks. - Qing Wang, Pingyi Fan, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Throughput Improvement and Its Tradeoff with The Queuing Delay in the Diamond Relay Networks. - Pingyi Fan, Pei Sun, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Efficient Signal-Time Coding Design and its Application in Wireless Gaussian Relay Networks. - R. T. Faizullin, I. G. Khnykin, V. I. Dylkeyt:
The SAT solving method as applied to cryptographic analysis of asymmetric ciphers. - Chien-Chung Huang:
Classified Stable Matching. - Alexandre Soro, Jérôme Lacan:
FNT-based Reed-Solomon Erasure Codes. - Hal Daumé III:
Fast search for Dirichlet process mixture models. - Hal Daumé III:
Bayesian Query-Focused Summarization. - Hal Daumé III:
Frustratingly Easy Domain Adaptation. - Sheng-Gwo Chen, Mei-Hsiu Chi, Jyh-Yang Wu:
A new intrinsic numerical method for PDE on surfaces. - Michael E. Palmer, Daniel B. Miller:
An Evolved Neural Controller for Bipdedal Walking with Dynamic Balance. - Paola Bonizzoni, Gianluca Della Vedova, Riccardo Dondi:
A PTAS for the Minimum Consensus Clustering Problem with a Fixed Number of Clusters. - Syed T. Qaseem, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri:
Compressive Sensing for Feedback Reduction in MIMO Broadcast Channels. - Olivier Bournez, Johanne Cohen:
Learning Equilibria in Games by Stochastic Distributed Algorithms. - Shaddin Dughmi, Hu Fu, Robert Kleinberg:
Amplified Hardness of Approximation for VCG-Based Mechanisms. - Matthew C. Clarke
On the Chances of Completing the Game of "Perpetual Motion". - Lei Zhao, Haim H. Permuter:
Zero-error feedback capacity via dynamic programming. - Sergei V. Fedorenko:
On semifast Fourier transform algorithms. - Matteo Magnani, Danilo Montesi:
BPDMN: A Conservative Extension of BPMN with Enhanced Data Representation Capabilities. - Oktie Hassanzadeh:
Automated Protein Structure Classification: A Survey. - Zhi Quan, Stephen J. Shellhammer, Wenyi Zhang, Ali H. Sayed:
Spectrum sensing by cognitive radios at very low SNR. - Tshilidzi Marwala:
Foundations for a Developmental State: A case for technical education. - David Déharbe, Bruno Emerson Gurgel Gomes, Anamaria Martins Moreira:
Refining interfaces: the case of the B method. - Noga Alon, Michal Feldman, Ariel D. Procaccia, Moshe Tennenholtz:
Strategyproof Approximation Mechanisms for Location on Networks. - Lukasz Jez:
Randomised Buffer Management with Bounded Delay against Adaptive Adversary. - Sylvain Lebresne:
A Type System For Call-By-Name Exceptions. - Prosenjit Bose, Karim Douïeb, Vida Dujmovic, John Howat:
Layered Working-Set Trees. - Lucas C. Cordeiro, Bernd Fischer, João Marques-Silva:
SMT-Based Bounded Model Checking for Embedded ANSI-C Software. - Ulas Bagci, Li Bai:
Multiresolution Elastic Medical Image Registration in Standard Intensity Scale. - Francesco Biscani:
The Piranha algebraic manipulator. - Adam C. Zelinski, Vivek K. Goyal, Elfar Adalsteinsson:
Simultaneously Sparse Solutions to Linear Inverse Problems with Multiple System Matrices and a Single Observation Vector.