ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 37

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Volume 37, Number 1, January 2018

Volume 37, Number 2, July 2018

Volume 37, Number 3, August 2018

Special Issue on Production Rendering Regular Papers

Volume 37, Number 4, August 2018

Proceedings of ACM SIGGRAPH 2018
A race to the bottom (of the geometric energy plot) An immersion in computational geometry Computational photography Cloth encounters of the shirt kind Smart integration for real-time rendering Virtually human Cleaning up the mesh we made Computational photos and videos Interaction/VR Image & shape analysis with CNNs Layers, glints and surface microstructure Cutting, zipping and folding surfaces That's elastic! Volume rendering and global illumination Raiders of the lost volume Taking flight Fields and remeshing Vortex boogaloo Sketching 3D capture Flattening, unflattening and sampling Sounds good! Computational cameras Decision & style Deep thoughts on how things move Perception & haptics Learning for rendering and material acquisition Textiles & microstructures Design New additions (and subtractions) to fabrication Pipelines and languages for the GPU Animation control Disorder matter: from shells to rods and grains Shape analysis An atlas for the world and other surfaces Fabrication for color and motion Portraits & speech Bodies in motion human performance capture

Volume 37, Number 5, November 2018

Volume 37, Number 6, November 2018

SIGGRAPH Asia 2018 Technical Papers, Tokyo, Japan, December 04-07, 2018
Character animation Aerial propagation How people look and move Fun in geometry & fabrication Mixed reality Acquisition, rendering and display for virtual reality Fabulously computed fashion Modeling things on (and in) your head Learning to compose & decompose Geometry generation Acquiring and editing geometry via RGB (D) images Beyond light transport Nets, cages and meshes Faces, faces, faces Learning geometry Get wired Image processing Mapping + transport Optimizing structures & materials Capturing 4D performances Low-level imaging Meshing Advanced SVBRDF IM-material Rendering & reflectance Structured simulation