7th BIBE 2007: Boston, MA, USA

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IEEE BIBE Plenary Keynote Lecture Notes (Part I)

Protein Structure and Function

Microarray Data and Applications (Part A)

Microarray Data and Applications (Part B)

Microarray Data and Applications (Part C)

Biomedical Engineering

Computational Methods in Bioinformatics

Sequence Analysis

Systems Biology

Sequence and Structure

Bioinformatics Applications

WORKSHOP on Bio-Nano-Info Integration for Personalized Medicine

WORKSHOP on Joint Research in the Southern Illinois University, University of Illinois, and Oak Ridge National Labortaroy, U.S. Department of Energy

WORKSHOP on Progress Toward Petascale Applications in Bioinformatics And Computational Biology

Special Session on Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics

Special Session on Evolutionary Systems Biology

Special Session 13: Speciall Sesssion on Research in Bioinformatics, Neuroinformatics, and Systems Biology in East Asia