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8th EUSIPCO 1996: Trieste, Italy
- 8th European Signal Processing Conference, EUSIPCO 1996, Trieste, Italy, 10-13 September, 1996. IEEE 1996, ISBN 978-888-6179-83-6
- Laurent Kwiatkowski, Fernand Boéri, Jean Paul Stromboni:
Efficient implementation on multiprocessors: The problem of signal processing applications modelling. 1-4 - Seonil Choi, Jongwoo Bae, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Synthesis of memory-based VLSI architectures for discrete wavelet transforms. 1-4 - David Akopian, Jaakko Astola:
Processor architecture for extended lapped transform. 1-4 - Massimo Bertozzi, Alberto Broggi, Alessandra Fascioli:
Real-time obstacle detection using stereo vision. 1-4 - Mikael Karlsson Rudberg, Lars Wanhammar:
Implementation of a fast MPEG-2 compliant Huffman decoder. 1-4 - Jürgen Götze, Peter Rieder, Josef A. Nossek:
Implementation of Kogbetliantz's SVD algorithm using orthonormal μ-rotations. 1-4 - Marco Cavadini, Matthias Wosnitza, Markus Thaler, Gerhard Tröster:
A VLSI architecture for real time object detection on high resolution images. 1-4 - Roberto Roncella, Roberto Saletti, G. Savoia:
VLSI design of a parallel architecture 2-D rank order filter. 1-4 - Oguz Tanrikulu, Buyurman Baykal, Anthony G. Constantinides, Jonathon A. Chambers:
Residual signal in sub-band acoustic echo cancellers. 1-4 - Rainer Martin, Stefan Gustafsson:
An improved echo shaping algorithm for acoustic echo control. 1-4 - François Capman, Jérôme Boudy, Philip Lockwood:
Acoustic echo cancellation and noise reduction in the frequency-domain: A global optimisation. 1-4 - Gerard P. M. Egelmeers, Piet C. W. Sommen, Jacob de Boer:
Sommen, Jacob de Boer: Realization of an acoustic echo canceller on a single DSP. 1-4 - Patrick A. Naylor, J. E. Hart:
Subband acoustic echo control using non-critical frequency sampling. 1-4 - Martin Haardt, Knut Hüper, John B. Moore, Josef A. Nossek:
Simultaneous Schur decomposition of several matrices to achieve automatic pairing in multidimensional harmonic retrieval problems. 1-4 - Alex B. Gershman, Ulrich Nickel, Johann F. Böhme:
A unified approach to robust adaptive beamforming in moving jammer environment. 1-4 - Qing-Guang Liu, Benoît Champagne:
An adaptive esprit algorithm based on perturbation of unsymmetrical matrices. 1-4 - Sofiène Affes, Saeed Gazor, Yves Grenier:
An algorithm for multi-source beamforming and multi-target tracking: Further results. 1-4 - Pierre Comon, Laurent Deruaz:
Array self calibration: Identifiability issues. 1-4 - D. Maiwald, Ulrich Nickel:
Multiple signal detection and parameter estimation using sensor arrays with phase uncertainties. 1-4 - Axel Busboom, Hans Dieter Schotten, Harald Elders-Boll:
A generalized correlation function for magnified/reduced signals. 1-4 - Pascal Chevalier:
Optimal time invariant and widely linear spatial filtering for radiocommunications. 1-4 - Dimitrios I. Pazaitis, Anthony G. Constantinides:
A new robust adaptive step size LMS algorithm. 1-4 - Sofiane Cherif, Meriem Jaïdane, Sylvie Marcos:
Soft decision solution to ill convergence of blind decision feedback equalizers. 1-4 - Monia Turki, Meriem Jaïdane-Saïdane:
A non stationary LMS algorithm for adaptive tracking of a Markov time-varying system. 1-4 - Neil J. Bershad, José Carlos M. Bermudez:
Analysis of an LMS adaptive feedforward controller for periodic disturbance rejection: Non-wiener solutions for the LMS algorithm with a noisy reference-revisited. 1-4 - K. Kajita, Hiroyuki Kobayashi, Shogo Muramatsu, Akihiko Yamada, Hitoshi Kiya:
A design method for oversampled paraunitary DFT filter banks using householder factorization. 1-4 - Armando Malanda, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal, G. Cain:
Adaptive+darwinian approach for the estimation and tracking of time delays. 1-4 - Kensaku Fujii, Juro Ohga:
An adaptive filter coefficients adjustment algorithm stable against reference signal power fluctuation available for acoustic echo canceller systems. 1-4 - Josep Sala-Alvarez:
A cost function for constant amplitude signals based on statistical reference. 1-4 - Catharina Carlemalm, Bo Wahlberg:
On the problem of blind equalization considering abrupt changes in the channel characteristics. 1-4 - João Gomes, Victor Barroso:
Source independent blind equalization with fractionally-spaced sampling. 1-4 - Wang Jun:
Wideband blind identification and separation of independent sources. 1-4 - Ali Mansour, Christian Jutten, Philippe Loubaton:
Subspace method for blind separation of sources in convolutive mixture. 1-4 - Véronique Capdevielle, Christine Servière, Jean-Louis Lacoume:
Blind separation of wide-band sources: Application to rotating machine signals. 1-4 - Lieven De Lathauwer, Bart De Moor, Joos Vandewalle:
Blind source separation by simultaneous third-order tensor diagonalization. 1-4 - Alexei Gorokhov, Philippe Loubaton:
Second order blind identification of convolutive mixtures with temporally correlated sources: A subspace based approach. 1-4 - Pascal Chevalier, G. Benoit, Anne Ferréol:
Direction finding after blind identification of sources steering vectors: The blind-maxcor and blind-music methods. 1-4 - Christophe Vignat, Philippe Loubaton:
Blind beamforming in a cyclostationary context using an optimally weighted quadratic cost function. 1-4 - Ivan Bourmeyster, Jamil Chetoni, Silvio Cucchi, Nicola Griggio, Alessandro Guido, Giuliano Moroni, Antonello Riccio, Marco Stanzani, Fabio Valente:
Voice controlled mobile phone for car environment. 1-4 - Jong-Jy Shyu, Yo-Chuan Lai:
Design of pulse shaping filters and their applications in radio systems. 1-4 - Alexander Stenger, Khaled Ben Younes, Richard Reng, Bernd Girod:
A new error concealment technique for audio transmission with packet loss. 1-4 - Fulvio Babich, Sergio Carrato, Francesca Vatta:
Transmission of variable-rate encoded speech samples on packet radio networks. 1-4 - Xiao Liu, Tülay Adali:
Channel equalization using partial likelihood estimation and recurrent canonical piecewise linear network. 1-4 - Meritxell Lamarca, Gregori Vázquez:
Channel estimation for transform modulations in mobile communications. 1-4 - Dominic P. A. Greenwood, R. A. Carrasco:
Detection and compensation for disruptive non-linear traffic-flow dynamics in communication networks. 1-4 - Marcel Kohl, Friedrich K. Jondral:
Simulation of land mobile satcom links using different orbits and modulation modes. 1-4 - Alban Duverdier, Bernard Lacaze:
Scrambling and error correction by means of linear time-varying filters. 1-4 - Francisco Javier González-Serrano, Aníbal R. Figueiras-Vidal, Antonio Artés-Rodríguez:
A fast LUT+CMAC data predistorter. 1-4 - Olivier Besson, Frédéric Galtier:
Approximate maximum likelihood estimation in laser velocimetry. 1-4 - Rafael Ruiz, Margarita Cabrera:
Symbol decoding based on signal subspace decomposition in MSK. 1 - Petre Stoica, Mats L. Cedervall, Joakim Sorelius, Torsten Söderström:
Instrumental variable solution to an extended Frisch problem. 1-4 - H. Rousseau, Patrick Duvaut:
Bernoulli-Gaussian deconvolution in non-Gaussian noise, contribution of wavelet decomposition. 1-4 - Luc Vandendorpe:
MMSE equalizers for multitone systems without guard time. 1-4 - Hajime Kagiwada, Yasushi Aoki, Jingmin Xin, Akira Sano:
MSE-based regularization approach to rank determination in CLS and TLS estimation. 1-4 - Olivier Besson, Petre Stoica:
Robustness analysis of music and esprit frequency estimators for sinusoidal signals with time-varying amplitude. 1-4 - Paul R. White, Nasser Khalili:
HOS based detectors for periodic signals. 1-4 - Hélène Laurent, Christian Doncarli, Philippe Poignet:
Detection of abrupt changes: A time-frequency approach. 1-4 - Céline Theys, André Ferrari, Gérard Alengrin:
Detection and estimation of changes in a polynomial-phase signal using the DPPT. 1-4 - Andrzej Cichocki, Pawel Kostyla, Tadeusz Lobos, Zbigniew Waclawek:
Adaptive neural networks for robust estimation of parameters of noisy harmonic signals. 1-4 - Mounir Ghogho:
Maximum likelihood estimation of AR modulated signals. 1-4 - Gaetano Giunta:
Time delay and motion estimators based on digital fast time-scaling of random signals. 1-4 - Hisashi Sakane, Kiyoshi Nishikawa, Hitoshi Kiya:
A super-resolution method based on the discrete cosine transforms. 1-4 - Stephen D. Elton, Benjamin J. Slocumb:
Robust parameter estimation for periodic point process signals using circular statistics. 1-4 - José M. B. Dias, José M. N. Leitão:
A method for computing the information matrix of stationary Gaussian processes. 1-4 - Arnaud Doucet, Patrick Duvaut:
Fully Bayesian analysis of Hidden Markov models. 1-4 - X. X. Niu, Pak-Chung Ching, Yiu Tong Chan:
Performance analysis of a wavelet based WBCAF method for time delay and Doppler stretch estimation. 1-4 - Adrién Martínez-González, Laura Ortiz-Balbuena, Héctor M. Pérez Meana, Edgar Sánchez-Sinencio, Juan Carlos Sánchez-García:
A new method for wavelets generation. 1-4 - Anthony G. Place, Gregory H. Allen:
Order determination of state space systems. 1-4 - Peter A. J. Nagy:
Modulation classification - An unified view. 1-4 - Piet M. T. Broersen:
The best order of long autoregressive models for moving average estimation. 1-4 - Sina Mirsaidi, Jacques Oksman:
A class of real-time AR identification algorithms in the case of missing observations. 1-4 - Nathalie Giordana, Wojciech Pieczynski:
Unsupervised restoration of generalized multisensor Hidden Markov Chains. 1-4 - Carles Antón-Haro, José A. R. Fonollosa, Javier Rodríguez Fonollosa:
Application of Hidden Markov models to blind channel estimation and data detection in a GSM environment. 1-4 - Marco Mattavelli, Edoardo Amaldi:
Estimating piecewise linear models using combinatorial optimization techniques. 1-4 - Philippe Lemmerling, Sabine Van Huffel, Bart De Moor:
Structured total least squares methods in signal processing. 1-4 - Christophe Andrieu, Patrick Duvaut, Arnaud Doucet:
Bayesian deconvolution of cyclostationary processes based on point processes. 1-4 - Damjan Zazula:
Differential cepstrum defined on interpolated sequences. 1-4 - M. Cossi, Guido M. Cortelazzo, Ruggero Frezza:
Reconstruction of structure and texture of planar environments by dynamic vision techniques. 1-4 - V. Michael Bove Jr.:
Algorithms and systems for modeling moving scenes. 1-4 - Eli Saber, A. Murat Tekalp:
Region-based image annotation using color and texture cues. 1-4 - S. Michel, B. Karoubi, Josef Bigün, S. Corsini:
Orientation radiograms for indexing and identification in image databases. 1-4 - Laurence Boney, Ahmed H. Tewfik, Khaled N. Hamdy:
Digital watermarks for audio signals. 1-4 - Adrian G. Bors, Ioannis Pitas:
Embedding parametric digital signatures in images. 1-4 - Vlado Delic, Vojin Senk, V. S. Mibsevic:
A new speech scrambling method: Comparative analysis and a fast algorithm. 1-4 - Rupendra Kumar, Pradip Sircar:
Multiresolution analysis using orthogonal polynomial approximation. 1-3 - M. Tabiza, Philippe Bolon:
Performance evaluation of Dα-filters. 1-4 - Orla Feely, David Fitzgerald:
Nonlinear dynamics of bandpass sigma-delta modulation. 1-4 - Juha Kauraniemi, Timo I. Laakso:
Elimination of limit cycles in a direct form delta operator filter. 1-4 - S. Hashemi, Joe K. Hammond:
Ill-Conditioning of non-minimum phase systems. 1-4 - M. Kappelan, B. Strauß, P. Vary:
Flexible nonuniform filter banks using allpass transformation of multiple order. 1-4 - Maciej Niedzwiecki:
Elimination of cliks and background noise from archive gramophone recordings using the "two track mono" approach. 1-4 - Tolga Çiloglu, Yong Hoon Lee:
Efficient allocation of power-of-two terms in complex FIR filter design. 1-3 - Mathias Lang:
Chebyshev design of FIR filters with arbitrary magnitude and phase responses. 1-4 - Mariusz Ziólko:
Designing of robust stable digital filters. 1-4 - Peter Nagel:
Cepstral synthesis of minimum-phase FIR and IIR digital filters. 1-4 - Eric Le Carpentier, Jean-Luc Vuattoux:
Arma model identification using higher order statistics and fisher information concepts. 1-4 - Moon Gi Kang, Aqqelos K. Katsaqqelos:
Deterministic estimation of the bispectrum and its application to image restoration. 1-4 - Achilleas C. Stogioglou, Stephen McLaughlin:
ARMA parameter estimation through enhanced double MA modelling. 1-4 - Jean-Yves Tourneret, Karine Vareille, Martial Coulon:
Detection and classification of noisy AR and ARMA processes. 1-4 - Claire Chichereau, Bruno Flamtnt, Roland Blanpain:
Higher order detection test for deterministic signals. 1-4 - J. W. A. Fackrell, Steve McLaughlin:
Determining the false-alarm performance of HOS-based quadratic phase coupling detectors. 1-4 - Luciano Izzo, Antonio Napolitano:
Linear time-variant processing of higher-order almost-periodically correlated time-series. 1-4 - W. K. Lai, P. C. Ching:
A higher-order cumulant based DOA estimation algorithm. 1-4 - Cécile Huet, Joël Le Roux:
Some properties and algorithms for fourth order spectral analysis of complex signals. 1-4 - André Ferrari, Céline Theys, Gérard Alengrin:
Stationary moments of a polynomial phase signal, application to parameter estimation. 1-4 - Najib Naja, A. Goalic, A. El Kesri, Jean-Marc Boucher, Samir Saoudi:
A real time processing TCELP coder/decoder at 4.8 kbit/sec using LSP split vector quantization. 1-4 - André Neubauer:
Evolutionary design of analog FIR filters with variable time delays for optically controlled microwave signal processors. 1-4 - A. M. Alvarez, S. George, H. Yang, K. Das:
SGS-Thomson DSP D950-core audio compression. 1-4 - Giovanni Bucci, Pierluigi D'Innocenzo, Carmine Landi:
The implementation of a high-speed data acquisition system for a DSP-based instrument operating in real-time. 1-4 - Guilhem de Wailly, Fernand Boéri:
A dataflow language for signal processing modeling with parallel implementation issues. 1-4 - Daniele Bagni, PierLuigi lo Muzio, Paola Carrai, Vittorio Riva, Stefano Vedani:
Motion compensated de-interlacer. 1-4 - Michel Paindavoine, Sarifuddin, Claude Milan, J. C. Grapin:
Multiscale edges detection algorithm implementation using FPGA devices. 1-4 - Ulf Sjöström, Magnus Carlsson, Magnus Hörlin:
Design and implementation of a digital down converter chip. 1-4 - Moe Razaz, D. M. P. Hagyard, P. Atkin:
Morphological structuring element decomposition: Implementation and comparison. 1-4 - Jarkko Vuori, Jorma Skyttä:
Implementation of a European paging system receiver using CORDIC algorithm. 1-4 - Yangzhao Xiang, Ruwei Dai:
Time varying wavelet transform for image coding. 1-5 - Jianmin Jiang:
Lossless image compression with wavelet transform. 1-4 - Mario Ferraro, Franco Giulianini:
Invariance properties of integral transforms of images. 1-4 - Hakan Çaglar, C. Sinan Güntürk, Emin Anarim, Bülent Sankur:
Matched block transform design techniques. 1-4 - Gian Luca Foresti, Carlo S. Regazzoni, Andrea Teschioni:
Progressive image coding for visual surveillance applications based on statistical morphological skeleton. 1-4 - Kwok-Tung Lo, Shing-Mo Cheng:
Enhanced initialization method for LBG codebook design algorithm in vector quantization of images. 1-4 - Kamel Belloulata, Atilla Baskurt, Hugues Benoit-Cattin, Rémy Prost:
Fractal coding of subbands using an oriented partition. 1-4 - Ingil Sundsbo, Tor A. Ramstad:
Low complexity synthesis filter bank for subband coding of images. 1-4 - Christian J. Van Den Branden Lambrecht, Joyce E. Farrell:
Perceptual quality metric for digitally coded color images. 1-4 - Barun K. Kar, Mitrajit Chatterjee, Dhiraj K. Pradhan:
BIT-based weighted mean filter. 1-4 - Roberto Castagno, Giovanni Ramponi:
A rational filter for the removal of blocking artifacts in image sequences coded at low bitrate. 1-4 - Stefano Chiandussi, Giovanni Ramponi:
Nonlinear Unsharp Masking for the enhancement of document images. 1-4 - Andrzej Cichocki, Wlodzimierz Kasprzak, Shun-ichi Amari:
Neural network approach to blind separation and enhancement of images. 1-4 - Sebastien Guillon, Pierre Baylou:
Non causal adaptive quadratic filters for image filtering and contrast enhancement. 1-4 - Doina Petrescu, Ioan Tabus, Moncef Gabbouj:
Locally adaptive techniques for stack filtering. 1-4 - C. Smith, D. R. Campbell:
LMS registration of rigid transformations. 1-4 - Shinji Watanabe, Takashi Komatsu, Takahiro Saito:
A new stabilized zero - Crossing representation in the wavelet transform domain and its application to image processing. 1-4