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48th HICSS 2015: Kauai, Hawaii, USA
- Tung X. Bui, Ralph H. Sprague Jr.:
48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HICSS 2015, Kauai, Hawaii, USA, January 5-8, 2015. IEEE Computer Society 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-7367-5
Collaboration Systems and Technology Track
- Jay F. Nunamaker Jr., Robert O. Briggs
Introduction to Collaboration Systems and Technology Track. 1
Advances in Teaching and Learning Technologies
- Cayley Guimarães
, Moisés H. R. Pereira, Sueli Fernandes
A Framework to Inform Design of Learning Objects for Teaching Written Portuguese (2nd Language) to Deaf Children via Sign Language (1st Language). 2-10 - Mohammad T. Alshammari, Rachid Anane
, Robert J. Hendley:
An E-Learning Investigation into Learning Style Adaptivity. 11-20 - Margit Scholl:
An Implementation of User-Experience-Based Evaluation to Achieve Transparency in the Usage and Design of Information Artifacts. 21-32 - Liana Razmerita
, Kathrin Kirchner
Collaboration and E-Collaboration: A Study of Factors that Influence Perceived Students' Group Performance. 33-42 - Sarfraz Iqbal, Devinder Thapa, Ali Ismail Awad
, Tero Päivärinta
Conceptual Model of Online Pedagogical Information Security Laboratory: Toward an Ensemble Artifact. 43-52 - Jennifer Ellis, Derrick L. Cogburn, Marilyn Arnone, Nanette S. Levinson
Developing and Evaluating an Accessible Cyberteaching Training (ACT) Program for Faculty via a Virtual Center for Teaching and Learning. 53-62 - Wei Peng
, Rabindra A. Ratan
, M. Laeeq Khan
Ebook Uses and Class Performance in a College Course. 63-71 - Ali Saleh Alammary, Angela Carbone, Judy Sheard:
Identifying Criteria that Should be Considered when Deciding the Proportion of Online to Face-to-Face Components of a Blended Course. 72-80 - Margit Kastner
Incorporating Students' Self-Efficacy and Subject Value in the Evaluation of Audience Response Systems. 81-90 - Jim Waters, Susan Gasson
Supporting Metacognition in Online, Professional Graduate Courses. 91-100 - Travis K. Huang:
The Role of User Resistance in the Adoption of Screenshot Annotation for Computer Software Learning. 101-110 - Anne-Marie Croteau, Vivek Venkatesh, Anne Beaudry, Jihan Rabah:
The Role of Information and Communication Technologies in University Students' Learning Experience: The Instructors' Perspective. 111-120
Analytics and Big Data in Computer Mediated-Collaboration
- Dorit Nevo, Saggi Nevo, Nanda Kumar, Jonas Braasch
, Kusum Mathews:
Enhancing the Visualization of Big Data to Support Collaborative Decision-Making. 121-130 - Jinie Pak, Lina Zhou:
Temporal Patterns of Structural Deception Behavior in a Massively Multiplayer Online Game. 131-140
Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management
- Jose J. Gonzalez, Murray Turoff, Julie Dugdale:
Introduction to Communication and Information Systems Technology for Crisis and Disaster Management Minitrack. 141-142 - Sharvari Kulkarni, Gezinus J. Hidding, Serhat Cicekoglu:
A Framework for Post-crisis Business Continuity Plans. 143-152 - Andrea Salfinger
, Sylva Girtelschmid, Birgit Pröll, Werner Retschitzegger, Wieland Schwinger:
Crowd-Sensing Meets Situation Awareness: A Research Roadmap for Crisis Management. 153-162 - Kenneth M. Anderson
, Ahmet Arif Aydin
, Mario Barrenechea, Adam Cardenas, Mazin Hakeem
, Sahar Jambi
Design Challenges/Solutions for Environments Supporting the Analysis of Social Media Data in Crisis Informatics Research. 163-172 - Yasuki Iizuka, Kayo Iizuka:
Disaster Evacuation Assistance System Based on Multi-agent Cooperation. 173-181 - Mario Barrenechea, Kenneth Mark Anderson
, Leysia Palen, Joanne I. White:
Engineering Crowdwork for Disaster Events: The Human-Centered Development of a Lost-and-Found Tasking Environment. 182-191 - Leire Labaka
, Ying Qian, Peter Lango, Jose J. Gonzalez:
Insights from a Computer Simulation Model of a Landslide Disaster. 192-199 - Fuko Nakai
, Michinori Hatayama, Katsuya Yamori
Integrating Computer Simulation and the Fieldwork to Discover Possible Alternatives for Tsunami Evacuation. 200-207 - Lyuba Mancheva, Julie Dugdale:
The Design of an Agent Based Model of Human Activities and Communications in Cardiac Resuscitation. 208-215
Creativity in Teams and Organizations
- Thanaporn Sundaravej, Dinesh A. Mirchandani, Albert L. Lederer:
Synchronous Collaboration Technology Use in Teamwork. 216-225 - Stefan Werner Knoll, Graham Horton:
The Impact of Analogical Distance as a Mental Stimulus in Ideation Processes Using Change of Perspective: Jumping. 226-235 - Dominik Siemon, Linda Eckardt, Susanne Robra-Bissantz:
Tracking Down the Negative Group Creativity Effects with the Help of an Artificial Intelligence-Like Support System. 236-243
Cross-Organizational and Cross-Border IS/IT Collaboration
- Sebastian Zander, Simon Thanh-Nam Trang, Lutz M. Kolbe:
E-Collaboration in Interorganizational Networks: A Literature Review and an Agenda for Future Research. 244-253 - Pietro Cunha Dolci
, Antônio Carlos Gastaud Maçada
, Gerald G. Grant
Understanding the Influence of IT Investment on Supply Chain Governance (SCG). 254-263 - Darshana Karna, Ilsang Ko:
We-Intention, Moral Trust, and Self-Motivation on Accelerating Knowledge Sharing in Social Collaboration. 264-273
Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology
- Tung Bui, Melvin F. Shakun:
Introduction to Decision, Negotiation, Leadership, Social Communities, and Technology Minitrack. 274 - Zhaleh Semnani-Azad, Katia P. Sycara, Michael Lewis:
Cooperation in Face and Dignity Cultures: Role of Moral Identity and Gender. 275-283 - Gregory E. Kersten
Improving Successful A+B Procurement Auctions with Negotiations. 284-293 - Katja Tiefenbacher, Sebastian Olbrich:
Increasing the Value of Big Data Projects - Investigation of Industrial Success Stories. 294-303
Design and Innovation of Social Networking Services
- Ben C. F. Choi, Zhenhui Jiang, Bharath Ramesh, Yizhou Dong:
Privacy Tradeoff and Social Application Usage. 304-313 - Tommy K. H. Chan
, Christy M. K. Cheung, Zach W. Y. Lee
, Tillmann Neben:
Why Do I Keep Checking My Facebook? The Role of Urge in the Excessive Use of Social Networking Sites. 314-323 - Xinlin Yao
, Chee Wei Phang, Hong Ling:
Understanding the Influences of Trend and Fatigue in Individuals' SNS Switching Intention. 324-334
Emerging Issues in Distributed Group Decision-Making: Opportunities and Challenges
- Tino Schuppan, Theresa A. Pardo, Elin Wihlborg
Introduction to Emerging Topics in Electronic Government Minitrack. 335 - Graham Horton, Jana Görs:
A Criterion-Mining Method for Group Idea Selection - Increasing Consensus with Minimal Loss of Efficiency. 336-343 - Ugochukwu O. Etudo, Heinz Roland Weistroffer, Mohammad Al-abdullah:
Adaptive Structuration Theory and Media Richness Theory in GDSS Research: A Critical Review. 344-353 - Xusen Cheng, Yuanyuan Li, Ying Zhao:
Can We Solve Low Participation, Distraction, and Inefficiency? A Case Study of Distributed Collaborative Learning in Industries. 354-363 - Sandra Dunn, Cheryl Grannan, Mahesh S. Raisinghani, Heather Stalling:
Communication Strategies for Successful Virtual Teams. 364-373 - Jorge A. Colazo
The Evolution of Network Structure and Media Choice in Operational Emergency Swift Teams: An Exploratory Study. 374-381 - Dai Nishioka, Yuko Murayama:
The Influence of User Attribute onto the Factors of Anshin for Online Shopping Users. 382-391
Global Virtual Teams
- Michael J. Hine
, Derrick L. Cogburn:
Introduction to Global Virtual Teams Minitrack. 392 - Bettina Cassandra Riedl, Y. Dora Cai, Rabindra A. Ratan
, Cuihua Shen, Arnold Picot:
Champions of Equality: Examining Gender Egalitarianism in Virtual Teams across Cultures. 393-401 - Emma S. Nordbäck, J. Alberto Espinosa:
Cognitive and Behavioral Leadership Coordination: Linking Shared Leadership to High Performance in Global Teams. 402-411 - Erik Wende, Gregory King:
Exploring Storytelling for Relationship Building in Offshore Outsourced Projects: An Action Research Investigation. 412-421 - Aditya Johri:
Supporting Global Virtual Work through Blogs and Micro-blogging. 422-431 - Karin Väyrynen, Riitta Hekkala:
The Concept of Maintaining Face in Global Virtual Teams. 432-441
Human-Computer Interaction: Informing Design Utilizing Behavioral, Neurophysiological, and Design Science Methods
- Sharoda A. Paul, Joe Bolinger:
Ask an Expert: Mobile Workspaces for Collaborative Troubleshooting. 442-451 - Suzanne Kieffer
, Ugo Braga Sangiorgi, Jean Vanderdonckt:
ECOVAL: A Framework for Increasing the Ecological Validity in Usability Testing. 452-461 - Elena Francesca Corriero, Stephanie Tom Tong
, Pradeep Sopory:
Behaviors, Perceptions, Responsiveness, and Presence: The Dyadic Model of Mediated Communication. 462-471 - Maximilian Wich, Tommi Kramer:
Enhanced Human-Computer Interaction for Business Applications on Mobile Devices: A Design-Oriented Development of a Usability Evaluation Questionnaire. 472-481 - Soussan Djamasbi
, Siavash Mortazavi:
Generation Y, Baby Boomers, and Gaze Interaction Experience in Gaming. 482-490 - J. Eric Case, Nathan W. Twyman
Embodied Conversational Agents: Social or Nonsocial? 491-496 - Malin Nilsson, Stefan Olsson, Per Bagmark:
Stereoscopic 3D to Reduce Product Uncertainty in E-commerce. 497-506 - David Raneburger, Hermann Kaindl
, Roman Popp
Strategies for Automated GUI Tailoring for Multiple Devices. 507-516 - Adriane B. Randolph, Sandra Pierquet:
Bringing Advertising Closer to Mind: Using Neurophysiological Tools to Understand Student Responses to Super Bowl Commercials. 517-522 - Diana Reich, Rainer Stark
The Influence of Immersive Driving Environments on Human-Cockpit Evaluations. 523-532 - Ricardo Buettner, Sebastian Sauer, Christian Maier, Andreas Eckhardt:
Towards Ex Ante Prediction of User Performance: A Novel NeuroIS Methodology Based on Real-Time Measurement of Mental Effort. 533-542
IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries
- Xusen Cheng, Xiangbin Yan, Deepinder S. Bajwa:
Introduction to IT Enabled Collaboration in Developing Countries Minitrack. 543 - Xusen Cheng, Jianhua Yu
Designing of a Mobile Collaboration Application for Student Collaborative Group Work: Evidence from China. 544-551 - Chen Yang, Jianshan Sun, Jian Ma
, Shanshan Zhang
, Gang Wang
, Zhongsheng Hua
Scientific Collaborator Recommendation in Heterogeneous Bibliographic Networks. 552-561 - Qiuju Li, Jinhong Cui, Yun Gao:
The Influence of Social Capital in an Online Community on Online Review Quality in China. 562-570
Processes and Technologies for Small and Large Team Collaboration (CE)
- Douglas A. Druckenmiller, Daniel D. Mittleman:
A Design Theory for Digital Habitats: Building Virtual Communities of Practice. 571-580 - Isabella Seeber
, Ronald Maier, Barbara Weber
, Gert-Jan de Vreede
, Triparna de Vreede, Abdulrahman Alothaim
Brainstorming is Just the Beginning: Effects of Convergence Techniques on Satisfaction, Perceived Usefulness of Moderation, and Shared Understanding in Teams. 581-590 - Amit V. Deokar
, Thomas O. Meservy
, Joel H. Helquist:
Creating and Sustaining Collaborative Efforts for Scientific Idea Exchange through Autonomy, Competence, and Relatedness. 591-599 - Nils L. Randrup, Robert O. Briggs
Evaluating the Performance of Collaboration Engineers. 600-609 - Bianca M. Zongrone, Douglas C. Derrick, Gina Scott Ligon:
Individual Differences that Predict Interactions in Mixed-Initiative Teams. 610-618 - Christopher B. R. Diller:
The "Sort-Your-Own (SYO) Method" of Collaborative Sorting: A Practical Technique to Improve the Efficiency of Group Convergence. 619-624
Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation
- Imed Boughzala, Hélène Michel, Sara de Freitas:
Introduction to the Serious Games, Gamification, and Innovation Minitrack. 625 - Imed Boughzala:
A Field Application to Vet a Serious Game toward Learning Objectives. 626-634 - Benedikt Morschheuser
, Christian Henzi, Rainer Alt
Increasing Intranet Usage through Gamification - Insights from an Experiment in the Banking Industry. 635-642 - Amir Matallaoui, Philipp Herzig, Rüdiger Zarnekow:
Model-Driven Serious Game Development Integration of the Gamification Modeling Language GaML with Unity. 643-651 - Oihab Allal-Chérif, Mohamed Makhlouf
Serious Games and Their Use in HRM: A Typology of Uses in CAC40 Companies. 652-661 - Isys Macedo, Daniela G. Trevisan
, Cristina Nader Vasconcelos
, Esteban Clua
Observed Interaction in Games for Down Syndrome Children. 662-671 - Ayoung Suh
, Christian Wagner
, Lili Liu:
The Effects of Game Dynamics on User Engagement in Gamified Systems. 672-681 - Juho Hamari
, Tuula Nousiainen:
Why Do Teachers Use Game-Based Learning Technologies? The Role of Individual and Institutional ICT Readiness. 682-691
Social and Psychological Perspectives in Collaboration Research
- Nikolai Sobotta, Markus Hummel:
A Capacity Perspective on E-mail Overload: How E-mail Use Contributes to Information Overload. 692-701 - David W. Wilson, Sherry M. B. Thatcher, Susan A. Brown
Media Capabilities that Support Identity Communication in Virtual Teams. 702-711 - Abdulrahman Alothaim
, Gert-Jan de Vreede
, Roni Reiter-Palmon
Predicting the Behavioral Intention to Use Collaborative Meeting Technologies: A Goal Attainment Mediated by Meeting Satisfaction Model. 712-721 - Xiao Liang:
The Changing Impact of Geographic Distance: A Preliminary Analysis on the Co-author Networks in Scientometrics (1983-2013). 722-731 - Robert M. Fuller
, Michelle Harding
The Impact of Interaction Anticipation and Incentive Type on Shared Leadership and Performance in Virtual Teams. 732-741
Social Media and E-business Transformation
- Christy M. K. Cheung, Matthew K. O. Lee
, Christian Wagner
Introduction to Social Media and E-business Transformation Minitrack. 742 - Caitlin Lustig, Bonnie A. Nardi:
Algorithmic Authority: The Case of Bitcoin. 743-752 - Ahmed Doha, Khaled Hassanein
, Kaleem Mahmood:
An Electronic Clearance Marketplace Leveraging Collaborations in Supplier and Buyer Communities: A Design Science Research Study. 753-762 - Wietske van Osch, Charles W. Steinfield
, Brigitte A. Balogh:
Enterprise Social Media: Challenges and Opportunities for Organizational Communication and Collaboration. 763-772 - Ling Jiang, Christian Wagner
, Bonnie A. Nardi:
Not Just in it for the Money: A Qualitative Investigation of Workers' Perceived Benefits of Micro-task Crowdsourcing. 773-782 - Tillmann Neben, Dennis Lips, Aliona von der Trenck:
The Effects of Network Diversity and Social Norms on Social Structuring: Empirical Evidence from Online Social Networks. 783-792
Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare
- Souren Paul
, Arkalgud Ramaprasad
, Nilmini Wickramasinghe
Introduction to Technology Mediated Collaborations in Healthcare Minitrack. 793 - Nilmini Wickramasinghe
, Hoda Moghimi, Peter Haddad, Richard De Steiger, Jonathan L. Schaffer
Leveraging Key Aspects of Collaborative Techniques to Assist Clinical Decision Making: The Case of Hip and Knee Arthroplasty. 794-802 - Anaga Ojo, Samir Chatterjee, Harold W. Neighbors, Gretchen A. Piatt
, Sanjoy Moulik, Bonita D. Neighbors, Jamie Abelson, Chris Krenz, Darlene Jones:
OH-BUDDY: Mobile Phone Texting Based Intervention for Diabetes and Oral Health Management. 803-813 - Mohanraj Thirumalai, Arkalgud Ramaprasad
Ontological Analysis of the Research on the Use of Social Media for Health Behavior Change. 814-823 - Ahmad Alaiad, Lina Zhou:
Patients' Behavioral Intentions toward Using WSN Based Smart Home Healthcare Systems: An Empirical Investigation. 824-833 - Janis L. Gogan, Sunayana Karra:
Post-Hoc CIT: A Useful Method for Qualitative IS Research. 834-843
Decision Analytics, Mobile Services, and Service Science Track
- Christer Carlsson, Haluk Demirkan:
Introduction to the Decision Analytics, Mobile and Service Science Track (DA/MS/SS). 844
Analytics, Information Systems, and Decision Technologies for Sustainability
- Omar F. El-Gayar
, PingSun Leung, Arno Scharl
Introduction to Analytics, Information Systems, and Decision Technologies for Sustainability Minitrack. 845 - Stefan Bensch, Christoph Kolotzek, Christoph Helbig
, Andrea Thorenz, Axel Tuma:
Decision Support System for the Sustainability Assessment of Critical Raw Materials in SMEs. 846-855 - Miadreza Shafie-khah
, João P. S. Catalão
Multi-layer Agent-Based Decision Making Model with Incomplete Information Game Theory to Study the Behavior of Market Participants for Sustainability. 856-865 - Patrick Lubbecke, Markus Reiter, Peter Fettke, Peter Loos:
Simulation-Based Decision Support for the Reduction of the Energy Consumption of Complex Business Processes. 866-875 - Imke Wasner, Tim A. Majchrzak:
Sustainability Management Control Practice: A Study of German SMEs. 876-885
Big Data Analytics: Concepts, Methods, Techniques
- Frank Armour, Stephen H. Kaisler, J. Alberto Espinosa:
Introduction to Big Data Analytics: Concepts, Methods, Techniques Minitrack. 886 - Donald J. Kridel, Daniel R. Dolk, David G. Castillo:
Adaptive Modeling for Real Time Analytics: The Case of "Big Data" in Mobile Advertising. 887-896 - Sebastian Wagner, Tobias Brandt, Dirk Neumann
Data Analytics in Free-Floating Carsharing: Evidence from the City of Berlin. 897-907 - Martin Vanauer, Carsten Böhle, Bernd Hellingrath
Guiding the Introduction of Big Data in Organizations: A Methodology with Business- and Data-Driven Ideation and Enterprise Architecture Management-Based Implementation. 908-917 - Véronique Van Vlasselaer, Leman Akoglu, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Monique Snoeck
, Bart Baesens:
Guilt-by-Constellation: Fraud Detection by Suspicious Clique Memberships. 918-927 - Gabriele Piccoli, Joaquin Alfredo Rodriguez
, Richard T. Watson:
Leveraging Digital Data Streams: The Development and Validation of a Business Confidence Index. 928-937 - Yousra Harb
, Surendra Sarnikar, Omar F. El-Gayar
SenseCluster for Exploring Large Data Repositories. 938-947
Data, Text, and Web Mining for Business Analytics
- Dursun Delen
, Asil Oztekin:
Introduction to Data, Text, and Web Mining for Business Analytics Minitrack. 948 - Dailing Zhang, Wei Xu, Yingqiu Zhu, Xinwei Zhang:
Can Sentiment Analysis Help Mimic Decision-Making Process of Loan Granting? A Novel Credit Risk Evaluation Approach Using GMKL Model. 949-958 - Nicolas Prollochs, Stefan Feuerriegel, Dirk Neumann
Enhancing Sentiment Analysis of Financial News by Detecting Negation Scopes. 959-968 - Sahil Zubair, Krzysztof J. Cios:
Extracting News Sentiment and Establishing Its Relationship with the S&P 500 Index. 969-975 - Prem Timsina, Omar F. El-Gayar
, Jun Liu:
Leveraging Advanced Analytics Techniques for Medical Systematic Review Update. 976-985