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SC 2006: Tampa, FL, USA
- Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE SC2006 Conference on High Performance Networking and Computing, November 11-17, 2006, Tampa, FL, USA. ACM Press 2006, ISBN 0-7695-2700-0
- Raymond Kurzweil:
Keynote Speech: Raymond Kurzweil. 0
Birds of a feather
- Robert Armstrong:
Compframe - Compframe: developement of component frameworks for high performance computing. 1 - Frederica Darema, Mario Rotea:
Dynamic data - Dynamic data-driven applications systems. 2 - Dimitra Simeonidou, Gigi Karmous-Edwards:
Heterogeneuos optical - GHPN/GLIF: delivery of network services across heterogeneous optical domains. 3 - Jack J. Dongarra, Jeremy Kepner:
HPC challenge - The 2006 HPC challenge awards. 4 - Jeffrey M. Squyres, Brian Barrett:
Open MPI - Open MPI community meeting. 5 - Stephen L. Scott, Thomas J. Naughton, Geoffroy Vallée:
OSCAR - OSCAR community meeting. 6 - Zarka Cvetanovic:
Performance tools - Performance tools for large-scale clusters. 7 - Garrick Staples:
TORQUE - TORQUE resource manager. 8 - Christopher Gottbrath, Peter Thompson:
TotalView - TotalView tips and tricks. 9 - Michael P. Perrone, Tanaz Sowadagar:
Cell BE - Cell BE software programming and toolkits. 10 - Christian Tanasescu, Sharan Kalwani:
Global automotive - HPC's role in global automotive design. 11 - Shawn Hansen, Ted Wilcox, Dan Stanzione:
InfiniBand routing - InfiniBand routing and switching: improving fabric scalability, distance, and fault isolation. 12 - Sanjiv Shah, Mark Bull:
OpenMP - OpenMP. 13 - Thom H. Dunning, Francine Berman, John R. Boisseau:
Pathway to petascale - The pathway to petascale science. 15 - Nancy Wilkins-Diehr, Thomas Soddemann:
Science gateway - Science gateway, portal and other community interfaces to high end resources. 16 - Kumaran Kalyanasundaram:
SPEC HPG - SPEC HPG benchmarks. 17 - Erich Strohmaier:
TOP500 - TOP500 supercomputer. 18 - Grant Miller:
Approaching petascale - Approaching petascale computing. 19 - Heidi L. Alvarez, Julio Ibarra:
CyberBridges - CyberBridges: a model collaboration infrastructure for e-science. 20 - John Connolly, Elaine Landwehr:
Cyberinfrax & education - Cyberinfrastructure and education. 21 - Wilfried Oed:
Extreme applications - Extreme application scalability. 22 - Shawn Hansen, Sujal Das:
Fabric-agnostic RDMA - Fabric-agnostic RDMA with OpenFabrics enterprise distribution: promises, challenges, and future direction. 23 - Allen D. Malony, Wolfgang E. Nagel:
Open trace - The open trace format (OTF) and open tracing for HPC. 24 - Mark I. Parsons
, Francis W. Wray:
Programming FPGAs - Programming FPGAs: challenges and successes. 25 - Steve Jones, Greg Bruno, Tim McIntire:
Rocks clusters - Rocks clusters. 26 - Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Lauren Smith:
UPC - UPC: unified parallel C. 27 - Michael Humphrey:
Altair's PBS - Altair's PBS professional update. 28 - Rick Friedman:
Best practices - Best practices in cluster management. 29 - Neil Pundit, Rolf Riesen:
Cray XT3 users - Cray XT3 users. 30 - Robert J. Fowler, Allan Snavely, Daniel A. Reed:
Evaluating petascale - Evaluating petascale infrastructure systems: benchmarks, models, and applications. 31 - Christopher D. Maestas:
Monitoring trix - Monitoring trix. 32 - Gilad Shainer:
Multi-core usage - Multi-core clusters usage model. 33 - Robert B. Ross, Robert Latham:
PVFS - PVFS: a parallel file system. 34 - Horst-D. Steinhoefer, Gary Jensen:
SGI Altix - User experiences with the SGI Altix. 35 - Glenn Lupton:
Visualization - Visualization using Linux clusters. 36 - Ronald W. Green:
Beyond MPI - Beyond MPI: community experience with emerging parallel languages. 38 - Arthur B. Maccabe
FAST-OS - FAST-OS: forum to address scalable technology for runtime and operating systems. 39 - Hakon O. Bugge:
High availability MPIs - Exploring the importance of high availability MPIs. 40 - Troy Benjegerdes:
InfiniBand & OpenFabrics - InfiniBand and OpenFabrics at SC06. 41 - Laura F. McGinnis:
Internships & mentoring - Internships and mentoring in high performance computing environments. 42 - Philip Mucci, Shirley Moore:
PAPI users group - PAPI users group. 43 - Scott A. Lathrop, Gary R. Bertoline:
TeraGrid outreach - TeraGrid outreach and campus partnerships. 44
Gordon Bell
- François Gygi, Erik W. Draeger, Martin Schulz
, Bronis R. de Supinski, John A. Gunnels, Vernon Austel, James C. Sexton, Franz Franchetti, Stefan Kral, Christoph W. Ueberhuber, Juergen Lorenz:
Gordon Bell finalists I - Large-scale electronic structure calculations of high-Z metals on the BlueGene/L platform. 45 - Hiroshi Akiba, Tomonobu Ohyama, Yoshinoir Shibata, Kiyoshi Yuyama, Yoshikazu Katai, Ryuichi Takeuchi, Takeshi Hoshino, Shinobu Yoshimura, Hirohisa Noguchi, Manish Gupta, John A. Gunnels, Vernon Austel, Yogish Sabharwal, Rahul Garg, Shoji Kato, Takashi Kawakami, Satoru Todokoro, Junko Ikeda:
Gordon Bell finalists I - Large scale drop impact analysis of mobile phone using ADVC on Blue Gene/L. 46 - Susumu Yamada, Toshiyuki Imamura, Takuma Kano, Masahiko Machida:
Gordon Bell finalists I - High-performance computing for exact numerical approaches to quantum many-body problems on the earth simulator. 47 - Atsushi Kawai, Toshiyuki Fukushige:
Gordon Bell finalists II - $158/GFLOPS astrophysical N-body simulation with reconfigurable add-in card and hierarchical tree algorithm. 48 - Tetsu Narumi, Yousuke Ohno, Noriaki Okimoto, Takahiro Koishi, Atsushi Suenaga, Noriyuki Futatsugi, Ryoko Yanai, Ryutaro Himeno, Shigenori Fujikawa
, Makoto Taiji, Mitsuru Ikei:
Gordon Bell finalists II - A 55 TFLOPS simulation of amyloid-forming peptides from yeast prion Sup35 with the special-purpose computer system MDGRAPE-3. 49 - Pavlos Vranas
, Gyan Bhanot, Matthias A. Blumrich, Dong Chen, Alan Gara, Philip Heidelberger, Valentina Salapura, James C. Sexton:
Gordon Bell finalists II - The BlueGene/L supercomputer and quantum ChromoDynamics. 50
- Michael L. Norman:
Astrophysics - The cosmic simulator. 51 - Anthony Mezzacappa
Astrophysics - Understanding our cosmic origin through petascale computing. 52 - Henry Markram:
Biology - The blue brain project. 53 - Neo D. Martinez:
Biology - Elucidating laws of the unruly jungle with computational approaches to complex ecological networks. 54 - Jacqueline Chen:
Combustion - Terascale direct numerical simulations of turbulent combustion. 55 - Gabriel Staffelbach:
Combustion - High performance computing for combustion applications. 56 - W. W. Lee:
Fusion - Kinetic simulation of fusion plasmas. 57 - Donald B. Batchelor:
Fusion - High performance computing in magnetic fusion energy research. 58 - Harvey B. Newman:
High energy physics - Search for higgs boson diphoton decay with CMS at LHC. 59 - Robert D. Ryne:
High energy physics - 25 years of accelerator modeling. 60 - Robert J. Harrison
Quantum mechanics - Science at the petascale: tools in the toolbox. 61 - David J. Dean:
Quantum mechanics - Ab initio nuclear structure determination. 62 - Thomas C. Schulthess:
Materials and nano-science - Toward material-specific simulations of high temperature superconductivity. 63 - Jerry Bernholc:
Materials and nano-science - Atomic scale design of nanostructures. 64 - Rich Oehler:
Computer science - architecture - Re-inventing the x86 architecture: quad-core and beyond. 65 - Thomas L. Sterling:
Computer science - architecture - Beyond the beyond and the extremes of computing. 66
- Jeremy Kepner, Bob Lucas, Mootaz Elnozahy, Jim Mitchell, Steve Scott:
High productivity - High productivity computing and usable petascale systems. 67 - Garth A. Gibson
, Steve Kleiman, Spencer Shepler, Harriet Covertson, Peter Honeyman
, David Black, Roger L. Haskin, Rob Kelley, Michael Callahan, Sujal Patel, Shmuel Shottan:
High performance NFS - High performance NFS: facts and fictions. 68 - Leslie S. Perkins, Phil Andrews, Dhabaleswar K. Panda, Dave Morton, Ron Bonica, Nick Henry Werstiuk, Randy Kreiser:
Panel: Data intensive computing. 69 - Gary Tyreman, Mark Linesch, Stephen Wheat, Andre Hill:
Grid standards - What's inside the grid? a discussion of standards and the future of computing. 70 - Tarek A. El-Ghazawi, Dave Bennett, Daniel S. Poznanovic, Allan Cantle, Keith D. Underwood, Rob Pennington, Duncan A. Buell
, Alan D. George
, Volodymyr V. Kindratenko:
Reconfigurable supercomputing - Is high-performance reconfigurable computing the next supercomputing paradigm? 71 - Francine Berman, Robert Chadduck, William G. LeFurgy, Daniel E. Atkins, Tony Hey:
Long term storage - 100 years of digital data. 72 - Thomas L. Sterling, Peter M. Kogge, William J. Dally, Steve Scott, William Gropp
, David E. Keyes, Peter H. Beckman:
Multi-core issues - Multi-Core for HPC: breakthrough or breakdown? 73
Technical papers
- Adolfy Hoisie, Greg Johnson, Darren J. Kerbyson, Michael Lang, Scott Pakin
Architecture - A performance comparison through benchmarking and modeling of three leading supercomputers: blue Gene/L, Red Storm, and Purple. 74 - Xizhou Feng, Kirk W. Cameron
, Duncan A. Buell
Biology - PBPI: a high performance implementation of Bayesian phylogenetic inference. 75 - Nikos Chrisochoides, Andriy Fedorov, Andriy Kot, Neculai Archip, Peter M. Black, Olivier Clatz, Alexandra J. Golby, Ron Kikinis, Simon K. Warfield
Imaging and visual analysis - Toward real-time image guided neurosurgery using distributed and grid computing. 76 - Christophe Lemuet, Jack Sampson, Jean-Francois Collard, Norman P. Jouppi:
Architecture - The potential energy efficiency of vector acceleration. 77 - Guangming Tan, Shengzhong Feng, Ninghui Sun:
Biology - Locality and parallelism optimization for dynamic programming algorithm in bioinformatics. 78 - Vijay S. Kumar, Benjamin Rutt, Tahsin M. Kurç, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Joel H. Saltz, Sunny K. Chow, Stephan Lamont, Maryann E. Martone:
Imaging and visual analysis - Large image correction and warping in a cluster environment. 79 - Jung Ho Ahn
, Mattan Erez
, William J. Dally:
Architecture - The design space of data-parallel memory systems. 80 - Emre H. Brookes, Rajendra V. Boppana, Borries Demeler
Biology - Computing large sparse multivariate optimization problems with an application in biophysics. 81 - Kurt Stockinger, E. Wes Bethel, Scott Campbell, Eli Dart
, Kesheng Wu
Imaging and visual analysis - Detecting distributed scans using high-performance query-driven visualization. 82 - Kayvon Fatahalian, Daniel Reiter Horn, Timothy J. Knight, Larkhoon Leem, Mike Houston, Ji Young Park, Mattan Erez
, Manman Ren, Alex Aiken, William J. Dally, Pat Hanrahan:
Sequoia: programming the memory hierarchy. 83 - Kevin J. Bowers, Edmond Chow, Huafeng Xu
, Ron O. Dror
, Michael P. Eastwood, Brent A. Gregersen, John L. Klepeis, István Kolossváry, Mark A. Moraes
, Federico D. Sacerdoti, John K. Salmon, Yibing Shan, David E. Shaw:
Molecular dynamics - Scalable algorithms for molecular dynamics simulations on commodity clusters. 84 - Abhinav Vishnu, Prachi Gupta, Amith R. Mamidala, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
Scalable systems software - A software based approach for providing network fault tolerance in clusters with uDAPL interface: MPI level design and performance evaluation. 85 - Pieter Bellens, Josep M. Pérez
, Rosa M. Badia
, Jesús Labarta
Memory - CellSs: a programming model for the cell BE architecture. 86 - Blake G. Fitch, Aleksandr Rayshubskiy, Maria Eleftheriou, T. J. Christopher Ward, Mark Giampapa, Michael Pitman, Robert S. Germain:
Molecular dynamics - Blue matter: approaching the limits of concurrency for classical molecular dynamics. 87 - Alexander V. Mirgorodskiy, Naoya Maruyama, Barton P. Miller:
Scalable systems software - Problem diagnosis in large-scale computing environments. 88 - Naga K. Govindaraju, Scott Larsen, Jim Gray, Dinesh Manocha
Memory - A memory model for scientific algorithms on graphics processors. 89 - Ronald Scrofano, Viktor K. Prasanna:
Molecular dynamics - Preliminary investigation of advanced electrostatics in molecular dynamics on reconfigurable computers. 90 - Tiankai Tu, Hongfeng Yu, Leonardo Ramírez-Guzmán, Jacobo Bielak, Omar Ghattas, Kwan-Liu Ma, David R. O'Hallaron:
Scalable systems software - From mesh generation to scientific visualization: an end-to-end approach to parallel supercomputing. 91 - John Kim
, William J. Dally, Dennis Abts:
Interconnect routing and scheduling - Adaptive routing in high-radix clos network. 92 - Andreas Gerndt
, Samuel Sarholz, Marc Wolter, Dieter an Mey, Christian H. Bischof, Torsten W. Kuhlen:
Particles and contiuum - Nested OpenMP for efficient computation of 3D critical points in multi-block CFD datasets. 93 - Raymond R. Hoare, Zhu Ding, Alex K. Jones
Interconnect routing and scheduling - A near-optimal real-time hardware scheduler for large cardinality crossbar switches. 94 - Robert Rosenberg, Guy Norton, Jorge C. Novarini, Wendell Anderson, Marco Lanzagorta:
Particles and contiuum - Modeling pulse propagation and scattering in a dispersive medium: performance of MPI/OpenMP hybrid code. 95 - Zhu Ding, Raymond R. Hoare, Alex K. Jones
, Rami G. Melhem:
Interconnect routing and scheduling - Level-wise scheduling algorithm for fat tree interconnection networks. 96 - Hongzhang Shan, Erich Strohmaier, Ji Qiang, David H. Bailey, Katherine A. Yelick
Particles and contiuum - Performance modeling and optimization of a high energy colliding beam simulation code. 97 - Sriram Krishnamoorthy, Ümit V. Çatalyürek
, Jarek Nieplocha, Atanas Rountev, P. Sadayappan:
Data management and query - Hypergraph partitioning for automatic memory hierarchy management. 98 - Yang-Suk Kee, Ken Yocum, Andrew A. Chien, Henri Casanova:
Grid allocation and reservation - Improving grid resource allocation via integrated selection and binding. 99 - Beomseok Nam, Henrique Andrade, Alan Sussman
Data management and query - Multiple range query optimization with distributed cache indexing. 100 - Lavanya Ramakrishnan, David E. Irwin, Laura E. Grit, Aydan R. Yumerefendi, Adriana Iamnitchi
, Jeffrey S. Chase:
Grid allocation and reservation - Toward a doctrine of containment: grid hosting with adaptive resource control. 101 - Tanu Malik, Randal C. Burns
, Nitesh V. Chawla
, Alexander S. Szalay:
Data management and query - Estimating query result sizes for proxy caching in scientific database federations. 102 - Mumtaz Siddiqui, Alex Villazón
, Thomas Fahringer
Grid allocation and reservation - Grid capacity planning with negotiation-based advance reservation for optimized QoS. 103 - Mark K. Gardner, Wu-chun Feng, Jeremy S. Archuleta, Heshan Lin, Xiaosong Ma:
Grid applications - Parallel genomic sequence-searching on an ad-hoc grid: experiences, lessons learned, and implications. 104 - Sayantan Sur, Matthew J. Koop, Dhabaleswar K. Panda:
MPI and communication - High-performance and scalable MPI over InfiniBand with reduced memory usage: an in-depth performance analysis. 105 - Hiroshi Takemiya, Yoshio Tanaka, Satoshi Sekiguchi, Shuji Ogata, Rajiv K. Kalia, Aiichiro Nakano, Priya Vashishta:
Grid applications - Sustainable adaptive grid supercomputing: multiscale simulation of semiconductor processing across the pacific. 106 - Min Yeol Lim, Vincent W. Freeh, David K. Lowenthal:
MPI and communication - Adaptive, transparent frequency and voltage scaling of communication phases in MPI programs. 107 - Byungil Jeong, Luc Renambot, Ratko Jagodic, Rajvikram Singh, Julieta Aguilera, Andrew E. Johnson
, Jason Leigh:
Grid applications - High-performance dynamic graphics streaming for scalable adaptive graphics environment. 108 - Rahul Garg, Yogish Sabharwal:
MPI and communication - Software routing and aggregation of messages to optimize the performance of HPCC randomaccess benchmark. 109 - Anne M. Faber, Minaxi Gupta, Camilo H. Viecco:
Grid networks and portals - Revisiting web server workload invariants in the context of scientific web sites. 110 - Keith D. Underwood, K. Scott Hemmert, Craig D. Ulmer:
Tools and techniques for performance - Architectures and APIs: assessing requirements for delivering FPGA performance to applications. 111 - Pallab Datta, Wu-chun Feng, Sushant Sharma:
Grid networks and portals - End-system aware, rate-adaptive protocol for network transport in LambdaGrid environments. 112 - Julie Langou, Julien Langou, Piotr Luszczek, Jakub Kurzak, Alfredo Buttari
, Jack J. Dongarra:
Tools and techniques for performance - Exploiting the performance of 32 bit floating point arithmetic in obtaining 64 bit accuracy (revisiting iterative refinement for linear systems). 113 - David Del Vecchio, Victor Hazlewood
, Marty Humphrey:
Grid networks and portals - Evaluating grid portal security. 114 - Franz Franchetti, Yevgen Voronenko, Markus Püschel:
Tools and techniques for performance - FFT program generation for shared memory: SMP and multicore. 115 - Hao Yu, I-Hsin Chung, José E. Moreira:
Blue Gene system software - Topology mapping for Blue Gene/L supercomputer. 116 - Liang Chen, Qian Zhu, Gagan Agrawal:
Grid scheduling and protocols - Supporting dynamic migration in tightly coupled grid applications.