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Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 108
Volume 108, Number 1, January 2020
- James S. Duncan, Michael F. Insana, Nicholas Ayache:
Biomedical Imaging and Analysis in the Age of Big Data and Deep Learning. 3-10 - Ruud J. G. van Sloun
, Regev Cohen
, Yonina C. Eldar
Deep Learning in Ultrasound Imaging. 11-29 - Kevin de Haan
, Yair Rivenson, Yichen Wu
, Aydogan Ozcan
Deep-Learning-Based Image Reconstruction and Enhancement in Optical Microscopy. 30-50 - Kuang Gong
, Eric Berg
, Simon R. Cherry
, Jinyi Qi
Machine Learning in PET: From Photon Detection to Quantitative Image Reconstruction. 51-68 - Jesse I. Hamilton
, Nicole Seiberlich
Machine Learning for Rapid Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting Tissue Property Quantification. 69-85 - Saiprasad Ravishankar
, Jong Chul Ye
, Jeffrey A. Fessler
Image Reconstruction: From Sparsity to Data-Adaptive Methods and Machine Learning. 86-109 - Daniel Rueckert
, Julia A. Schnabel
Model-Based and Data-Driven Strategies in Medical Image Computing. 110-124 - Li Shen
, Paul M. Thompson
Brain Imaging Genomics: Integrated Analysis and Machine Learning. 125-162 - Heather M. Whitney
, Hui Li
, Yu Ji, Peifang Liu, Maryellen L. Giger
Comparison of Breast MRI Tumor Classification Using Human-Engineered Radiomics, Transfer Learning From Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, and Fusion Method. 163-177 - Xiao Jia
, Xiaohan Xing
, Yixuan Yuan
, Lei Xing
, Max Q.-H. Meng
Wireless Capsule Endoscopy: A New Tool for Cancer Screening in the Colon With Deep-Learning-Based Polyp Recognition. 178-197 - Tom Vercauteren
, Mathias Unberath
, Nicolas Padoy
, Nassir Navab:
CAI4CAI: The Rise of Contextual Artificial Intelligence in Computer-Assisted Interventions. 198-214 - Adam Allerhand
The Earliest Years of Three-Phase Power - 1891-1893. 215-227
Volume 108, Number 2, February 2020
- Nelson Martins, Andre Luiz Diniz, João G. C. Barros:
A Grid of Microgrids: Is it the Right Answer? 231-237 - Jianhui Wang
, Xiaonan Lu:
Sustainable and Resilient Distribution Systems With Networked Microgrids. 238-241 - Xuemin Shen
, Romano Fantacci
, Shanzhi Chen
Internet of Vehicles. 242-245 - Jun Zhang
, Khaled Ben Letaief:
Mobile Edge Intelligence and Computing for the Internet of Vehicles. 246-261 - Long Chen
, Qing Wang
, Xiankai Lu
, Dongpu Cao, Fei-Yue Wang
Learning Driving Models From Parallel End-to-End Driving Data Set. 262-273 - Weihua Zhuang
, Qiang Ye
, Feng Lyu
, Nan Cheng
, Ju Ren
SDN/NFV-Empowered Future IoV With Enhanced Communication, Computing, and Caching. 274-291 - Fengxiao Tang
, Yuichi Kawamoto
, Nei Kato
, Jiajia Liu
Future Intelligent and Secure Vehicular Network Toward 6G: Machine-Learning Approaches. 292-307 - Haibo Zhou
, Wenchao Xu
, Jiacheng Chen, Wei Wang
Evolutionary V2X Technologies Toward the Internet of Vehicles: Challenges and Opportunities. 308-323 - Yuanzhi Ni, Lin Cai
, Jianping He
, Alexey V. Vinel
, Yue Li
, Hamed Mosavat-Jahromi
, Jianping Pan
Toward Reliable and Scalable Internet of Vehicles: Performance Analysis and Resource Management. 324-340 - Le Liang
, Hao Ye
, Guanding Yu
, Geoffrey Ye Li:
Deep-Learning-Based Wireless Resource Allocation With Application to Vehicular Networks. 341-356 - Kui Ren
, Qian Wang
, Cong Wang
, Zhan Qin, Xiaodong Lin
The Security of Autonomous Driving: Threats, Defenses, and Future Directions. 357-372 - Rongxing Lu
, Lan Zhang
, Jianbing Ni
, Yuguang Fang
5G Vehicle-to-Everything Services: Gearing Up for Security and Privacy. 373-389
Volume 108, Number 3, March 2020
- Weiqiang Liu
, Fabrizio Lombardi, Michael Shulte:
A Retrospective and Prospective View of Approximate Computing [Point of View}. 394-399 - Weiqiang Liu, Maximilian John, Andreas Karrenbauer, Adam Allerhand, Fabrizio Lombardi, Michael Shulte, David J. Miller, Zhen Xiang, George Kesidis, Antti Oulasvirta, Niraj Ramesh Dayama, Morteza Shiripour:
Scanning the Issue. 400-401 - David J. Miller
, Zhen Xiang
, George Kesidis:
Adversarial Learning Targeting Deep Neural Network Classification: A Comprehensive Review of Defenses Against Attacks. 402-433 - Antti Oulasvirta
, Niraj Ramesh Dayama, Morteza Shiripour, Maximilian John, Andreas Karrenbauer
Combinatorial Optimization of Graphical User Interface Designs. 434-464 - Adam Allerhand
Electrostatic Telegraphy - 1753-1816 [Scanning our Past]. 465-473
Volume 108, Number 4, April 2020
- H.-S. Philip Wong
, Kerem Akarvardar, Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Jeffrey Bokor, Chenming Hu, Tsu-Jae King Liu, Subhasish Mitra
, James D. Plummer, Sayeef S. Salahuddin:
A Density Metric for Semiconductor Technology [Point of View]. 478-482 - H.-S. Philip Wong, Kerem Akarvardar, Dimitri A. Antoniadis, Jeffrey Bokor, Chenming Hu, Tsu-Jae King Liu, Subhasish Mitra, James D. Plummer, Sayeef S. Salahuddin, Lei Deng, Xin-Guo Li, Song Han, Luping Shi, Yuan Xie, Elias Yaacoub, Mohamed-Slim Alouini, Ahmed Douik, Hayssam Dahrouj, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri:
Scanning the Issue. 483-484 - Lei Deng
, Guoqi Li
, Song Han
, Luping Shi
, Yuan Xie:
Model Compression and Hardware Acceleration for Neural Networks: A Comprehensive Survey. 485-532 - Elias Yaacoub
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
A Key 6G Challenge and Opportunity - Connecting the Base of the Pyramid: A Survey on Rural Connectivity. 533-582 - Ahmed Douik
, Hayssam Dahrouj
, Tareq Y. Al-Naffouri
, Mohamed-Slim Alouini
A Tutorial on Clique Problems in Communications and Signal Processing. 583-608
Volume 108, Number 5, May 2020
- Nesimi Ertugrul
, Derek Abbott
DC is the Future [Point of View]. 615-624 - Andrea Alù
, Hilmi Volkan Demir
, Chennupati Jagadish
Active Nanophotonics [Scanning the Issue]. 625-627 - Alex Krasnok
, Andrea Alù
Active Nanophotonics. 628-654 - Manoj Sharma
, Savas Delikanli
, Hilmi Volkan Demir
Two-Dimensional CdSe-Based Nanoplatelets: Their Heterostructures, Doping, Photophysical Properties, and Applications. 655-675 - Yongzhuo Li
, Hao Sun
, Lin Gan
, Jianxing Zhang
, Jiabin Feng, Danyang Zhang
, Cun-Zheng Ning
Optical Properties and Light-Emission Device Applications of 2-D Layered Semiconductors. 676-703 - Sergey V. Gaponenko
, Dmitry V. Guzatov
Colloidal Plasmonics for Active Nanophotonics. 704-720 - Kaveh Delfanazari
, Richard A. Klemm
, Hannah J. Joyce
, David A. Ritchie, Kazuo Kadowaki:
Integrated, Portable, Tunable, and Coherent Terahertz Sources and Sensitive Detectors Based on Layered Superconductors. 721-734 - Bruno Romeira
, Andrea Fiore:
Physical Limits of NanoLEDs and Nanolasers for Optical Communications. 735-748 - Ramón Paniagua-Domínguez
, Son Tung Ha
, Arseniy I. Kuznetsov
Active and Tunable Nanophotonics With Dielectric Nanoantennas. 749-771 - Yao-Wei Huang
, He-Xiu Xu
, Shang Sun, Yunkai Wu
, Zhuo Wang, Shumin Xiao, Wei Xiang Jiang
, Tie Jun Cui
, Din Ping Tsai
, Cheng-Wei Qiu
Structured Semiconductor Interfaces: Active Functionality on Light Manipulation. 772-794 - Radoslaw Kolkowski
, A. Femius Koenderink
Lattice Resonances in Optical Metasurfaces With Gain and Loss. 795-818 - Masahiro Yoshida
, Masato Kawasaki, Menaka de Zoysa
, Kenji Ishizaki
, Takuya Inoue
, Yoshinori Tanaka
, Ranko Hatsuda, Susumu Noda
Experimental Investigation of Lasing Modes in Double-Lattice Photonic-Crystal Resonators and Introduction of In-Plane Heterostructures. 819-826 - William E. Hayenga
, Hipolito Garcia-Gracia, Enrique Sanchez Cristobal
, Midya Parto
, Hossein Hodaei, Patrick LiKamWa, Demetrios N. Christodoulides
, Mercedeh Khajavikhan
Electrically Pumped Microring Parity-Time-Symmetric Lasers. 827-836 - Andrea Blanco Redondo
Topological Nanophotonics: Toward Robust Quantum Circuits. 837-849
Volume 108, Number 6, June 2020
- Scanning the Issue. 854-855
- Bo Ai
, Andreas F. Molisch
, Markus Rupp
, Zhangdui Zhong
5G Key Technologies for Smart Railways. 856-893 - Xu-Yao Zhang
, Cheng-Lin Liu
, Ching Y. Suen
Towards Robust Pattern Recognition: A Review. 894-922 - Jacek Kibilda
, Allen B. MacKenzie
, Mohammad J. Abdel-Rahman
, Seong Ki Yoo
, Lorenzo Galati-Giordano, Simon L. Cotton
, Nicola Marchetti, Walid Saad
, William G. Scanlon
, Adrian García-Rodríguez, David López-Pérez
, Holger Claussen
, Luiz A. DaSilva
Indoor Millimeter-Wave Systems: Design and Performance Evaluation. 923-944 - Hong Z. Tan
, Seungmoon Choi
, Frances W. Y. Lau, Freddy Abnousi:
Methodology for Maximizing Information Transmission of Haptic Devices: A Survey. 945-965
Volume 108, Number 7, July 2020
- Nikil D. Dutt, Carlo S. Regazzoni, Bernhard Rinner, Xin Yao:
Self-Awareness for Autonomous Systems. 971-975 - Andrea A. Chiba, Jeffrey L. Krichmar
Neurobiologically Inspired Self-Monitoring Systems. 976-986 - Carlo S. Regazzoni
, Lucio Marcenaro
, Damian Campo
, Bernhard Rinner
Multisensorial Generative and Descriptive Self-Awareness Models for Autonomous Systems. 987-1010 - Louise A. Dennis
, Michael Fisher
Verifiable Self-Aware Agent-Based Autonomous Systems. 1011-1026 - Henry Hoffmann, Axel Jantsch
, Nikil D. Dutt
Embodied Self-Aware Computing Systems. 1027-1046 - Zidong Du
, Qi Guo, Yongwei Zhao
, Tian Zhi, Yunji Chen
, Zhiwei Xu
Self-Aware Neural Network Systems: A Survey and New Perspective. 1047-1067 - André Bauer
, Marwin Züfle
, Nikolas Herbst
, Albin Zehe
, Andreas Hotho, Samuel Kounev
Time Series Forecasting for Self-Aware Systems. 1068-1093 - Tao Chen
, Rami Bahsoon
, Xin Yao:
Synergizing Domain Expertise With Self-Awareness in Software Systems: A Patternized Architecture Guideline. 1094-1126 - Alexander Schmidt
, Heinrich W. Löllmann, Walter Kellermann:
Acoustic Self-Awareness of Autonomous Systems in a World of Sounds. 1127-1149 - Erol Gelenbe
, Joanna Domanska
, Piotr Fröhlich, Mateusz P. Nowak
, Slawomir Nowak
Self-Aware Networks That Optimize Security, QoS, and Energy. 1150-1167 - Siwei Zhang
, Robert Pöhlmann
, Thomas Wiedemann
, Armin Dammann
, Henk Wymeersch
, Peter Adam Hoeher
Self-Aware Swarm Navigation in Autonomous Exploration Missions. 1168-1195 - Sanjoy K. Baruah
, Peter Lee
, Prakash Sarathy
, Marilyn Wolf
Achieving Resiliency and Behavior Assurance in Autonomous Navigation: An Industry Perspective. 1196-1207
Volume 108, Number 8, August 2020
- Sankar Basu
, Randal E. Bryant, Giovanni De Micheli
, Thomas N. Theis, Lloyd Whitman
Nonsilicon, Non-von Neumann Computing - Part II. 1211-1218 - Sanghamitra Dutta
, Haewon Jeong
, Yaoqing Yang
, Viveck R. Cadambe
, Tze Meng Low, Pulkit Grover
Addressing Unreliability in Emerging Devices and Non-von Neumann Architectures Using Coded Computing. 1219-1234 - Sri Krishna Vadlamani
, Sapan Agarwal
, David T. Limmer, Steven G. Louie, Felix R. Fischer
, Eli Yablonovitch
Tunnel-FET Switching Is Governed by Non-Lorentzian Spectral Line Shape. 1235-1244 - Dongjoo Shin
, Hoi-Jun Yoo
The Heterogeneous Deep Neural Network Processor With a Non-von Neumann Architecture. 1245-1260 - Qixiang Cheng
, Jihye Kwon
, Madeleine Glick
, Meisam Bahadori
, Luca P. Carloni
, Keren Bergman
Silicon Photonics Codesign for Deep Learning. 1261-1282 - Jennifer Hasler
Large-Scale Field-Programmable Analog Arrays. 1283-1302 - Robin Bläsing
, Asif Ali Khan
, Panagiotis Ch. Filippou, Chirag Garg, Fazal Hameed
, Jerónimo Castrillón
, Stuart S. P. Parkin
Magnetic Racetrack Memory: From Physics to the Cusp of Applications Within a Decade. 1303-1321 - Kerem Yunus Çamsari
, Punyashloka Debashis, Vaibhav Ostwal
, Ahmed Zeeshan Pervaiz
, Tingting Shen, Zhihong Chen
, Supriyo Datta, Jörg Appenzeller:
From Charge to Spin and Spin to Charge: Stochastic Magnets for Probabilistic Switching. 1322-1337 - Antonio D. Córcoles, Abhinav Kandala, Ali Javadi-Abhari, Douglas T. McClure
, Andrew W. Cross
, Kristan Temme, Paul D. Nation, Matthias Steffen
, Jay M. Gambetta
Challenges and Opportunities of Near-Term Quantum Computing Systems. 1338-1352 - Yunong Shi
, Pranav Gokhale
, Prakash Murali
, Jonathan M. Baker, Casey Duckering
, Yongshan Ding
, Natalie C. Brown, Christopher Chamberland
, Ali Javadi-Abhari, Andrew W. Cross
, David I. Schuster
, Kenneth R. Brown
, Margaret Martonosi
, Frederic T. Chong
Resource-Efficient Quantum Computing by Breaking Abstractions. 1353-1370 - Brandon D. Inglis
, Gary D. Couples
John Logie Baird and the Secret in the Box: The Undiscovered Story Behind the World's First Public Demonstration of Television. 1371-1382
Volume 108, Number 9, September 2020
- Michael Chertkov
, Göran Andersson
Multienergy Systems. 1387-1391 - Eduardo Alejandro Martinez-Ceseña
, Emmanouil Loukarakis
, Nicholas Good, Pierluigi Mancarella
Integrated Electricity- Heat-Gas Systems: Techno-Economic Modeling, Optimization, and Application to Multienergy Districts. 1392-1410 - Wujing Huang
, Ning Zhang
, Yaohua Cheng
, Jingwei Yang
, Yi Wang
, Chongqing Kang
Multienergy Networks Analytics: Standardized Modeling, Optimization, and Low Carbon Analysis. 1411-1436 - Mark J. O'Malley, Muhammad Bashar Anwar
, Steve Heinen
, Tom Kober, James D. McCalley, Madeleine McPherson
, Matteo Muratori
, Antje Orths
, Mark F. Ruth
, Thomas J. Schmidt
, Aidan Tuohy
Multicarrier Energy Systems: Shaping Our Energy Future. 1437-1456 - Ali Hassan
, Samrat Acharya
, Michael Chertkov
, Deepjyoti Deka
, Yury Dvorkin
A Hierarchical Approach to Multienergy Demand Response: From Electricity to Multienergy Applications. 1457-1474 - Sijia Geng
, Maria Vrakopoulou
, Ian A. Hiskens
Optimal Capacity Design and Operation of Energy Hub Systems. 1475-1495 - Gianfranco Chicco
, Shariq Riaz
, Andrea Mazza
, Pierluigi Mancarella
Flexibility From Distributed Multienergy Systems. 1496-1517 - Line A. Roald
, Kaarthik Sundar
, Anatoly Zlotnik
, Sidhant Misra
, Göran Andersson
An Uncertainty Management Framework for Integrated Gas-Electric Energy Systems. 1518-1540 - Antonio J. Conejo
, Sheng Chen
, Gonzalo E. Constante
Operations and Long-Term Expansion Planning of Natural-Gas and Power Systems: A Market Perspective. 1541-1557 - Sidhant Misra
, Marc Vuffray
, Anatoly Zlotnik
Monotonicity Properties of Physical Network Flows and Application to Robust Optimal Allocation. 1558-1579 - Andrzej J. Osiadacz
, Maciej Chaczykowski
Modeling and Simulation of Gas Distribution Networks in a Multienergy System Environment. 1580-1595 - Nikolay N. Novitsky
, Zoya I. Shalaginova, Aleksandr A. Alekseev, Vyacheslav V. Tokarev
, Oksana A. Grebneva
, Aleksandr V. Lutsenko, Olga V. Vanteeva, Egor A. Mikhailovsky, Roman Pop, Petr Vorobev
, Michael Chertkov
Smarter Smart District Heating. 1596-1611 - Elisa Guelpa
, Luca Bellando, Antonio Giordano, Vittorio Verda
Optimal Configuration of Power-to-Cool Technology in District Cooling Systems. 1612-1622 - Jason S. MacDonald
, Evangelos Vrettos
, Duncan S. Callaway:
A Critical Exploration of the Efficiency Impacts of Demand Response From HVAC in Commercial Buildings. 1623-1639 - Anna Stuhlmacher
, Johanna L. Mathieu
Chance-Constrained Water Pumping to Manage Water and Power Demand Uncertainty in Distribution Networks. 1640-1655 - Laurine Duchesne
, Efthymios Karangelos, Louis Wehenkel
Recent Developments in Machine Learning for Energy Systems Reliability Management. 1656-1676
Volume 108, Number 10, October 2020
- Andrea Alù
Magnet-Free Nonreciprocity [Scanning the Section]. 1682-1683 - Viktar S. Asadchy
, Mohammad Sajjad Mirmoosa
, Ana Díaz-Rubio, Shanhui Fan, Sergei A. Tretyakov
Tutorial on Electromagnetic Nonreciprocity and its Origins. 1684-1727 - Ahmed Kord
, Dimitrios L. Sounas
, Andrea Alù
Microwave Nonreciprocity. 1728-1758 - Ian A. D. Williamson
, Momchil Minkov
, Avik Dutt
, Jiahui Wang
, Alex Y. Song
, Shanhui Fan:
Integrated Nonreciprocal Photonic Devices With Dynamic Modulation. 1759-1784 - Roberto Minerva
, Gyu Myoung Lee
, Noël Crespi:
Digital Twin in the IoT Context: A Survey on Technical Features, Scenarios, and Architectural Models. 1785-1824 - Guanjun Lin
, Sheng Wen
, Qing-Long Han
, Jun Zhang
, Yang Xiang
Software Vulnerability Detection Using Deep Neural Networks: A Survey. 1825-1848 - Jeff Hecht
The Incredible Rocket-Engine Laser [Scanning Our Past]. 1849-1857
Volume 108, Number 11, November 2020
- Usman A. Khan
, Waheed U. Bajwa
, Angelia Nedic
, Michael G. Rabbat, Ali H. Sayed
Optimization for Data-Driven Learning and Control. 1863-1868 - Ran Xin
, Shi Pu
, Angelia Nedic
, Usman A. Khan
A General Framework for Decentralized Optimization With First-Order Methods. 1869-1889 - Anit Kumar Sahu
, Soummya Kar
Decentralized Zeroth-Order Constrained Stochastic Optimization Algorithms: Frank-Wolfe and Variants With Applications to Black-Box Adversarial Attacks. 1890-1905 - Aryan Mokhtari
, Alejandro Ribeiro
Stochastic Quasi-Newton Methods. 1906-1922 - Dusan Jakovetic
, Dragana Bajovic
, João Xavier, José M. F. Moura
Primal-Dual Methods for Large-Scale and Distributed Convex Optimization and Data Analytics. 1923-1938 - Guilherme França
, José Bento:
Distributed Optimization, Averaging via ADMM, and Network Topology. 1939-1952 - Hassan Jaleel
, Jeff S. Shamma
Distributed Optimization for Robot Networks: From Real-Time Convex Optimization to Game-Theoretic Self-Organization. 1953-1967 - Robert M. Gower
, Mark Schmidt
, Francis R. Bach, Peter Richtárik
Variance-Reduced Methods for Machine Learning. 1968-1983 - Matthew S. Nokleby, Haroon Raja, Waheed U. Bajwa
Scaling-Up Distributed Processing of Data Streams for Machine Learning. 1984-2012 - Mahmoud Assran
, Arda Aytekin
, Hamid Reza Feyzmahdavian
, Mikael Johansson
, Michael G. Rabbat
Advances in Asynchronous Parallel and Distributed Optimization. 2013-2031 - Andrea Simonetto
, Emiliano Dall'Anese
, Santiago Paternain
, Geert Leus
, Georgios B. Giannakis
Time-Varying Convex Optimization: Time-Structured Algorithms and Applications. 2032-2048 - Vincenzo Matta
, Augusto Santos
, Ali H. Sayed
Graph Learning Under Partial Observability. 2049-2066 - Huan Li
, Cong Fang, Zhouchen Lin
Accelerated First-Order Optimization Algorithms for Machine Learning. 2067-2082