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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 47
Volume 47, Number 1, 2000
- Barry W. Williams, Stephen J. Finney:
Passive snubber energy recovery for a GTO thyristor inverter bridge leg. 2-8 - Kuang Sheng, Stephen J. Finney, Barry W. Williams:
Thermal stability of IGBT high-frequency operation. 9-16 - Stefano Carabelli, Franco Maddaleno, Marco Muzzarelli:
High-efficiency linear power amplifier for active magnetic bearings. 17-24 - Ching-Tsai Pan, Jenn-Jong Shieh:
New space-vector control strategies for three-phase step-up/down AC/DC converter. 25-35 - Yim-Shu Lee, K. C. Wong, C. K. Ng:
Behavior modeling of magnetizing currents in switch-mode DC-DC converters. 36-44 - Billy K. H. Wong, Henry Shu-Hung Chung:
A systematic graphing technique for small-signal low-frequency characterization of PWM DC/DC converters. 45-54 - Yie-Tone Chen:
Small-signal analysis of a synchronous-switch post regulator with coupled inductors. 55-66 - J. H. Chen, K. T. Chau
, Ching Chuen Chan:
Analysis of chaos in current-mode-controlled DC drive systems. 67-76 - Lennart Harnefors, Hans-Peter Nee:
A general algorithm for speed and position estimation of AC motors. 77-83 - Takashi Emura, Lei Wang:
A high-resolution interpolator for incremental encoders based on the quadrature PLL method. 84-90 - Jun-Koo Kang, Seung-Ki Sul:
Vertical-vibration control of elevator using estimated car acceleration feedback compensation. 91-99 - Subhas Chandra Mukhopadhyay
, Takahisa Ohji, Masayoshi Iwahara, Sotoshi Yamada:
Modeling and control of a new horizontal-shaft hybrid-type magnetic bearing. 100-108 - Sung-Jun Park, Han-Woong Park, Man Hyung Lee, Fumio Harashima:
A new approach for minimum-torque-ripple maximum-efficiency control of BLDC motor. 109-114 - Christos Mademlis, Jannis Xypteras, Nikos Margaris:
Loss minimization in surface permanent-magnet synchronous motor drives. 115-122 - Gil D. Marques
, Pedro Verdelho:
A simple slip-power recovery system with a DC voltage intermediate circuit and reduced harmonics on the mains. 123-132 - Jae Wook Jeon, Young Youl Ha:
A generalized approach for the acceleration and deceleration of industrial robots and CNC machine tools. 133-139 - Aurelio Piazzi, Antonio Visioli
Global minimum-jerk trajectory planning of robot manipulators. 140-149 - Weiliang Xu
, Jianda Han, Shiu Kit Tso, Yuechao Wang:
Contact transition control via joint acceleration feedback. 150-158 - Rodolfo Zunino, Stefano Rovetta
Vector quantization for license-plate location and image coding. 159-167 - Alexandre R. Pauchard, Dragan Manic, Adrian Flanagan, Pierre-André Besse, Rade S. Popovic:
A method for spark rejection in ultraviolet flame detectors. 168-174 - Weng Khuen Ho, Tong Heng Lee, Wen Xu, J. R. Zhou, Ee Beng Tay:
The direct Nyquist array design of PID controllers. 175-185 - Irena Nancovska, Anton Jeglic, Dusan Fefer, Ljupco Todorovski:
Deterministic predictive models for DC voltage reference source control. 186-192 - Wen-Fang Xie, Ahmad B. Rad:
Fuzzy adaptive internal model control. 193-202 - Kai Ming Tsang, Wai Lun Lo, Ahmad B. Rad:
Autotuning of phase-lead controller for integrating systems. 203-210 - Shigeru Obayashi, Takanori Tsukahara, Takashi Nakamura:
Multiobjective genetic algorithm applied to aerodynamic design of cascade airfoils. 211-216 - Wander G. da Silva, Paul P. Acarnley, John W. Finch:
Application of genetic algorithms to the online tuning of electric drive speed controllers. 217-219 - Prasanna B. Boyagoda, Mutsuo Nakaoka:
An advanced tracking controller with neural networks for servo systems. 219-222 - Shmuel Ben-Yaakov
, Stanislav Glozman, Raul Rabinovici:
Envelope simulation by SPICE-compatible models of electric circuits driven by modulated signals. 222-225 - Siu-Yeung Cho, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Shape and surface measurement technology by an improved shape-from-shading neural algorithm. 225-230
Volume 47, Number 2, 2000
- Henry Shu-Hung Chung, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui, Sai Chun Tang, Angus Wu
On the use of current control scheme for switched-capacitor DC/DC converters. 238-244 - Bor-Ren Lin, Hsin-Hung Lu:
A novel PWM scheme for single-phase three-level power-factor-correction circuit. 245-252 - Kwok-kuen Tse, Henry Shu-Hung Chung, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui, Hing Cheung So:
A comparative investigation on the use of random modulation schemes for DC/DC converters. 253-263 - Vinicius M. Pacheco
, Acrísio José do Nascimento Jr., Valdeir José Farias, João Batista Vieira Jr., Luiz Carlos Gomes de Freitas:
A quadratic buck converter with lossless commutation. 264-272 - Tsai-Fu Wu
, Yu-Kai Chen, Yong-Heh Huang:
3C strategy for inverters in parallel operation achieving an equal current distribution. 273-281 - Arieh L. Shenkman, Boris Axelrod, Vadim Chudnovsky:
A new simplified model of the dynamics of the current-fed parallel resonant inverter. 282-286 - Tsai-Fu Wu
, Chien-Hsuan Chang, Yu-Kai Chen:
A fuzzy-logic-controlled single-stage converter for PV-powered lighting system applications. 287-296 - Wiehan le Roux, Jacobus Daniel van Wyk:
The effect of signal measurement and processing delay on the compensation of harmonics by PWM converters. 297-304 - Duwang Li, Richard Tymerski, Tamotsu Ninomiya:
Chebyshev series integration method for transient simulation of switched networks. 305-314 - Zuhtu Hakan Akpolat
, Gregory M. Asher, Jon C. Clare
A practical approach to the design of robust speed controllers for machine drives. 315-324 - Sidney R. Bowes, Jian Li:
New robust adaptive control algorithm for high-performance AC drives. 325-336 - Junji Hirai, Tae-Woong Kim, Atsuo Kawamura
Position-sensorless drive of linear pulse motor for suppressing transient vibration. 337-345 - Guchuan Zhu, Louis-A. Dessaint, Ouassima Akhrif, Azeddine Kaddouri:
Speed tracking control of a permanent-magnet synchronous motor with state and load torque observer. 346-355 - Faa-Jeng Lin
, Rong-Jong Wai, Chih-Hong Lin, Da-Chung Liu:
Decoupled stator-flux-oriented induction motor drive with fuzzy neural network uncertainty observer. 356-367 - Kenneth R. Thompson, Paul P. Acarnley, Chris French:
Rotor position estimation in a switched reluctance drive using recursive least squares. 368-379 - Benoit Robyns, Frédérique Berthereau, Jean-Paul Hautier, Hervé Buyse:
A fuzzy-logic-based multimodel field orientation in an indirect FOC of an induction motor. 380-388 - Nobuyuki Kasa, Hiroshi Watanabe:
A mechanical sensorless control system for salient-pole brushless DC motor with autocalibration of estimated position angles. 389-395 - Martin Kaufhold, H. Aninger, Matthias Berth, Joachim Speck, Martin Eberhardt:
Electrical stress and failure mechanism of the winding insulation in PWM-inverter-fed low-voltage induction motors. 396-402 - Seul Jung
, Tien C. Hsia:
Robust neural force control scheme under uncertainties in robot dynamics and unknown environment. 403-412 - Satoshi Komada, Noriyoshi Machii, Takamasa Hori:
Control of redundant manipulators considering order of disturbance observer. 413-420 - Shiuh-Jer Huang, Ji-Shin Lee:
A stable self-organizing fuzzy controller for robotic motion control. 421-428 - Xinkai Chen
, Satoshi Komada, Toshio Fukuda:
Design of a nonlinear disturbance observer. 429-437 - David R. Cole, Sridha Sridharan, Miles Moody:
Frequency offset correction for HF radio speech reception. 438-443 - Kuo-Kai Shyu, Cheng-Yuan Chang:
Modified FIR filter with phase compensation technique to feedforward active noise controller design. 444-453 - W. L. Xu, S. K. Tso, Y. Tso:
Reuse of existing design information in the development of new electronic PTC devices via a neural network approach. 454-469 - M. H. R. Fazlur Rahman, Rajagopalan Devanathan
, Zhu Kuanyi:
Neural network approach for linearizing control of nonlinear process plants. 470-477 - Tommy W. S. Chow, Xiao-Dong Li, Yong Fang:
A real-time learning control approach for nonlinear continuous-time system using recurrent neural networks. 478-486 - Mehmet Önder Efe
, Okyay Kaynak
, Bogdan M. Wilamowski:
Stable training of computationally intelligent systems by using variable structure systems technique. 487-496 - Predrag V. Pejovic
, Zarko Janda
An improved current injection network for three-phase high-power-factor rectifiers that apply the third harmonic current injection. 497-499
Volume 47, Number 3, 2000
- Simone Buso
, Giorgio Spiazzi
A line-frequency-commutated rectifier complying with IEC 1000-3-2 standard. 501-510 - Steven R. Shaw, Christopher R. Laughman
, Steven B. Leeb, Robert F. Lepard:
A power quality prediction system. 511-517 - Hassan Benqassmi, Jean-Christophe Crebier, Jean-Paul Ferrieux:
Comparison between current-driven resonant converters used for single-stage isolated power-factor correction. 518-524 - Hamish Laird, Simon D. Round, Richard M. Duke:
A frequency-domain analytical model of an uncontrolled single-phase voltage-source rectifier. 525-532 - Zhenyuan Wang, Yilu Liu:
Modeling and simulation of a cycloconverter drive system for harmonic studies. 533-541 - Kishore Chatterjee, Baylon G. Fernandes, Gopal K. Dubey:
A novel high-power low-distortion synchronous link converter-based load compensator without the requirement of VAr calculator. 542-548 - Antônio Carlos Siqueira De Lima, Hermann W. Dommel, Richard M. Stephan
Modeling adjustable-speed drives with long feeders. 549-556 - Namho Hur, Kwanghee Nam, Sangchul Won:
A two-degrees-of-freedom current control scheme for deadtime compensation. 557-564 - Adnan H. Anbuky
, Phillip E. Pascoe:
VRLA battery state-of-charge estimation in telecommunication power systems. 565-573 - David Muñoz, Daniel Sbarbaro
An adaptive sliding-mode controller for discrete nonlinear systems. 574-581 - Zhiqian Chen, Mutuwo Tomita, Shinji Doki, Shigeru Okuma:
New adaptive sliding observers for position- and velocity-sensorless controls of brushless DC motors. 582-591 - Gi-Won Chang, Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez
, Eduardo Mendes, Romeo Ortega:
Tuning rules for the PI gains of field-oriented controllers of induction motors. 592-602 - Guoguang Zhang:
Speed control of two-inertia system by PI/PID control. 603-609 - Franck Betin, Daniel Pinchon, Gérard-André Capolino
Fuzzy logic applied to speed control of a stepping motor drive. 610-622 - Christopher M. Bingham, David A. Stone, Nigel Schofield, David Howe, David Peel:
Amplitude and frequency control of a vibratory pile driver. 623-631 - Olorunfemi Ojo, Obasohan Omozusi, Adisa A. Jimoh
The operation of an inverter-assisted single-phase induction generator. 632-640 - Kazuo Kiguchi, Toshio Fukuda:
Position/force control of robot manipulators for geometrically unknown objects using fuzzy neural networks. 641-649 - Gary G. Yen
, Kuo-Chung Lin:
Wavelet packet feature extraction for vibration monitoring. 650-667 - Spyros G. Tzafestas, Efthimios J. Kyriannakis:
Regulation of GMA welding thermal characteristics via a hierarchical MIMO predictive control scheme assuring stability. 668-678 - So-Young Jeong, Minho Lee, Soo-Young Lee, Jin-Man Cho, Cheol Hoon Park:
Improving lookup table control of a hot coil strip process with online retrainable RBF network. 679-686 - Hongzhou Tan, Tommy W. S. Chow:
Blind identification of quadratic nonlinear models using neural networks with higher order cumulants. 687-696 - Xiaoli Li
, Alexandar Djordjevich
, Patri K. Venuvinod:
Current-sensor-based feed cutting force intelligent estimation and tool wear condition monitoring. 697-702 - Daijin Kim:
An implementation of fuzzy logic controller on the reconfigurable FPGA system. 703-715 - Jang-Hyoun Youm, Hyun-Lark Do, Bong-Hwan Kwon:
A single-stage electronic ballast with high power factor. 716-718
Volume 47, Number 4, 2000
- Paulo José Mello Menegáz
, José Luiz de Freitas Vieira, Domingos Sávio Lyrio Simonetti
A magnetically coupled regenerative turn-on and turn-off snubber configuration. 722-728 - Albrecht Wolf, Manoharan Thamodharan:
Reactive power reduction in three-phase electric arc furnace. 729-733 - Eduardo P. Wiechmann
, Rolando P. Burgos, Joachim Holtz:
Sequential connection and phase control of a high-current rectifier optimized for copper electrowinning applications. 734-743 - Junyang Luo, Yung C. Liang, Byung Jin Cho:
Design of LIGBT protection circuit for smart power integration. 744-750 - Sergey Edward Lyshevski:
Resonant converters: nonlinear analysis and control. 751-758 - Kwok-kuen Tse, Henry Shu-Hung Chung, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui, Hing Cheung So:
Spectral characteristics of randomly switched PWM DC/DC converters operating in discontinuous conduction mode. 759-769 - Gang Chen, Yim-Shu Lee, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui, Dehong Xu, Yousheng Wang:
Actively clamped bidirectional flyback converter. 770-779 - Chang-Shiarn Lin, Chern-Lin Chen:
Single-wire current-share paralleling of current-mode-controlled DC power supplies. 780-786 - Po-Wa Lee, Yim-Shu Lee, David Ki-Wai Cheng, Xiu-Cheng Liu:
Steady-state analysis of an interleaved boost converter with coupled inductors. 787-795 - Christian Brañas
, Francisco J. Azcondo
, Salvador Bracho:
Contributions to the design and control of LCsCp resonant inverters to drive high-power HPS lamps. 796-808 - Márcio Almeida Có, Domingos Sávio Lyrio Simonetti
, José Luiz de Freitas Vieira:
High-power-factor electronic ballast based on a single power processing stage. 809-820 - Yie-Tone Chen, Dan Y. Chen:
Small-signal modeling of magnetic amplifier post regulators with current-mode control. 821-831 - Maurício Beltrão de Rossiter Correa, Cursino Brandão Jacobina, Antonio Marcus Nogueira de Lima
, Edison Roberto Cabral da Silva:
Rotor-flux-oriented control of a single-phase induction motor drive. 832-841 - In-Joong Ha, Sang-Hoon Lee:
An online identification method for both stator-and rotor resistances of induction motors without rotational transducers. 842-853 - Yang Xia, Xinghuo Yu
, Wardina Oghanna:
Adaptive robust fast control for induction motors. 854-862 - Pawel Z. Grabowski, Marian P. Kazmierkowski, Bimal K. Bose, Frede Blaabjerg
A simple direct-torque neuro-fuzzy control of PWM-inverter-fed induction motor drive. 863-870 - Namho Hur, Kwanghee Nam:
A robust load-sharing control scheme for parallel-connected multisystems. 871-879 - Edward W. C. Lo, Ching Chuen Chan, Zi-Qiang Zhu, Lie Xu, David Howe, K. T. Chau:
Acoustic noise radiated by PWM-controllel induction machine drives. 880-889 - Richard C. Kavanagh:
Improved digital tachometer with reduced sensitivity to sensor nonideality. 890-897 - Ruei-Xi Chen, Liang-Gee Chen
, Li-Lin Chen:
System design consideration for digital wheelchair controller. 898-907 - Enes Gonçalves Marra
, José Antenor Pomilio
Induction-generator-based system providing regulated voltage with constant frequency. 908-914 - Pragasen Pillay, Yaguang Liu, Ormonde G. Durham:
A novel switched reluctance motor drive with optical graphical programming technology. 915-919 - Ren C. Luo, Tse Min Chen:
Autonomous mobile target tracking system based on grey-fuzzy control algorithm. 920-931 - Wen-Hua Chen
, Donald J. Ballance
, Peter J. Gawthrop, John O'Reilly:
A nonlinear disturbance observer for robotic manipulators. 932-938 - Denise M. Wilson
, Eric Dennis Blom, Michael A. Marra II, Bruce Lanier Walcott:
Direct sensorimotor control for low-cost mobile tracking applications. 939-950 - Gianluca Cena
, Adriano Valenzano:
FastCAN: a high-performance enhanced CAN-like network. 951-963 - Kazuhisa Matsuo:
Laser observation of flying ink jet electrostatically extracted: main results and application to tone reproduction of images. 964-970 - Francisco Pérez-Hidalgo, Juan Ramón Heredia-Larrubia
, José Luis Durán Paz:
Ripple reduction in DC line of a PWM drive by direct reinjection. 971-973 - Ming-Tsung Tsai, Charles Tsai:
Energy recycling for electrical AC power source burn-in test. 974-976 - Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu, Tzu-Herng Song:
A software-based CM and DM measurement system for the conducted EMI. 977-978
Volume 47, Number 5, 2000
- Mohamed El Hachemi Benbouzid:
A review of induction motors signature analysis as a medium for faults detection. 984-993 - Fiorenzo Filippetti, Giovanni Franceschini
, Carla Tassoni, Peter Vas:
Recent developments of induction motor drives fault diagnosis using AI techniques. 994-1004 - Kenneth A. Loparo
, Maurice L. Adams, Wei Lin, M. Farouk Abdel-Magied, Nadar Afshari:
Fault detection and diagnosis of rotating machinery. 1005-1014 - Olaf Moseler, Rolf Isermann:
Application of model-based fault detection to a brushless DC motor. 1015-1020 - Xiang-Qun Liu, Hong-Yue Zhang, Jun Liu, Jing Yang:
Fault detection and diagnosis of permanent-magnet DC motor based on parameter estimation and neural network. 1021-1030 - Neil Arthur, Jim Penman:
Induction machine condition monitoring with higher order spectra. 1031-1041 - Christian Kral, Rudolf S. Wieser, Franz Pirker
, Matthias Schagginger:
Sequences of field-oriented control for the detection of faulty rotor bars in induction machines-the Vienna Monitoring Method. 1042-1050 - Tommy W. S. Chow, Hongzhou Tan:
HOS-based nonparametric and parametric methodologies for machine fault detection. 1051-1059 - Bo Li, Mo-Yuen Chow, Yodyium Tipsuwan
, James C. Hung:
Neural-network-based motor rolling bearing fault diagnosis. 1060-1069 - Dominik Füssel, Rolf Isermann:
Hierarchical motor diagnosis utilizing structural knowledge and a self-learning neuro-fuzzy scheme. 1070-1077