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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 46
Volume 46, Number 1, 1999
- Teresa Riesgo, Yago Torroja
, Eduardo de la Torre:
Design methodologies based on hardware description languages. 3-12 - James R. Armstrong, F. Gail Gray, Meng-Wei Lin:
VHDL modeling and model testing for DSP applications. 13-22 - Don A. G. Pedder, Andrew D. Brown, J. Andrew Skinner:
A contactless electrical energy transmission system. 23-30 - Fernando Luiz Marcelo Antunes
, Henrique Antônio Carvalho Braga
, Ivo Barbi:
Application of a generalized current multilevel cell to current-source inverters. 31-38 - Sónia Ferreira Pinto, José Fernando Alves da Silva
Constant-frequency sliding-mode and PI linear controllers for power rectifiers: a comparison. 39-51 - Jaime E. Vadell, Luciano E. Chiang:
Stepping motor driving by controlled-energy discharge. 52-60 - Manjusha Dawande, Gopal K. Dubey:
Bang-bang current control with predecided switching frequency for switch-mode rectifiers. 61-66 - Gregory Ivensky, Ilya Zeltser, Arkadiy Kats, Sam Ben-Yaakov
Reducing IGBT losses in ZCS series resonant converters. 67-74 - Bo-Tao Lin, Kam-Wah Siu, Yim-Shu Lee:
Actively clamped zero-current-switching quasi-resonant converters using IGBTs. 75-81 - Alexandre Ferrari de Souza
, Ivo Barbi:
A new ZVS semiresonant high power factor rectifier with reduced conduction losses. 82-90 - Kwok-kuen Tse, Henry Shu-Hung Chung, Ron Shu-Yuen Hui:
Stepwise quadratic state-space modeling technique for simulation of power electronics circuits. 91-99 - Jinhwan Jung, Kwanghee Nam:
A dynamic decoupling control scheme for high-speed operation of induction motors. 100-110 - Yih-Neng Lin, Chern-Lin Chen:
Automatic IM parameter measurement under sensorless field-oriented control. 111-118 - Carlo Cecati
, Nicola Rotondale:
Torque and speed regulation of induction motors using the passivity theory approach. 119-127 - Abdelkrim Benchaib, Ahmed Rachid, Eric Audrezet, Mohamed Tadjine:
Real-time sliding-mode observer and control of an induction motor. 128-138 - Steven R. Shaw, Steven B. Leeb:
Identification of induction motor parameters from transient stator current measurements. 139-149 - Pompeo Marino, Michele Milano, Francesco Vasca:
Linear quadratic state feedback and robust neural network estimator for field-oriented-controlled induction motors. 150-161 - Yoichi Hori, Hideyuki Sawada, Yeonghan Chun:
Slow resonance ratio control for vibration suppression and disturbance rejection in torsional system. 162-168 - Shiuh-Jer Huang, Chiou-Yuarn Shy:
Fuzzy logic for constant force control of end milling. 169-176 - Aleksandar M. Stankovic
, Gilead Tadmor, Zoran J. Coric, Ismail Agirman:
On torque ripple reduction in current-fed switched reluctance motors. 177-183 - Silverio Bolognani
, Roberto Oboe
, Mauro Zigliotto
Sensorless full-digital PMSM drive with EKF estimation of speed and rotor position. 184-191 - Hyeoun-Dong Lee, Seog-Joo Kang, Seung-Ki Sul:
Efficiency-optimized direct torque control of synchronous reluctance motor using feedback linearization. 192-198 - Han Ding, Shiu Kit Tso:
A fully neural-network-based planning scheme for torque minimization of redundant manipulators. 199-206 - Donald L. Hung, Heng-Da Cheng, Savang Sengkhamyong:
Design of a hardware accelerator for real-time moment computation: a wavefront away approach. 207-218 - Constantinos Boukouvalas, Josef Kittler, Radek Marik
, Maria Petrou:
Color grading of randomly textured ceramic tiles using color histograms. 219-226 - Lichuan Li:
Copper loss reduction of a voice-coil motor for cutting tool positioning using an auxiliary rotary motor. 227-229 - Han Ding, S. K. Tso:
Redundancy resolution of robotic manipulators with neural computation. 230-233
Volume 46, Number 2, 1999
- Mitsuhiro Matsuo, Tadashi Suetsugu
, Shinsaku Mori, Iwao Sasase:
Class DE current-source parallel resonant inverter. 242-248 - Yueh-Ru Yang, Chern-Lin Chen:
Steady-state analysis and simulation of a BJT self-oscillating ZVS-CV ballast driven by a saturable transformer. 249-260 - Praveen K. Jain, José R. Espinoza
, Nasser A. Ismail
A single-stage zero-voltage zero-current-switched full-bridge DC power supply with extended load power range. 261-270 - William Gerard Hurley, Maeve C. Duffy, Stephen O'Reilly, Seán Cian O'Mathuna:
Impedance formulas for planar magnetic structures with spiral windings. 271-278 - Yoshihiro Konishi, Mutsuo Nakaoka:
Current-fed three-phase and voltage-fed three-phase active converters with optimum PWM pattern scheme and their performance evaluations. 279-287 - Vijayakumar Belaguli, Ashoka K. S. Bhat:
Operation of the LCC-type parallel resonant converter as a low harmonic rectifier. 288-299 - Angelo Brambilla
A 2-kW 100-kHz power converter. 300-308 - Jang-Hyoun Youm, Bong-Hwan Kwon:
Switching technique for current-controlled AC-to-AC converters. 309-318 - Jan Svensson, Michael Lindgren:
Influence of nonlinearities on the frequency response of a grid-connected vector-controlled VSC. 319-324 - Karel Jezernik:
VSS control of unity power factor. 325-332 - David Nedeljkovic, Janez Nastran, Danijel Voncina, Vanja Ambrozic:
Synchronization of active power filter current reference to the network. 333-339 - Tzuen-Lih Chern, Jerome Chang, Chien-Hung Chen, Hann-Tzong Su:
Microprocessor-based modified discrete integral variable-structure control for UPS. 340-348 - Junji Hirai, Tae-Woong Kim, Atsuo Kawamura:
Practical study on wireless transmission of power and information for autonomous decentralized manufacturing system. 349-359 - Niall G. Coakley, Richard C. Kavanagh:
Real-time control of a servosystem using the inverter-fed power lines to communicate sensor feedback. 360-369 - Zuhtu Hakan Akpolat
, Greg M. Asher, Jon C. Clare:
Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads using a vector-controlled induction motor-generator set. 370-379 - Hsin-Jang Shieh, Kuo-Kai Shyu:
Nonlinear sliding-mode torque control with adaptive backstepping approach for induction motor drive. 380-389 - Y. J. Zhan, Ching Chuen Chan, K. T. Chau:
A novel sliding-mode observer for indirect position sensing of switched reluctance motor drives. 390-397 - Bin Kaku, Ichiro Miyashita, Satoru Sone:
A novel prediction method of acoustic magnetic noise based on induction motor's NHCC function. 398-406 - Hugo Trienko Grimmelius, Peter P. Meiler, Hans L. M. M. Maas, Bas Bonnier, Jasper S. Grevink, Robert F. van Kuilenburg:
Three state-of-the-art methods for condition monitoring. 407-416 - Gianluca Cena
, Adriano Valenzano:
Efficient implementation of semaphores in controller area networks. 417-428 - Mayez Al-Mouhamed:
An efficient indexing scheme for image storage and recognition. 429-439 - Guanyu Wang, Dajun Chen, Jianya Lin, Xing Chen:
The application of chaotic oscillators to weak signal detection. 440-444 - Abderrahim Bouhal, Mohsen A. Jafari, Wenbiao Han, Tong Fang:
Tracking control and trajectory planning in layered manufacturing applications. 445-451 - Daijin Kim, In-Hyun Cho:
An accurate and cost-effective fuzzy logic controller with a fast searching of moment equilibrium point. 452-465 - Amir Masood Karshenas, Mathew Walter Dunnigan, Barry W. Williams:
Wavelet power spectrum smoothing for random vibration control. 466-467 - In-Hwan Oh, Myung-Joong Youn:
A simple soft-switched PWM inverter using source voltage clamped resonant circuit. 468-471 - Chee W. Lu:
Torque controller for brushless DC motors. 471-473 - Goce L. Arsov
, Ljupco P. Panovski:
An improved PSpice model for the MOS-controlled thyristor. 473-477 - Tommy W. S. Chow, Oulian Shuai, Hongzhou Tan:
Correction to "Semiblind Identification of Nonminimum-Phase ARMA Models via Order Recursion with Higher Order Cumulants". 477
Volume 46, Number 3, 1999
- Bang Sup Lee, Jaehong Hahn, Prasad N. Enjeti, Ira J. Pitel:
A robust three-phase active power-factor-correction and harmonic reduction scheme for high power. 483-494 - David J. Perreault, John G. Kassakian:
Design and evaluation of a cellular rectifier system with distributed control. 495-503 - A. D. Le Roux, Jacques A. Du Toit, Johan H. R. Enslin:
Integrated active rectifier and power quality compensator with reduced current measurement. 504-511 - Chern-Lin Chen, Che-Ming Lee, Rong-Jie Tu, Guo-Kiang Horng:
A novel simplified space-vector-modulated control scheme for three-phase switch-mode rectifier. 512-516 - Dae-Woong Chung, Seung-Ki Sul:
Minimum-loss strategy for three-phase PWM rectifier. 517-526 - Shoji Fukuda, Yasumasa Matsumoto, Akira Sagawa:
Optimal-regulator-based control of NPC boost rectifiers for unity power factor and reduced neutral-point-potential variations. 527-534 - Ming-Tsung Tsai, Wen-Inne Tsai:
Analysis and design of three-phase AC-to-DC converters with high power factor and near-optimum feedforward. 535-543 - Hasan Komurcugil
, Osman Kukrer:
A novel current-control method for three-phase PWM AC/DC voltage-source converters. 544-553 - Kuno Janson, Jaan Järvik:
AC-DC converter with parametric reactive power compensation. 554-562 - Marta María Hernando
, Javier Sebastián
, Pedro José Villegas
, Salvador Ollero:
Improving dynamic response of power-factor correctors by using series-switching postregulator. 563-568 - Javier Sebastián
, Pedro José Villegas
, Marta María Hernando
, Fernando Nuño
, Francisco Fernández Linera:
Average-current-mode control of two-input buck postregulators used in power-factor correctors. 569-576 - Giorgio Spiazzi
, José Antenor Pomilio
Interaction between EMI filter and power factor preregulators with average current control: analysis and design considerations. 577-584 - Tsai-Fu Wu
, Yu-Kai Chen:
Modeling of single-stage converters with high power factor and fast regulation. 585-593 - José Fernando Silva
Sliding-mode control of boost-type unity-power-factor PWM rectifiers. 594-603 - Oscar López
, Luis García de Vicuña
, Miguel Castilla
, José Matas
, Mariano López:
Sliding-mode-control design of a high-power-factor buck-boost rectifier. 604-612 - Sam Ben-Yaakov
, Ilya Zeltser:
The dynamics of a PWM boost converter with resistive input. 613-619 - Stefan V. Mollov, Andrew J. Forsyth:
Analysis, design, and resonant current control for a 1-MHz high-power-factor rectifier. 620-627 - Jorge L. Duarte
, A. Van Zwam, C. Wijnands, A. Vandenput:
Reference frames fit for controlling PWM rectifiers. 628-630 - Luca Ghislanzoni, José A. Carrasco
A DC current transformer for large bandwidth and high common-mode rejection. 631-636 - Cher Ming Tan
, King-Jet Tseng
Using power diode models for circuit simulations-a comprehensive review. 637-645 - Yoshiyuki Shibata, Nuio Tsuchida, Koji Imai:
Performance of induction motor with free-rotating magnets inside its rotor. 646-652 - Zhi-Fang Yang, Wen-Hsiang Tsai:
Viewing corridors as right parallelepipeds for vision-based vehicle localization. 653-661 - Luiz Eduardo Borges da Silva, Bimal K. Bose, João Onofre Pereira Pinto:
Recurrent-neural-network-based implementation of a programmable cascaded low-pass filter used in stator flux synthesis of vector-controlled induction motor drive. 662-665 - Yaguang Liu, Pragasen Pillay:
A startup control algorithm for the split-link converter for a switched reluctance motor drive. 665-667 - Ping Jiang, Huitang Chen, Yuejuan Wang, Jing Lin:
A decomposed control scheme for vision-guided manipulators curve tracking. 667-669 - John N. Chiasson, Robert T. Novotnak, Levent U. Gökdere, Marwan A. Simaan:
Comments on "A passivity-based method for induction motor control" [with reply]. 669-671 - Levent U. Gökdere, Marwan A. Simaan
Response to comments on "A passivity-based method for induction motor control". 670-671
Volume 46, Number 4, 1999
- Johann W. Kolar, Uwe Drofenik, Franz C. Zach:
VIENNA rectifier II-a novel single-stage high-frequency isolated three-phase PWM rectifier system. 674-691 - Humberto Pinheiro, Praveen K. Jain, Géza Joós:
Self-oscillating resonant AC/DC converter topology for input power-factor correction. 692-702 - Óscar García, José A. Cobos, Roberto Prieto, Pedro Alou
, Javier Uceda
An alternative to supply DC voltages with high power factor. 703-709 - Jun-Young Lee, Gun-Woo Moon, Myung-Joong Youn:
Design of a power-factor-correction converter based on half-bridge topology. 710-723 - Michael J. Willers, Michael G. Egan, Seamus Daly, John M. D. Murphy:
Analysis and design of a practical discontinuous-conduction-mode BIFRED converter. 724-733 - Tsai-Fu Wu
, Te-Hung Yu, Yuan-Chuan Liu:
An alternative approach to synthesizing single-stage converters with power-factor-correction feature. 734-748 - Michael T. Madigan, Robert W. Erickson
, Esam H. Ismail:
Integrated high-quality rectifier-regulators. 749-758 - Tsai-Fu Wu
, Yu-Kai Chen:
Analysis and design of an isolated single-stage converter achieving power-factor correction and fast regulation. 759-767 - Guan-Chyun Hsieh, Chien-Ming Wang:
ZCS-PWM full-wave boost rectifier with unity power factor and low conduction losses. 768-779 - Ching-Jung Tseng, Chern-Lin Chen:
A novel ZVT PWM Cuk power-factor corrector. 780-787 - Domingos Sávio Lyrio Simonetti
, José Luiz de Freitas Vieira, Gilberto Costa Drumond Sousa:
Modeling of the high-power-factor discontinuous boost rectifiers. 788-795 - Ricardo N. do Prado
, Saul Azzolin Bonaldo:
A high-power-factor electronic ballast using a flyback push-pull integrated converter. 796-802 - Jia-You Lee, Yu-Ming Chang, Fang-Yu Liu:
A new UPS topology employing a PFC boost rectifier cascaded high-frequency tri-port converter. 803-813 - Chin-Sien Moo, Ching R. Lee, Tsai F. Lin:
A high-power-factor DC-linked resonant inverter. 814-819 - Bor-Ren Lin, Hsin-Hung Lu:
A new control scheme for single-phase PWM multilevel rectifier with power-factor correction. 820-829 - Chin-Sien Moo, Shun Y. Chan, Ching R. Lee:
A single-stage high-power-factor electronic ballast with duty-ratio-controlled series resonant inverter. 830-832 - John David Wale, Charles Pollock:
A low-cost sensorless technique for load torque estimation in a hybrid stepping motor. 833-841 - Stefano Rovetta
, Rodolfo Zunino:
A multiprocessor-oriented visual tracking system. 842-850 - Hirohide Ushida, Toru Yamaguchi, Tomohiro Takagi:
Fuzzy-associative-memory-based knowledge construction with an application to a human-machine interface. 851-860 - Kuen-Der Wu, Hurng-Liahng Jou, Jhy-Shoung Yaung:
A new circuit for measuring power factor in nonsinusoidal load current. 861-864 - Yu-Kang Lo, Huang-Jen Chiu, Wen-Tsair Li:
A reduced hysteresis controller for a four-switch three-phase bidirectional power electronics interface. 864-866 - Jang-Hyoun Youm, Bong-Hwan Kwon:
An effective software implementation of the space-vector modulation. 866-868 - Rached Dhaouadi
, Kenji Kubo:
A nonlinear control method for good dynamic performance elastic drives. 868-870
Volume 46, Number 5, 1999
- Seppo J. Ovaska
Special Section on Predictive and Delayless Methods in Control Instrumentation. 874-875 - Sami Väliviita, Seppo J. Ovaska, Olli Vainio:
Polynomial predictive filtering in control instrumentation: a review. 876-888 - Francis P. Dawson, Linus Klaffke:
Variable-sample-rate delayless frequency-adaptive digital filter for synchronized signal acquisition and sampling. 889-896 - Olli Vainio, Sami Väliviita:
Predictive interpolation and decimation of narrow-band signals. 897-903 - Adrian David Cheok
, Nesimi Ertugrul:
High robustness of an SR motor angle estimation algorithm using fuzzy predictive filters and heuristic knowledge-based rules. 904-916 - Sami Väliviita:
Zero-crossing detection of distorted line voltages using 1-b measurements. 917-922 - Bumjin Song, Antti J. Koivo:
Nonlinear predictive control with application to manipulator with flexible forearm. 923-932 - Olli Vainio:
Adaptive derivative estimation for delay-constrained acceleration measurement. 933-935 - Kay Soon Low
A DSP-based single-phase AC power source. 936-941 - Nabil A. Ahmed, Kenji Amei, Masaaki Sakui:
A new configuration of single-phase symmetrical PWM AC chopper voltage controller. 942-952 - Hong-Seok Song, Kwanghee Nam:
Dual current control scheme for PWM converter under unbalanced input voltage conditions. 953-959 - Bhim Singh
, Kamal Al-Haddad, Ambrish Chandra:
A review of active filters for power quality improvement. 960-971 - Mario Benedetti, Gustavo Uicich:
New high-performance thyristor gate control set for line-commutated converters. 972-978 - Christian Schmidt, Joachim Heinzl, Günther Brandenburg:
Control approaches for high-precision machine tools with air bearings. 979-989 - Chich-Yi Huang, Tien-Chi Chen, Ching-Lien Huang:
Robust control of induction motor with a neural-network load torque estimator and a neural-network identification. 990-998 - Faa-Jeng Lin
, Rong-Jong Wai, Rou-Yong Duan:
Fuzzy neural networks for identification and control of ultrasonic motor drive with LLCC resonant technique. 999-1011