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Proceedings of the IEEE, Volume 89
Volume 89, Number 1, January 2001
- Willie W. Lu:
Scanning the issue - special issue on multidimensional broad-band wireless technologies and services. 3-5 - Dapeng Wu
, Yiwei Thomas Hou, Ya-Qin Zhang:
Scalable video coding and transport over broadband wireless networks. 6-20 - Bernhard H. Walke, Norbert Esseling, Jörg Habetha, Andreas Hettich, Arndt Kadelka, Stefan Mangold, Jörg Peetz, Ulrich Vornefeld:
IP over wireless mobile ATM-guaranteed wireless QoS by HiperLAN/2. 21-40 - Lin-Shan Lee, Yumin Lee:
Voice access of global information for broad-band wireless: technologies of today and challenges of tomorrow. 41-57 - Reinhard Becher, Markus Dillinger, Martin Haardt, Werner Mohr:
Broadband wireless access and future communication networks. 58-75 - Yaxin Cao, Victor O. K. Li:
Scheduling algorithms in broadband wireless networks. 76-87 - Abbas Jamalipour:
Broadband satellite networks-the global IT bridge. 88-104 - Cengiz Evci, Bernard Fino:
Spectrum management, pricing, and efficiency control in broadband wireless communications. 105-115 - Brian Bowers:
Advertising electric light. 116-118
Volume 89, Number 2, February 2001
- Adelinde M. Uhrmacher, Paul A. Fishwick, Bernard P. Zeigler:
Special issue on agents in modeling and simulation: exploiting the metaphor. 127-129 - John F. Hopkins, Paul A. Fishwick:
A three-dimensional human agent metaphor for modeling and simulation. 131-147 - Erol Gelenbe
, Esin Seref, Zhiguang Xu
Simulation with learning agents. 148-157 - Bernd Schattenberg, Adelinde M. Uhrmacher:
Planning agents in JAMES. 158-173 - Brian S. Logan, Georgios Theodoropoulos
The distributed simulation of multiagent systems. 174-185 - Linda F. Wilson, Daniel J. Burroughs, Anush Kumar, Jeanne Sucharitaves:
A framework for linking distributed simulations using software agents. 186-200 - Hessam S. Sarjoughian, Bernard P. Zeigler, Steven B. Hall:
A layered modeling and simulation architecture for agent-based system development. 201-213 - Brian Bowers:
Scanning our past from London. Using yesterday's engineering tomorrow: Eric Laithwaite. 214-216
Volume 89, Number 3, March 2001
- James D. Meindl:
Special issue on limits of semiconductor technology. 223-226 - Robert W. Keyes:
Fundamental limits of silicon technology. 227-239 - James D. Plummer, Peter B. Griffin:
Material and process limits in silicon VLSI technology. 240-258 - David J. Frank, Robert H. Dennard, Edward J. Nowak, Paul M. Solomon, Yuan Taur, Hon-Sum Philip Wong:
Device scaling limits of Si MOSFETs and their application dependencies. 259-288 - Barrie Gilbert:
Analog at milepost 2000: a personal perspective. 289-304 - Jeffery A. Davis, Raguraman Venkatesan, Alan Kaloyeros, Michael Beylansky, Shukri J. Souri, Kaustav Banerjee, Krishna C. Saraswat, Arifur Rahman, Rafael Reif, James D. Meindl:
Interconnect limits on gigascale integration (GSI) in the 21st century. 305-324 - Ronny Ronen, Avi Mendelson, Konrad Lai, Shih-Lien Lu, Fred J. Pollack, John Paul Shen:
Coming challenges in microarchitecture and architecture. 325-340 - Randal E. Bryant, Kwang-Ting Cheng
, Andrew B. Kahng, Kurt Keutzer, Wojciech Maly, A. Richard Newton, Lawrence T. Pileggi, Jan M. Rabaey, Alberto L. Sangiovanni-Vincentelli
Limitations and challenges of computer-aided design technology for CMOS VLSI. 341-365 - Lloyd R. Harriott:
Limits of lithography. 366-374 - Robert Doering, Yoshio Nishi:
Limits of integrated-circuit manufacturing. 375-393 - Tadahiro Ohmi, Shigetoshi Sugawa, Koji Kotani, Masaki Hirayama, Akihiro Morimoto:
New paradigm of silicon technology. 394-412 - Brian Bowers:
Scanning our past from London: the filament lamp and new materials. 413-415
Volume 89, Number 4, April 2001
- José E. Schutt-Ainé, Sung-Mo Kang:
Interconnections-addressing the next challenge of IC technology (part I: integration and packaging trends). 423-425 - Barry K. Gilbert, Michael J. Degerstrom, Patrick J. Zabinski, Thimothy M. Schafer, Gregg J. Fokken, Barbara A. Randall, Daniel J. Schwab, Erik S. Daniel, Scott C. Sommerfeldt:
Emerging multigigahertz digital and mixed-signal integrated circuits targeted for military applications: dependence on advanced electronic packaging to achieve full performance. 426-443 - Robert C. Frye:
Integration and electrical isolation in CMOS mixed-signal wireless chips. 444-455 - Mau-Chung Frank Chang
, Vwani P. Roychowdhury, Liyang Zhang, Hyunchol Shin, Yongxi Qian:
RF/wireless interconnect for inter- and intra-chip communications. 456-466 - Dennis Sylvester, Kurt Keutzer:
Impact of small process geometries on microarchitectures in systems on a chip. 467-489 - Ron Ho, Kenneth Mai
, Mark A. Horowitz:
The future of wires. 490-504 - Jason Cong:
An interconnect-centric design flow for nanometer technologies. 505-528 - Alina Deutsch, Paul W. Coteus, Gerard V. Kopcsay, Howard H. Smith, Christopher W. Surovic, Byron Krauter, Daniel C. Edelstein, Phillip J. Restle:
On-chip wiring design challenges for gigahertz operation. 529-555 - Fabrice Caignet, Sonia Delmas-Bendhia, Etienne Sicard:
The challenge of signal integrity in deep-submicrometer CMOS technology. 556-573 - Brian Bowers:
Volta and the continuous electric current. 574-576
Volume 89, Number 5, May 2001
- José E. Schutt-Ainé, Sung-Mo Kang:
Scanning the issue interconnections - addressing the next challenge of IC technology (part II: design, characterization, and modeling). 583-585 - Robert H. Havemann, James A. Hutchby:
High-performance interconnects: an integration overview. 586-601 - Kaustav Banerjee, Shukri J. Souri, Pawan Kapur, Krishna C. Saraswat:
3-D ICs: a novel chip design for improving deep-submicrometer interconnect performance and systems-on-chip integration. 602-633 - Dennis Sylvester, Chenming Wu:
Analytical modeling and characterization of deep-submicrometer interconnect. 634-664 - Eby G. Friedman:
Clock distribution networks in synchronous digital integrated circuits. 665-692 - Ramachandra Achar, Michel S. Nakhla:
Simulation of high-speed interconnects. 693-728 - William H. Kao, Chi-Yuan Lo, Mark Basel, Raminderpal Singh:
Parasitic extraction: current state of the art and future trends. 729-739 - Albert E. Ruehli, Andreas C. Cangellaris:
Progress in the methodologies for the electrical modeling of interconnects and electronic packages. 740-771 - Qingjian Yu, Ernest S. Kuh:
Moment computation of lumped and distributed coupled RC trees with application to delay and crosstalk estimation. 772-788 - Thomas J. Shaffner:
Correction to "semiconductor characterization and analytical technology". 789 - Brian Bowers:
Scanning our past from London: Galileo Ferraris and alternating current. 790-792
Volume 89, Number 6, June 2001
- J. Daan van Wyk, Fred C. Lee, Dushan Boroyevich
Power electronics technology: present trends and future developments. 799-802 - Alexander Lidow, Dan Kinzer, Gene Sheridan, David Tam:
The semiconductor roadmap for power management in the new millennium. 803-812 - Katsumi Satoh, Masanori Yamamoto:
The present state of the art in high-power semiconductor devices. 813-821 - B. Jayant Baliga:
The future of power semiconductor device technology. 822-832 - Ashraf W. Lotfi, Matthew A. Wilkowski:
Issues and advances in high-frequency magnetics for switching power supplies. 833-845 - W. J. Sarjeant, Ian W. Clelland, Rick A. Price:
Capacitive components for power electronics. 846-855 - Michael C. Shaw, Bruce C. Beihoff:
Packaging of integrated solid-state power assembly cells: a thermomechanics-based approach. 856-863 - Peter D. Evans, Bill Heffernan:
Electromagnetic considerations in power electronic converters. 864-875 - Jan Abraham Ferreira, J. Daan van Wyk:
Electromagnetic energy propagation in power electronic converters: toward future electromagnetic integration. 876-889 - Robert L. Steigerwald:
Power electronic converter technology. 890-897 - Dragan Maksimovic, Aleksandar M. Stankovic
, V. Joseph Thottuvelil, George C. Verghese:
Modeling and simulation of power electronic converters. 898-912 - Thomas G. Habetler, Ronald G. Harley:
Power electronic converter and system control. 913-925 - Richard Redl:
Electromagnetic environmental impact of power electronics equipment. 926-938 - Fred C. Lee, Peter Barbosa
, Peng Xu, Jindong Zhang, Bo Yang, Francisco Canales:
Topologies and design considerations for distributed power system applications. 939-950 - Robert D. Lorenz:
Robotics and automation applications of drives and converters. 951-962 - Thomas M. Jahns, Vladimir Blasko:
Recent advances in power electronics technology for industrial and traction machine drives. 963-975 - Hirufumi Akagi:
Large static converters for industry and utility applications. 976-983 - Brian Bowers:
Bell and the telephone-the 125th anniversary. 984-986
Volume 89, Number 7, July 2001
- Metin Akay:
Scanning the issue - special issue on neural engineering: merging engineering and neuroscience. 991-992 - Theodore W. Berger, Michel Baudry, Roberta Diaz Brinton, Jim-Shih Liaw, Vasilis Z. Marmarelis, Alex Yoondong Park, Bing J. Sheu, Armand R. Tanguay:
Brain-implantable biomimetic electronics as the next era in neural prosthetics. 993-1012 - Wim L. C. Rutten, Jean-Marie Mouveroux, Jan Reinoud Buitenweg
, Ciska Heida, Teun G. Ruardij, Enrico Marani, Egbert Lakke:
Neuroelectronic interfacing with cultured multielectrode arrays toward a cultured probe. 1013-1029 - José C. Príncipe, Vítor Grade Tavares
, John G. Harris, Walter J. Freeman:
Design and implementation of a biologically realistic olfactory cortex in analog VLSI. 1030-1051 - Pamela Abshire, Andreas G. Andreou:
Capacity and energy cost of information in biological and silicon photoreceptors. 1052-1064 - Dominique M. Durand
, Marom Bikson:
Suppression and control of epileptiform activity by electrical stimulation: a review. 1065-1082 - John A. Wolf, Lee F. Schroeder, Life H. Finkel:
Computational modeling of medium spiny projection neurons in nucleus accumbens: toward the cellular mechanisms of afferent stream integration. 1083-1092 - Kâmil Ugurbil, Dae-Shik Kim, Tim Q. Duong
, Xiaoping Hu
, Seiji Ogawa, Rolf Gruetter
, Wei Chen, Seong-Gi Kim, Xiao-Hung Zhu, Essa Yacoub, Pierre-François van de Moortele
, Amir Shmuel, Josef Pfeuffer, Hellmut Merkle, Peter Andersen, Gregor Adriany:
Magnetic resonance imaging of brain function and neurochemistry. 1093-1106 - Tzyy-Ping Jung
, Scott Makeig, Martin J. McKeown
, Anthony J. Bell, Te-Won Lee, Terrence J. Sejnowski:
Imaging brain dynamics using independent component analysis. 1107-1122 - Gert Pfurtscheller, Christa Neuper:
Motor imagery and direct brain-computer communication. 1123-1134 - Brian Bowers:
Scanning our past from London. Developing the telephone. 1135-1137
Volume 89, Number 8, August 2001
- Jim Esch:
Prolog to prospects for single molecule information processing devices. 1145-1146 - Yasuo Wada:
Prospects for single molecule information processing devices. 1147-1173 - Jim Esch:
Prolog to telerehabilitation: expanding access to rehabilitation expertise. 1172-1173 - Rory A. Cooper, Shirley Fitzgerald, Michael L. Boninger
, David M. Brienza, Nigel Shapcott, Rosemarie Cooper, Katherine Flood:
Telerehabilitation: Expanding access to rehabilitation expertise. 1174-1193 - Richard O'Donnell:
Prolog to using advanced simulation to aid microlithography development. 1192-1193 - Daniel C. Cole, Eytan Barouch, Edward W. Conrad, Michael Yeung:
Using advanced simulation to aid microlithography development. 1194-1215 - Howard Falk:
Prolog to renewable energy today and tomorrow. 1214-1215 - Stanley R. Bull:
Renewable energy today and tomorrow. 1216-1226 - Brian Bowers:
Scanning our past from London: From telephone to television. 1227-1229 - Ramachandra Achar, Michel S. Nakhla:
Correction To "simulation of high-speed Interconnects". 1230
Volume 89, Number 9, September 2001
- Lotfi A. Zadeh:
Scanning the technology. 1242 - Yasuhiko Dote, Seppo J. Ovaska:
Industrial applications of soft computing: a review. 1243-1265 - Takeshi Furuhashi:
Fusion of fuzzy/neuro/evolutionary computing for knowledge acquisition. 1266-1274 - Hideyuki Takagi
Interactive evolutionary computation: fusion of the capabilities of EC optimization and human evaluation. 1275-1296 - Yukinori Suzuki, Ken'ichi Itakura, Sato Saga
, Junji Maeda:
Signal processing and pattern recognition with soft computing. 1297-1317 - Frank Hoffmann:
Evolutionary algorithms for fuzzy control system design. 1318-1333 - Andrea Bonarini
Evolutionary learning, reinforcement learning, and fuzzy rules for knowledge acquisition in agent-based systems. 1334-1346 - Brian Bowers:
Recording the image. 1347-1348
Volume 89, Number 10, October 2001
- Emrullah Durucan, Touradj Ebrahimi
Change detection and background extraction by linear algebra. 1368-1381 - Terrance E. Boult, Ross J. Micheals, Xiang Gao, Michael Eckmann:
Into the woods: visual surveillance of noncooperative and camouflaged targets in complex outdoor settings. 1382-1402 - Franco Bartolini, Anastasios Tefas
, Mauro Barni, Ioannis Pitas:
Image authentication techniques for surveillance applications. 1403-1418 - Lucio Marcenaro
, Franco Oberti, Gian Luca Foresti, Carlo S. Regazzoni
Distributed architectures and logical-task decomposition in multimedia surveillance systems. 1419-1440 - Shiloh L. Dockstader, A. Murat Tekalp
Multiple camera tracking of interacting and occluded human motion. 1441-1455 - Robert T. Collins, Alan J. Lipton, Hironobu Fujiyoshi, Takeo Kanade:
Algorithms for cooperative multisensor surveillance. 1456-1477 - Ioannis T. Pavlidis
, Vassilios Morellas, Panagiotis Tsiamyrtzis
, Steve Harp:
Urban surveillance systems: from the laboratory to the commercial world. 1478-1497 - Michael Greiffenhagen, Dorin Comaniciu
, Heinrich Niemann, Visvanathan Ramesh:
Design, analysis, and engineering of video monitoring systems: an approach and a case study. 1498-1517 - Rakesh Kumar, Harpreet S. Sawhney, Supun Samarasekera, Steven C. Hsu, Hai Tao, Yanlin Guo, Keith J. Hanna, Art Pope, Richard Wildes, David J. Hirvonen, Michael W. Hansen, Peter Burt:
Aerial video surveillance and exploitation. 1518-1539 - Jan van Duuren:
Fault-free digital radio communication and Hendrik C. A. van Duuren. 1540-1542
Volume 89, Number 11, November 2001
- Massimo Maresca:
Special issue on microprocessor architecture and compiler technology. 1547-1549 - Fawwaz T. Ulaby, Jim Calder:
Proceedings of the IEEE: 2002-celebrating ninety years of new technology! 1550-1552 - Yale N. Patt:
Requirements, bottlenecks, and good fortune: agents for microprocessor evolution. 1553-1559 - Andreas Moshovos, Gurindar S. Sohi:
Microarchitectural innovations: boosting microprocessor performance beyond semiconductor technology scaling. 1560-1575 - Bill Moyer:
Low-power design for embedded processors. 1576-1587 - Alex Ramírez, Josep Lluís Larriba-Pey, Mateo Valero
Instruction fetch architectures and code layout optimizations. 1588-1609 - Marius Evers, Tse-Yu Yeh:
Understanding branches and designing branch predictors for high-performance microprocessors. 1610-1620 - Amir Roth, Ronny Ronen, Avi Mendelson:
Dynamic techniques for load and load-use scheduling. 1621-1637 - Paolo Faraboschi
, Joseph A. Fisher, Cliff Young:
Instruction scheduling for instruction level parallel processors. 1638-1659 - Wen-Mei W. Hwu, David I. August, John W. Sias:
Program decision logic optimization using predication and control speculation. 1660-1675 - Vinod Kathail, Michael S. Schlansker, B. Ramakrishna Rau:
Compiling for EPIC architectures. 1676-1693 - Christoforos E. Kozyrakis, David Judd, Joseph Gebis, Samuel Williams
, David A. Patterson, Katherine A. Yelick
Hardware/compiler codevelopment for an embedded media processor. 1694-1709 - Erik R. Altman, Kemal Ebcioglu, Michael Gschwind, Sumedh Sathaye:
Advances and future challenges in binary translation and optimization. 1710-1722 - Brian Bowers:
Lighting your country house. 1723-1726
Volume 89, Number 12, December 2001
- Saifur Rahman:
Scanning the Issue 2001: An Energy Odyssey. 1731-1732 - Miroslav Begovic, Alexandar Pregelj, Ajeet Rohatgi
, Christian Honsberg
Green power: status and perspectives. 1734-1743