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IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Volume 52
Volume 52, Number 1, 2005
- Marian P. Kazmierkowski:
Message From the Editor-in-Chief. 2 - José R. Rodríguez
Guest Editorial. 3-4 - José R. Rodríguez
, Juan W. Dixon, José R. Espinoza
, Jorge Pontt, Pablo Lezana
PWM regenerative rectifiers: state of the art. 5-22 - Gerry Moschopoulos, Praveen K. Jain:
Single-phase single-stage power-factor-corrected converter topologies. 23-35 - Jean-Christophe Crebier, Bertrand Revol, Jean-Paul Ferrieux:
Boost-chopper-derived PFC rectifiers: interest and reality. 36-45 - Arturo Fernández, Javier Sebastián
, Marta M. Hernando
, Pedro José Villegas
, Jorge García
Helpful hints to select a power-factor-correction solution for low- and medium-power single-phase power supplies. 46-55 - Francisco J. Azcondo
, Christian Brañas
, Rosario Casanueva
, Salvador Bracho:
Power-mode-controlled power-factor corrector for electronic ballast. 56-65 - Emilio Figueres
, José Manuel Benavent
, Gabriel Garcerá
, Marcos Pascual
Robust control of power-factor-correction rectifiers with fast dynamic response. 66-76 - Arturo Fernández, Javier Sebastián
, Pedro José Villegas
, Marta M. Hernando
, Diego G. Lamar
Dynamic limits of a power-factor preregulator. 77-87 - Koen De Gussemé, David M. Van de Sype, Alex P. M. Van den Bossche, Jan A. Melkebeek:
Digitally controlled boost power-factor-correction converters operating in both continuous and discontinuous conduction mode. 88-97 - Zhen Z. Ye, Milan M. Jovanovic:
Implementation and performance evaluation of DSP-based control for constant-frequency discontinuous-conduction-mode boost PFC front end. 98-107 - David M. Van de Sype, Koen De Gussemé, Alex P. M. Van den Bossche, Jan A. Melkebeek:
Duty-ratio feedforward for digitally controlled boost PFC converters. 108-115 - Mehdi Ferdowsi
, Ali Emadi:
Pulse regulation control technique for integrated high-quality rectifier-regulators. 116-124 - Lon-Kou Chang, Hsing-Fu Liu:
A novel forward AC/DC converter with input current shaping and fast output voltage regulation via reset winding. 125-131 - Nimrod Vázquez
, Josué López, Jaime Arau, Claudia Hernández, Elias Rodríguez:
A different approach to implement an active input current shaper. 132-138 - Tsai-Fu Wu
, Jin-Chyuan Hung, Sheng-Yu Tseng, Yaow-Ming Chen
A single-stage fast regulator with PFC based on an asymmetrical half-bridge topology. 139-150 - François Forest, Thierry Meynard, Sébastien Faucher, Frédéric Richardeau
, Jean-Jacques Huselstein, Charles Joubert:
Using the multilevel imbricated cells topologies in the design of low-power power-factor-corrector converters. 151-161 - Johann Miniböck, Johann W. Kolar:
Novel concept for mains voltage proportional input current shaping of a VIENNA rectifier eliminating controller multipliers. 162-170 - Marcelo A. Pérez
, José R. Espinoza
, José R. Rodríguez
, Pablo Lezana
Regenerative medium-voltage AC drive based on a multicell arrangement with reduced energy storage requirements. 171-180 - In-Dong Kim, Eui-Cheol Nho:
Module-type switching rectifier for cathodic protection of underground and maritime metallic structures. 181-189 - Josep Pou
, Rafael Pindado, Dushan Boroyevich
Voltage-balance limits in four-level diode-clamped converters with passive front ends. 190-196 - Loubna Yacoubi, Kamal Al-Haddad, Farhat Fnaiech, Louis-A. Dessaint:
A DSP-based implementation of a new nonlinear control for a three-phase neutral point clamped boost rectifier prototype. 197-205 - Paolo Mattavelli
An improved deadbeat control for UPS using disturbance observers. 206-212 - Xinbo Ruan, Bin Li:
Zero-voltage and zero-current-switching PWM hybrid full-bridge three-level converter. 213-220 - Luiz Henrique Silva Colado Barreto
, Marcelo Gouveia Sebastiao, Luis Carlos de Freitas, Ernane Antônio Alves Coelho, Valdeir José Farias, João Batista Vieira:
Analysis of a soft-switched PFC boost converter using analog and digital control circuits. 221-227 - Gwan-Bon Koo, Gun-Woo Moon, Myung-Joong Youn:
New zero-voltage-switching phase-shift full-bridge converter with low conduction losses. 228-235 - Enrico Dallago, Giuseppe De Leo, Gabriele Sassone:
A current-mode power sigma-delta modulator for audio applications. 236-242 - Patrick Poulichet, François Costa
, Eric Labouré
A new high-current large-bandwidth DC active current probe for power electronics measurements. 243-254 - Oskar Wallmark, Lennart Harnefors, Ola Carlson:
An improved speed and position estimator for salient permanent-magnet synchronous motors. 255-262 - Habib-ur Rehman
Elimination of the stator resistance sensitivity and voltage sensor requirement problems for DFO control of an induction Machine. 263-269 - Kwangjin Yang, Youngjin Choi
, Wan Kyun Chung:
On the tracking performance improvement of optical disk drive servo systems using error-based disturbance observer. 270-279 - Domenico Villacci
, Gianluca Bontempi
, Alfredo Vaccaro
, Mauro Birattari
The role of learning methods in the dynamic assessment of power components loading capability. 280-290 - Kuan-Hung Chen, Tzi-Dar Chiueh, Shi-Chung Chang
, Peter B. Luh:
A 1600-MIPS parallel processor IC for job-shop scheduling. 291-299 - Makoto Iwasaki, Masanobu Miwa, Nobuyuki Matsui:
GA-based evolutionary identification algorithm for unknown structured mechatronic systems. 300-305 - Mayez A. Al-Mouhamed, Onur Toker, Abdul-Khalik Al-Harthy:
A 3-D vision-based man-machine interface for hand-controlled telerobot. 306-319 - Choon-Young Lee, Ju-Jang Lee:
Multiple neuro-adaptive control of robot manipulators using visual cues. 320-326 - Tzungher Chen
, Gwoboa Horng
, Wei-Bin Lee:
A publicly verifiable copyright-proving scheme resistant to malicious attacks. 327-334
Volume 52, Number 2, 2005
- José R. Rodríguez
Guest Editorial. 338-339 - Sudip K. Mazumder:
Continuous and discrete variable-structure controls for parallel three-phase boost rectifier. 340-354 - Guozhu Chen, Keyue Ma Smedley
Steady-State and dynamic study of one-cycle-controlled three-phase power-factor correction. 355-362 - Rolando Burgos, Eduardo P. Wiechmann
, Joachim Holtz:
Complex state-space modeling and nonlinear control of active front-end converters. 363-377 - Carlo Cecati
, Antonio Dell'Aquila, Agostino Lecci, Marco Liserre:
Implementation issues of a fuzzy-logic-based three-phase active rectifier employing only Voltage sensors. 378-385 - Souvik Chattopadhyay, V. Ramanarayanan:
A Voltage-sensorless control method to balance the input currents of a three-wire boost rectifier under unbalanced input Voltages condition. 386-398 - Martina Baumann, Johann W. Kolar:
A novel control concept for reliable operation of a three-phase three-switch buck-type unity-power-factor rectifier with integrated boost output stage under heavily unbalanced mains condition. 399-409 - Mariusz Cichowlas, Mariusz Malinowski
, Marian P. Kazmierkowski, Dariusz L. Sobczuk
, Pedro Rodríguez
, Josep Pou
Active filtering function of three-phase PWM boost rectifier under different line voltage conditions. 410-419 - Shoji Fukuda, Ryota Imamura:
Application of a sinusoidal internal model to current control of three-phase utility-interface converters. 420-426 - Chien-Ming Wang:
A novel zero-Voltage-switching PWM boost rectifier with high power factor and low conduction losses. 427-435 - Primoz Bajec, Bostjan Pevec, Danijel Voncina, Damijan Miljavec, Janez Nastran:
Extending the low-speed operation range of PM Generator in automotive applications using novel AC-DC converter control. 436-443 - Vitor Fernão Pires
, José Fernando Silva
Three-phase single-stage four-switch PFC buck-boost-type rectifier. 444-453 - Hans Ertl, Johann W. Kolar:
A constant output current three-phase diode bridge rectifier employing a novel "Electronic Smoothing Inductor". 454-461 - Mario Marchesoni, Paolo Segarich, Ernesto Soressi:
A new control strategy for neutral-point-clamped active rectifiers. 462-470 - Ralph Teichmann, Mariusz Malinowski
, Steffen Bernet:
Evaluation of three-level rectifiers for low-voltage utility applications. 471-481 - José R. Rodríguez
, Jorge Pontt, Rodrigo Huerta, Gerardo Alzamora, Norbert Becker, Samir Kouro
, Patricio Cortes, Pablo Lezana
Resonances in a high-power active-front-end rectifier system. 482-488 - Robert Bettendorf:
Winder software testing with real-time dynamic Simulation. 489-498 - Chui-Keng Lai, Kuo-Kai Shyu:
A novel motor drive design for incremental motion system via sliding-mode control method. 499-507 - Mengesha Mamo, Kozo Ide, Mitsujiro Sawamura, Jun Oyama:
Novel rotor position extraction based on carrier frequency component method (CFCM) using two reference frames for IPM drives. 508-514 - Alessandro F. Moreira, Patrick M. Santos, Thomas A. Lipo, Giri Venkataramanan:
Filter networks for long cable drives and their influence on motor voltage distribution and common-mode currents. 515-522 - Mika Salo, Heikki Tuusa:
vector-controlled PWM current-source-inverter-fed induction motor drive with a new stator current control method. 523-531 - Maurizio Cirrincione, Marcello Pucci
An MRAS-based sensorless high-performance induction motor drive with a predictive adaptive model. 532-551 - Luiz Henrique Silva Colado Barreto
, Ernane Antônio Alves Coelho, Valdeir José Farias, João Carlos de Oliveira, Luis Carlos de Freitas, João Batista Vieira:
A quasi-resonant quadratic boost converter using a single resonant network. 552-557 - Andrew Kotsopoulos, Peter J. M. Heskes, Mark J. Jansen:
Zero-crossing distortion in grid-connected PV inverters. 558-565 - Miguel Castilla
, Luis García de Vicuña
, Josep M. Guerrero
, José Matas
, Jaume Miret:
Sliding-mode control of quantum series-parallel resonant converters via input-output linearization. 566-575 - Byung-Moon Han, Byong-Yeul Bae, Seppo J. Ovaska:
Reference signal generator for active power filters using improved adaptive predictive filter. 576-584 - Chin-Shyurng Fahn, Herman Sun:
Development of a data glove with reducing sensors based on magnetic induction. 585-594 - Richard Zurawski:
Petri net models, functional abstractions, and reduction techniques: applications to the design of automated manufacturing systems. 595-609 - Mingxuan Sun, Youyi Wang, Danwei Wang:
Variable-structure repetitive control: a discrete-time strategy. 610-616 - Leo Ho Wai Yeung, Wallace Kit-Sang Tang
A hybrid genetic approach for container loading in logistics industry. 617-627 - Fidel Delgado, Mario Edgardo Magaña:
A fuzzy logic controller design and simulation for a sawmill bucking system. 628-634
Volume 52, Number 3, 2005
- José R. Rodríguez
Guest Editorial. 638-639 - Cassiano Rech
, José R. Pinheiro
Line current harmonics reduction in multipulse connection of asymmetrically loaded rectifiers. 640-652 - Juan W. Dixon, Luis Morán
A clean four-quadrant sinusoidal power rectifier using multistage converters for subway applications. 653-661 - Martin Glinka, Rainer Marquardt:
A new AC/AC multilevel converter family. 662-669 - Antonio Dell'Aquila, Marco Liserre, Vito Giuseppe Monopoli
, Paola Rotondo:
An energy-based control for an n-H-bridges multilevel active rectifier. 670-678 - Esteban Sanchís Kilders
, Enrique Maset
, José Antonio Pérez-Carrasco, Juan B. Ejea
, Agustín Ferreres
, Enrique J. Dede, Vicente Esteve, José Jordán, Rafael García-Gil
Zero-current-switched three-phase SVM-controlled buck rectifier. 679-688 - Chien-Ming Wang:
A novel ZCS-PWM power-factor preregulator with reduced conduction losses. 689-700 - Milan M. Jovanovic, Yungtaek Jang:
State-of-the-art, single-phase, active power-factor-correction techniques for high-power applications - an overview. 701-708 - Huang-Jen Chiu, Li-Wei Lin:
A high-efficiency soft-switched AC/DC converter with current-doubler synchronous rectification. 709-718 - Peter Ide, Frank Schafmeister, Norbert Fröhleke, Horst Grotstollen:
Enhanced control scheme for three-phase three-level rectifiers at partial load. 719-726 - Guanghai Gong, Marcelo Lobo Heldwein
, Uwe Drofenik, Johann Miniböck, Kazuaki Mino, Johann W. Kolar:
Comparative evaluation of three-phase high-power-factor AC-DC converter concepts for application in future More Electric Aircraft. 727-737 - José R. Rodríguez
, Jorge Pontt, César A. Silva
, Eduardo P. Wiechmann
, Peter W. Hammond, Frank W. Santucci, Rodrigo Álvarez, Rodrigo Musalem, Samir Kouro
, Pablo Lezana
Large current rectifiers: State of the art and future trends. 738-746 - Philippe Ladoux
, Gianluca Postiglione, Henri Foch, Jacques Nuns:
A comparative study of AC/DC converters for high-power DC arc furnace. 747-757 - Jason C. Wiseman, Bin Wu:
Active damping control of a high-power PWM current-source rectifier for line-current THD reduction. 758-764 - Rafael García-Gil
, José M. Espí, Enrique J. Dede, Esteban Sanchís Kilders
A bidirectional and isolated three-phase rectifier with soft-switching operation. 765-773 - Stephan Rees:
New cascaded control system for current-source rectifiers. 774-784 - Ahmad Ammar Naassani, Eric Monmasson
, Jean-Paul Louis:
Synthesis of direct torque and rotor flux control algorithms by means of sliding-mode theory. 785-799 - Hideo Nakai, Hiroki Ohtani, Eiji Satoh, Yukio Inaguma:
Development and testing of the torque control for the permanent-magnet synchronous motor. 800-806 - Cristian H. De Angelo, Guillermo R. Bossio
, Jorge A. Solsona, Guillermo O. García
, María Inés Valla:
A rotor position and speed observer for permanent-magnet motors with nonsinusoidal EMF waveform. 807-813 - Yuxin Su, Chun Hong Zheng, Bao Yan Duan:
Automatic disturbances rejection controller for precise motion control of permanent-magnet synchronous motors. 814-823 - V. T. Somasekhar, K. Gopakumar, M. R. Baiju
, Krushna Keshaba Mohapatra, Loganathan Umanand:
A multilevel inverter system for an induction motor with open-end windings. 824-836 - Rong-Jong Wai, Kuo-Min Lin:
Robust decoupled control of direct field-oriented induction motor drive. 837-854 - Thomas Brückner, Steffen Bernet, Henry Güldner:
The active NPC converter and its loss-balancing control. 855-868 - Thilak Senanayake
, Tamotsu Ninomiya:
An improved topology of inductor-switching DC-DC converter. 869-878 - Dae-Wook Kang, Byoung-Kuk Lee
, Jae-Hyun Jeon, Tae-Jin Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
A symmetric carrier technique of CRPWM for voltage balance method of flying-capacitor multilevel inverter. 879-888 - Jin-Ha Choi, Jung-Min Kwon, Jee-Hoon Jung
, Bong-Hwan Kwon:
High-performance online UPS using three-leg-type converter. 889-897 - Meng Joo Er, Chang Deng:
Obstacle avoidance of a mobile robot using hybrid learning approach. 898-905 - Kay Chen Tan
, Y. J. Chen, Kok Kiong Tan, Tong Heng Lee:
Task-oriented developmental learning for humanoid robots. 906-914 - Shoji Takagi, Naoki Uchiyama:
Robust control system design for SCARA robots using adaptive pole placement. 915-921 - Kune-Shiang Tzeng, D. C. Tzeng, Jian-Shiang Chen:
An enhanced iterative learning control scheme using wavelet transform. 922-924 - Xiaoli Li
, Xin Yao
Multi-scale statistical process monitoring in machining. 924-927
Volume 52, Number 4, 2005
- Hyungsuck Cho:
Guest Editorial. 930-931 - Hyungsuck Cho, Min Young Kim:
Optomechatronic Technology: The Characteristics and Perspectives. 932-943 - Werner Baetz, Jan Braasch, Wolfgang Holzapfel:
Noise-Modulated Optomechatronic Distance-Measuring System. 944-952 - Kee S. Moon, Miguel Levy, Yong K. Hong, Heung K. Park:
Axial Displacement Measurement of a Single-Crystal Actuator Using Phase-Shift Interferometry. 953-959 - Yoji Yamada, Tetsuya Morizono, Yoji Umetani, Hitoshi Takahashi:
Highly Soft Viscoelastic Robot Skin With a Contact Object-Location-Sensing Capability. 960-968 - Constantin I. Nitu, Bogdan S. Gramescu
, Constantin Daniel P. Comeaga, Aurelian Ovidius Trufasu:
Optomechatronic System for Position Detection of a Mobile Mini-Robot. 969-973 - Siyuan He, Ridha Ben Mrad:
Large-Stroke Microelectrostatic Actuators for Vertical Translation of Micromirrors Used in Adaptive Optics. 974-983 - Toshiaki Oguchi, Masanori Hayase, Takeshi Hatsuzawa:
Micromachined Display Device Using Sheet Waveguide and Multicantilevers Driven by Electrostatic Force. 984-991 - Yoshitada Katagiri, Hiroki Takesue, Etsu Hashimoto:
Wavelength-Scanning Optical Bandpass Filters Based on Optomechatronics for Optical-Frequency Sweepers. 992-1004 - Eniko T. Enikov, Lyubomir L. Minkov, Scott Clark:
Microassembly Experiments With Transparent Electrostatic Gripper Under Optical and Vision-Based Control. 1005-1012 - Ge Yang, James A. Gaines, Bradley J. Nelson
Optomechatronic Design of Microassembly Systems for Manufacturing Hybrid Microsystems. 1013-1023 - Lingfeng Deng, Farrokh Janabi-Sharifi, William J. Wilson:
Hybrid Motion Control and Planning Strategies for Visual Servoing. 1024-1040 - Tomoyuki Takeguchi, Shun'ichi Kaneko:
Using Depth Aspect Images for Robust and Efficient Search of Multiple Objects in Optomechatronic Sensing. 1041-1049 - Young-Sik Kim, Seung-Jae Lee, No-Cheol Park, Young-Pil Park:
Design of a Superparaboloidal Solid Immersion Mirror for Optomechatronic Near-Field Recording. 1050-1055 - Kyung-Soo Kim:
Analysis of optical data storage systems - tracking performance with eccentricity. 1056-1062 - Sang Jeen Hong, Gary S. May:
Neural-Network-Based Sensor Fusion of Optical Emission and Mass Spectroscopy Data for Real-Time Fault Detection in Reactive Ion Etching. 1063-1072 - Che-Seung Cho, Byeong-Mook Chung, Moo-Jin Park:
Development of Real-Time Vision-Based Fabric Inspection System. 1073-1079 - José R. Rodríguez
, Peter W. Hammond, Jorge Pontt, Rodrigo Musalem, Pablo Lezana
, María-José Escobar:
Operation of a Medium-Voltage Drive Under Faulty Conditions. 1080-1085 - Rolando Burgos, Eduardo P. Wiechmann
Extended Voltage Swell Ride-Through Capability for PWM Voltage-Source Rectifiers. 1086-1098