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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, January / February 1992
- James D. Palmer, Andrew P. Sage, Thomas B. Sheridan, James M. Tien:
The IEEE Systems. Man, and Cybernetics Society: past, present, and future. 1-9 - Paul R. Frey, William B. Rouse, Rosemary D. Garris:
Big graphics and little screens: designing graphical displays for maintenance tasks. 10-20 - David F. Andersen, John Rohrbaugh:
Some conceptual and technical problems in integrating models of judgment with simulation models. 21-34 - Maurice S. Gyer:
Adjuncts and alternatives to neural networks for supervised classification. 35-46 - Pierre Fouché, Benjamin Kuipers:
Reasoning about energy in qualitative simulation. 47-63 - Glenn Healey:
Segmenting images using normalized color. 64-73 - Tadashi Ishihara, Kenichi Abe, Hiroshi Takeda:
A discrete-time design of robust iterative learning controllers. 74-84 - Tzung-Cheng Yang, Jackson C. S. Yang, Prabhakar Kudva:
Load-adaptive control of a single-link flexible manipulator. 85-91 - Ralph E. Goddard, Yuan-Fang Zheng, Hooshang Hemami:
Control of the heel-off to toe-off motion of a dynamic biped gait. 92-102 - Wen-Ran Zhang, Su-Shing Chen, Wenhua Wang, Ronald S. King:
A cognitive-map-based approach to the coordination of distributed cooperative agents. 103-114 - Y. C. Tang, C. S. George Lee:
A geometric feature relation graph formulation for consistent sensor fusion. 115-129 - Rajeev Sharma, Yiannis Aloimonos:
Coordinated motion planning: the warehouseman's problem with constraints on free space. 130-141 - Roy Leitch, Massimo Gallanti:
Task classification for knowledge-based systems in industrial automation. 142-152 - K. P. Chan, Paul Y. S. Cheung:
Fuzzy-attribute graph with application to Chinese character recognition. 153-160 - S. Reynold Chu, Rahmat Shoureshi:
Applications of neural networks in learning of dynamical systems. 161-164 - H. Wang, T. T. Lee, William A. Gruver:
A neuromorphic controller for a three-link biped robot. 164-169 - Tetsuro Yabuta
, Takayuki Yamada:
Neural network controller characteristics with regard to adaptive control. 170-177 - Andrew J. Worth, Richard R. Spencer:
A neural network for tactile sensing: the Hertzian contact problem. 177-182 - Richard M. Murray
, D. Curtis Deno, Kristofer S. J. Pister, S. Shankar Sastry:
Control primitives for robot systems. 183-193 - Gongliang Guo, William A. Gruver, Qixian Zhang:
Optimal grasps for planar multifingered robotic hands. 193-198
Volume 22, Number 2, March / April 1992
- Robert Kennes:
Computational aspects of the Mobius transformation of graphs. 201-223 - Jérôme Barraquand, Bruno Langlois, Jean-Claude Latombe:
Numerical potential field techniques for robot path planning. 224-241 - Giovanni Magenes, Jean-Louis Vercher, Gabriel M. Gauthier:
Hand movement strategies in telecontrolled motion along 2-D trajectories. 242-257 - Robert T. Hays:
Systems concepts for training systems development. 258-266 - Mayumi Oyama, Kenichi Abe:
Application of stepwise clustering method for the determination of efficient assembly sequence. 267-274 - Janos J. Gertler, Kenneth C. Anderson:
An evidential reasoning extension to quantitative model-based failure diagnosis. 275-289 - Banavar Sridhar, Anil V. Phatak:
Analysis of image-based navigation system for rotorcraft low-altitude flight. 290-299 - Al-Amyn Samji, Lloyd D. Reid:
The detection of low-amplitude yawing motion transients in a flight simulator. 300-306 - Yung-Ping Chien, Qing Xue:
Path planning for two planar robots moving in unknown environment. 307-317 - Christos Alexopoulos, Paul M. Griffin:
Path planning for a mobile robot. 318-322 - Daniel Raviv, James S. Albus:
A closed-form massively-parallel range-from-image-flow algorithm. 322-327 - Chi-Hsu Wang, Hore-Yuan Liu, Rong-Sheng Wen:
Pipelined computations of B-spline curve. 327-331 - Yoshiyasu Takefuji
, Toshimitsu Tanaka, Kuo Chun Lee:
A parallel string search algorithm. 332-336 - Zen Chen, Hsi-Jian Lee:
Knowledge-guided visual perception of 3-D human gait from a single image sequence. 336-342 - John R. Clymer, Philip D. Corey, Judith A. Gardner:
Discrete event fuzzy airport control. 343-351 - Santosh S. Venkatraman, Arun Sen:
Epistemological aspects of object schemes. 352-359 - F. Bolourchi, Ronald A. Hess:
Nonlinear model reference adaptive control using tap-delay filters. 360-368 - K. Chidananda Gowda, Edwin Diday:
Symbolic clustering using a new similarity measure. 368-378 - Tae Hyoung Park, Bum Hee Lee:
An approach to robot motion analysis and planning for conveyor tracking. 378-384 - Scott McMillan, David E. Orin, P. Sadayappan:
Toward super-real-time simulation of robotic mechanisms using a parallel integration method. 384-391 - Krishna R. Pattipati, Mahesh Dontamsetty:
On a generalized test sequencing problem. 392-396 - Hennie A. M. Daniels, Ad Feelders:
Explanation and diagnosis in business assessment. 397-402 - K. P. Chan, Paul Y. S. Cheung:
Correction to "Fuzzy-attribute graph with application to Chinese character recognition". 402-410
Volume 22, Number 3, May / June 1992
- Yacov Y. Haimes:
Sustainable development: a holistic approach to natural resource management. 413-417 - Lei Xu, Adam Krzyzak, Ching Y. Suen:
Methods of combining multiple classifiers and their applications to handwriting recognition. 418-435 - Kiyotoshi Matsuoka:
Noise injection into inputs in back-propagation learning. 436-440 - Paul M. Griffin, Jesus René Villalobos
Process capability of automated visual inspection systems. 441-448 - Tamar Genossar, Moshe Porat:
Optimal bi-orthonormal approximation of signals. 449-460 - Luca Ferrarini
An incremental approach to logic controller design with Petri nets. 461-473 - Selim S. Hacisalihzade, Lawrence W. Stark, John S. Allen:
Visual perception and sequences of eye movement fixations: a stochastic modeling approach. 474-481 - Xiyi Miao, Peter B. Luh, David L. Kleinman:
A normative-descriptive approach to hierarchical team resource allocation. 482-497 - Ajay S. Vinze, Mari M. Heltne, Minder Chen, Benn R. Konsynski, Jay F. Nunamaker Jr.:
Design for change: knowledge-based system support for information centers. 498-512 - David B. Paradice
SIMON: an object-oriented information system for coordinating strategies and operations. 513-525 - Jack C. Schryver:
Object-oriented qualitative simulation of human mental models of complex systems. 526-541 - Yeong-Hwa Chang, Tsu-Tian Lee, Chang-Huan Liu:
Online approximate Cartesian path trajectory planning for robotic manipulators. 542-547 - Lawrence Dale Thomas
Functional implications of component commonality in operational systems. 548-551 - David P. Brown:
Matrix tests for period 1 and 2 limit cycles in discrete threshold networks. 552-554 - ChuXin Chen, Mohan M. Trivedi:
Transformation relationships for two commonly utilized Euler angle representations. 555-559 - Laura Ignizio Burke:
Competitive learning based approaches to tool-wear identification. 559-563 - Thomas M. Tirpak, Sam M. Daniel, John D. LaLonde, Wayne J. Davis:
A note on a fractal architecture for modelling and controlling flexible manufacturing systems. 564-567 - Yan-Ru Hu, Andrew A. Goldenberg:
Dynamic control of multiple coordinated redundant robots. 568-574 - Marion G. Sobol, Richard G. Vedder, Gary Klein:
Using statistical data feedback by-products of expert systems. 574-580 - Qi Bi:
Obtaining the recovery function from the interval histogram and the poststimulus time histogram. 580-585
Volume 22, Number 4, July / August 1992
- Kim J. Vicente, Jens Rasmussen:
Ecological interface design: theoretical foundations. 589-606 - Deba Prasad Mandal, C. A. Murthy, Sankar K. Pal:
Formulation of a multivalued recognition system. 607-620 - Ioannis Pitas, Evangelos E. Milios
, Anastasios N. Venetsanopoulos:
A minimum entropy approach to rule learning from examples. 621-635 - Billur Barshan
, Roman Kuc:
A bat-like sonar system for obstacle localization. 636-646 - Y. C. Tang, C. S. G. Lee:
Optimal strategic recognition of objects based on candidate discriminating graph with coordinated sensors. 647-661 - María Angeles Gil
, Pramod Jain:
Comparison of experiments in statistical decision problems with fuzzy utilities. 662-670 - Vernon Lun, Ian M. MacLeod:
Strategies for real-time dialogue and interaction in multiagent systems. 671-680 - Alan J. Courtney:
Control-display stereotypes for multicultural user systems. 681-687 - Jón Atli Benediktsson
, Philip H. Swain:
Consensus theoretic classification methods. 688-704 - José L. Marroquín:
Random measure fields and the integration of visual information. 705-716 - Shengwu Luo, Shaheen Ahmad:
Predicting the drift motion for kinematically redundant robots. 717-728 - Ching-Long Shih, William A. Gruver:
Control of a biped robot in the double-support phase. 729-735 - Hebertt Sira-Ramírez, Shaheen Ahmad, Mohamed Zribi
Dynamical feedback control of robotic manipulators with joint flexibility. 736-747 - Sunil R. Das, Wen-Ben Jone:
On random testing for combinational circuits with a high measure of confidence. 748-754 - Sukhan Lee, Jack Chien-Jan Pan:
Offline tracing and representation of signatures. 755-771 - Luca Console, Pietro Torasso:
An approach to the compilation of operational knowledge from casual models. 772-789 - René V. Mayorga, Andrew K. C. Wong, N. Milano:
A fast procedure for manipulator inverse kinematics evaluation and pseudoinverse robustness. 790-798 - Andrew A. Goldenberg, Xiaojia He, S. P. Ananthanarayanan:
Identification of inertial parameters of a manipulator with closed kinematic chains. 799-805 - Yagnesh C. Trivedi, Ludwik Kurz:
An experimental design approach to image enhancement. 805-813 - George V. Meghabghab, Abraham Kandel:
Hierarchical analysis of visual motion. 813-820 - Tapio Grönfors, Martti Juhola:
Experiments and comparison of inference methods of regular grammars. 821-826 - Tarun K. Sen
Diagrammatic knowledge representation. 826-830
Volume 22, Number 5, September / October 1992
- Andrew P. Sage:
Systems engineering and information technology: catalysts for total quality in industry and education. 833-864 - Erran Carmel, Stephen Crawford, Hsinchun Chen:
Browsing in hypertext: a cognitive study. 865-884 - Hsinchun Chen, Kevin J. Lynch:
Automatic construction of networks of concepts characterizing document databases. 885-902 - Stein Weissenberger:
Deterrence and the design of treaty verification systems. 903-915 - Keung-Chi Ng, Bruce Abramson:
Consensus diagnosis: a simulation study. 916-928 - C. T. Lee, Phillip Chen-Yu Sheu:
A divide-and-conquer approach with heuristics of motion planning for a Cartesian manipulator. 929-944 - Kamran Iqbal, Hooshang Hemami:
Simultaneous stabilization and decoupling of constrained robotic systems with minimal inputs. 945-952 - Liqiang Feng, Yeshaiahu Fainman, Yoram Koren:
Estimation of the absolute position of mobile systems by an optoelectronic processor. 953-963 - Yildirim Hurmuzlu, Tai-Heng Chang:
Rigid body collisions of a special class of planar kinematic chains. 964-971 - Barry G. Silverman:
Modeling and critiquing the confirmation bias in human reasoning. 972-982 - Mary A. Meyer:
How to apply the anthropological technique of participant observation to knowledge acquisition for expert systems. 983-991 - Hermann Kaindl
, Anton Scheucher:
Reasons for the effects of bounded look-ahead search. 992-1007 - Andrea Bonarini
, Ernesto Cappelletti, Antonio Corrao:
Network-based management of subjective judgements: a proposal accepting cyclic dependencies. 1008-1023 - Bruce E. Stuckman, Eric E. Easom:
A comparison of Bayesian/sampling global optimization techniques. 1024-1032 - Kristinn Kristinsson, Guy Albert Dumont
System identification and control using genetic algorithms. 1033-1046 - William P. Niedringhaus:
Maneuver option manager: automated simplification of complex air traffic control problems. 1047-1057 - Pietro Carlo Cacciabue, Françoise Decortis, Bartolome Drozdowicz, Michel Masson, Jean-Pierre Nordvik:
COSIMO: A cognitive simulation model of human decision making and behavior in accident management of complex plants. 1058-1074 - Giorgio Guariso, Andrea Emilio Rizzoli
, Hannes Werthner:
Identification of model structure via qualitative simulation. 1075-1086 - Allan D. Jepson, Whitman Richards:
A lattice framework for integrating vision modules. 1087-1096 - Michael M. Marefat, Rangasami L. Kashyap:
Automatic construction of process plans from solid model representations. 1097-1115 - Toyosaku Isobe, Kengo Nagasaka, Shinji Yamamoto:
A new approach to kinematic control of simple manipulators. 1116-1124 - Hikmet Senay:
Fuzzy command grammars for intelligent interface design. 1124-1131 - Xiaochun Gao, Shin-Min Song:
A stiffness matrix method for foot force distribution of walking vehicles. 1131-1138 - Brooks Applegate
, Tony Fernandez, Dilip Sarker:
Analogical problem solving in an expert system. 1138-1144 - Jean-Yves Jaffray:
Bayesian updating and belief functions. 1144-1152 - Don R. Hush, Bill G. Horne, John M. Salas:
Error surfaces for multilayer perceptrons. 1152-1161 - Michael W. Bringmann, Frederick E. Petry:
A semantic network representation of personal construct systems. 1161-1168 - Christian Stary, Markus Stumptner:
Representing organizational changes in distributed problem solving environments. 1168-1177 - G. Heslinga, Henk G. Stassen:
The prediction of human performance safety with event trees. 1178-1182 - Julio J. Gonzalez, Glenn R. Widmann:
Investigation of nonlinearities in the force control of real robots. 1183-1193 - Yuou Xia, Hikaru Inooka:
Application of tree search to the swinging control of a pendulum. 1193-1198 - Shiu Kit Tso, Y. X. Ma:
Cartesian-based learning control for robots in discrete-time formulation. 1198-1204 - Roger A. Browse, Marcia L. McDonald:
Using tactile information in telerobotics. 1205-1210 - Shahram Payandeh:
Causality and robotic contact tasks problem. 1210-1214 - C. C. A. M. Gielen, Gerrit Jan van Ingen Schenau:
The constrained control of force and position by multilink manipulators. 1214-1219 - Arun Sen, Ajay S. Vinze, Shue Feng T. Liou:
Construction of a model formulation consultant: the AEROBA experience. 1220-1232
Volume 22, Number 6, November / December 1992
- James M. Tien, Cynthia C. N. Uichanco:
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: bibliographic analysis and policy considerations. 1245-1259 - Alan H. Bond, Les Gasser:
A subject-indexed bibliography of distributed artificial intelligence. 1260-1281 - David B. Stewart, Donald E. Schmitz, Pradeep K. Khosla:
The Chimera II real-time operating system for advanced sensor-based control applications. 1282-1295 - William B. Rouse, Janis A. Cannon-Bowers
, Eduardo Salas
The role of mental models in team performance in complex systems. 1296-1308 - Kenneth H. Funk II, Judith H. Lind:
Agent-based pilot-vehicle interfaces: concept and prototype. 1309-1322