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IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Volume 57
Volume 57, Number 1, 2010
- Caroline Maleke, Elisa E. Konofagou:
In Vivo Feasibility of Real-Time Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Surgery (FUS) Using Harmonic Motion Imaging (HMI). 7-11 - Dalong Liu, Emad S. Ebbini
Real-Time 2-D Temperature Imaging Using Ultrasound. 12-16 - Lorena Petrusca, Rares Salomir, Lucie Brasset, Françoise Chavrier, François Cotton
, Jean-Yves Chapelon:
Sector-Switching Sonication Strategy for Accelerated HIFU Treatment of Prostate Cancer: In Vitro Experimental Validation. 17-23 - John R. Eisenbrey, Michael C. Soulen, Margaret A. Wheatley:
Delivery of Encapsulated Doxorubicin by Ultrasound-Mediated Size Reduction of Drug-Loaded Polymer Contrast Agents. 24-28 - Klazina Kooiman
, Marcia Emmer, Miranda Foppen-Harteveld, Annemieke van Wamel
, Nico de Jong:
Increasing the Endothelial Layer Permeability Through Ultrasound-Activated Microbubbles. 29-32 - Guy Jones, Finnie Hunter, Hilary A. Hancock, Ankur Kapoor, Michael J. Stone, Bradford J. Wood
, Jianwu Xie, Matthew R. Dreher, Victor Frenkel:
In Vitro Investigations Into Enhancement of tPA Bioavailability in Whole Blood Clots Using Pulsed-High Intensity Focused Ultrasound Exposures. 33-36 - Joo Ha Hwang
, Yufeng Zhou
, Cinderella Warren, Andrew A. Brayman, Lawrence A. Crum:
Targeted Venous Occlusion Using Pulsed High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound. 37-40 - Xiaozheng Zeng, Jian Li, Robert J. McGough:
A Waveform Diversity Method for Optimizing 3-D Power Depositions Generated by Ultrasound Phased Arrays. 41-47 - Miklós Gyöngy, Constantin-C. Coussios
Passive Spatial Mapping of Inertial Cavitation During HIFU Exposure. 48-56 - Ralf Seip, Chien Ting Chin, Christopher S. Hall, Balasundar I. Raju, Alexander Ghanem, Klaus Tiemann:
Targeted Ultrasound-Mediated Delivery of Nanoparticles: On the Development of a New HIFU-Based Therapy and Imaging Device. 61-70 - Xinliang Zheng, Shahram Vaezy:
A Targeting Method Based on Acoustic Backscatter for Treatment Planning in Tissue Ablation Using Focused Ultrasound. 71-79 - Neil R. Owen, Guillaume Bouchoux, Belhassen Seket, Adriana Murillo-Rincon, Samir Merouche, Alain Birer, Christian Paquet, Éric Delabrousse, Jean-Yves Chapelon, Rémi Berriet, Gérard Fleury, Cyril Lafon
In Vivo Evaluation of a Mechanically Oscillating Dual-Mode Applicator for Ultrasound Imaging and Thermal Ablation. 80-92 - John R. Ballard, Andrew J. Casper, Yayun Wan, Emad S. Ebbini
Adaptive Transthoracic Refocusing of Dual-Mode Ultrasound Arrays. 93-102 - Julia K. Enholm, Max O. Köhler, Bruno Quesson
, Charles Mougenot, Chrit T. W. Moonen, Shunmugavelu D. Sokka:
Improved Volumetric MR-HIFU Ablation by Robust Binary Feedback Control. 103-113 - Serena H. Wong, Mario Kupnik, Ronald D. Watkins, Kim Butts-Pauly, Butrus T. Khuri-Yakub
Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducers for Therapeutic Ultrasound Applications. 114-123 - Junho Song, Kullervo Hynynen:
Feasibility of Using Lateral Mode Coupling Method for a Large Scale Ultrasound Phased Array for Noninvasive Transcranial Therapy. 124-133 - Jérôme Gateau
, Laurent Marsac, Mathieu Pernot
, Jean-François Aubry
, Mickaël Tanter
, Mathias Fink
Transcranial Ultrasonic Therapy Based on Time Reversal of Acoustically Induced Cavitation Bubble Signature. 134-144 - James J. Choi
, Jameel A. Feshitan, Babak Baseri, Shougang Wang, Yao-Sheng Tung, Mark A. Borden, Elisa E. Konofagou:
Microbubble-Size Dependence of Focused Ultrasound-Induced Blood-Brain Barrier Opening in Mice In Vivo. 145-154 - Dustin E. Kruse, Chun-Yen Lai, Douglas N. Stephens, P. Sutcliffe, Eric E. Paoli
, Stephen H. Barnes, Katherine W. Ferrara
Spatial and Temporal-Controlled Tissue Heating on a Modified Clinical Ultrasound Scanner for Generating Mild Hyperthermia in Tumors. 155-166 - Douglas L. Miller, Chunyan Dou, Roger C. Wiggins
In Vivo Gas Body Efficacy for Glomerular Capillary Hemorrhage Induced by Diagnostic Ultrasound in Rats. 167-174 - Caleb H. Farny
, R. Glynn Holt, Ronald A. Roy
The Correlation Between Bubble-Enhanced HIFU Heating and Cavitation Power. 175-184 - Janne Heikkilä
, Laura Curiel, Kullervo Hynynen:
Local Harmonic Motion Monitoring of Focused Ultrasound Surgery - A Simulation Model. 185-193 - Seong Keun Park, S. R. Anjaneya Reddy Guntur, Kang Il Lee, Dong-Guk Paeng
, Min Joo Choi:
Reusable Ultrasonic Tissue Mimicking Hydrogels Containing Nonionic Surface-Active Agents for Visualizing Thermal Lesions. 194-202 - Sai Chun Tang, Gregory T. Clement
Standing-Wave Suppression for Transcranial Ultrasound by Random Modulation. 203-205
Volume 57, Number 2, 2010
- Youqing Wang
, Eyal Dassau, Francis J. Doyle III:
Closed-Loop Control of Artificial Pancreatic Beta -Cell in Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Using Model Predictive Iterative Learning Control. 211-219 - Dafang Wang, Robert M. Kirby, Chris R. Johnson:
Resolution Strategies for the Finite-Element-Based Solution of the ECG Inverse Problem. 220-237 - Jianhua Zhou, J. K. Chen, Yuwen Zhang
Simulation of Laser-Induced Thermotherapy Using a Dual-Reciprocity Boundary Element Model With Dynamic Tissue Properties. 238-245 - Clara M. Ionescu
, Ionut Muntean
, J. A. Tenreiro Machado
, Robin De Keyser, Mihail Abrudean:
A Theoretical Study on Modeling the Respiratory Tract With Ladder Networks by Means of Intrinsic Fractal Geometry. 246-253 - Emily Lim, Socrates Dokos, Shaun L. Cloherty
, Robert F. Salamonsen, David G. Mason, John A. Reizes, Nigel H. Lovell
Parameter-Optimized Model of Cardiovascular-Rotary Blood Pump Interactions. 254-266 - Massimo Cenciarini
, Patrick J. Loughlin, Patrick J. Sparto
, Mark S. Redfern:
Stiffness and Damping in Postural Control Increase With Age. 267-275 - Simon Esneault, Cyril Lafon
, Jean-Louis Dillenseger
Liver Vessels Segmentation Using a Hybrid Geometrical Moments/Graph Cuts Method. 276-283 - Ramana Vinjamuri
, Mingui Sun, Cheng-Chun Chang, Heung-No Lee, Robert J. Sclabassi, Zhi-Hong Mao:
Dimensionality Reduction in Control and Coordination of the Human Hand. 284-295 - Linwei Wang, Heye Zhang, Ken C. L. Wong, Huafeng Liu, Pengcheng Shi:
Physiological-Model-Constrained Noninvasive Reconstruction of Volumetric Myocardial Transmembrane Potentials. 296-315 - Zhiheng Jia, Harold Bien, Emilia Entcheva
Detecting Space-Time Alternating Biological Signals Close to the Bifurcation Point. 316-324 - Hong Tang, Ting Li, Tianshuang Qiu:
Noise and Disturbance Reduction for Heart Sounds in Cycle-Frequency Domain Based on Nonlinear Time Scaling. 325-333 - Danny Smith, Kristian Solem, Pablo Laguna
, Juan Pablo Martínez
, Leif Sörnmo:
Model-Based Detection of Heart Rate Turbulence Using Mean Shape Information. 334-342 - Jiang Zhang, Huafu Chen, Fang Fang, Wei Liao:
Convolution Power Spectrum Analysis for fMRI Data Based on Prior Image Signal. 343-352 - Omid Sayadi, Mohammad Bagher Shamsollahi, Gari D. Clifford:
Robust Detection of Premature Ventricular Contractions Using a Wave-Based Bayesian Framework. 353-362 - Andrea Piarulli
, Danilo Menicucci
, Angelo Gemignani
, Umberto Olcese
, Paola d'Ascanio
, Alessandro Pingitore, Remo Bedini, Alberto Landi
Likeness-Based Detection of Sleep Slow Oscillations in Normal and Altered Sleep Conditions: Application on Low-Density EEG Recordings. 363-372 - Michael Muma, D. Robert Iskander, Michael J. Collins
The Role of Cardiopulmonary Signals in the Dynamics of the Eye's Wavefront Aberrations. 373-383 - Dániel Hillier, Zsolt Czeilinger, András Vobornik, Csaba Rekeczky:
Online 3-D Reconstruction of the Right Atrium From Echocardiography Data via a Topographic Cellular Contour Extraction Algorithm. 384-396 - Bing Wu, Chunsheng Wang, R. Krug, Douglas A. C. Kelley, Duan Xu
, Yong Pang, Suchandrima Banerjee, Daniel B. Vigneron, Sarah J. Nelson, Sharmila Majumdar, Xiaoliang Zhang:
7T Human Spine Imaging Arrays With Adjustable Inductive Decoupling. 397-403 - Hongbin Liu
, David P. Noonan, Benjamin J. Challacombe
, Prokar Dasgupta
, Lakmal D. Seneviratne
, Kaspar Althoefer:
Rolling Mechanical Imaging for Tissue Abnormality Localization During Minimally Invasive Surgery. 404-414 - David Schwenninger, Knut Möller, Hui Liu, Josef Guttmann:
Automated Analysis of Intratidal Dynamics of Alveolar Geometry From Microscopic Endoscopy. 415-421 - Fernando Silva de Moura, Julio Cesar Ceballos Aya, Agenor Toledo Fleury, Marcelo Britto Passos Amato
, Raul Gonzalez Lima:
Dynamic Imaging in Electrical Impedance Tomography of the Human Chest With Online Transition Matrix Identification. 422-431 - Min S. H. Aung, John Yannis Goulermas, Shaheen Hamdy
, Maxine Power:
Spatiotemporal Visualizations for the Measurement of Oropharyngeal Transit Time From Videofluoroscopy. 432-441 - Jared A. Sims, Andrew E. Pollard, Peter S. White, Stephen B. Knisley:
Stimulatory Current at the Edge of an Inactive Conductor in an Electric Field: Role of Nonlinear Interfacial Current-Voltage Relationship. 442-449 - Liu Shi Gan, Arthur Prochazka:
Properties of the Stimulus Router System, a Novel Neural Prosthesis. 450-459 - Carsten Potratz, Daniel Kluess
, Hartmut Ewald, Ursula van Rienen
Multiobjective Optimization of an Electrostimulative Acetabular Revision System. 460-468 - Cédric Gouy-Pailler, Marco Congedo, Clemens Brunner, Christian Jutten, Gert Pfurtscheller:
Nonstationary Brain Source Separation for Multiclass Motor Imagery. 469-478 - Uttama Lahiri, Robert F. Labadie, Changchun Liu, Ramya Balachandran, Omid Majdani
, Nilanjan Sarkar:
A Step Toward Identification of Surgical Actions in Mastoidectomy. 479-487 - Arisa Ito, Shuntaro Hosokawa, Shunichiro Miyoshi, Kyoko Soejima, Satoshi Ogawa, Tsunenori Arai:
The Myocardial Electrical Blockade Induced by Photosensitization Reaction. 488-495
Volume 57, Number 3, 2010
- Yongjie Li, Jie Lei:
A Feasible Solution to the Beam-Angle-Optimization Problem in Radiotherapy Planning With a DNA-Based Genetic Algorithm. 499-508 - Aaron J. Le Compte, Dominic S. Lee, J. Geoffrey Chase, Jessica Lin, Adrienne Lynn, Geoffrey M. Shaw:
Blood Glucose Prediction Using Stochastic Modeling in Neonatal Intensive Care. 509-518 - Chiara Rabotti, Massimo Mischi
, Lean Beulen, S. Guid Oei, Jan W. M. Bergmans:
Modeling and Identification of the Electrohysterographic Volume Conductor by High-Density Electrodes. 519-527 - Bartosz Sawicki
, Michal M. Okoniewski:
Adaptive Mesh Refinement Techniques for 3-D Skin Electrode Modeling. 528-533 - Michael R. Narayanan, Stephen James Redmond
, Maria Elena Scalzi, Stephen R. Lord
, Branko G. Celler, Nigel H. Lovell
Longitudinal Falls-Risk Estimation Using Triaxial Accelerometry. 534-541 - Huseyin Atakan Varol, Frank Sup
, Michael Goldfarb:
Multiclass Real-Time Intent Recognition of a Powered Lower Limb Prosthesis. 542-551 - Andrew Keong Ng
, Tong San Koh:
Analysis and Modeling of Snore Source Flow With Its Preliminary Application to Synthetic Snore Generation. 552-560 - Di Ge
, Eric Le Carpentier, Dario Farina:
Unsupervised Bayesian Decomposition of Multiunit EMG Recordings Using Tabu Search. 561-571 - Cong-Thanh Do, Dominique Pastor
, André Goalic:
On Normalized MSE Analysis of Speech Fundamental Frequency in the Cochlear Implant-Like Spectrally Reduced Speech. 572-577 - Sahba Talebi Fard, Lukas Chrostowski, Ezra Kwok, Markus-Christian Amann:
Chemometric Approach for Improving VCSEL-Based Glucose Predictions. 578-585 - Rik Vullings
, Christiaan Hendrik Leonard Peters, Iman Mossavat, S. Guid Oei, Jan W. M. Bergmans:
Bayesian Approach to Patient-Tailored Vectorcardiography. 586-595 - Daniel A. Taft, David B. Grayden, Anthony N. Burkitt:
Across-Frequency Delays Based on the Cochlear Traveling Wave: Enhanced Speech Presentation for Cochlear Implants. 596-606 - Jerome Dumont, Alfredo I. Hernández, Guy Carrault:
Improving ECG Beats Delineation With an Evolutionary Optimization Process. 607-615 - Tulaya Limpiti, Barry D. Van Veen, Ronald T. Wakai
A Spatiotemporal Framework for MEG/EEG Evoked Response Amplitude and Latency Variability Estimation. 616-625 - Edward Sazonov
, Oleksandr Makeyev
, Stephanie A. C. Schuckers
, Paulo Lopez-Meyer, Edward L. Melanson, Michael R. Neuman:
Automatic Detection of Swallowing Events by Acoustical Means for Applications of Monitoring of Ingestive Behavior. 626-633 - Andrea Facchinetti, Giovanni Sparacino, Claudio Cobelli:
An Online Self-Tunable Method to Denoise CGM Sensor Data. 634-641 - Ajay Basavanhally
, Shridar Ganesan, Shannon Agner, James Monaco, Michael D. Feldman, John Tomaszewski, Gyan Bhanot, Anant Madabhushi
Computerized Image-Based Detection and Grading of Lymphocytic Infiltration in HER2+ Breast Cancer Histopathology. 642-653 - Mattéo R. Bosisio, Jean-Michel Hasquenoph, Laurent Sandrin
, Pascal Laugier
, S. Lori Bridal
, Sylvain Yon:
Real-time Chirp-Coded Imaging With a Programmable Ultrasound Biomicroscope. 654-664 - Dogan Altunbay, Celal Cigir, Cenk Sokmensuer, Cigdem Gunduz Demir:
Color Graphs for Automated Cancer Diagnosis and Grading. 665-674 - Simona E. Grigorescu, Shelly T. Nevo, Marjolein H. Liedenbaum, Roel Truyen, Jaap Stoker
, Lucas J. van Vliet
, Frans M. Vos:
Automated Detection and Segmentation of Large Lesions in CT Colonography. 675-684 - Yi Wang, Wallapak Tavanapong, Johnny S. Wong, Jung-Hwan Oh, Piet C. de Groen:
Detection of Quality Visualization of Appendiceal Orifices Using Local Edge Cross-Section Profile Features and Near Pause Detection. 685-695 - Jean-José Jacq, Cédric Schwartz
, Valérie Burdin, Romain Gérard, Christian Lefevre, Christian Roux, Olivier Rémy-Néris
Building and Tracking Root Shapes. 696-707 - Rongmin Xia, Xu Li
, Bin He
Comparison Study of Three Different Image Reconstruction Algorithms for MAT-MI. 708-713 - Nicholas A. Greatrex, Daniel L. Timms, Nobuyuki Kurita, Edward W. Palmer, Toru Masuzawa:
Axial Magnetic Bearing Development for the BiVACOR Rotary BiVAD/TAH. 714-721 - Omer T. Inan, Mozziyar Etemadi, Bernard Widrow, Gregory T. A. Kovacs:
Adaptive Cancellation of Floor Vibrations in Standing Ballistocardiogram Measurements Using a Seismic Sensor as a Noise Reference. 722-727 - Arno H. A. Stienen, Edsko E. G. Hekman, Huub ter Braak, Arthur M. M. Aalsma
, Frans C. T. van der Helm, Herman van der Kooij
Design of a Rotational Hydroelastic Actuator for a Powered Exoskeleton for Upper Limb Rehabilitation. 728-735 - Timothy D. Soper, David R. Haynor, Robb W. Glenny, Eric J. Seibel:
In Vivo Validation of a Hybrid Tracking System for Navigation of an Ultrathin Bronchoscope Within Peripheral Airways. 736-745 - David J. Schutt, M. Michael Swindle, Kristi L. Helke
, Gorka Bastarrika, Florian Schwarz
, Dieter Haemmerich
Sequential Activation of Ground Pads Reduces Skin Heating During Radiofrequency Tumor Ablation: In Vivo Porcine Results. 746-753 - Hyun-Chool Shin, Vikram Aggarwal, Soumyadipta Acharya, Marc H. Schieber, Nitish V. Thakor
Neural Decoding of Finger Movements Using Skellam-Based Maximum-Likelihood Decoding. 754-760 - Sergül Aydöre, Mehmet Kivanç Mihçak, R. Koray Çiftçi, Ata Akin
On Temporal Connectivity of PFC Via Gauss - Markov Modeling of fNIRS Signals. 761-768
Volume 57, Number 4, 2010
- Philip A. Warrick, Emily F. Hamilton, Doina Precup, Robert E. Kearney:
Classification of Normal and Hypoxic Fetuses From Systems Modeling of Intrapartum Cardiotocography. 771-779 - Alzbeta E. Hartinger, Robert Guardo, Victor Kokta, Hervé Gagnon:
A 3-D Hybrid Finite Element Model to Characterize the Electrical Behavior of Cutaneous Tissues. 780-789 - Katherine Mountjoy, Evelyn Morin, Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad:
Use of the Fast Orthogonal Search Method to Estimate Optimal Joint Angle For Upper Limb Hill-Muscle Models. 790-798 - Zipi Neubach, Moshe Shoham:
Ultrasound-Guided Robot for Flexible Needle Steering. 799-805 - Stefano Corazza, Emiliano Gambaretto, Lars Mündermann
, Thomas P. Andriacchi:
Automatic Generation of a Subject-Specific Model for Accurate Markerless Motion Capture and Biomechanical Applications. 806-812 - Stuart Hagler
, Daniel Austin, Tamara L. Hayes, Jeffrey A. Kaye
, Misha Pavel:
Unobtrusive and Ubiquitous In-Home Monitoring: A Methodology for Continuous Assessment of Gait Velocity in Elders. 813-820 - Philip Langley, Emma J. Bowers, Alan Murray
Principal Component Analysis as a Tool for Analyzing Beat-to-Beat Changes in ECG Features: Application to ECG-Derived Respiration. 821-829 - Martin O'Halloran
, Edward Jones
, Martin Glavin
Quasi-Multistatic MIST Beamforming for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer. 830-840 - Yousef Al-Kofahi, Wiem Lassoued, William Lee, Badrinath Roysam:
Improved Automatic Detection and Segmentation of Cell Nuclei in Histopathology Images. 841-852 - Shahjahan Shahid, Jacqueline Walker
, Leslie S. Smith
A New Spike Detection Algorithm for Extracellular Neural Recordings. 853-866 - Dandan Zhang, Xiaofeng Jia
, Haiyan Ding
, Datian Ye, Nitish V. Thakor
Application of Tsallis Entropy to EEG: Quantifying the Presence of Burst Suppression After Asphyxial Cardiac Arrest in Rats. 867-874 - Ismet Sahin, Nuri Yilmazer, Marwan A. Simaan
A Method for Subsample Fetal Heart Rate Estimation Under Noisy Conditions. 875-883 - Athanasios Tsanas
, Max A. Little, Patrick E. McSharry
, Lorraine O. Ramig:
Accurate Telemonitoring of Parkinson's Disease Progression by Noninvasive Speech Tests. 884-893 - Colin Gilmore, Puyan Mojabi, Amer Zakaria
, Majid Ostadrahimi, Cam Kaye, Sima Noghanian
, Lotfollah Shafai, Stephen Pistorius
, Joe LoVetri:
A Wideband Microwave Tomography System With a Novel Frequency Selection Procedure. 894-904 - Hae-Yeoun Lee, Noel C. F. Codella, Matthew D. Cham, Jonathan W. Weinsaft, Yi Wang:
Automatic Left Ventricle Segmentation Using Iterative Thresholding and an Active Contour Model With Adaptation on Short-Axis Cardiac MRI. 905-913 - Bachir Dekdouk
, Wuliang Yin
, Christos Ktistis, David W. Armitage, Anthony J. Peyton
A Method to Solve the Forward Problem in Magnetic Induction Tomography Based on the Weakly Coupled Field Approximation. 914-921 - Ziv Yaniv
, Patrick Cheng, Emmanuel Wilson, Teo Popa, David Lindisch, Enrique Campos-Náñez, Hernán G. Abeledo, Vance Watson, Kevin Cleary, Filip Banovac:
Needle-Based Interventions With the Image-Guided Surgery Toolkit (IGSTK): From Phantoms to Clinical Trials. 922-933 - Mohsen Mahvash, Pierre E. Dupont
Mechanics of Dynamic Needle Insertion into a Biological Material. 934-943 - Kathleen H. Sienko, Vivek V. Vichare, M. David Balkwill, Conrad Wall:
Assessment of Vibrotactile Feedback on Postural Stability During Pseudorandom Multidirectional Platform Motion. 944-952 - Xing Liang, Stephen A. Boppart
Biomechanical Properties of In Vivo Human Skin From Dynamic Optical Coherence Elastography. 953-959 - Tingying Peng, Alexander B. Rowley, Philip N. Ainslie, Marc J. Poulin, Stephen J. Payne
Wavelet Phase Synchronization Analysis of Cerebral Blood Flow Autoregulation. 960-968 - Oguz K. Baskurt, Mehmet Uyuklu
, Herbert J. Meiselman:
Time Course of Electrical Impedance During Red Blood Cell Aggregation in a Glass Tube: Comparison With Light Transmittance. 969-978 - Brian R. Nhan, Tom Chau:
Classifying Affective States Using Thermal Infrared Imaging of the Human Face. 979-987 - Jin Fei, Ioannis T. Pavlidis
Thermistor at a Distance: Unobtrusive Measurement of Breathing. 988-998
Volume 57, Number 5, 2010
- Yifan Chen, Ian James Craddock, Panagiotis Kosmas
Feasibility Study of Lesion Classification via Contrast-Agent-Aided UWB Breast Imaging. 1003-1007 - Michael C. Yip, Shelten G. Yuen, Robert D. Howe:
A Robust Uniaxial Force Sensor for Minimally Invasive Surgery. 1008-1011 - Wilbur W. P. Chan, Henrietta L. Galiana:
A Nonlinear Model of the Neural Integrator Improves Detection of Deficits in the Human VOR. 1012-1023 - David Fuentes, Yusheng Feng, Andrew Elliott, Anil Shetty, R. Jason McNichols, J. Tinsley Oden, R. Jason Stafford:
Adaptive Real-Time Bioheat Transfer Models for Computer-Driven MR-Guided Laser Induced Thermal Therapy. 1024-1030