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Bioinformatics, Volume 15
Volume 15, Number 1, January 1999
- Claudine Médigue, François Rechenmann, Antoine Danchin
, Alain Viari:
Imagene: an integrated computer environment for sequence annotation and analysis. 2-15 - Wojciech Kasprzak, Bruce A. Shapiro:
Stem Trace: an interactive visual tool for comparative RNA structure analysis. 16-31 - Dirk Evers, Robert Giegerich:
RNA movies: visualizing RNA secondary structure spaces. 32-37 - Jun S. Liu
, Charles E. Lawrence:
Bayesian inference on biopolymer models. 38-52 - Cheng Che Chen, Jaswinder Pal Singh, Russ B. Altman:
Using imperfect secondary structure predictions to improve molecular structure computations. 53-65 - Oakley H. Crawford:
A fast, stochastic threading algorithm for proteins. 66-71 - Masaru Tomita, Kenta Hashimoto, Koichi Takahashi, Thomas Simon Shimizu, Yuri Matsuzaki, Fumihiko Miyoshi, Kanako Saito, Sakura Tanida, Katsuyuki Yugi
, J. Craig Venter, Clyde A. Hutchison III:
E-CELL: software environment for whole-cell simulation. 72-84 - John S. Conery, Michael Lynch:
Genetic Simulation Library. 85-86 - Julie Dawn Thompson, Frédéric Plewniak
, Olivier Poch:
BAliBASE: a benchmark alignment database for the evaluation of multiple alignment programs. 87-88 - Mark J. Forster, Alan B. Heath, Muhammad A. Afzal:
Application of distance geometry to 3D visualization of sequence relationships. 89-90
Volume 15, Number 2, February 1999
- G. Giacomo Consalez
, Andrea Cabibbo, Anna Corradi, Cristina Alli, Milena Sardella, Roberto Sitia
, Riccardo Fesce
A computer-driven approach to PCR-based differential screening, alternative to differential display. 93-105 - G. A. Seluja, Andrew D. Farmer, Mia McLeod, Carol Harger, Peter A. Schad:
Establishing a method of vector contamination identification in database sequences. 106-110 - Crispin J. Miller
, J. Gurd, Andy Brass
A RAPID algorithm for sequence database comparisons: application to the identification of vector contamination in the EMBL databases. 111-121 - K. Bucka-Lassen, O. Caprani, J. Hein:
Combining many multiple alignments in one improved alignment. 122-130 - Valentina Di Francesco, Peter J. Munson, Jean Garnier:
FORESST: fold recognition from secondary structure predictions of proteins. 131-140 - Hideki Hirakawa, S. Muta, Satoru Kuhara:
The hydrophobic cores of proteins predicted by wavelet analysis. 141-148 - Yang Zhong, Y. Luo, Sakti Pramanik, John H. Beaman:
HICLAS: a taxonomic database system for displaying and comparing biological classification and phylogenetic trees. 149-156 - Emmanuel Barillot, Ulf Leser, Philip Lijnzaad, Christophe Cussat-Blanc, Kim Jungfer, Frédéric Guyon
, Guy Vaysseix, Carsten Helgesen, Patricia Rodriguez-Tomé:
A proposal for a standard CORBA interface for genome maps. 157-169 - M. E. Mangan, K. S. Frazer:
An extensive list of genes that produce alternative transcripts in the mouse. 170-171 - Giovanni Lavorgna, Alessandro Guffanti, G. Borsani
, Andrea Ballabio
, E. Boncinelli:
TargetFinder: searching annotated sequence databases for target genes of transcription factors. 172-173 - Julio Rozas
, Ricardo Rozas:
DnaSP version 3: an integrated program for molecular population genetics and molecular evolution analysis. 174-175 - Marie-Hélène Mucchielli-Giorgi, Serge A. Hazout, Pierre Tufféry
PredAcc: prediction of solvent accessibility. 176-177
Volume 15, Number 3, March 1999
- Andreas Klingenhoff, Kornelie Frech, Kerstin Quandt, Thomas Werner:
Functional promoter modules can be detected by formal models independent of overall nucleotide sequence similarity. 180-186 - Hanspeter Herzel, Olaf Weiss, Edward N. Trifonov:
10-11 bp periodicities in complete genomes reflect protein structure and DNA folding. 187-193 - Jean-Stéphane Varré
, Jean-Paul Delahaye, Eric Rivals
Transformation distances: a family of dissimilarity measures based on movements of segments. 194-202 - Hans-Peter Lenhof, Burkhard Morgenstern, Knut Reinert
An exact solution for the segment-to-segment multiple sequence alignment problem. 203-210 - Burkhard Morgenstern:
DIALIGN 2: improvement of the segment-to-segment approach to multiple sequence alignment. 211-218 - Steffen Möller
, Ulf Leser, Wolfgang Fleischmann, Rolf Apweiler
EDITtoTrEMBL: a distributed approach to high-quality automated protein sequence annotation. 219-227 - Wolfgang Fleischmann, Steffen Möller
, Alain Gateau, Rolf Apweiler
A novel method for automatic functional annotation of proteins. 228-233 - Rolf Backofen, Sebastian Will, Erich Bornberg-Bauer
Application of constraint programming techniques for structure prediction of lattice proteins with extended alphabets. 234-242 - Matthias Rarey
, Bernd Kramer, Thomas Lengauer:
Docking of hydrophobic ligands with interaction-based matching algorithms. 243-250 - Thomas Pfeiffer, Ignacio Sánchez-Valdenebro, Juan Carlos Nuño
, Francisco Montero
, Stefan Schuster:
METATOOL: for studying metabolic networks. 251-257 - Claire O'Donovan
, Maria Jesus Martin
, Eric Glémet, Jean-Jacques Codani, Rolf Apweiler
Removing redundancy in SWISS-PROT and TrEMBL. 258-259 - Yvonne Kallberg, Bengt Persson
KIND-a non-redundant protein database. 260-261 - Antje Krause, Pierre Nicodème, Erich Bornberg-Bauer
, Marc Rehmsmeier, Martin Vingron:
WWW access to the SYSTERS protein sequence cluster set. 262-263
Volume 15, Number 4, April 1999
- R. F. Lascaris, W. H. Mager, J. Planta:
DNA-binding requirements of the yeast protein Rap1p as selected in silico from ribosomal protein gene promoter sequences. 267-277 - Eric Harley, Anthony J. Bonner, Nathan Goodman:
Revealing hidden interval graph structure in STS-content data. 278-285 - Kyungsook Han, Dohyung Kim, Hong-Jin Kim:
A vector-based method for drawing RNA secondary structure. 286-297 - Kun-Mao Chao
Calign: aligning sequences with restricted affine gap penalties. 298-304 - Patrice Gouet
, Emmanuel Courcelle, D. I. Stuart, F. Metoz:
ESPript: analysis of multiple sequence alignments in PostScript. 305-308 - Jesse Bentz, Albion Baucom, Marc Hansen, Lydia M. Gregoret:
DINAMO: interactive protein alignment and model building. 309-316 - David R. Gilbert, David R. Westhead
, Nozomi Nagano
, Janet M. Thornton
Motif-based searching in TOPS protein topology databases. 317-326 - Vladimir Sobolev, Anatoly A. Sorokin
, Jaime Prilusky, Enrique E. Abola, Marvin Edelman:
Automated analysis of interatomic contacts in proteins. 327-332 - Thierry Coupaye:
Wrapping SRS with CORBA: from textual data to distributed objects. 333-338 - David Fenyö
The Biopolymer Markup Language. 339-340 - Patricia Thébault
, Pierre Monestie, Annette McGrath
, Desmond G. Higgins:
MIAH: automatic alignment of eukaryotic SSU rRNAs. 341-342 - János Murvai, Kristian Vlahovicek
, Endre Barta
, Subbiah Parthasarathy
, Hedvig Hegyi, Friedhelm Pfeiffer
, Sándor Pongor:
The domain-server: direct prediction of protein domain-homologies from BLAST search. 343-344 - L. Brun-Samarcq, Sophie Gallina
, A. Philippi, Florence Demenais
, Guy Vaysseix, Emmanuel Barillot:
CoPE: a collaborative pedigree drawing environment. 345-346
Volume 15, Number 5, May 1999
- Steven Bushnell, J. Budde, T. Catino, Jack Cole, A. Derti, R. Kelso, M. L. Collins, G. Molino, P. Sheridan, J. Monahan, M. Urdea:
ProbeDesigner: for the design of probesets for branched DNA (bDNA) signal amplification assays. 348-355 - Steen Knudsen:
Promoter2.0: for the recognition of PolII promoter sequences. 356-361 - Uwe Ohler, Stefan Harbeck, Heinrich Niemann, Elmar Nöth
, Martin G. Reese:
Interpolated markov chains for eukaryotic promoter recognition. 362-369 - Richard D. Blake, Jeff W. Bizzaro, Jonathan D. Blake, G. R. Day, S. G. Delcourt, J. Knowles, Kenneth A. Marx, J. SantaLucia Jr.:
Statistical mechanical simulation of polymeric DNA melting with MELTSIM. 370-375 - Amanda Chou, John Burke:
CRAWview: for viewing splicing variation, gene families, and polymorphism in clusters of ESTs and full-length sequences. 376-381 - Geetha Y. Srinivasarao, Lai-Su L. Yeh, Christopher R. Marzec, Bruce C. Orcutt, Winona C. Barker:
PIR-ALN: a database of protein sequence alignments. 382-390 - Miguel A. Andrade, Nigel P. Brown
, Christophe Leroy, S. Hörsch, Antoine de Daruvar, C. Reich, Angelo Franchini
, Javier Tamames
, Alfonso Valencia, Christos A. Ouzounis
, Chris Sander:
Automated genome sequence analysis and annotation. 391-412 - Yann Guermeur, Christophe Geourjon, Patrick Gallinari, Gilbert Deléage:
Improved performance in protein secondary structure prediction by inhomogeneous score combination. 413-421 - Prakash S. Ferlanti, Joseph F. Ryan
, Izabela Makalowska
, Andreas D. Baxevanis:
WebBLAST 2.0: an integrated solution for organizing and analyzing sequence data. 422-423 - Isabelle Gonçalves, Marc Robinson-Rechavi
, Guy Perrière, Dominique Mouchiroud:
JaDis: computing distances between nucleic acid sequences. 424-425 - Stefan Kurtz, Chris Schleiermacher:
REPuter: fast computation of maximal repeats in complete genomes. 426-427
Volume 15, Number 6, June 1999
- R. R. Mallios:
Class II MHC quantitative binding motifs derived from a large molecular database with a versatile iterative stepwise discriminant analysis meta- algorithm. 432-439 - Rune B. Lyngsø, Michael Zuker, Christian N. S. Pedersen:
Fast evaluation of internal loops in RNA secondary structure prediction. 440-445 - Bjarne Knudsen, Jotun Hein:
RNA secondary structure prediction using stochastic context-free grammars and evolutionary history. 446-454 - Richard Mott
Local sequence alignments with monotonic gap penalties. 455-462 - William Noble Grundy, Timothy L. Bailey:
Family pairwise search with embedded motif models. 463-470 - Steven Henikoff
, Jorja G. Henikoff, Shmuel Pietrokovski
Blocks+: a non-redundant database of protein alignment blocks derived from multiple compilations. 471-479 - Arne Elofsson
, Erik L. L. Sonnhammer
A comparison of sequence and structure protein domain families as a basis for structural genomics. 480-500 - Finn Drabløs
Clustering of non-polar contacts in proteins. 501-509 - Patricia G. Baker, Carole A. Goble
, Sean Bechhofer
, Norman W. Paton
, Robert Stevens, Andy Brass
An ontology for bioinformatics applications. 510-520 - Mansoor A. S. Saqi
, David L. Wild, M. J. Hartshorn:
Protein analyst - a distributed object environment for protein sequence and structure analysis. 521-522 - W. Wright, Philip Scordis
, Terri K. Attwood:
BLAST PRINTS - alternative perspectives on sequence similarity. 523-524 - Oleg Shats
, Iosif I. Vaisman
, A. Shats, Simon Sherman:
SECOST: sequence-conformation-structure database for amino acid residues in proteins. 525-526
Volume 15, Number 7/8, July 1999
- Frank Eisenhaber
, Peer Bork
Evaluation of human-readable annotation in biomolecular sequence databases with biological rule libraries. 528-535 - Tatiana A. Tatusova, Ilene Karsch-Mizrachi
, James Ostell:
Complete genomes in WWW Entrez: data representation and analysis. 536-543 - Kotoko Nakata, T. Takai, Tsuguchika Kaminuma:
Development of the receptor database (RDB): application to the endocrine disruptor problem. 544-552 - Vladimir B. Berikov, Igor B. Rogozin:
Regression trees for analysis of mutational spectra in nucleotide sequences. 553-562 - G. Z. Hertz, Gary D. Stormo:
Identifying DNA and protein patterns with statistically significant alignments of multiple sequences. 563-577 - Y. Osada, Rintaro Saito, Masaru Tomita:
Analysis of base-pairing potentials between 16S rRNA and 5' UTR for translation initiation in various prokaryotes. 578-581 - Victor G. Levitsky
, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Julia V. Ponomarenko
, Anatoly S. Frolov, Nikolay A. Kolchanov:
Nucleosomal DNA property database. 582-592 - Luis Mendoza, Denis Thieffry
, Elena R. Álvarez-Buylla
Genetic control of flower morphogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana: a logical analysis. 593-606 - Jian Zhu, Michael Q. Zhang:
SCPD: a promoter database of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. 607-611 - Luciano Milanesi, D. D'Angelo, Igor B. Rogozin:
GeneBuilder: interactive in silico prediction of gene structure. 612-621 - Tatsuhiko Tsunoda
, Toshihisa Takagi:
Estimating transcription factor bindability on DNA. 622-630 - Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Julia V. Ponomarenko
, Anatoly S. Frolov, Olga A. Podkolodnaya, Denis G. Vorobiev
, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, G. Christian Overton:
Oligonucleotide frequency matrices addressed to recognizing functional DNA sites. 631-643 - Vladimir N. Babenko
, P. S. Kosarev, Oleg V. Vishnevsky
, Victor G. Levitsky
, V. V. Basin, Anatoly S. Frolov:
Investigating extended regulatory regions of genomic DNA sequences. 644-653 - Julia V. Ponomarenko
, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Anatoly S. Frolov, Denis G. Vorobiev
, G. Christian Overton, Nikolay A. Kolchanov:
Conformational and physicochemical DNA features specific for transcription factor binding sites. 654-668 - Nikolay A. Kolchanov, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Anatoly S. Frolov, Elena A. Ananko, Fedor A. Kolpakov
, Elena V. Ignatieva, Olga A. Podkolodnaya, T. N. Goryachkovskaya, Irina L. Stepanenko, Tatyana I. Merkulova, V. V. Babenko, Y. V. Ponomarenko, Alexey V. Kochetov, Nikolay L. Podkolodny
, Denis G. Vorobiev
, Sergey V. Lavryushev, Dmitry A. Grigorovich, Yury V. Kondrakhin, Luciano Milanesi, Edgar Wingender
, Victor V. Solovyev, G. Christian Overton:
Integrated databases and computer systems for studying eukaryotic gene expression. 669-686 - Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Julia V. Ponomarenko
, Anatoly S. Frolov, Nikolay L. Podkolodny
, Ludmila K. Savinkova, Nikolay A. Kolchanov, G. Christian Overton:
Identification of sequence-dependent DNA features correlating to activity of DNA sites interacting with proteins. 687-703 - Alexey V. Kochetov, Mikhail P. Ponomarenko, Anatoly S. Frolov, L. L. Kisselev, Nikolay A. Kolchanov:
Prediction of eukaryotic mRNA translational properties. 704-712 - Fedor A. Kolpakov
, Elena A. Ananko:
Interactive data input into the GeneNet database. 713-714
Volume 15, Number 9, September 1999
- L. B. Ellis, D. Kalumbi:
Financing a future for public biological data. 717-722 - Carolyn F. Allex, Jude W. Shavlik, Frederick R. Blattner:
Neural network input representations that produce accurate consensus sequences from DNA fragment assemblies. 723-728 - Scott C.-H. Pegg, Patricia C. Babbitt:
Shotgun: getting more from sequence similarity searches. 729-740 - Jens Hanke, Gerrit Lehmann, Peer Bork
, Jens G. Reich:
Associative database of protein sequences. 741-748 - Igor Goryanin
, T. Charles Hodgman
, Evgeni Selkov:
Mathematical simulation and analysis of cellular metabolism and regulation. 749-758 - Daniel Fischer, David S. Eisenberg:
Finding families for genomic ORFans. 759-762 - Josep M. Comeron:
K-Estimator: calculation of the number of nucleotide substitutions per site and the confidence intervals. 763-764 - T. Wei, Michael O'Connell:
TargetDB: a database of peptides targeting proteins to subcellular locations. 765-766 - Andreas Bohne, Elke Lang, Claus-Wilhelm von der Lieth:
SWEET - WWW-based rapid 3D construction of oligo- and polysaccharides. 767-768 - Jan Gorodkin
, Hans Henrik Stærfeldt, Ole Lund
, Søren Brunak
MatrixPlot: visualizing sequence constraints. 769-770 - Henning Hermjakob
, Wolfgang Fleischmann, Rolf Apweiler
Swissknife - 'lazy parsing' of SWISS-PROT entries. 771-772 - Nikos Kyrpides
Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD 1.0): a monitor of complete and ongoing genome projects world-wide. 773-774
Volume 15, Number 10, October 1999
- Thomas Lengauer:
Editorial. The Seventh International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB'99). 775 - Andreas Wagner:
Genes regulated cooperatively by one or more transcription factors and their identification in whole eukaryotic genomes. 776-784 - Dominique Bouthinon, Henry Soldano:
A new method to predict the consensus secondary structure of a set of unaligned RNA sequences. 785-798 - Philip Scordis
, Darren R. Flower, Terri K. Attwood:
FingerPRINTScan: intelligent searching of the PRINTS motif database. 799-806 - Helge Weissig, Philip E. Bourne:
An analysis of the Protein Data Bank in search of temporal and global trends. 807-831 - Robert Preissner
, Andrean Goede
, Cornelius Frömmel:
Homonyms and synonyms in the Dictionary of Interfaces in Proteins (DIP). 832-836 - Steve Fischer, Jonathan Crabtree, Brian P. Brunk, M. Gibson, G. Christian Overton:
bioWidgets: data interaction components for genomics. 837-846 - Matthew I. Bellgard
, Hong Liang Hiew, Adam Hunter, Michael Wiebrands
ORBIT: an integrated environment for user-customized bioinformatics tools. 847-851 - Pentti Riikonen, Mauno Vihinen:
MUTbase: maintenance and analysis of distributed mutation databases. 852-859 - Gavin H. Thomas
Completing the E. coli proteome: a database of gene products characterised since the completion of the genome sequence. 860-861 - Jeffrey Yuan, Angela Amend, Joseph A. Borkowski, Reynold DelMarco, Wendy Bailey, Yuan Liu, Guochun Xie, Richard Blevins:
MULTICLUSTAL: a systematic method for surveying Clustal W alignment parameters. 862-863