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IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Volume 26
Volume 26, Number 1, March 2019
- Bram Vanderborght
Robotic Dreams, Robotic Realities [From the Editor's Desk]. 4-5 - Wolfram Burgard
Diversity, Inclusiveness, and Respect [President's Message]. 6 - Dragos Axinte
, Ian D. Walker:
Robots for In Situ Interventions [From the Guest Editors]. 8-9 - David Alatorre, Bilal Nasser
, Amir Rabani, Adam Nagy-Sochacki, Xin Dong
, Dragos Axinte
, James Kell:
Teleoperated, In Situ Repair of an Aeroengine: Overcoming the Internet Latency Hurdle. 10-20 - Pierre Merriaux
, Romain Rossi
, Rémi Boutteau
, Vincent Vauchey
, Lei Qin, Pailin Chanuc
, Florent Rigaud, Florent Roger, Benoit Decoux, Xavier Savatier:
The VIKINGS Autonomous Inspection Robot: Competing in the ARGOS Challenge. 21-34 - Benjamin Bird, Arron Griffiths
, Horatio Martin, Eduardo Codres
, Jennifer Jones
, Alexandru Stancu
, Barry Lennox
, Simon Watson
, Xavier Poteau:
A Robot to Monitor Nuclear Facilities: Using Autonomous Radiation-Monitoring Assistance to Reduce Risk and Cost. 35-43 - Pablo Ramon Soria
, Begoña C. Arrue
, Aníbal Ollero
A 3D-Printable Docking System for Aerial Robots: Controlling Aerial Robotic Manipulators in Outdoor Industrial Applications. 44-53 - Pisak Chermprayong
, Ketao Zhang
, Feng Xiao
, Mirko Kovac:
An Integrated Delta Manipulator for Aerial Repair: A New Aerial Robotic System. 54-66 - Georg Halmetschlager-Funek
, Markus Suchi, Martin Kampel
, Markus Vincze:
An Empirical Evaluation of Ten Depth Cameras: Bias, Precision, Lateral Noise, Different Lighting Conditions and Materials, and Multiple Sensor Setups in Indoor Environments. 67-77 - Alexander Perzylo
, Markus Rickert
, Björn Kahl
, Nikhil Somani
, Christian Lehmann
, Alexander Kuss, Stefan Profanter
, Anders Billesø Beck, Mathias Haage, Mikkel Rath Hansen, Malene Tofveson Nibe, Máximo A. Roa
, Olof Sörnmo, Sven Gestegard Robertz, Ulrike Thomas, Germano Veiga
, Elin Anna Topp, Ingmar Kessler
, Marinus Danzer:
SMErobotics: Smart Robots for Flexible Manufacturing. 78-90 - Mohammad Safeea
, Pedro Neto
KUKA Sunrise Toolbox: Interfacing Collaborative Robots With MATLAB. 91-96 - Andrea Matta:
Automation Technologies for Sustainable Production [TC Spotlight]. 98-102 - Edson Prestes:
An Overview of the United Nations High-Level Panel on Digital Cooperation [Industry Activities]. 103-104 - Craig Schlenoff:
Results of the IEEE RAS Standards Strategy Meeting [Standards]. 105-107 - Thassyo Pinto:
Robot Racing Challenge at Michigan State [Student Corner]. 108-109 - Amy Reeder:
[Calendar]. 118
Volume 26, Number 2, June 2019
- Bram Vanderborght:
Celebrating 25 Years! [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Wolfram Burgard
25th Anniversary of IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine: From a Small Seed to a Great Plant [President's Message]. 6 - Fabrice Jumel:
Advancing Research at the RoboCup@Home Competition [Competitions]. 7-9 - Ayanna M. Howard
, Adriana Tapus, Isamu Kajitani:
Socially Assistive Robots [From the Guest Editors]. 10-110 - Naomi T. Fitter
, Rebecca Funke, José Carlos Pulido
, Lauren E. Eisenman, Weiyang Deng, Marcelo R. Rosales, Nina S. Bradley, Barbara Sargent
, Beth A. Smith
, Maja J. Mataric:
Socially Assistive Infant-Robot Interaction: Using Robots to Encourage Infant Leg-Motion Training. 12-23 - José Carlos Pulido
, Cristina Suarez-Mejias, José Carlos González
, Alvaro Dueñas-Ruiz, Patricia Ferrand Ferri, Maria Encarnacion Martinez Sahuquillo, Carmen Echevarria Ruiz De Vargas, Pedro Infante-Cossio
, Carlos Luis Parra Calderón, Fernando Fernández
A Socially Assistive Robotic Platform for Upper-Limb Rehabilitation: A Longitudinal Study With Pediatric Patients. 24-39 - Hifza Javed
, Chung Hyuk Park
Interactions With an Empathetic Agent: Regulating Emotions and Improving Engagement in Autism. 40-48 - Hoang-Long Cao
, Pablo Gómez Esteban
, Madeleine Bartlett
, Paul Baxter, Tony Belpaeme
, Erik Billing
, Haibin Cai
, Mark Coeckelbergh
, Cristina A. Costescu
, Daniel Ovidiu David, Albert De Beir, Daniel Hernández
, James Kennedy, Honghai Liu
, Silviu-Andrei Matu, Alexandre Mazel, Amit Pandey
, Kathleen Richardson
, Emmanuel Senft, Serge Thill
, Greet Van de Perre
, Bram Vanderborght
, David Vernon
, Kutoma Wakanuma, Hui Yu
, Xiaolong Zhou
, Tom Ziemke
Robot-Enhanced Therapy: Development and Validation of Supervised Autonomous Robotic System for Autism Spectrum Disorders Therapy. 49-58 - Anastasia K. Ostrowski
, Daniella DiPaola, Erin Partridge
, Hae Won Park
, Cynthia Breazeal:
Older Adults Living With Social Robots: Promoting Social Connectedness in Long-Term Communities. 59-70 - Heike Felzmann, Eduard Fosch-Villaronga
, Christoph Lutz, Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux
Robots and Transparency: The Multiple Dimensions of Transparency in the Context of Robot Technologies. 71-78 - Christopher M. Reardon
, Hao Zhang, Rachel Wright, Lynne E. Parker
Robots Can Teach Students With Intellectual Disabilities: Educational Benefits of Using Robotic and Augmented Reality Applications. 79-93 - Yvan R. Petillot
, Gianluca Antonelli
, Giuseppe Casalino, Fausto Ferreira
Underwater Robots: From Remotely Operated Vehicles to Intervention-Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. 94-101 - Benjamin T. Fine, Jory Denny
Narrow the Scope to Deepen the Study: A Recommendation for Undergraduate Robotics Courses [Education]. 102-110 - Srivatsan Srinivasan
Misty-A Development Platform for Socially Assistive Robots [Student's Corner]. 103-105 - Sascha Wischniewski, Arash Ajoudani
How Can Assistive Robotics Improve Personal and Work Life? A Million Dollar Question. 106 - Tamás Haidegger, Dominik B. O. Boesl
Looking Back at IROS 2018 [Industrial Activities]. 107-108 - Craig Schlenoff:
IEEE RAS Standards Strategy Update [Standards]. 109-110
Volume 26, Number 3, September 2019
- Lee E. Clement, Valentin Peretroukhin, Matthew Giamou, John J. Leonard, Hadas Kress-Gazit, Jonathan P. How, Michael Milford
, Oliver Brock, Ryan Gariepy, Nicholas Roy, Hallie Siegel, Ludovic Righetti, Aude Billard, Jonathan Kelly:
Where Do We Go From Here? Debates on the Future of Robotics Research at ICRA 2019 [From the Field]. 7-10 - Matt Zucker
The Role of the Liberal Arts in Undergraduate Robotics Education [Education]. 91-92 - Craig Schlenoff, Stephen Balakirsky, Howard Li, Francesco Amigoni, Signe A. Redfield, Anthony Downs:
IEEE RAS Standards Update [Standards]. 105-111 - Ludovic Righetti
, Raj Madhavan, Raja Chatila:
Unintended Consequences of Biased Robotic and Artificial Intelligence Systems [Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues]. 11-13 - Yueri Cai
, Shusheng Bi, Guoyuan Li
, Hans Petter Hildre, Houxiang Zhang
From Natural Complexity to Biomimetic Simplification: The Realization of Bionic Fish Inspired by the Cownose Ray. 27-38 - Daniel J. Hicks
, Reid G. Simmons
The National Robotics Initiative: A Five-Year Retrospective. 70-77 - Jörn Malzahn
, Wesley Roozing
, Nikos G. Tsagarakis
The Compliant Joint Toolbox for MATLAB: An Introduction With Examples. 52-63 - David St-Onge:
Robotic Art Comes to the Engineering Community [Art and Robotics]. 103-104 - Robert Skulstad
, Guoyuan Li
, Thor I. Fossen
, Bjørnar Vik, Houxiang Zhang
Dead Reckoning of Dynamically Positioned Ships: Using an Efficient Recurrent Neural Network. 39-51 - Jose Luis Susa Rincon, Stefano Carpin
Time-Constrained Exploration Using Toposemantic Spatial Models: A Reproducible Approach to Measurable Robotics. 78-87 - Minoru Asada, Peter Stone, Manuela Veloso, Daniel D. Lee, Daniele Nardi:
RoboCup: A Treasure Trove of Rich Diversity for Research Issues and Interdisciplinary Connections [TC Spotlight]. 99-102 - Wansoo Kim
, Marta Lorenzini
, Pietro Balatti
, Phuong D. H. Nguyen, Ugo Pattacini
, Vadim Tikhanoff, Luka Peternel
, Claudio Fantacci
, Lorenzo Natale
, Giorgio Metta
, Arash Ajoudani
Adaptable Workstations for Human-Robot Collaboration: A Reconfigurable Framework for Improving Worker Ergonomics and Productivity. 14-26 - Tamás Haidegger, Dominik B. O. Boesl
Industry Forum at ICRA 2019 [Industry Activities]. 93-94 - Bram Vanderborght:
Decisions, Decisions [From the Editor's Desk]. 4-13 - Wolfram Burgard
Open Access: How Best to Prepare to Master This Challenge [President's Message]. 6 - Alaa M. Khamis
, Howard Li, Edson Prestes, Tamás Haidegger
AI: A Key Enabler of Sustainable Development Goals, Part 1 [Industry Activities]. 95-102 - Enric Cervera
, Angel P. del Pobil
ROSLab: Sharing ROS Code Interactively With Docker and JupyterLab. 64-69
Volume 26, Number 4, December 2019
- Ludovic Righetti, Tomomichi Sugihara, Giorgio Metta, Katsu Yamane:
Growing the Humanoid Robotics Community [TC Spotlight]. 136-137 - Pouya Mohammadi
, Enrico Mingo Hoffman
, Niels Dehio
, Milad S. Malekzadeh, Martin A. Giese
, Nikos G. Tsagarakis
, Jochen J. Steil
Compliant Humanoids Moving Toward Rehabilitation Applications: Transparent Integration of Real-Time Control, Whole-Body Motion Generation, and Virtual Reality. 83-93 - Weiming Shen, Jingshan Li:
Smart Automation: CASE 2019 in Vancouver, Canada [Society News]. 142-145 - Iori Kumagai
, Fumio Kanehiro
, Mitsuharu Morisawa
, Takeshi Sakaguchi
, Shinichiro Nakaoka, Kenji Kaneko
, Hiroshi Kaminaga
, Shuuji Kajita
, Mehdi Benallegue
, Rafael Cisneros
Toward Industrialization of Humanoid Robots: Autonomous Plasterboard Installation to Improve Safety and Efficiency. 20-29 - Tobias Klamt
, Malgorzata Kamedula
, Hakan Karaoguz, Navvab Kashiri
, Arturo Laurenzi, Christian Lenz, Daniele Leonardis, Enrico Mingo Hoffman
, Luca Muratore
, Dmytro Pavlichenko
, Francesco Porcini, Diego Rodriguez, Zeyu Ren, Fabian Schilling, Max Schwarz, Massimiliano Solazzi, Michael Felsberg
, Antonio Frisoli, Michael Gustmann, Patric Jensfelt, Klas Nordberg, Juergen Rossmann, Lorenzo Baccelliere
, Uwe Süss, Nikos G. Tsagarakis
, Sven Behnke, Xi Chen, Domenico Chiaradia
, Torben Cichon, Massimiliano Gabardi, Paolo Guria, Karl Holmquist
Flexible Disaster Response of Tomorrow: Final Presentation and Evaluation of the CENTAURO System. 59-72 - Abderrahmane Kheddar
, Máximo A. Roa
, Pierre-Brice Wieber
, François Chaumette
, Fabien Spindler
, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Leonardo Lanari
, Adrien Escande
, Kevin Chappellet
, Fumio Kanehiro
, Patrice Rabaté, Stéphane Caron
, Pierre Gergondet
, Andrew I. Comport, Arnaud Tanguy, Christian Ott
, Bernd Henze
, George Mesesan
, Johannes Englsberger
Humanoid Robots in Aircraft Manufacturing: The Airbus Use Cases. 30-45 - Tamim Asfour
, Fabian Paus
, Mirko Wächter
, Lukas Kaul
, Samuel Rader
, Pascal Weiner
, Simon Ottenhaus
, Raphael Grimm
, You Zhou
, Markus Grotz
ARMAR-6: A High-Performance Humanoid for Human-Robot Collaboration in Real-World Scenarios. 108-121 - Takahide Yoshiike
, Takeshi Koshiishi, Mitsuhide Kuroda, Ryuma Ujino, Yoshiki Kanemoto, Hiroyuki Kaneko, Hirofumi Higuchi, Satoshi Komura, Shingo Iwasaki, Minami Asatani:
The Experimental Humanoid Robot E2-DR: A Design for Inspection and Disaster Response in Industrial Environments. 46-58 - Chinwe Ekenna, Lydia Tapia:
Best Practices of Successful Academic Research Labs [Women in Engineering]. 138-141 - Dominik B. O. Bösl
Predicting the Future of Robotics and Making It Matter for Industry [Industry Activities]. 128-130 - Timothy Bretl, Ludovic Righetti, Raj Madhavan:
Epstein, Project Maven, and Some Reasons to Think About Where We Get Our Funding [Ethical, Legal, and Societal Issues]. 8-13 - Luigi Penco
, Nicola Scianca
, Valerio Modugno
, Leonardo Lanari
, Giuseppe Oriolo
, Serena Ivaldi
A Multimode Teleoperation Framework for Humanoid Loco-Manipulation: An Application for the iCub Robot. 73-82 - Gianluca Lentini
, Alessandro Settimi
, Danilo Caporale
, Manolo Garabini
, Giorgio Grioli
, Lucia Pallottino
, Manuel G. Catalano
, Antonio Bicchi
Alter-Ego: A Mobile Robot With a Functionally Anthropomorphic Upper Body Designed for Physical Interaction. 94-107 - Bram Vanderborght:
The Right to Fail [From the Editor's Desk]. 4-19 - David Vernon
Robotics and Artificial Intelligence in Africa [Regional]. 131-135 - Alaa M. Khamis
, Howard Li, Edson Prestes, Tamás Haidegger
AI: A Key Enabler for Sustainable Development Goals: Part 2 [Industry Activities]. 122-127 - Maike Paetzel
, Ludovic Hofer:
The RoboCup Humanoid League on the Road to 2050 [Competitions]. 14-16 - Wolfram Burgard
Today's Youth Are Our Future Leaders [President's Message]. 6-130 - Enrico Mingo Hoffman
, Stéphane Caron, Francesco Ferro, Luis Sentis, Nikos G. Tsagarakis
Developing Humanoid Robots for Applications in Real-World Scenarios [From the Guest Editors]. 17-19

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