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10th CSCL 2013: Madison, WI, USA
- Nikol Rummel, Manu Kapur, Mitchell J. Nathan, Sadhana Puntambekar:
10th International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, CSCL 2013, Conference Proceedings, Volume 2: Short Papers, Panels, Posters, Demos & Community Events, June 15-19, 2013, Madison, WI, USA. International Society of the Learning Sciences, LuLu, Amazon 2013
Sort Papers
- Matthew Berland, Carmen Petrick Smith, Don G. Davis:
Visualizing Live Collaboration in the Classroom with AMOEBA. CSCL (2) 2013: 2-5 - Wenli Chen, Chee-Kit Looi, Yun Wen, Wenting Xie:
AppleTree: An Assessment-Oriented Framework for Collaboration and Argumentation. CSCL (2) 2013: 6-9 - Jacob Davidsen, Ellen Christiansen:
The Benefits of Single-Touch Screens in Intersubjective Meaning Making. CSCL (2) 2013: 10-13 - Vanessa Paz Dennen, Fabrizio Fornara:
Modeling #Twitter Use: Do Students Notice? CSCL (2) 2013: 14-17 - Gregory Dyke, Kristine Lund:
Student Strategies for Collaborative Note-Taking and the Influence of Floor-Control. CSCL (2) 2013: 18-21 - Deller James Ferreira, Rupert Wegerif:
A Multidimensional Dialogic Framework in Support of Collaborative Creativity in Computer Programming. CSCL (2) 2013: 22-25 - Cresencia Fong, Rebecca Cober, Cheryl Ann Madeira, Richard Messina, Julia Murray, Ben Peebles, James D. Slotta:
Common Knowledge: Orchestrating Synchronously Blended F2F Discourse in the Elementary Classroom. CSCL (2) 2013: 26-29 - Ella L. F. Fu, Jan van Aalst, Carol K. K. Chan:
Toward a Qualitative Approach to Examining Idea Improvement in Knowledge-building Discourse. CSCL (2) 2013: 30-33 - Dana Gnesdilow, Amanda L. Evenstone, Julia Rutledge, Sarah A. Sullivan, Sadhana Puntambekar:
Group Work in the Science Classroom: How Gender Composition May Affect Individual Performance. CSCL (2) 2013: 34-37 - Julia Gressick, Sharon J. Derry:
The Influence of Training in Argumentation on Students' Individual Learning Outcomes. CSCL (2) 2013: 38-41 - Shuchi Grover, Paul Franz, Emily Schneider, Roy Pea:
The MOOC as Distributed Intelligence: Dimensions of a Framework & Evaluation of MOOCs. CSCL (2) 2013: 42-45 - Jim Hewitt, Clare Brett, Kim MacKinnon:
A Study of Private Messaging Within an Asynchronous Discussion Environment. CSCL (2) 2013: 46-49 - Andri Ioannou, Maria Mama, Skevi Demetriou:
Factors Influencing Online Collaborative Learning: Why Some Groups Take Off Better than Others? CSCL (2) 2013: 50-53 - Rebecca C. Itow, Daniel T. Hickey:
Bridging Networked Learning Across Multiple Levels: Participatory Approaches to Competency-Based Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 54-57 - Fengfeng Ke:
Learning Through Computer-Assisted Collaborative Game Design: Mathematical, Design, and Computational Thinking. CSCL (2) 2013: 58-61 - Jan Kiesewetter, Martin R. Fischer, Frank Fischer:
Is There Evidence for Expertise on Collaboration and if so, is it Domain-Specific or Domain-General? CSCL (2) 2013: 62-64 - Élise Lavoué, Gaëlle Molinari, Safè Khezami, Yannick Prié:
How do Students Use Socio-Emotional Markers for Self-Reflection on their Group Work in CSCL Settings? A Study with Visu: A Synchronous and Delayed Reflection Tool. CSCL (2) 2013: 65-68 - Chunlin Lei, Carol K. K. Chan, Jan van Aalst:
Designing Learning Environments for Knowledge Building: Inquiry Discourse of Chinese Tertiary Classes. CSCL (2) 2013: 69-72 - Pei-Jung Li, Chih-Hsuan Chang, Huang-Yao Hong, Hsien-Ta Lin:
Facilitating Belief Change via Computer-Supported Collaborative Knowledge-Building. CSCL (2) 2013: 73-76 - Wenjuan Li, Mara V. Martinez:
Group Cognition as Multimodal Discourse. CSCL (2) 2013: 77-80 - Alecia Marie Magnifico, Jayne C. Lammers, Jen Scott Curwood:
Collaborative Learning Across Space and Time: Ethnographic Research in Online Affinity Spaces. CSCL (2) 2013: 81-84 - Heidy Maldonado, Brian Perone, Mehjabeen Datoo, Paul Franz, Roy D. Pea:
Designing Soil Quality Mobile Inquiry for Middle School. CSCL (2) 2013: 85-88 - Marc Mannsfeld, Astrid Wichmann, Nicole C. Krämer, Nikol Rummel:
Blended Learning Experiences in a Multimodal Setting: The Impact of Communication Channels and Learners' CMC Expertise on Perceived Social Presence and Motivation. CSCL (2) 2013: 89-92 - Caitlin Kennedy Martin, Denise C. Nacu, Nichole Pinkard, Tene Gray:
Educator Roles that Support Students in Online Environments. CSCL (2) 2013: 93-96 - Lee Martin, Tobin White, Angelica Cortes, Jason Huang:
Fostering Math Engagement with Mobiles. CSCL (2) 2013: 97-100 - Camillia Matuk, Kevin W. McElhaney, David Miller, Jennifer King Chen, Jonathan Lim-Breitbart, Hiroki Terashima, Geoffrey Kwan, Marcia C. Linn:
Reflectively Prototyping a Tool for Exchanging Ideas. CSCL (2) 2013: 101-104 - Norma C. Ming, Vivienne L. Ming:
Visualizing Topics, Time, and Grades in Online Class Discussions. CSCL (2) 2013: 105-108 - Rucha Modak, Chris Millet:
Digital Scholarly Storytelling: Making Videos to Explain Science. CSCL (2) 2013: 109-112 - Jin Mu, Karsten Stegmann, Frank Fischer:
How Collaboration Scripts are Internalized: A Script Theory of Guidance Perspective. CSCL (2) 2013: 113-116 - Seungoh Paek, Dan Hoffman, John B. Black:
Multimodal Interactions with Virtual Manipulatives: Supporting Young Children's Math Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 117-120 - Michael Prilla, Krista DeLeeuw, Ulrike Cress, Thomas Herrmann:
Individual and Collaborative Reflection at Work: Support for Work-place Learning in Healthcare. CSCL (2) 2013: 121-124 - Andrea M. Rehak, Daniel T. Hickey:
A Multi-Level Analysis of Engagement and Achievement: Badges and Wikifolios in an Online Course. CSCL (2) 2013: 125-128 - Peter Reimann, Susan Bull, Ravi Vatrapu:
Learning to Facilitate (Online) Meetings. CSCL (2) 2013: 129-132 - Myriam Sofia Rodriguez Garzon, Reuma De Groot, Raul Drachman, Luis Facundo Maldonado:
Complementary Social Network and Dialogic Space Analyses: An E-discussion Case Study. CSCL (2) 2013: 133-136 - Razvan Rughinis:
Flexible Gamification in a Social Learning Situation. Insights from a Collaborative Review Exercise. CSCL (2) 2013: 137-140 - Razvan Rughinis:
Scaffolding a Technical Community of Students through Social Gaming: Lessons from a Serious Game Evaluation. CSCL (2) 2013: 141-144 - Stephanie Ryan, Jason C. Yip, Mike Stieff, Allison Druin:
Cooperative Inquiry as a Community of Practice. CSCL (2) 2013: 145-148 - Alexander Scholvien, Daniel Bodemer:
Information Cueing in Collaborative Multimedia Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 149-152 - Beat Adrian Schwendimann:
Collaboratively Generating and Critiquing Technology-Enhanced Concept Maps to Improve Evolution Education. CSCL (2) 2013: 153-156 - Shitian Shen, Jihie Kim, Jae-Bong Yoo:
Reciprocity in Student Online Discussions. CSCL (2) 2013: 157-160 - Benzi Slakmon, Baruch B. Schwarz:
The Contagious Effect of Dialogism with New Technologies. CSCL (2) 2013: 161-164 - Péricles Sobreira, Pierre Tchounikine:
CSCL Scripts: Interoperating Table and Graph Representations. CSCL (2) 2013: 165-168 - Esther Tan, Hyo-Jeong So:
Students' Capacity for Autonomous Learning in an Unstructured Learning Space on a Mobile Learning Trail. CSCL (2) 2013: 169-172 - Hon Jie Teo, Aditya Johri, Raktim Mitra:
Visualizing and Analyzing Productive Structures and Patterns in Online Communities Using Multilevel Social Network Analysis. CSCL (2) 2013: 173-176 - Dimitra Tsovaltzi, Armin Weinberger, Oliver Scheuer, Toby Dragon, Bruce M. McLaren:
Collaborative Learning in Facebook: Can Argument Structure Facilitate Academic Opinion Change? CSCL (2) 2013: 177-180 - Aditi Wagh, Uri Wilensky:
Leveling the Playing Field: Making Multi-level Evolutionary Processes Accessible through Participatory Simulations. CSCL (2) 2013: 181-184 - Jennifer L. Weible, Heather Toomey Zimmerman:
Examining High School Students' Learning from Collaborative Projects Related to Alternative Energy. CSCL (2) 2013: 185-188 - Kathryn Wozniak, José P. Zagal:
Finding Evidence of Metacognition through Content Analysis of an ePortfolio Community: Beyond Text, Across New Media. CSCL (2) 2013: 189-192 - Yang Yang, Rupert Wegerif, Toby Dragon, Manolis Mavrikis, Bruce M. McLaren:
Learning How to Learn Together (L2L2): Developing Tools to Support an Essential Complex Competence for the Internet Age. CSCL (2) 2013: 193-196 - Jianwei Zhang, Mei-Hwa Chen, Jingping Chen, Teresa Ferrer Mico:
Computer-Supported Metadiscourse to Foster Collective Progress in Knowledge-Building Communities. CSCL (2) 2013: 197-200 - Naxin Zhao, James D. Slotta:
Understanding the Teacher's Role in a Knowledge Community and Inquiry Curriculum. CSCL (2) 2013: 201-204 - Sabrina Ziebarth, Anna Kötteritzsch, Heinz Ulrich Hoppe, Lorena Dini, Svenja Schröder, Jasminko Novak:
Design of a Collaborative Learning Platform for Medical Doctors Specializing in Family Medicine. CSCL (2) 2013: 205-208
Panel Papers
- Jan-Willem Strijbos, Frank Fischer, Ulrike Cress, Chee-Kit Looi, Sadhana Puntambekar, Peter Reimann, Carolyn P. Rosé, Jim Slotta:
From Research Instruments to Classroom Assessments: A Call for Tools to Assist Teacher Assessment of Collaborative Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 210-212 - Susan A. Yoon, Chris Quintana, Leilah Blakeney Lyons, Judy Perry, Scot Osterweil, Robb Lindgren:
Promises and Perils of Using Digital Tools in Informal Science Learning Environments: Design Considerations for Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 213-215
Poster Papers
- Golnaz Arastoopour, Naomi C. Chesler, David Williamson Shaffer:
A Simulation-Based Approach for Increasing Women in Engineering. CSCL (2) 2013: 217-218 - Katerina Avramides, Brock R. Craft, Rosemary Luckin:
Teenagers Re-Design a Collaborative Mobile App to Kindle Motivation for Learning About Energy Consumption. CSCL (2) 2013: 219-220 - Marcelo A. Bairral:
Prospective Mathematics Teachers Interacting in Online Chat Concerning the Definition of Polyhedron. CSCL (2) 2013: 221-222 - Mohammed Basheri, Liz Burd, Malcolm Munro, Nilufar Baghaei:
Enhancing Engagement and Collaborative Learning Skills in Multi-touch Software for UML Diagramming. CSCL (2) 2013: 223-224 - Stan C. A. Buis, Judith Schoonenboom, Jos Beishuizen:
Individual Grade Allocation in CSCL Writing Tasks: A Case Study. CSCL (2) 2013: 225-226 - Murat Perit Çakir:
Towards Group Cognitive Analysis of Collaborative Learning with Eye-Tracking and Brain Imaging Technologies. CSCL (2) 2013: 227-228 - Elizabeth S. Charles, Chris Whittaker, Michael Dugdale, Nathaniel Lasry, Sameer Bhatnagar, Kevin Lenton:
DALITE: Bringing "Peer-Instruction" Online. CSCL (2) 2013: 229-230 - Bodong Chen, Marlene Scardamalia, Alisa Acosta, Monica Resendes, Derya Kici:
Promisingness Judgments as Facilitators of Knowledge Building. CSCL (2) 2013: 231-232 - Costin-Gabriel Chiru, Traian Rebedea, Stefan Trausan-Matu:
Assessing the Participants in CSCL Chat Conversations. CSCL (2) 2013: 233-234 - Douglas B. Clark, Blaine E. Smith, Stephanie Zuckerman, Caroline Wilson, Joy Ssebikindu, Grant Van Eaton:
Levels of Articulated Reasoning in Spontaneous Face-to-Face Collaborations and Online Forum Postings Surrounding a Single-Player Physics Game in Public Middle School Classrooms. CSCL (2) 2013: 235-236 - Jody Clarke-Midura, Louisa Rosenheck, Jason Haas, Eric Klopfer:
The Radix Endeavor: Designing a Massively Multiplayer Online Game around Collaborative Problem Solving in STEM. CSCL (2) 2013: 237-238 - Cynthia M. D'Angelo, Christopher J. Harris, Daisy Rutstein:
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of STEM Simulations. CSCL (2) 2013: 239-240 - Joshua A. Danish, Asmalina Saleh, Luis A. Andrade:
Designing Interactive Scaffolds to Support Teacher-Led Inquiry of Complex Systems Concepts. CSCL (2) 2013: 241-242 - Maneksha DuMont, Deborah A. Fields:
Hybrid Shmybrid: Using Collaborative Structure to Understand the Relationship between Virtual and Tangible Elements of a Computational Craft. CSCL (2) 2013: 243-244 - Sean C. Duncan:
Collaboration in a Non-Digital, Computational Game Space. CSCL (2) 2013: 245-246 - Catherine Eberbach, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Ya-Wen Yu:
The Long and Winding Road to Collaborative Observational Practice. CSCL (2) 2013: 247-248 - Paul Franz, Brian Perone:
Do You Speak Math? Visualizing Patterns of Student Technical Language in a Mathematics MOOC. CSCL (2) 2013: 249-250 - Nobuko Fujita, Chris Teplovs:
Formative Assessment Using Repertory Grid Technique via Facebook: A Social Media Tool to Support E-Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 251-252 - Alexandra L. Funk, Astrid Wichmann, Nikol Rummel:
Supporting Feedback Uptake in Online Peer Assessment. CSCL (2) 2013: 253-254 - Mario Gielen, Bram de Wever:
Structuring the PA Process: Impact on Feedback Quality. CSCL (2) 2013: 255-256 - Michael Glass, Jung Hee Kim, Melissa A. Desjarlais, Kelvin S. Bryant:
COMPS Computer-Mediated Problem Solving Dialogues. CSCL (2) 2013: 257-258 - Sean P. Goggins, James M. Laffey:
Measuring Performance Across Space & Time in Online Learning: Identifying Structural Patterns to Promote Scalability. CSCL (2) 2013: 259-260 - Jason Haas:
SANCTUARY: Asymmetric Interfaces for Collaborative Science Learning in Shared Space(s). CSCL (2) 2013: 261-262 - Joshua S. Halterman, Camellia Sanford:
Together We Can Beat this Game: The Prevalence of Collaborative Learning in Educational Video Game Play. CSCL (2) 2013: 263-264 - Katie DeVries Hassman, Gabriel H. Mugar, Carsten S. Østerlund, Corey Brian Jackson:
Learning at the Seafloor, Looking at the Sky: The Relationship Between Individual Tasks and Collaborative Engagement in Two Citizen Science Projects. CSCL (2) 2013: 265-266 - Juan Carlos Hernández, Andrea Montoya, Andrés Mena, Maritza Castro, Johana López:
Dynamic of Interaction Among Actors Mediated by the Visibility in an Online Community, What's Up With...? CSCL (2) 2013: 267-268 - Yotam Hod, Dani Ben-Zvi:
Productive Subjective Failure in a Learning Community: Process of Explicating and Negotiating Norms. CSCL (2) 2013: 269-270 - Jeremiah I. Holden:
Sociomathematical Participation: Participatory Culture and Mathematics Pre-Service Teacher Education. CSCL (2) 2013: 271-272 - I-Han Hsiao, Manav Malhotra, Hui Soo Chae, Gary Natriello:
Dissecting Video Discussions and Coordination Strategies. CSCL (2) 2013: 273-274 - Osvaldo Jimenez, Shelley V. Goldman, Ben Hedrick, Kristen Pilner Blair, Roy Pea:
Making Math Learning Social and Familial: The Promise and Problems of Mobile Devices. CSCL (2) 2013: 275-276 - Tamecia R. Jones, Monica E. Cardella, Senay Purzer:
Using Social Media Behaviors to Design Language for Advancing Pedagogy and Assessment. CSCL (2) 2013: 277-278 - Celia Kaendler, Michael Wiedmann, Nikol Rummel, Timo Leuders, Hans Spada:
Transferring CSCL Findings to Face-to-Face Teacher Practice. CSCL (2) 2013: 279-280 - Amy M. Kamarainen, Shari Metcalf, Tina A. Grotzer, Chris Dede:
Learning About Ecosystems Through Collaborative Augmented Reality Experiences. CSCL (2) 2013: 281-282 - Göran Karlsson, Michael Axelsson, Maria Sunnerstam, Thommy Eriksson:
Joint Reasoning About Gas Solubility in Water in Modified Versions of a Virtual Laboratory. CSCL (2) 2013: 283-284 - Andrea Kienle, Christian Schlösser, Philipp Schlieker-Steens:
INKA-SUITE: An Integrated Test-Environment for Analyzing Chat Communication. CSCL (2) 2013: 285-286 - Kyung Kim, Roy B. Clariana, Amy Garbrick:
The Effect of Computer-Supported Independent and Interdependent Collaboration on Information Sharing. CSCL (2) 2013: 287-288 - Mi Song Kim, Xiaoxuan Ye:
Transforming the Learning Difficulties to Teaching Moments. CSCL (2) 2013: 289-290 - Jennifer King Chen:
Supporting Student Choice and Collaborative Decision-Making During Science Inquiry Investigations. CSCL (2) 2013: 291-292 - Maximilian Knogler, Andreas Gegenfurtner, Carla Quesada-Pallarès:
Social Design in Digital Simulations: Effects of Single versus Multi-Player Simulations on Efficacy Beliefs and Transfer. CSCL (2) 2013: 293-294 - Dan Kohen-Vacs, Miky Ronen, Shavit Cohen:
Treasure-HIT: Supporting Outdoor Collaborative Activities with Mobile Treasure Hunt Games. CSCL (2) 2013: 295-296 - Birgitta Kopp, Heinz Mandl:
Evaluating Virtual Collaboration Over Time - A Pilot Field Study. CSCL (2) 2013: 297-298 - James M. Laffey, Janine Stichter, Krista Galyen, Xianhui Wang, Nan Ding, Ryan Babiuch, Joe Griffin:
iSocial: Collaborative Distance Education for Special Needs. CSCL (2) 2013: 299-300 - Pei-Jung Li, Chih-Hsuan Chang, Huang-Yao Hong:
Exploring the Effect of Online Collaborative Learning on Students' Scientific Understanding. CSCL (2) 2013: 301-302 - Shiyu Liu:
Supporting Self-regulated Learning with Moodle Forums. CSCL (2) 2013: 303-304 - Farshid Marbouti, Alyssa Friend Wise:
Using a Graphical Interface to Address New Post Bias in Online Discussion Forums. CSCL (2) 2013: 305-306 - Caitlin Kennedy Martin, Brigid Barron:
Navigating Online Learning Environments in the Classroom. CSCL (2) 2013: 307-308 - Caitlin Kennedy Martin, Brigid Barron, Véronique Mertl:
Design Methods to Study Learning Across Networked Systems, Co-Located Spaces, and Time. CSCL (2) 2013: 309-310 - Alejandra Martínez-Monés
, Christophe Reffay, Christopher Teplovs:
Beyond Sociograms Inspection: What Social Network Analysis Has To Offer to Measure Cohesion in CSCL. CSCL (2) 2013: 311-312 - Emma Mercier, Georgia Vourloumi, Steven E. Higgins:
Idea Development in Multi-Touch and Paper-Based Collaborative Problem Solving. CSCL (2) 2013: 313-314 - Shari Metcalf, Amy M. Kamarainen, Tina A. Grotzer, Chris Dede:
Collaborative Learning in Virtual Environments: Role-Based Exploration of Causality in Ecosystems Over Time and Scale. CSCL (2) 2013: 315-316 - Toshio Mochizuki, Hiroshi Sasaki, Takehiro Wakimoto, Ryoya Hirayama, Yoshihiko Kubota, Hideyuki Suzuki:
Puppetry as a Catalyst in Role-Play: A Device to Facilitate Gaining New Insights into the Perspectives of Others. CSCL (2) 2013: 317-318 - Rucha Modak, Shawn Vashaw:
Understanding the Life of an Online Community through Analytics. CSCL (2) 2013: 319-320 - Hedieh Najafi, Jim Slotta:
Multiple Scaffolds to Promote Collective Knowledge Construction in Science Classrooms. CSCL (2) 2013: 321-322 - Jalal Nouri, Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Karwan Zetali:
Multiple Effects of Collaborative Mobile Inquiry-Based Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 323-324 - E. Michael Nussbaum, Marissa C. Owens, Abeera P. Rehmat, Jacqueline Cordova:
Towards Collaborative Argumentation in "Losing the Lake". CSCL (2) 2013: 325-326 - Jun Oshima, Ritsuko Oshima:
Collaborative Learning Through Socially Shared Regulation Supported by a Robotic Agent. CSCL (2) 2013: 327-328 - Fadoua Ouamani, Narjès Bellamine Ben Saoud, Riadh Hadj M'tir, Henda Hajjami Ben Ghézala:
Conceptual Ontology Framework for Socio-Cultural Aware Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Environments. CSCL (2) 2013: 329-330 - John Ow, Sunhee Paik, Katerine Bielaczyc:
Understanding the Enactment of Principle-Based Designs: Conceptualizing Principle-Based Approaches as Carriers of Principles for Learning. CSCL (2) 2013: 331-332 - Pete Phelan, Daniel Rees Lewis, Matthew W. Easterday, Elizabeth Gerber:
Using Mobile Technology to Support Innovation Education. CSCL (2) 2013: 333-334 - Annelies Raes, Tammy Schellens:
Can We Increase Students' Motivation to Learn Science by Means of Web-Based Collaborative Inquiry? CSCL (2) 2013: 335-336 - Richard Reeve, Vanessa Svihla:
Design in the World AND Our Work. CSCL (2) 2013: 337-338 - Rebecca B. Reynolds, Cindy E. Hmelo-Silver, Lars Sørensen, Cheryl Van Ness:
Interview Findings on Middle Schoolers' Collaboration in Self-Organizing Game Design Teams. CSCL (2) 2013: 339-340 - Ronald W. Rinehart, Ravit Golan Duncan, Clark A. Chinn, Michael T. Dianovsky:
Digital Evidence and Scaffolds in a Model-Based Inquiry Curriculum for Middle School Science. CSCL (2) 2013: 341-342 - Jessica Roberts, Francesco Cafaro, Raymond Kang, Kristen Vogt, Leilah Lyons, Josh Radinsky:
That's Me and That's You: Museum Visitors' Perspective - Taking Around an Embodied Interaction Data Map Display. CSCL (2) 2013: 343-344 - Maryanna Rogers, Paulo Blikstein:
Designing Community Knowledge in Fabrication Labs: Design Directives and Initial Prototypes. CSCL (2) 2013: 345-346 - Jeremy Roschelle, Charles Patton, John Brecht, Janet Bowers, Sue Courey, Elizabeth Murray:
Dynalabs for Teachers to Collaborate on Pedagogical Strategies. CSCL (2) 2013: 347-348 - Oliver Scheuer, Bruce M. McLaren, Armin Weinberger:
Automated and Adaptive Support for Educational Discussions: Results to Guide in Making This a Reality. CSCL (2) 2013: 349-350 - Bertrand Schneider, Consuelo Valdes, Kelsey Tempel, Chia Shen, Orit Shaer:
Comparing "In the Wild" Studies with Laboratory Experiments: A Case of Educational Interactive Tabletops. CSCL (2) 2013: 351-352 - Kai Schubert, Konstantin Aal, Volker Wulf, Anne Weibert, Meryem Atam, George P. Yerousis:
Come_IN@Palestine: Adapting a German Computer Club Concept to a Palestinian Refugee Camp. CSCL (2) 2013: 353-354 - Brian Slattery, Leilah Lyons, Brenda López Silva, Priscilla Jimenez Pazmino:
Extending the Reach of Embodied Interaction in Informal Spaces. CSCL (2) 2013: 355-356