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IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Volume 23
Volume 23, Number 1, March 2016
- M. Ani Hsieh:
Back to School [Education]. 106-115 - Norikazu Sugimoto, Voot Tangkaratt, Thijs Wensveen, Tingting Zhao, Masashi Sugiyama
, Jun Morimoto:
Trial and Error: Using Previous Experiences as Simulation Models in Humanoid Motor Learning. 96-105 - Barbara Mazzolai
Biology for Robotics - A Multidisciplinary Approach to a Researcher's Life [Women in Engineering]. 114-115 - Virginia Ruiz Garate
, Andrea Parri
, Tingfang Yan, Marko Munih
, Raffaele Molino Lova, Nicola Vitiello, Renaud Ronsse
Walking Assistance Using Artificial Primitives: A Novel Bioinspired Framework Using Motor Primitives for Locomotion Assistance Through a Wearable Cooperative Exoskeleton. 83-95 - Eugenio Guglielmelli:
A Journey Toward the Convergence of Robotics and Life Sciences [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Christian Gehring
, Stelian Coros
, Marco Hutter, Carmine Dario Bellicoso, Huub Heijnen, Remo Diethelm, Michael Bloesch, Peter Fankhauser, Jemin Hwangbo, Mark A. Hoepflinger, Roland Siegwart
Practice Makes Perfect: An Optimization-Based Approach to Controlling Agile Motions for a Quadruped Robot. 34-43 - Kenji Suzuki:
QOLO Technology Changes Life for Wheelchair Users [Industrial Activities]. 12 - Alvin I. Chen, Max L. Balter
, Timothy J. Maguire:
Developing the World?s First Portable Medical Robot for Autonomous Venipuncture [Industrial Activities]. 10-11 - Christian Ott
, Bernd Henze, Georg Hettich, Tim Niklas Seyde, Máximo A. Roa
, Vittorio Lippi
, Thomas Mergner:
Good Posture, Good Balance: Comparison of Bioinspired and Model-Based Approaches for Posture Control of Humanoid Robots. 22-33 - Raj Madhavan, Erwin Prassler, Oliver Brock:
Winners of the Inaugural IEEE RAS Start-Up Competition Announced [Industrial Activities]. 8-10 - Nino Cauli
, Egidio Falotico
, Alexandre Bernardino
, José Santos-Victor
, Cecilia Laschi
Correcting for Changes: Expected Perception-Based Control for Reaching a Moving Target. 63-70 - Yan Huang, Qining Wang
Torque-Stiffness-Controlled Dynamic Walking: Analysis of the Behaviors of Bipeds with Both Adaptable Joint Torque and Joint Stiffness. 71-82 - Eleni Kelasidi, Pål Liljebäck, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen
, Jan Tommy Gravdahl
Innovation in Underwater Robots: Biologically Inspired Swimming Snake Robots. 44-62 - Stanisa Raspopovic
, Francesco M. Petrini, Annarita Cutrone:
Regaining Feeling from Lost Limbs [Industrial Activities]. 13-14 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
Robotics and Automation for Social Innovation [President's Message]. 6-18 - Xiaorui Zhu:
Debuts of RAS Chapters Around the World [Chapter News]. 112-113 - Amy Reeder:
Award Winners and Chapter Updates [Society News]. 107-115 - Nicola Vitiello, Auke Jan Ijspeert
, Stefan Schaal:
Bioinspired Motor Control for Articulated Robots [From the Guest Editors]. 20-21 - Jorge Dias
, Kaspar Althoefer, Pedro U. Lima
Robot Competitions: What Did We Learn? [Competitions]. 16-18
Volume 23, Number 2, June 2016
- Morgane Chevalier, Fanny Riedo, Francesco Mondada
Pedagogical Uses of Thymio II: How Do Teachers Perceive Educational Robots in Formal Education? 16-23 - Edoardo Datteri
, Luisa Zecca
The Game of Science: An Experiment in Synthetic Roboethology with Primary School Children. 24-29 - Laura Margheri:
Women in Engineering, Science, and Technology in the United Arab Emirates [Women in Engineering]. 102-104 - Timothy Bower:
Teaching Introductory Robotics Programming: Learning to Program with National Instruments' LabVIEW. 67-73 - Sabine Hauert:
Building an Ecosystem for Women Entrepreneurs [Industrial Activities]. 8-10 - Árpád Takács, György Eigner, Levente Kovács, Imre J. Rudas, Tamás Haidegger
Teacher's Kit: Development, Usability, and Communities of Modular Robotic Kits for Classroom Education. 30-39 - Séverin Lemaignan, Alexis Jacq, Deanna Hood, Fernando García, Ana Paiva
, Pierre Dillenbourg:
Learning by Teaching a Robot: The Case of Handwriting. 56-66 - Ekawahyu Susilo, Jianing Liu, Yasmin Alvarado Rayo, Ashley Melissa Peck, Justin Montenegro, Mark Gonyea, Pietro Valdastri
STORMLab for STEM Education: An Affordable Modular Robotic Kit for Integrated Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math Education. 47-55 - Eugenio Guglielmelli:
Three Exciting Years with Your Magazine [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Pericle Salvini
, Ayorkor Korsah, Illah R. Nourbakhsh:
Yet Another Robot Application? [From the Guest Editors]. 12-105 - Igor M. Verner, Alex Polishuk, Niv Krayner:
Science Class with RoboThespian: Using a Robot Teacher to Make Science Fun and Engage Students. 74-80 - Peter Corke
, Elizabeth Greener, Robyn Philip:
An Innovative Educational Change: Massive Open Online Courses in Robotics and Robotic Vision. 81-89 - Carlotta A. Berry
, Sekou L. Remy, Tamara E. Rogers:
Robotics for All Ages: A Standard Robotics Curriculum for K-16. 40-46 - Satoshi Takodoro:
Young Professionals Take Leadership Roles in Robotics and Automation [President's Message]. 6 - Megan Emmons, Dénes Ákos Nagy:
Welcoming Our New SAC Members [Student's Corner]. 90-92 - Quan Zhou:
Future of Robotics in Finland Seminar 2015 [Society News]. 96-97
Volume 23, Number 3, September 2016
- Bram Vanderborght:
Another Five Successful Years [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
Robot Competitions [President's Message]. 6-10 - Erwin Prassler:
Robotics Academia and Industry: We Need to Talk. 11-14 - Sabine Hauert:
Building a Startup Ecosystem for Robotics in Europe [Industrial Activities]. 14-16 - Jonathan Rossiter
, Helmut Hauser
Soft Robotics - The Next Industrial Revolution? [Industrial Activities]. 17-20 - Raj Madhavan:
The ICRA 2016 Robot Challenges [Competitions]. 21 - Igor Paprotny:
The 2016 Mobile Microrobotics Challenge [Competitions]. 22-23 - Edson Prestes, Lino Marques
, Renata Neuland, Mathias Mantelli, Renan Maffei
, Sedat Dogru
, José Prado, João Macedo, Raj Madhavan:
The 2016 Humanitarian Robotics and Automation Technology Challenge [Competitions]. 23-24 - Vasumathi Raman:
The 2016 Formal Methods for Robotics Challenge [Competitions]. 24-25 - Donal P. Holland, Gareth J. Bennett
, George M. Whitesides, Robert J. Wood, Conor J. Walsh:
The 2015 Soft Robotics Competition [Competitions]. 25-27 - Fumiya Iida
, Andre Rosendo
, Surya Girinatha Nurzaman
, Cecilia Laschi
, Robert Wood, Dario Floreano:
Soft Robotics and Morphological Computation [From the Guest Editors]. 28-29 - Jun-Young Lee, Woong-Bae Kim, Woo-Young Choi, Kyu-Jin Cho:
Soft Robotic Blocks: Introducing SoBL, a Fast-Build Modularized Design Block. 30-41 - Stefano Mintchev
, Dario Floreano:
Adaptive Morphology: A Design Principle for Multimodal and Multifunctional Robots. 42-54 - Huichan Zhao, Jonathan Jalving, Rukang Huang, Ross A. Knepper, Andy Ruina
, Robert F. Shepherd
A Helping Hand: Soft Orthosis with Integrated Optical Strain Sensors and EMG Control. 55-64 - Zhenishbek Zhakypov
, Jian-Lin Huang, Jamie Paik
A Novel Torsional Shape Memory Alloy Actuator: Modeling, Characterization, and Control. 65-74 - Charles M. Best, Morgan T. Gillespie, Phillip Hyatt, Levi Rupert, Vallan Sherrod, Marc D. Killpack:
A New Soft Robot Control Method: Using Model Predictive Control for a Pneumatically Actuated Humanoid. 75-84 - Hideyuki Ryu, Yoshihiro Nakata, Yutaka Nakamura, Hiroshi Ishiguro:
Adaptive Whole-Body Dynamics: An Actuator Network System for Orchestrating Multijoint Movements. 85-92 - Mariangela Manti, Vito Cacucciolo
, Matteo Cianchetti
Stiffening in Soft Robotics: A Review of the State of the Art. 93-106 - Cecilia Laschi
, Barbara Mazzolai
Lessons from Animals and Plants: The Symbiosis of Morphological Computation and Soft Robotics. 107-114 - Megan Emmons, Dénes Ákos Nagy:
The IEEE RAS Student Activities Committee Past and Future Events [Student's Corner]. 115-116 - Petter Ögren, Danica Kragic, Antonio Bicchi, Alessandro De Luca, Christian Smith, Patric Jensfelt:
IEEE ICRA 2016 in Stockholm [Society News]. 117-118 - Andre Rosendo
, Josie Hughes, Fabio Giardina
, Fumiya Iida
News and Views: Soft Solutions for Hard Problems [Society News]. 125-127 - Martin Adams:
The IEEE RAS International Workshop on Vision, Robotics, and Tracking Applications [Chapter News]. 129-130 - Tamás Haidegger
, I. A. B. Standards Committee:
How the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society Is Dealing with Standards [Standards]. 131-133
Volume 23, Number 4, December 2016
- Bram Vanderborght:
Humans and Robots Can Work Together [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
Redefining the Values of Robotics and Automation [President's Message]. 6-8 - Dominik B. O. Boesl
A Look into the Crystal Ball: Predicting the Future of Robotics [Industrial Activities]. 10-19 - Oussama Khatib
, Xiyang Yeh
, Gerald Brantner, Brian Soe, Boyeon Kim, Shameek Ganguly, Hannah Stuart
, Shiquan Wang, Mark R. Cutkosky, Aaron Edsinger, Phillip Mullins, Mitchell Barham, Christian R. Voolstra
, Khaled Nabil Salama
, Michel L'Hour, Vincent Creuze
Ocean One: A Robotic Avatar for Oceanic Discovery. 20-29 - Anthony Spears, Michael E. West, Matthew Meister, Jacob Buffo, Catherine Walker, Thomas Collins, Ayanna M. Howard, Britney E. Schmidt
Under Ice in Antarctica: The Icefin Unmanned Underwater Vehicle Development and Deployment. 30-41 - Supreeth Subbaraya, Andreas Breitenmoser, Artem Molchanov, Jörg Müller, Carl Oberg, David A. Caron, Gaurav S. Sukhatme:
Circling the Seas: Design of Lagrangian Drifters for Ocean Monitoring. 42-53 - Jonathan Roberts, Dennis Frousheger, Brendan Williams, Duncan Campbell, Rod Walker:
How the Outback Challenge Was Won: The Motivation for the UAV Challenge Outback Rescue, the Competition Mission, and a Summary of the Six Events. 54-62 - Francesca Cecchi
, Giuseppina Sgandurra
, Matjaz Mihelj
, Luiza Mici, Jianwei Zhang, Marko Munih
, Giovanni Cioni
, Cecilia Laschi
, Paolo Dario:
CareToy: An Intelligent Baby Gym: Home-Based Intervention for Infants at Risk for Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 63-72 - Giulio Vitale, Andrea Bonarini
, Matteo Matteucci, Luca Bascetta
Toward Vocational Robotics: An Experience in Post-Secondary School Education and Job Training Through Robotics. 73-81 - Ana C. Lopes
, João Rodrigues, Jorge Perdigao
, Gabriel Pires
, Urbano Nunes
A New Hybrid Motion Planner: Applied in a Brain-Actuated Robotic Wheelchair. 82-93 - Todor Stoyanov, Narunas Vaskevicius, Christian A. Mueller, Tobias Fromm
, Robert Krug, Vinicio Tincani, Rasoul Mojtahedzadeh, Stefan Kunaschk, Rafael Mortensen Ernits, Daniel Ricao Canelhas, Manuel Bonilla, Sören Schwertfeger
, Marco Bonini
, Harry Halfar, Kaustubh Pathak, Moritz Rohde, Gualtiero Fantoni
, Antonio Bicchi, Andreas Birk
, Achim J. Lilienthal
, Wolfgang Echelmeyer:
No More Heavy Lifting: Robotic Solutions to the Container Unloading Problem. 94-106 - J. J. M. Lunenburg, S. A. M. Coenen, Gerrit J. L. Naus, M. J. G. van de Molengraft, Maarten Steinbuch
Motion Planning for Mobile Robots: A Method for the Selection of a Combination of Motion-Planning Algorithms. 107-117 - Shuangyi Wang
, Davinder Singh, Devapriyan Johnson, Kaspar Althoefer, Kawal S. Rhode
, Richard James Housden
Robotic Ultrasound: View Planning, Tracking, and Automatic Acquisition of Transesophageal Echocardiography. 118-127 - Christoph Richter
, Soren Jentzsch, Rafael Hostettler, Jesús Alberto Garrido, Eduardo Ros, Alois C. Knoll
, Florian Röhrbein
, Patrick van der Smagt
, Jörg Conradt:
Musculoskeletal Robots: Scalability in Neural Control. 128-137 - Narges Noori, Andrew Beveridge, Volkan Isler:
Pursuit-Evasion: A Toolkit to Make Applications More Accessible [Tutorial]. 138-149 - Thuy-Hong-Loan Le, Perla Maiolino, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
, Giorgio Cannata:
Skinning a Robot: Design Methodologies for Large-Scale Robot Skin. 150-159 - Abdelhamid Dine, Abdelhafid Elouardi, Bastien Vincke, Samir Bouaziz:
Graph-Based Simultaneous Localization and Mapping: Computational Complexity Reduction on a Multicore Heterogeneous Architecture. 160-173 - Kejie Qiu, Fangyi Zhang
, Ming Liu
Let the Light Guide Us: VLC-Based Localization. 174-183 - M. Ani Hsieh, Angelika Peer:
The 2016 IEEE RAS Summer School Activities [Education]. 184-185 - Megan Emmons:
Why Students Should Join the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society [Student's Corner]. 186-187 - Amy Reeder:
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering Publication Awards Announced [Society News]. 188-189 - Amy Reeder:
CASE 2016 Best Paper Award Recipients Announced [Society News]. 190 - Kenji Suzuki, Xiaorui Zhu:
Regions Bustle with Workshops, Courses, Robothon, and a Society Inauguration [Chapter News]. 193-198 - Alessandro De Luca:
Fabrizio Flacco [In Memoriam]. 199-200 - Bernie Roth:
The Unexpected Passing of a Pioneering Robot Designer [In Memoriam]. 200-201

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