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IEEE Robotics & Automation Magazine, Volume 22
Volume 22, Number 1, March 2015
- Paul Phamduy, Raymond LeGrand, Maurizio Porfiri
Robotic Fish: Design and Characterization of an Interactive iDevice-Controlled Robotic Fish for Informal Science Education. 86-96 - Laura Margheri:
Raise the Visibility of Women in Engineering [Women in Engineering]. 143-146 - Lauren Miller:
Highlights from the Student Community [Student Corner]. 120-122 - Raja Chatila:
Welcoming a New RAS Publication [President's Message]. 6-10 - Eugenio Guglielmelli:
Quest for Robots, Quest for Jobs [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Marcel Bergerman, Silvio M. Maeta, Ji Zhang, Gustavo Medeiros Freitas, Bradley Hamner, Sanjiv Singh, George Kantor:
Robot Farmers: Autonomous Orchard Vehicles Help Tree Fruit Production. 54-63 - HyunKi In, Brian Byunghyun Kang, Min-Ki Sin, Kyu-Jin Cho:
Exo-Glove: A Wearable Robot for the Hand with a Soft Tendon Routing System. 97-105 - Diego Alonso, Ricardo O. Carelli
, Juan Carlos Gomez, Claudio Verrastro:
The Eighth Argentine Robotics Workshop [Regional]. 12-119 - Masataku Sutoh, Masatsugu Otsuki
, Sachiko Wakabayashi, Takeshi Hoshino, Tatsuaki Hashimoto:
The Right Path: Comprehensive Path Planning for Lunar Exploration Rovers. 22-33 - Raymond Sheh:
RAS Summer School Held in Australia [Society News]. 134-136 - Fumin Zhang
, Giacomo Marani, Ryan N. Smith, Hyun-Taek Choi:
Future Trends in Marine Robotics [TC Spotlight]. 14-122 - Michiel Plooij, Glenn Mathijssen
, Pierre Cherelle, Dirk Lefeber
, Bram Vanderborght
Lock Your Robot: A Review of Locking Devices in Robotics. 106-117 - M. Ani Hsieh, Paolo Fiorini:
A New Season [Education]. 118-119 - Selma Sabanovic, Stasa Milojevic, Peter Asaro, Matthew R. Francisco:
Robotics Narratives and Networks [History]. 137-146 - Guangjun Liu, Yugang Liu
, Hongwei Zhang, Xiaohui Gao, Jing Yuan, Wanping Zheng:
The Kapvik Robotic Mast: An Innovative Onboard Robotic Arm for Planetary Exploration Rovers. 34-44 - Yang Gao
, Thomas E. D. Frame, Craig Pitcher:
Peircing the Extraterrestrial Surface: Integrated Robotic Drill for Planetary Exploration. 45-53 - Ren C. Luo, Fan-Tien Cheng
CASE 2014 [Society News]. 130-131 - Connie Haynes, Joel Edwards:
FIRST Robotics Competition [Competitions]. 8-10 - Henrik Andreasson, Abdelbaki Bouguerra, Marcello Cirillo, Dimitar Nikolaev Dimitrov, Dimiter Driankov, Lars Karlsson, Achim J. Lilienthal
, Federico Pecora
, Jari Pekka Saarinen, Aleksander Sherikov, Todor Stoyanov
Autonomous Transport Vehicles: Where We Are and What Is Missing. 64-75 - Alexei Grinbaum
Uncanny Valley Explained by Girard's Theory [Turning Point]. 152-150 - Neil T. Dantam, Daniel M. Lofaro, Ayonga Hereid
, Paul Y. Oh, Aaron D. Ames
, Mike Stilman:
The Ach Library: A New Framework for Real-Time Communication. 76-85
Volume 22, Number 2, June 2015
- Eugenio Guglielmelli:
Robots Don't Pray [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Raja Chatila:
Women in Robotics and Automation [President's Message]. 6 - Enric Cervera
, Juan Carlos García, Pedro J. Sanz:
Toward the Robot Butler: The HUMABOT Challenge [Competitions]. 8-17 - Peter Corke
Integrating ROS and MATLAB [ROS Topics]. 18-20 - Raj Madhavan:
The First-Ever IEEE RAS Standard Published. 21 - Ken Goldberg
, Youfu Li
, Yu Sun, Maria Pia Fanti, Hesuan Hu:
Emerging Advances in Automation [From the Guest Editors]. 22, 98 - Giuseppe Loianno
, Gareth Cross, Chao Qu, Yash Mulgaonkar, Joel A. Hesch, Vijay Kumar:
Flying Smartphones: Automated Flight Enabled by Consumer Electronics. 24-32 - Jun Liu
, Chaoyang Shi, Jun Wen, Derek Pyne, Haijiao Liu, Changhai Ru, Jun Luo, Shaorong Xie, Yu Sun
Automated Vitrification of Embryos: A Robotics Approach. 33-40 - Kostas E. Bekris, Rahul Shome, Athanasios Krontiris, Andrew Dobson:
Cloud Automation: Precomputing Roadmaps for Flexible Manipulation. 41-50 - Siqiao Li
, Na Geng, Xiaolan Xie:
Radiation Queue: Meeting Patient Waiting Time Targets. 51-63 - Naiqi Wu, MengChu Zhou, ZhiWu Li:
Short-Term Scheduling of Crude-Oil Operations: Enhancement of Crude-Oil Operations Scheduling Using a Petri Net-Based Control-Theoretic Approach. 64-76 - Spyros A. Reveliotis:
Coordinating Autonomy: Sequential Resource Allocation Systems for Automation. 77-94 - Robert Fitch
, Salah Sukkarieh
, Marcel Bergerman, Eldert J. van Henten:
2015 IEEE RAS Summer School on Agricultural Robotics [Education]. 96-98 - Raja Chatila, Antonio Bicchi:
A new Journal in our family: the Robotics and Automation Letters [Society News]. 100 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
RAS Strategic Planning Meeting [Society News]. 101-102 - Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet, Carlos Balaguer
2014 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots [Society News]. 102-103 - Malika Meghjani
RAS Supports AAAI [Society News]. 106-107 - Patrick Thevoz, Adrien Briod:
Flyability Wins the UAE Drones for Good Award [Humanitarian Technology]. 108-110 - Raj Madhavan:
The World Cup of Drones [Humanitarian Technology]. 108 - Laura Margheri:
Women in Automation: An Experience of Career Growth and Society Volunteering [Women in Engineering]. 112-114 - Eugenio Guglielmelli:
The Future of Automation [Turning Point]. 120-117
Volume 22, Number 3, September 2015
- Eugenio Guglielmelli:
Research Reproducibility and Performance Evaluation for Dependable Robots [From the Editor's Desk]. 4 - Raja Chatila:
On the Ethics of Research and Practice in Robotics and Automation [President's Message]. 6-8 - Peter R. Wurman
, Joseph M. Romano:
The Amazon Picking Challenge 2015 [Competitions]. 10-12 - Hong Qiao, Rui Li, Peijie Yin:
Robotics and Automation Activities in China [Industrial Activities]. 14-17 - Raj Madhavan:
2015 IERA Award Joint Winners, Seattle [Industrial Activities]. 17-18 - François Boucher:
From Need to Innovation [Industrial Activities]. 18-19 - Tom Lipinski:
Q-Bot-A Robotic Solution for Insulation of Homes [Industrial Activities]. 20-21 - Emel Demircan, Dana Kulic
, Denny Oetomo
, Mitsuhiro Hayashibe
Human Movement Understanding [TC Spotlight]. 22-24 - Volkan Isler, Brian M. Sadler
, Libor Preuchil, Shuichi Nishio:
Networked Robots [TC Spotlight]. 25-29 - Huat Kin Low, Samer Mohammed, Tianjiang Hu, Justin E. Seipel, Ravi Vaidyanathan
, Jorge Solis:
Biorobotics with Hybrid and Multimodal Locomotion [TC Spotlight]. 29-32 - Fabio Bonsignorio
, Angel P. del Pobil
Toward Replicable and Measurable Robotics Research [From the Guest Editors]. 32-35 - Berk Çalli
, Aaron Walsman, Arjun Singh, Siddhartha S. Srinivasa, Pieter Abbeel, Aaron M. Dollar
Benchmarking in Manipulation Research: Using the Yale-CMU-Berkeley Object and Model Set. 36-52 - Francesco Amigoni
, Emanuele Bastianelli, Jakob Berghofer, Andrea Bonarini, Giulio Fontana, Nico Hochgeschwender, Luca Iocchi, Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar, Pedro U. Lima, Matteo Matteucci, Pedro Miraldo
, Daniele Nardi, Viola Schiaffonati:
Competitions for Benchmarking: Task and Functionality Scoring Complete Performance Assessment. 53-61 - Andrea Sorbara, Andrea Ranieri
, Eleonora Saggini
, Enrica Zereik
, Marco Bibuli
, Gabriele Bruzzone, Eva Riccomagno
, Massimo Caccia
Testing the Waters: Design of Replicable Experiments for Performance Assessment of Marine Robotic Platforms. 62-71 - Nikola Miskovic
, Dula Nad, Ivor Rendulic:
Tracking Divers: An Autonomous Marine Surface Vehicle to Increase Diver Safety. 72-84 - Javier Pérez, Jorge Sales
, Antonio Peñalver Benavent, David Fornas, Jose Javier Fernandez, Juan Carlos García, Pedro J. Sanz
, Raúl Marín
, Mario Prats:
Exploring 3-D Reconstruction Techniques: A Benchmarking Tool for Underwater Robotics. 85-95 - Mark Moll
, Ioan Alexandru Sucan, Lydia E. Kavraki
Benchmarking Motion Planning Algorithms: An Extensible Infrastructure for Analysis and Visualization. 96-102 - Diego Torricelli
, José González-Vargas
, Jan F. Veneman
, Katja D. Mombaur, Nikos G. Tsagarakis, Antonio J. del Ama
, Ángel Gil-Agudo, Juan C. Moreno
, José Luis Pons Rovira:
Benchmarking Bipedal Locomotion: A Unified Scheme for Humanoids, Wearable Robots, and Humans. 103-115 - Barbara Bruno
, Fulvio Mastrogiovanni
, Antonio Sgorbissa
Wearable Inertial Sensors: Applications, Challenges, and Public Test Benches. 116-124 - Liyu Wang, Fumiya Iida
Deformation in Soft-Matter Robotics: A Categorization and Quantitative Characterization. 125-139 - David M. Budden, Peter Wang, Oliver Obst
, Mikhail Prokopenko
RoboCup Simulation Leagues: Enabling Replicable and Robust Investigation of Complex Robotic Systems. 140-146 - Reinhard Gerndt, Daniel Seifert, Jacky Hansjoerg Baltes, Soroush Sadeghnejad
, Sven Behnke
Humanoid Robots in Soccer: Robots Versus Humans in RoboCup 2050. 147-154 - Davide Brugali:
Model-Driven Software Engineering in Robotics: Models Are Designed to Use the Relevant Things, Thereby Reducing the Complexity and Cost in the Field of Robotics. 155-166 - Lynne Parker
, Nancy M. Amato:
IEEE ICRA 2015-Celebrating the Diversity of Robots and Roboticists [Society News]. 168-170 - Satoshi Tadokoro:
UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction [Society News]. 176-177 - Laura Margheri:
Innovations in Robotics Panel at the 2015 WIE International Leadership Conference [Society News]. 177-178 - George Bekey, Paolo Fiorini:
The Achievements of Antal [In Memoriam]. 180-181 - Raj Madhavan, Lino Marques
, Edson Prestes, Renan Maffei
, Vitor A. M. Jorge, Baptiste Gil, Sedat Dogru
, Gonçalo Cabrita, Renata Neuland, Prithviraj Dasgupta
2015 Humanitarian Robotics and Automation Technology Challenge [Humanitarian Technology]. 182-184 - Laura Margheri:
Funding Robotics Projects: An Interview with Cecile Huet, Deputy Head of the European Commission Robotics Unit [Women in Engineering]. 185-186 - Graham Mann, Nicolas J. Small
, Kevin Lee
, Jonathan Clarke
, Raymond Sheh:
Field-Testing Astronaut Assistance Robots in Australian Outback [From the Field]. 188-191 - Eugenio Guglielmelli:
On Research Reproducibility: An interview with Gianluca Setti [Turning Point]. 192-191
Volume 22, Number 4, December 2015
- Antonio Bicchi, Ken Goldberg
, Eugenio Guglielmelli, Allison M. Okamura
, Frank C. Park:
Navigating the New RAS Publications Landscape [From the Editors' Desks]. 4 - Raja Chatila:
Why Do We Strive? [President's Message]. 6-8 - Robert D. Merrifield, Guang-Zhong Yang:
Surgical Robot Challenge 2015 [Competitions]. 10-13 - Máximo A. Roa
, Dmitry Berenson, Wes H. Huang:
Mobile Manipulation: Toward Smart Manufacturing [TC Spotlight]. 14-15 - Oscar E. Ramos
, Nicolas Mansard, Olivier Stasse
, Christophe Benazeth, Sovannara Hak, Layale Saab:
Dancing Humanoid Robots: Systematic Use of OSID to Compute Dynamically Consistent Movements Following a Motion Capture Pattern. 16-26 - Nicola Bezzo, Ankur M. Mehta, Cagdas Denizel Onal, Michael Thomas Tolley:
Robot Makers: The Future of Digital Rapid Design and Fabrication of Robots. 27-36 - Florian Petit, Alexander Dietrich
, Alin Albu-Schäffer
Generalizing Torque Control Concepts: Using Well-Established Torque Control Methods on Variable Stiffness Robots. 37-51 - Monica Malvezzi, Guido Gioioso, Gionata Salvietti
, Domenico Prattichizzo
SynGrasp: A MATLAB Toolbox for Underactuated and Compliant Hands. 52-68 - Vincenzo Lippiello
Grasp the Possibilities: Anthropomorphic Grasp Synthesis Based on the Object Dynamic Properties. 69-79 - Qining Wang
, Kebin Yuan, Jinying Zhu, Long Wang
Walk the Walk: A Lightweight Active Transtibial Prosthesis. 80-89 - Paul Phamduy, Catherine Milne, Mary Leou, Maurizio Porfiri:
Interactive Robotic Fish: A Tool for Informal Science Learning and Environmental Awareness. 90-95 - Filippo Sanfilippo
, Lars Ivar Hatledal, Houxiang Zhang, Massimiliano Fago, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen
Controlling Kuka Industrial Robots: Flexible Communication Interface JOpenShowVar. 96-109 - Dirk Holz, Alexandru Eugen Ichim, Federico Tombari, Radu Bogdan Rusu, Sven Behnke
Registration with the Point Cloud Library: A Modular Framework for Aligning in 3-D. 110-124 - Joe Falco, Karl Van Wyk, Shuo Liu, Stefano Carpin:
Grasping the Performance: Facilitating Replicable Performance Measures via Benchmarking and Standardized Methodologies. 125-136 - Martin F. Stoelen
, Virginia Fernández de Tejada, Alberto Jardón Huete
, Carlos Balaguer
, Fabio Paolo Bonsignorio
Distributed and Adaptive Shared Control Systems: Methodology for the Replication of Experiments. 137-146 - Jesus Martínez-Gómez
, Barbara Caputo, Miguel Cazorla
, Henrik Iskov Christensen
, Marco Fornoni
, Ismael García-Varea
, Andrzej Pronobis:
Where Are We After Five Editions?: Robot Vision Challenge, a Competition that Evaluates Solutions for the Visual Place Classification Problem. 147-156 - Tamás Haidegger
Excellence in R&A: Interview with the Recent Recipients of the RAS Early Career Award [Society News]. 159-163 - Alaa M. Khamis
Minesweepers: Towards a Landmine-Free World [Humanitarian Technology]. 164-166

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