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39th IECON 2013: Vienna, Austria
- IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, Vienna, Austria, November 10-13, 2013. IEEE 2013, ISBN 978-1-4799-0224-8
- Marcelo Godoy Simões, Salman Mohagheghi, Pierluigi Siano, Peter Palensky, Xinghuo Yu:
Advances in information technology for Smart Grids. 36-41 - Hamed Taheri, Ouassima Akhrif, Aime Francis Okou:
Contribution of PV generators with energy storage to grid frequency and voltage regulation via nonlinear control techniques. 42-47 - Ferenc Tajti, Géza Szayer, Bence Kovács, Balazs Daniel, Péter Korondi:
CRM TC covering paper - Robotics trends. 48-53 - Hani Vahedi, Kamal Al-Haddad, Youssef Ounejjar, Khaled E. Addoweesh:
Crossover Switches Cell (CSC): A new multilevel inverter topology with maximum voltage levels and minimum DC sources. 54-59 - Luís Gomes, Eric Monmasson, Marcian N. Cirstea, Juan J. Rodríguez-Andina:
Industrial electronic control: FPGAs and embedded systems solutions. 60-65 - Paulo Leitão, Pavel Vrba, Thomas I. Strasser:
Multi-agent systems as automation platform for intelligent energy systems. 66-71 - Siavash Beheshtaein:
Multi-objective selective harmonic mitigation for cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverters connected to photovoltaic systems using hierarchical multi-output support vector regression. 72-79 - Yasutaka Fujimoto, Kiyoshi Ohishi:
Newest developments and recent trends in sensors and actuators - A survey. 80-87 - Rubén Peña, Roberto Cárdenas, Greg M. Asher:
Overview of control systems for the operation of DFIGs in wind energy applications. 88-95 - Juan David Bastidas-Rodriguez, Giovanni Petrone, Carlos Andrés Ramos-Paja, Giovanni Spagnuolo:
Photovoltaic modules diagnostic: An overview. 96-101 - Hani Vahedi, Salem Rahmani, Kamal Al-Haddad:
Pinned mid-points multilevel inverter (PMP): Three-phase topology with high voltage levels and one bidirectional switch. 102-107 - Stefan Gassmann, Antonio Luque, Francisco Perdigones, José M. Quero, Lienhard Pagel:
Sensor structures generated with combination of SU8 and PCBMEMS. 108-112 - Yoseba K. Penya, Cruz E. Borges, Jan Haase, Dietmar Bruckner:
Smart buildings and the smart grid. 113-117 - Gustavo Monte, Victor Huang, Pablo Liscovsky, Damian Marasco, Ariel Agnello:
Standard of things, first step: Understanding and normalizing sensor signals. 118-123 - Fujio Kurokawa, Yudai Furukawa:
1MHz sampled quick response digital control DC-DC converter. 128-133 - Angelo Raciti, Salvatore Musumeci, Fausto Xibilia, Filippo Chimento, Giovanni Privitera:
A bi-dimensional model for power MOSFET devices accounting for the behavior in unclamped inductive switching conditions. 134-139 - Xue Liu, Craig A. Baguley, Udaya K. Madawala, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana:
A compact power converter for high current and low voltage applications. 140-144 - Bhim Singh, Sunil Kumar Dube, Sabha Raj Arya, Ambrish Chandra, Kamal Al-Haddad:
A comparative study of adaptive control algorithms in Distribution Static Compensator. 145-150 - Jitendra Solanki, Norbert Fröhleke, Joachim Böcker:
A completely modular power converter for high-power high-current DC applications. 151-156 - Yuebin Zhou, Daozhuo Jiang, Jie Guo, Yiqiao Liang, Pengfei Hu, Zhiyong Lin:
A control system for large-scale modular multilevel converters. 163-168 - Xiaohui Qu, Siu Chung Wong, Chi K. Tse:
A current balancing scheme with high luminous efficiency for high power LED lighting. 169-174 - Todor Todorcevic, Jan Abraham Ferreira:
A DC-DC modular multilevel topology for electrostatic renewable energy converters. 175-180 - Florian Mezger, Dirk Killat:
A digital observer based current loop control for buck converters. 181-186 - Minsoo Jang, Vassilios G. Agelidis:
A digitally controlled single-phase buck-boost-inverter using a dual-DSP. 187-192 - Jenn-Jong Shieh, Yuan-Hsin Chao, Weber Chuang:
A family of off-line SMPSs used in FCL with reducing secondary-side CM noise. 193-197 - JiTai Han, Chang-Soon Lim, Ja-Hwi Cho, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
A high efficiency non-isolated bidirectional DC-DC converter with zero-voltage-transition. 198-203 - Ahmed A. Hakeem, Ahmed A. Elserougi, Amr El Zawawi, Shehab Ahmed, Ahmed M. Massoud:
A modified capacitor voltage control algorithm for suppressing the effect of measurement noise on grid-connected Z-source inverters controllers. 204-209 - Gerardo Vázquez, Panfilo R. Martinez-Rodriguez, José M. Sosa, Gerardo Escobar, Jaime Arauz:
A modulation strategy for single-phase HB-CMI to reduce leakage ground current in transformer-less PV applications. 210-215 - Sandeep Kolluri, Lakshmi Narasamma N:
A new auxiliary current injection circuit for improved transient response of step-up/step-down DC-DC converters. 216-221 - Jianlong Tian, Aiguo Patrick Hu, Ali Abdolkhani, Ganesh R. Nagendra, Sunny Ren:
A current-fed energy injection power converter for wireless power transfer applications. 222-227 - Shaojun Huang, Laszlo Mathe, Remus Teodorescu:
A new method to implement resampled uniform PWM suitable for distributed control of modular multilevel converters. 228-233 - Hoda Ghoreishy, Ali Yazdian Varjani, Mustafa Mohamadian, Shahrokh Farhangi, Zhe Zhang:
A new selective harmonic elimination pulse-width and amplitude modulation (SHE-PWAM) for drive applications. 234-239 - Shweta Hegde, Afshin Izadian:
A new SEPIC inverter: Small signal modeling. 240-245 - Julio Brandelero, Bernardo Cougo, Thierry Meynard, Nicolas Videau:
A non-intrusive method for measuring switching losses of GaN power transistors. 246-251 - Wenbo Wang, Sjoerd W. H. de Haan, Jan Abraham Ferreira, Frans Pansier:
A novel and simple method to distinguish winding loss from inductor loss under practical excitations. 252-257 - Jenn-Jong Shieh, Gwo-Tarng Chern, Weber Chuang:
A novel common-mode noise suppresser for off-line SPCs in fault current limiters used. 258-261 - Gianluca Gatto, Ignazio Marongiu, Andrea Mocci, Alessandro Serpi, Ivan Luigi Spano:
A novel continuous-time equivalent circuit for boost DC-DC converters. 262-267 - Xu Deng, Barrie C. Mecrow, Shady M. Gadoue:
A novel converter topology for 6 phase switched reluctance motor drives. 268-273 - Abhijit Kulkarni, Vinod John:
A novel design method for SOGI-PLL for minimum settling time and low unit vector distortion. 274-279 - Hamid Afshang, Farzad Tahami, Hamed Molla-Ahmadian:
A novel hybrid modeling of DC-DC series resonant converters. 280-286 - Jiong Ma, Hongyang Liu, Hao Ma, Zhihong Bai:
A novel hysteresis loss calculation method of filter inductor in PWM inverters. 287-292 - Shih-Ming Chen, Yong-Hong Huang, Yi-Yuan Chung, Yi-Hsun Hsieh, Tsorng-Juu Liang:
A novel interleaved LLC resonant converter. 293-297 - Xiangfeng Li, Bo Zhang, Dongyuan Qiu:
A novel PWM strategy for three-phase inverters based on controllability theory. 298-303 - Ja-Hwi Cho, Nam-Joon Ku, Ji-Tai Han, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
A simple control method for neutral-point voltage oscillation reduction of three-level Neutral-Point-Clamped inverter. 304-309 - Mehdi Narimani, Venkata Yaramasu, Bin Wu, Navid Reza Zargari, George Cheng, Gerry Moschopoulos:
A simple method for capacitor voltages balancing of diode-clamped multilevel converters using space vector modulation. 310-315 - Chin-Long Wey, Chung-Hsien Hsu, Gang-Neng Sung:
A single-inductor programmable-output (SIPO) DC-DC converter for low power applications. 316-320 - Yanhao Wu, Ziling Nie, Junjie Zhu:
A single-phase400Hz Dynamic Voltage Restorer with PR control. 321-327 - Alfonso Damiano, Ignazio Marongiu, Mario Porru, Alessandro Serpi:
A suitable PWM for DC-link voltage equalization of Three-Level Neutral-Point Clamped Converters. 328-333 - D. S. B. Weerasinghe, Udaya K. Madawala, Duleepa J. Thrimawithana, D. Mahinda Vilathgamuwa:
A technique for improving grid side harmonic distortion of matrix converter based bi-directional IPT systems. 334-339 - Suvankar Biswas, Sairaj V. Dhople, Ned Mohan:
A three-port bidirectional DC-DC converter with zero-ripple terminal currents for PV/microgrid applications. 340-345 - Shan Chai, Liuping Wang:
A unified pulse generation approach for 2L-VSI from SVPWM to direct switching. 346-351 - Serge Raoul Naoussi Dzonde, Hervé Berviller, Charles Hubert Kom, Patrice Wira:
A unique FPGA for the implementation of neural strategies for identifying harmonic distortions. 352-357 - Yuhua Fang, Mingyang Chen, Fenjie Yuan, Menglian Zhao, Yin Zhou, Xiaobo Wu:
A universal LED driver adaptive to multi-topologies based on energy-harvesting system. 358-361 - Guilherme S. da Silva, Rafael Concatto Beltrame, Mário Lúcio da Silva Martins, Luciano Schuch, Hélio Leães Hey, Cassiano Rech:
AC power source based on series-connection between modular multilevel converter and linear power amplifier. 362-367 - Vesa Vaisanen, Jani Hiltunen, Janne Nerg, Pertti Silventoinen:
AC resistance calculation methods and practical design considerations when using litz wire. 368-375 - Piotr Musznicki, Marek Turzynski, Piotr J. Chrzan:
Accurate modeling of quasi-resonant inverter fed IM drive. 376-381 - Ramon Guzman, Luis García de Vicuña, Antonio Camacho, José Matas, Miguel Castilla, Jaume Miret:
Active damping control for a three phase grid-connected inverter using sliding mode control. 382-387 - Amit Vilas Sant, Vinod Khadkikar, Weidong Xiao, Hatem H. Zeineldin, Amer Al-Hinai:
Adaptive control of grid connected photovoltaic inverter for maximum VA utilization. 388-393 - Gen Chen, Jianwen Zhang, Xu Cai:
Adaptive digital gate control for series connected IGBTs. 394-399 - Byong-Jun Park, Ki-Young Choi, Rae-Young Kim:
An active feedforward compensation for a current harmonics reduction in three-phase grid-connected inverters. 400-405 - Nahidul Khan, S. F. Rabbi, Michael J. Hinchey, M. Azizur Rahman:
An adaptive nonlinear MPPT controller for stand alone marine current energy conversion systems. 406-411 - Gianluca Gatto, Ignazio Marongiu, Andrea Mocci, Alessandro Serpi, Ivan Luigi Spano:
An improved averaged model for boost DC-DC converters. 412-417 - Yichao Sun, Jianfeng Zhao, Zhendong Ji:
An improved CPS-PWM method for cascaded multilevel STATCOM under unequal losses. 418-423 - Yacine Daili, Jean-Paul Gaubert, Lazhar Rahmani, Monia Bouzid:
An improved voltage control scheme based on deadbeat-repetitive techniques of a single distributed generation unit in island mode. 424-429 - Syed Sabir Hussain Bukhari, Thomas A. Lipo, Byung-il Kwon:
An inrush current reduction technique for the line-interactive uninterruptible power supply systems. 430-434 - Nimrod Vázquez, Jesús Leyva, Ilse Cervantes, Luis Diaz, Claudia Hernández:
Analysis and study of high DC/DC boost converters. 435-440 - Yvonne Flicker, Felix A. Himmelstoss:
Analysis of a charger with autotransformer. 441-446 - Di Han, Jukkrit Noppakunkajorn, Bulent Sarlioglu:
Analysis of a SiC three-phase voltage source inverter under various current and power factor operations. 447-452 - V. S. S. Pavan Kumar Hari, G. Narayanan, Rex Joseph, Loganathan Umanand:
Analysis of the modulation process in advanced bus-clamping PWM techniques. 453-458 - John Rafferty, D. John Morrow, Lie Xu:
Analysis of VSC-based HVDC system under DC faults. 459-464 - Marcin Zygmanowski, Boguslaw Grzesik, Marek Fulczyk, Radoslaw Nalepa:
Analytical and numerical power loss analysis in Modular Multilevel Converter. 465-470 - Jeronimo Quesada, Jose Antonio Sainz, Rafael Sebastián, Manuel Castro:
Application of real-time fault-tolerant distributed control in parallel operation of inverters. 471-476 - Georgios Kampitsis, Pantelis Stefas, Nikolaos Chrysogelos, Stavros Papathanassiou, Stefanos N. Manias:
Assessment of the reverse operational characteristics of SiC JFETs in a diode-less inverter. 477-482 - Ki-Bum Park, Sami Pettersson, Francisco Canales:
Auxiliary power supply for LV inverter with 1700 V SiC switch. 483-488 - Dong-Yub Hyun, Chang-Soon Lim, Rae-Young Kim, Dong-Seok Hyun:
Averaged modeling and control of a single-phase grid-connected two-stage inverter for battery application. 489-494 - Thomas Souvignet, Thomas Coulot, Yann David, Severin Trochut, Thierry Di Gilio, Bruno Allard:
Black box small-signal model of PMOS LDO voltage regulator. 495-500 - Sara Laali, Ebrahim Babaei:
Capacitor based asymmetric cascaded multilevel inverter with capability of charge balance control methods. 501-506 - Rui Wu, Frede Blaabjerg, Huai Wang, Marco Liserre, Francesco Iannuzzo:
Catastrophic failure and fault-tolerant design of IGBT power electronic converters - an overview. 507-513 - Daiki Satou, Nobukazu Hoshi, Junnosuke Haruna:
Characteristics of cell voltage equalization circuit using LC series circuit in charging and discharging states. 514-519 - Marcelo Hahn Durgante, Haiglan Frank Batista Plotzki, Márcio Stefanello:
Combined active damping with adaptive current control for converters with LCL filters. 520-525 - Ishtiyaq Ahmed Makda, Morten Nymand, Udaya K. Madawala:
Common mode noise modeling and its suppression in ultra-high efficiency full bridge boost converter. 526-531 - Ji-Woong Gong, Suk-Ho Ahn, Hong-Je Ryoo, Sung-Roc Jang:
Comparison of DCM and CCM operated resonant converters for high-voltage capacitor charger. 532-537 - Abel Ferreira, Adriano Carvalho, António Martins, Filipe Pereira, Vitor Sobrado:
Comparison of PWM methods for current harmonic reduction in a non-ideal grid. 538-543 - Manoj Balakrishnan, Mark R. Sweet, Ekkanath Madathil Shankara Narayanan:
Comparison of the thermal properties of polycrystalline diamond and aluminium nitride substrates. 544-548 - Jian Wang, Tianzhi Fang, Xinbo Ruan:
Compound control strategy for distributed input-series-output-parallel inverter system. 549-554 - Nicolae Cristian Sintamarean, Frede Blaabjerg, Huai Wang:
Comprehensive evaluation on efficiency and thermal loading of associated Si and SiC based PV inverter applications. 555-560 - Lais A. Vitoi, Remya Krishna, Deepak E. Soman, Mats Leijon, Sasi K. Kottayil:
Control and implementation of three level boost converter for load voltage regulation. 561-565 - Chaiyant Boonmee, Yuttana Kumsuwan:
Control of single-phase cascaded H-bridge multilevel inverter with modified MPPT for grid-connected photovoltaic systems. 566-571 - Andrés Vazquez Sieber, Hernan Haimovich, Mónica E. Romero:
Control-oriented modelling and adaptive control of a single-phase quasi-Z-source inverter. 572-577 - Nisha Kondrath, Marian K. Kazimierczuk:
Control-to-output transfer function including feed-forward gains of peak current-mode controlled PWM DC-DC converters in CCM. 578-583 - Ki-Bum Park, Dae-Youn Cho, Gun-Woo Moon:
Coupled-inductor boost converter with simple resonant technique. 584-589 - Felix Rojas-Lobos, Ralph Kennel, Roberto Cárdenas-Dobson:
Current control and capacitor balancing for 4-leg NPC converters using finite set model predictive control. 590-595 - Rafael Pena-Alzola, Laszlo Mathe, Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg, Tamas Kerekes:
DC-bias cancellation for phase shift controlled dual active bridge. 596-600 - Jeronimo Quesada, Jose Antonio Sainz, Rafael Sebastián, Manuel Castro:
Decoupled droop control of inverters. 601-606 - Kazuhide Inoue, Tomoharu Nagashima, Xiuqin Wei, Hiroo Sekiya:
Design of high-efficiency inductive-coupled wireless power transfer system with class-DE transmitter and class-E rectifier. 613-618 - Maria Teresa Outeiro, Adriano Carvalho:
Design, implementation and experimental validation of a DC-DC resonant converter for PEM fuel cell applications. 619-624 - Lina Huang, Zhe Zhang, Michael A. E. Andersen:
Detailed behavior analysis for high voltage bidirectional flyback converter driving DEAP actuator. 625-630 - Enrique Ledezma, Kaiyu Wang, Thomas Keister, Ryan Edwards, Randy Pipho, Bhaskara Palle, Devdatta Kulkarni, Thomas E. Salem, John Curtiss Fox, Leila Parsa:
Development of a modular configurable multi-megawatt power amplifier. 631-636 - Michael K. Bourdoulis, Antonio T. Alexandridis:
Direct power flow modeling and simple controller design for ac/dc voltage-source converters. 637-642 - Tomas Komrska, Zdenek Peroutka, Ivan Matuljak:
Distributed compensation including earth fault compensation for renewable energy resources. 643-648 - Hengwei Zhu, Tianzhi Fang, Xinbo Ruan:
Distributed voltage sharing control strategy for input-series-output-series inverters system. 649-654 - Xueguang Zhang, Jiaming Chen, Wenjie Zhang, Dianguo Xu:
Dual updating SVPWM-based circulating current control method for parallel three-phase inverters. 659-664 - Gamal M. Dousoky, Masahito Shoyama, Haitham Abu-Rub:
Dual-mode controller for MPPT in single-stage grid-connected photovoltaic inverters. 665-670 - Francesco A. Gervasio, Rosa A. Mastromauro, Domenico Ricchiuto, Marco Liserre:
Dynamic analysis of active damping methods for LCL-filter-based grid converters. 671-676 - Cristian Busca, Remus Teodorescu, Frede Blaabjerg, Lars Helle, Tusitha Abeyasekera:
Dynamic thermal modelling and analysis of press-pack IGBTs both at component-level and chip-level. 677-682 - Deniss Stepins:
Effect of frequency modulation on input current of switch-mode power converter. 683-688 - Bijan Zahedi, Lars E. Norum:
Efficiency analysis of shipboard dc power systems. 689-694 - Rasmus Ørndrup Nielsen, Lajos Torok, Stig Munk-Nielsen, Frede Blaabjerg:
Efficiency and cost comparison of Si IGBT and SiC JFET isolated DC/DC converters. 695-699 - Maria Carmela di Piazza, Marcello Pucci, Gianpaolo Vitale:
Efficiency modeling in voltage source inverters with several PWM techniques: A unified approach. 700-705 - Fernando Beltrame, Fabricio H. Dupont, Hamiltom C. Sartori, Everton C. Cancian, Cassiano Rech, Jose Renes Pinheiro:
Efficiency optimization of DC/DC boost converter applied to the photovoltaic system. 706-711 - Giuseppe Greco, Giovanni Vinci, Gaetano Bazzano, Angelo Raciti, Davide Cristaldi:
Electro-thermal model of Integrated Power Electronics Modules based on an innovative layered approach. 712-717 - Shan Yin, Tao Wang, King-Jet Tseng, Jiyun Zhao, Xiaolei Hu:
Electro-thermal modeling of SiC power devices for circuit simulation. 718-723 - Edgar Baeza, Nimrod Vázquez, Elias Rodríguez, Claudia Hernández:
Electronic ballast based on the quasi 'Z' source inverter for HID lamp. 724-729 - Can Wang, Boon-Teck Ooi:
Elimination of low frequency harmonics of modular multilevel converters (MMC): Implications to MMC HVDC and STATCOM. 730-735 - Zian Qin, Marco Liserre, Frede Blaabjerg, Huai Wang:
Energy storage system by means of improved thermal performance of a 3 MW grid side wind power converter. 736-742