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IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, Volume 48
Volume 48, Number 1, January 2018
- Deepti Moyi Sahoo, Snehashish Chakraverty
Functional Link Neural Network Learning for Response Prediction of Tall Shear Buildings With Respect to Earthquake Data. 1-10 - Jason Deutsch, David He
Using Deep Learning-Based Approach to Predict Remaining Useful Life of Rotating Components. 11-20 - Hongke Zhao
, Qi Liu, Hengshu Zhu
, Yong Ge, Enhong Chen, Yan Zhu, Junping Du:
A Sequential Approach to Market State Modeling and Analysis in Online P2P Lending. 21-33 - Suli Zou, Zhongjing Ma
, Xiangdong Liu:
Auction-Based Mechanism for Dynamic and Efficient Resource Allocation. 34-49 - Po Yang
, Dainius Stankevicius, Vaidotas Marozas, Zhikun Deng, Enjie Liu
, Arunas Lukosevicius
, Feng Dong, Lida Xu, Geyong Min
Lifelogging Data Validation Model for Internet of Things Enabled Personalized Healthcare. 50-64 - Xiang Feng, Yuanbo Wang, Huiqun Yu, Fei Luo:
A Novel Intelligence Algorithm Based on the Social Group Optimization Behaviors. 65-76 - Bo Huang
, MengChu Zhou
, PeiYun Zhang, Jian Yang:
Speedup Techniques for Multiobjective Integer Programs in Designing Optimal and Structurally Simple Supervisors of AMS. 77-88 - Fang Yu, Qing Zhou
, Xiaoshan Lu, Sen Zhao:
A First-Order Logic Framework of Major Choosing Decision Making With an Uncertain Reasoning Function. 89-98 - Vanessa Tavares Nunes
, Flávia Maria Santoro, Cláudia Maria Lima Werner
, Célia Ghedini Ralha
Real-Time Process Adaptation: A Context-Aware Replanning Approach. 99-118 - Dashuang Li, Chaoyong Zhang
, Guangdong Tian, Xinyu Shao, Zhiwu Li:
Multiobjective Program and Hybrid Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for the Mixed-Model Two-Sided Assembly Lines Subject to Multiple Constraints. 119-129 - WangYang Yu
, Chungang Yan, Zhijun Ding, Changjun Jiang, Mengchu Zhou
Analyzing E-Commerce Business Process Nets via Incidence Matrix and Reduction. 130-141 - Sagar Akhegaonkar, Lydie Nouvelière
, Sebastien Glaser
, Frédéric Holzmann:
Smart and Green ACC: Energy and Safety Optimization Strategies for EVs. 142-153 - Maria Pia Fanti
, Gregory Faraut, Jean-Jacques Lesage, Michele Roccotelli:
An Integrated Framework for Binary Sensor Placement and Inhabitants Location Tracking. 154-160
Volume 48, Number 2, February 2018
- Yun Ho Choi, Sung Jin Yoo
Filter-Driven-Approximation-Based Control for a Class of Pure-Feedback Systems With Unknown Nonlinearities by State and Output Feedback. 161-176 - Haidong Zhang
, Wancheng Ni, Xin Li
, Yiping Yang:
Modeling the Heterogeneous Duration of User Interest in Time-Dependent Recommendation: A Hidden Semi-Markov Approach. 177-194 - Abbas Fotouhi
, Daniel J. Auger
, Karsten Propp, Stefano Longo
Accuracy Versus Simplicity in Online Battery Model Identification. 195-206 - Ahmed F. Al-Eroud
, George Karabatis:
Queryable Semantics to Detect Cyber-Attacks: A Flow-Based Detection Approach. 207-223 - Yutaka Hata
, Yuya Takashima, Koki Tsukuda, Sho Kikuchi, Tomomoto Ishikawa:
Ultrasonic-Frequency-Based Visualization of Columnar Soft Matter Beyond Wavelength Limitations. 224-231 - Yong Xu, Lunke Fei, Jie Wen
, David Zhang:
Discriminative and Robust Competitive Code for Palmprint Recognition. 232-241 - Lei Zhang
, David Zhang:
Efficient Solutions for Discreteness, Drift, and Disturbance (3D) in Electronic Olfaction. 242-254 - Jing Zou
, Qing Chang
, Yong Lei
, Jorge Arinez:
Production System Performance Identification Using Sensor Data. 255-264 - Ata Allah Taleizadeh, Emad Sane-Zerang, Tsan-Ming Choi
The Effect of Marketing Effort on Dual-Channel Closed-Loop Supply Chain Systems. 265-276 - Xianghu Meng, Jun Li
, MengChu Zhou
, Xianzhong Dai, Jianping Dou:
Population-Based Incremental Learning Algorithm for a Serial Colored Traveling Salesman Problem. 277-288 - FaJun Yang, Naiqi Wu, Yan Qiao, MengChu Zhou
Optimal One-Wafer Cyclic Scheduling of Hybrid Multirobot Cluster Tools With Tree Topology. 289-298 - Jun Li
, Xiaolong Yu, MengChu Zhou
, Xianzhong Dai:
Lean Reachability Tree for Unbounded Petri Nets. 299-308 - Wangyan Li
, Guoliang Wei
, Derui Ding
, Yurong Liu, Fuad E. Alsaadi
A New Look at Boundedness of Error Covariance of Kalman Filtering. 309-314
Volume 48, Number 3, March 2018
- Bowen Dai
, Huihui Li, Lei Wei:
Image Processing Unit for General-Purpose Representation and Association System for Recognizing Low-Resolution Digits With Visual Information Variability. 317-328 - Shiping Wang
, William Zhu
Sparse Graph Embedding Unsupervised Feature Selection. 329-341 - Yajun Zhang
, Tianyou Chai, Dianhui Wang, Xinkai Chen
Virtual Unmodeled Dynamics Modeling for Nonlinear Multivariable Adaptive Control With Decoupling Design. 342-353 - Haifeng Sima
, Ping Guo
, Youfeng Zou, Zhiheng Wang, Mingliang Xu:
Bottom-Up Merging Segmentation for Color Images With Complex Areas. 354-365 - Vyacheslav I. Yukalov
, Didier Sornette:
Quantitative Predictions in Quantum Decision Theory. 366-381 - Joaquín Abellán
, Éloi Bossé:
Drawbacks of Uncertainty Measures Based on the Pignistic Transformation. 382-388 - Qinghua Zhu
, MengChu Zhou
, Yan Qiao, Naiqi Wu:
Petri Net Modeling and Scheduling of a Close-Down Process for Time-Constrained Single-Arm Cluster Tools. 389-400 - Zhangbing Zhou
, Deng Zhao
, Gerhard P. Hancke, Lei Shu
, Yunchuan Sun:
Cache-Aware Query Optimization in Multiapplication Sharing Wireless Sensor Networks. 401-417 - Youngtae Noh
, Hirozumi Yamaguchi
, Uichin Lee:
Infrastructure-Free Collaborative Indoor Positioning Scheme for Time-Critical Team Operations. 418-432 - Giacomo Boracchi
, Michalis P. Michaelides
, Manuel Roveri
A Cognitive Monitoring System for Detecting and Isolating Contaminants and Faults in Intelligent Buildings. 433-447 - Qin Zhao
, Cheng Wang, Pengwei Wang
, MengChu Zhou
, Changjun Jiang:
A Novel Method on Information Recommendation via Hybrid Similarity. 448-459 - Kaspar Riesen
, Thomas Hanne, Roman Schmidt:
Sketch-Based User Authentication With a Novel String Edit Distance Model. 460-472 - Guanghui Wen
, Ying Wan
, Jinde Cao
, Tingwen Huang
, Wenwu Yu
Master-Slave Synchronization of Heterogeneous Systems Under Scheduling Communication. 473-484
Volume 48, Number 4, April 2018
- Rajendran Samidurai, Raman Manivannan
, Choon Ki Ahn
, Hamid Reza Karimi
New Criteria for Stability of Generalized Neural Networks Including Markov Jump Parameters and Additive Time Delays. 485-499 - Yu Kang, Zerui Li, Yun-Bo Zhao, Jiahu Qin
, Weiguo Song:
A Novel Location Strategy for Minimizing Monitors in Vehicle Emission Remote Sensing System. 500-510 - Chao Li, Derong Liu
, Ding Wang
Data-Based Optimal Control for Weakly Coupled Nonlinear Systems Using Policy Iteration. 511-521 - Weiwei Fang, Xuening Yao, Xiaojie Zhao, Jianwei Yin, Naixue Xiong
A Stochastic Control Approach to Maximize Profit on Service Provisioning for Mobile Cloudlet Platforms. 522-534 - Zhouhua Peng, Jun Wang
Output-Feedback Path-Following Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles Based on an Extended State Observer and Projection Neural Networks. 535-544 - Xinyu Wang, Tsan-Ming Choi
, Haikuo Liu
, Xiaohang Yue:
A Novel Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for Emergency Transportation Problems During Post-Disaster Scenarios. 545-556 - Seon Han Choi
, Tag Gon Kim:
Optimal Subset Selection of Stochastic Model Using Statistical Hypothesis Test. 557-564 - Shahram Azizi
, Anthony Quinn:
Hierarchical Fully Probabilistic Design for Deliberator-Based Merging in Multiple Participant Systems. 565-573 - Fanny Camelia
, Timothy L. J. Ferris:
Validation Studies of a Questionnaire Developed to Measure Students' Engagement With Systems Thinking. 574-585 - Francesco Tedesco
, Carlos Ocampo-Martinez, Alessandro Casavola, Vicenç Puig
Centralized and Distributed Command Governor Approaches for Water Supply Systems Management. 586-595 - Yue Cao
, Tong Wang, Omprakash Kaiwartya, Geyong Min
, Naveed Ahmad, Abdul Hanan Abdullah:
An EV Charging Management System Concerning Drivers' Trip Duration and Mobility Uncertainty. 596-607 - Jianxiong Zhang
, Rui Dai
, Qiao Zhang, Wansheng Tang
An Optimal Energy Efficiency Investment and Product Pricing Strategy in a Two-Market Framework. 608-621 - Yan Qiao, Naiqi Wu, FaJun Yang, MengChu Zhou
, Qinghua Zhu:
Wafer Sojourn Time Fluctuation Analysis of Time-Constrained Dual-Arm Cluster Tools With Wafer Revisiting and Activity Time Variation. 622-636 - Yaniv Mordecai
, Ori Orhof, Dov Dori:
Model-Based Interoperability Engineering in Systems-of-Systems and Civil Aviation. 637-648 - Yewang Chen
, Shengyu Tang, Songwen Pei
, Cheng Wang, Jixiang Du, Naixue Xiong:
DHeat: A Density Heat-Based Algorithm for Clustering With Effective Radius. 649-660
Volume 48, Number 5, May 2018
- Rui Ma
, Fei Hu
An Intelligent Thermal Sensing System for Automatic, Quantitative Assessment of Motion Training in Lower-Limb Rehabilitation. 661-669 - Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu
, Anders Glent Buch, Christian Schlette, Nils Wantia, Jürgen Roßmann
, David Martínez Martínez, Guillem Alenyà
, Carme Torras
, Ales Ude
, Bojan Nemec, Aljaz Kramberger
, Florentin Wörgötter, Eren Erdal Aksoy
, Jeremie Papon, Simon Haller, Justus H. Piater, Norbert Krüger
Teaching a Robot the Semantics of Assembly Tasks. 670-692 - Long Jin
, Shuai Li
Distributed Task Allocation of Multiple Robots: A Control Perspective. 693-701 - Mathilde Machin, Jérémie Guiochet, Hélène Waeselynck
, Jean-Paul Blanquart, Matthieu Roy, Lola Masson:
SMOF: A Safety Monitoring Framework for Autonomous Systems. 702-715 - Zirui Xing, Yuanqing Xia
, Liping Yan, Kunfeng Lu, Qinghai Gong:
Multisensor Distributed Weighted Kalman Filter Fusion With Network Delays, Stochastic Uncertainties, Autocorrelated, and Cross-Correlated Noises. 716-726 - Mark J. Mcghee
, Victoria M. Catterson
, Blair Brown:
Prognostic Modeling Utilizing a High-Fidelity Pressurized Water Reactor Simulator. 727-732 - Ming Yue
, Cong An, Zhijun Li
Constrained Adaptive Robust Trajectory Tracking for WIP Vehicles Using Model Predictive Control and Extended State Observer. 733-742 - Xiaoping Li
, Yulu Jiang, Rubén Ruiz
Methods for Scheduling Problems Considering Experience, Learning, and Forgetting Effects. 743-754 - Weibin Yang, Bin Fang
, Yuan Yan Tang:
Fast and Accurate Vanishing Point Detection and Its Application in Inverse Perspective Mapping of Structured Road. 755-766 - Ruibing Wang
, Qinglong Gou
, Tsan-Ming Choi
, Liang Liang:
Advertising Strategies for Mobile Platforms With "Apps". 767-778 - Derui Ding
, Zidong Wang
, Qing-Long Han
, Guoliang Wei
Security Control for Discrete-Time Stochastic Nonlinear Systems Subject to Deception Attacks. 779-789 - Xiaolong Zheng
, Ling Wang
A Collaborative Multiobjective Fruit Fly Optimization Algorithm for the Resource Constrained Unrelated Parallel Machine Green Scheduling Problem. 790-800 - Shichang Du
, Rui Xu, Lin Li:
Modeling and Analysis of Multiproduct Multistage Manufacturing System for Quality Improvement. 801-820
Volume 48, Number 6, June 2018
- Y. Ramu Naidu
, Akshay K. Ojha:
Solving Multiobjective Optimization Problems Using Hybrid Cooperative Invasive Weed Optimization With Multiple Populations. 821-832 - Deqiang Han
, Jean Dezert, Yi Yang:
Belief Interval-Based Distance Measures in the Theory of Belief Functions. 833-850 - Haibin Zhu
, Yin Sheng, Xianzhong Zhou, Yu Zhu:
Group Role Assignment With Cooperation and Conflict Factors. 851-863 - Xunyuan Yin
, Zhaojian Li, Lixian Zhang, Minghao Han
Distributed State Estimation of Sensor-Network Systems Subject to Markovian Channel Switching With Application to a Chemical Process. 864-874 - Qinglai Wei
, Frank L. Lewis, Derong Liu
, Ruizhuo Song, Hanquan Lin:
Discrete-Time Local Value Iteration Adaptive Dynamic Programming: Convergence Analysis. 875-891 - Maroua Gasmi, Olfa Mosbahi, Mohamed Khalgui
, Luís Gomes, Zhiwu Li
R-Node: New Pipelined Approach for an Effective Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Node. 892-905 - Suk Hoon Jung
, Gunwoo Lee, Dongsoo Han:
Methods and Tools to Construct a Global Indoor Positioning System. 906-919 - Gregory Levitin, Liudong Xing
, Yuanshun Dai:
Optimizing Dynamic Performance of Multistate Systems With Heterogeneous 1-Out-of-N Warm Standby Components. 920-929 - Chuanbo Wen, Zidong Wang
, Qinyuan Liu, Fuad E. Alsaadi
Recursive Distributed Filtering for a Class of State-Saturated Systems With Fading Measurements and Quantization Effects. 930-941 - Hanlin Yin, X. Rong Li
, Jian Lan:
Pairwise Comparison Based Ranking Vector Approach to Estimation Performance Ranking. 942-953 - Fu-Jun Zhao, Zhi-Jie Zhou
, Chang-Hua Hu, Lei-Lei Chang
, Zhiguo Zhou, Gai-Ling Li:
A New Evidential Reasoning-Based Method for Online Safety Assessment of Complex Systems. 954-966 - Sarala Padi
, Spencer Breiner, Eswaran Subrahmanian
, Ram D. Sriram:
Modeling and Analysis of Indian Carnatic Music Using Category Theory. 967-981 - Guangxu Li, Gang Kou
, Yi Peng
A Group Decision Making Model for Integrating Heterogeneous Information. 982-992 - Hong He, Yonghong Tan
Pattern Clustering of Hysteresis Time Series With Multivalued Mapping Using Tensor Decomposition. 993-1004 - Qingcong Wu
, Xingsong Wang
, Bai Chen, Hongtao Wu:
Development of a Minimal-Intervention-Based Admittance Control Strategy for Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Exoskeleton. 1005-1016 - Gonzalo Mejía
, Juan Pablo Caballero-Villalobos
, Carlos Montoya:
Petri Nets and Deadlock-Free Scheduling of Open Shop Manufacturing Systems. 1017-1028
Volume 48, Number 7, July 2018
- Hui Cao
, Xingyu Yan, Shuo Yang, Hongliang Ren
, Shuzhi Sam Ge
Low-Cost Pyrometry System With Nonlinear Multisense Partial Least Squares. 1029-1038 - Yong Xie
, Hongwei Wang
, Hui Lu:
Coordination of Supply Chains With a Retailer Under the Mean-CVaR Criterion. 1039-1053 - Jiuhua Zhao
, Qipeng Liu, Lin Wang, Xiaofan Wang:
Competitiveness Maximization on Complex Networks. 1054-1064 - Yimin Yang
, Q. M. Jonathan Wu
, Yaonan Wang:
Autoencoder With Invertible Functions for Dimension Reduction and Image Reconstruction. 1065-1079 - Guoqiang Liang, Xuguang Lan
, Jiang Wang, Jianji Wang
, Nanning Zheng:
A Limb-Based Graphical Model for Human Pose Estimation. 1080-1092 - Guangdong Tian
, Honghao Zhang, MengChu Zhou
, Zhiwu Li
AHP, Gray Correlation, and TOPSIS Combined Approach to Green Performance Evaluation of Design Alternatives. 1093-1105 - Zhenyun Shi
, Jiawen Tian
, Ruidong Luo, Gang Zhao, Tianmiao Wang:
Multifeedback Control of a Shape Memory Alloy Actuator and a Trial Application. 1106-1119 - Hanen Grichi, Olfa Mosbahi
, Mohamed Khalgui
, Zhiwu Li
New Power-Oriented Methodology for Dynamic Resizing and Mobility of Reconfigurable Wireless Sensor Networks. 1120-1130 - Honglei Lin
, Shuli Sun
Distributed Fusion Estimator for Multisensor Multirate Systems With Correlated Noises. 1131-1139 - Jianlou Si
, Honggang Zhang, Chun-Guang Li
, Jun Guo:
Spatial Pyramid-Based Statistical Features for Person Re-Identification: A Comprehensive Evaluation. 1140-1154 - Shengri Xue, Xuebo Yang, Zhan Li, Huijun Gao
An Approach to Fault Detection for Multirate Sampled-Data Systems With Frequency Specifications. 1155-1165 - Jiliang Luo, Qi Zhang, Xuekun Chen, MengChu Zhou
Modeling and Race Detection of Ladder Diagrams via Ordinary Petri Nets. 1166-1176 - Dou An, Qingyu Yang, Wei Yu
, Xinyu Yang, Xinwen Fu, Wei Zhao
SODA: Strategy-Proof Online Double Auction Scheme for Multimicrogrids Bidding. 1177-1190 - Maha Elarbi
, Slim Bechikh
, Abhishek Gupta
, Lamjed Ben Said
, Yew-Soon Ong
A New Decomposition-Based NSGA-II for Many-Objective Optimization. 1191-1210
Volume 48, Number 8, August 2018
- Ze Tang, Ju H. Park
, Hao Shen
Finite-Time Cluster Synchronization of Lur'e Networks: A Nonsmooth Approach. 1213-1224 - Chih-Yung Chang
, Yu-Ting Cheng, Cheng-Chang Chen, Chao-Tsun Chang:
Impasse-Aware Node Placement Mechanism for Wireless Sensor Networks. 1225-1237 - Vatana An
, Zhihua Qu, Rodney Roberts:
A Rainbow Coverage Path Planning for a Patrolling Mobile Robot With Circular Sensing Range. 1238-1254 - Prasenjit Dey
, Kaustuv Nag
, Tandra Pal
, Nikhil R. Pal
Regularizing Multilayer Perceptron for Robustness. 1255-1266 - Beatrice Lazzerini
, Francesco Pistolesi
Multiobjective Personnel Assignment Exploiting Workers' Sensitivity to Risk. 1267-1282 - Monica Clemente, Maria Pia Fanti
, Giorgio Iacobellis, Massimiliano Nolich
, Walter Ukovich:
A Decision Support System for User-Based Vehicle Relocation in Car Sharing Systems. 1283-1296 - Muhammad Rehan
, Atif Jameel
, Choon Ki Ahn
Distributed Consensus Control of One-Sided Lipschitz Nonlinear Multiagent Systems. 1297-1308 - Pushpendra Kumar
, Rochdi Merzouki, Belkacem Ould Bouamama:
Multilevel Modeling of System of Systems. 1309-1320 - Ivan Maurovic, Marija Seder
, Kruno Lenac, Ivan Petrovic
Path Planning for Active SLAM Based on the D* Algorithm With Negative Edge Weights. 1321-1331 - Hua-xing Zhong
, Min Liu, Jinghua Hao, Shenglong Jiang:
An Operation-Group Based Soft Scheduling Approach for Uncertain Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication System. 1332-1347 - Fangbo Qin
, Fei Shen, Dapeng Zhang, Xilong Liu, De Xu
Contour Primitives of Interest Extraction Method for Microscopic Images and Its Application on Pose Measurement. 1348-1359 - Jianhong Ye, MengChu Zhou
, Zhiwu Li
, Abdulrahman Al-Ahmari
Structural Decomposition and Decentralized Control of Petri Nets. 1360-1369 - Shengze Cai
, Yongbin Huang, Bo Ye, Chao Xu
Dynamic Illumination Optical Flow Computing for Sensing Multiple Mobile Robots From a Drone. 1370-1382 - Lei Chen
, Xinghuo Yu
, Changyin Sun
Characteristic Modeling Approach for Complex Network Systems. 1383-1388 - Jialin Yu
, Jifeng Sun
Multiactivity 3-D Human Pose Tracking in Incorporated Motion Model with Transition Bridges. 1389-1402 - Shouguang Wang, Dan You
, Carla Seatzu:
A Novel Approach for Constraint Transformation in Petri Nets With Uncontrollable Transitions. 1403-1410