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CoRR, May 2015
- Asbjørn Brændeland:
Rule based lexicographical permutation sequences. - Anthony Di Franco:
FIFTH system for general-purpose connectionist computation. - Masoud Bozorgi, Rohan Nayak, Arslan Zaffar, Mohammad Iftekharul Hoque, Saad Anwer Ghouri, Harmeet Singh, Parminder Singh Kalshan:
A Case Study on Quality Attribute Measurement using MARF and GIPSY. - Tyler Hannan, Chester Holtz, Jonathan Liao:
Comparative Analysis of Classic Garbage-Collection Algorithms for a Lisp-like Language. - Lucas Janson, Brian Ichter, Marco Pavone:
Deterministic Sampling-Based Motion Planning: Optimality, Complexity, and Performance. - Zhiqing Xiao, Jun Chen, Yunzhou Li, Jing Wang:
Distributed Multilevel Diversity Coding. - Amit Datta, Anupam Datta, Ariel D. Procaccia, Yair Zick:
Influence in Classification via Cooperative Game Theory. - Maria-Florina Balcan, Ariel D. Procaccia, Yair Zick:
Learning Cooperative Games. - Mohammad Ehab Ragab:
Overlapping and Non-overlapping Camera Layouts for Robot Pose Estimation. - Yun Tian, Bojian Xu, Yanqing Ji, Jesse Scholer:
CloudTree: A Library to Extend Cloud Services for Trees. - Wenhong Tian, GuoZhong Li, Xinyang Wang, Qin Xiong, Yaqiu Jiang:
Transforming NP to P: An Approach to Solve NP Complete Problems. - Marcus Vinícius Midena Ramos, Ruy J. G. B. de Queiroz:
Context-Free Language Theory Formalization. - Ben Appleton, Michael O'Reilly:
Multi-probe consistent hashing. - Shubham Tulsiani, João Carreira, Jitendra Malik:
Pose Induction for Novel Object Categories. - Lisa Huynh, Yotam I. Gingold:
Bijective Deformations in Rn via Integral Curve Coordinates. - Kunal N. Chaudhury, Kollipara Rithwik:
Image Denoising using Optimally Weighted Bilateral Filters: A Sure and Fast Approach. - Shaoqiu Zheng, Junzhi Li, Andreas Janecek, Ying Tan:
A Cooperative Framework for Fireworks Algorithm. - Meisam Mirahsan, Rainer Schoenen, Halim Yanikomeroglu:
HetHetNets: Heterogeneous Traffic Distribution in Heterogeneous Wireless Cellular Networks. - Kunal N. Chaudhury:
Fast and Accurate Bilateral Filtering using Gauss-Polynomial Decomposition. - Spyros Chatzivasileiadis, Marco Bonvini, Javier Matanza, Rongxin Yin, Zhenhua Liu, Thierry S. Nouidui, Emre Can Kara, Rajiv Parmar, David Lorenzetti, Michael Wetter, Sila Kiliccote:
Cyber physical modeling of distributed resources for distribution system operations. - Zhuojie Zhou, Nan Zhang, Gautam Das:
Leveraging History for Faster Sampling of Online Social Networks. - Mohammadali Mohammadi, Himal A. Suraweera, Gan Zheng, Caijun Zhong, Ioannis Krikidis:
Full-Duplex MIMO Relaying Powered by Wireless Energy Transfer. - Lingxiao Huang, Jian Li, Qicai Shi:
Approximation Algorithms for the Connected Sensor Cover Problem. - Taotao Wang, Soung Chang Liew:
Frequency-Asynchronous Multiuser Joint Channel-Parameter Estimation, CFO Compensation and Channel Decoding. - Paul Beame, Vincent Liew, Mihai Patrascu:
Finding the Median (Obliviously) with Bounded Space. - Dan Pelleg, Elad Yom-Tov, Evgeniy Gabrilovich:
On the Effect of Human-Computer Interfaces on Language Expression. - Eshan Chattopadhyay, Vipul Goyal, Xin Li:
Non-Malleable Extractors and Codes, with their Many Tampered Extensions. - Hongping Cai, Qi Wu, Tadeo Corradi, Peter Hall:
The Cross-Depiction Problem: Computer Vision Algorithms for Recognising Objects in Artwork and in Photographs. - Bin Guo, Chao Chen, Daqing Zhang, Zhiwen Yu, Alvin Chin:
Mobile Crowd Sensing and Computing: When Participatory Sensing Meets Participatory Social Media. - Anas Chaaban, Aydin Sezgin:
Device-Relaying in Cellular D2D Networks: A Fairness Perspective. - Alberto Baccini, Giuseppe De Nicolao:
Do they agree? Bibliometric evaluation vs informed peer review in the Italian research assessment exercise. - Younes Abdi, Tapani Ristaniemi:
Random Interruptions in Cooperation for Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radio Networks. - Johannes Schiffer, Daniele Zonetti, Romeo Ortega, Aleksandar M. Stankovic, Tevfik Sezi, Jörg Raisch:
Modeling of microgrids - from fundamental physics to phasors and voltage sources. - Dimitri Kartsaklis:
Compositional Distributional Semantics with Compact Closed Categories and Frobenius Algebras. - Pierre-Yves Chevalier, Julien M. Hendrickx, Raphaël M. Jungers:
Reachability of Consensus and Synchronizing Automata. - Ferran Cabezas, Axel Carlier, Amaia Salvador, Xavier Giró-i-Nieto, Vincent Charvillat:
Quality Control in Crowdsourced Object Segmentation. - Yingce Xia, Haifang Li, Tao Qin, Nenghai Yu, Tie-Yan Liu:
Thompson Sampling for Budgeted Multi-armed Bandits. - Gerth Stølting Brodal, Jesper Sindahl Nielsen, Jakob Truelsen:
Strictly Implicit Priority Queues: On the Number of Moves and Worst-Case Time. - Tony Clark
, Paul Sammut, James S. Willans:
Applied Metamodelling: A Foundation for Language Driven Development (Third Edition). - Yang Huang, Bruno Clerckx:
Joint Wireless Information and Power Transfer for an Autonomous Multiple Antenna Relay System. - Danushka Bollegala
, Takanori Maehara, Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi:
Embedding Semantic Relations into Word Representations. - Joseph Y. Halpern:
A Modification of the Halpern-Pearl Definition of Causality. - Jan-Henrik Haunert, Benjamin Niedermann:
An Algorithmic Framework for Labeling Network Maps. - Manan Mohan Goyal, Neha Agrawal, Manoj Kumar Sarma, Nayan Jyoti Kalita:
Comparison Clustering using Cosine and Fuzzy set based Similarity Measures of Text Documents. - Ankur Handa, Viorica Patraucean, Vijay Badrinarayanan, Simon Stent, Roberto Cipolla:
SynthCam3D: Semantic Understanding With Synthetic Indoor Scenes. - Tuhin Borgohain, Sugata Sanyal:
Technical Analysis of Security Infrastructure in RFID Technology. - Iwan M. Duursma:
Shortened regenerating codes. - Weisi Guo, Bin Li, Siyi Wang, Wei Liu:
Molecular Communications with Longitudinal Carrier Waves: Baseband to Passband Modulation. - Peyman Afshani, Jérémy Barbay, Timothy M. Chan:
Instance Optimal Geometric Algorithms. - Justin Solomon:
PDE Approaches to Graph Analysis. - Sabyasachi Mukhopadhyay, Soham Mandal, Sawon Pratiher, Ritwik Barman, M. Venkatesh, Nirmalya Ghosh, Prasanta K. Panigrahi:
Application of S-Transform on Hyper kurtosis based Modified Duo Histogram Equalized DIC images for Pre-cancer Detection. - Heike Benninghoff, Harald Garcke:
Segmentation and Restoration of Images on Surfaces by Parametric Active Contours with Topology Changes. - Shameem Ahamed Puthiya Parambath, Nicolas Usunier, Yves Grandvalet:
Theory of Optimizing Pseudolinear Performance Measures: Application to F-measure. - Jingjin Yu, Daniela Rus:
An Effective Algorithmic Framework for Near Optimal Multi-Robot Path Planning. - Boris Motik, Yavor Nenov, Robert Piro, Ian Horrocks:
Combining Rewriting and Incremental Materialisation Maintenance for Datalog Programs with Equality. - Yuri Boykov, Hossam N. Isack, Carl Olsson, Ismail Ben Ayed:
Volumetric Bias in Segmentation and Reconstruction: Secrets and Solutions. - Chaitanya Krishna Kande:
Discussion of various models related to cloud performance. - Manuel Wüthrich, Peter Pastor, Mrinal Kalakrishnan, Jeannette Bohg, Stefan Schaal:
Probabilistic Object Tracking using a Range Camera. - Aleksandar Nikolov:
An Improved Private Mechanism for Small Databases. - Aleksandar Zlateski, H. Sebastian Seung:
Image Segmentation by Size-Dependent Single Linkage Clustering of a Watershed Basin Graph. - Manuel Wüthrich, Jeannette Bohg, Daniel Kappler, Claudia Pfreundt, Stefan Schaal:
The Coordinate Particle Filter - A novel Particle Filter for High Dimensional Systems. - Ganesh Reddy Pittu:
Generating Primes Using Partitions. - Chenyi Chen, Ari Seff, Alain L. Kornhauser, Jianxiong Xiao:
DeepDriving: Learning Affordance for Direct Perception in Autonomous Driving. - Yanyan Zeng, K. Alex Mills, Shreyas Gokhale, Neeraj Mittal, S. Venkatesan, Ramaswamy Chandrasekaran:
Robust Neighbor Discovery in Multi-Hop Multi-Channel Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. - Marcelo Pereyra, Philip Schniter, Emilie Chouzenoux, Jean-Christophe Pesquet, Jean-Yves Tourneret, Alfred O. Hero III, Steve McLaughlin
Tutorial on Stochastic Simulation and Optimization Methods in Signal Processing. - Miao Liu, Christopher Amato, Xuejun Liao, Lawrence Carin, Jonathan P. How:
Stick-Breaking Policy Learning in Dec-POMDPs. - Peng Wang, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen, Brian L. Price, Alan L. Yuille:
Joint Object and Part Segmentation using Deep Learned Potentials. - Dana Movshovitz-Attias, William W. Cohen:
Grounded Discovery of Coordinate Term Relationships between Software Entities. - Björn Persson Mattsson, Tomás Vajda, Michal Certický:
Automatic Observer Script for StarCraft: Brood War Bot Games (technical report). - Benjamin Rosman, Majd Hawasly, Subramanian Ramamoorthy:
Bayesian Policy Reuse. - Andrew J. R. Simpson, Gerard Roma, Mark D. Plumbley:
Deep Remix: Remixing Musical Mixtures Using a Convolutional Deep Neural Network. - Rasmus Kyng, Anup Rao, Sushant Sachdeva, Daniel A. Spielman:
Algorithms for Lipschitz Learning on Graphs. - Nirav Bhatt, Arun Ayyar:
Monotonous (Semi-)Nonnegative Matrix Factorization. - Jacob Walker, Abhinav Gupta, Martial Hebert:
Dense Optical Flow Prediction from a Static Image. - Limin Wang, Zhe Wang, Wenbin Du, Yu Qiao:
Object-Scene Convolutional Neural Networks for Event Recognition in Images. - Ahmed Alkhateeb, Geert Leus, Robert W. Heath Jr.:
Compressed Sensing Based Multi-User Millimeter Wave Systems: How Many Measurements Are Needed? - Ahmed Alkhateeb, Robert W. Heath Jr., Geert Leus:
Achievable Rates of Multi-User Millimeter Wave Systems with Hybrid Precoding. - Tejaswi Nimmagadda, Anima Anandkumar:
Multi-Object Classification and Unsupervised Scene Understanding Using Deep Learning Features and Latent Tree Probabilistic Models. - Shankar Narasimhan, Nirav P. Bhatt:
Deconstructing Principal Component Analysis Using a Data Reconciliation Perspective. - Vignesh Ramanathan, Kevin D. Tang, Greg Mori, Li Fei-Fei:
Learning Temporal Embeddings for Complex Video Analysis. - William Curran, Tim Brys, Matthew E. Taylor, William D. Smart:
Using PCA to Efficiently Represent State Spaces. - Antoine Amarilli, Michael Benedikt:
Combining Existential Rules and Description Logics (Extended Version). - Jun Zhu, Robert Schober, Vijay K. Bhargava:
Linear Precoding of Data and Artificial Noise in Secure Massive MIMO Systems. - Chengqing Li:
Cracking a hierarchical chaotic image encryption algorithm based on permutation. - Edith Elkind, Martin Lackner:
Structure in Dichotomous Preferences. - Robert Merrison-Hort
Fireflies: New software for interactively exploring dynamical systems using GPU computing. - Azra Abtahi, Mahmood Modarres-Hashemi, Farokh Marvasti, Foroogh S. Tabataba:
Performance Improvement of Block CS-Based Distributed MIMO Radars. - Xi Yin, Xiaoming Liu, Jin Chen, David M. Kramer:
Joint Multi-Leaf Segmentation, Alignment and Tracking from Fluorescence Plant Videos. - Aicha Batoul, Kenza Guenda, T. Aaron Gulliver:
On Repeated-Root Constacyclic Codes of Length $2^amp^r$ over Finite Fields. - Marek Chrobak, Mordecai J. Golin, J. Ian Munro, Neal E. Young:
Optimal search trees with equality tests. - Harm de Vries, Jason Yosinski:
Can deep learning help you find the perfect match? - Zlatko Drmac, Serkan Gugercin:
A New Selection Operator for the Discrete Empirical Interpolation Method - improved a priori error bound and extensions. - Jan Verschelde, Xiangcheng Yu:
Tracking Many Solution Paths of a Polynomial Homotopy on a Graphics Processing Unit. - Abhinav Tushar:
Making Sense of Hidden Layer Information in Deep Networks by Learning Hierarchical Targets. - Rupesh Kumar Srivastava, Klaus Greff, Jürgen Schmidhuber:
Highway Networks. - Mark Bun, Mark Zhandry:
Order-Revealing Encryption and the Hardness of Private Learning. - Zhaoxin Li, Kuanquan Wang, Wangmeng Zuo, Deyu Meng, Lei Zhang:
Detail-preserving and Content-aware Variational Multi-view Stereo Reconstruction. - Thodoris Lykouris, Vasilis Syrgkanis, Éva Tardos:
Learning and Efficiency in Games with Dynamic Population. - Francesco Visin, Kyle Kastner, Kyunghyun Cho, Matteo Matteucci, Aaron C. Courville, Yoshua Bengio:
ReNet: A Recurrent Neural Network Based Alternative to Convolutional Networks. - Yuksel Ozan Basciftci, Can Emre Koksal, Alexei E. Ashikhmin:
Securing Massive MIMO at the Physical Layer. - Christopher H. Lin, Andrey Kolobov, Ece Kamar, Eric Horvitz:
Metareasoning for Planning Under Uncertainty. - David M. W. Powers:
Visualization of Tradeoff in Evaluation: from Precision-Recall & PN to LIFT, ROC & BIRD. - Gonzalo Galiano Casas, Julián Velasco Valdés:
On a fast bilateral filtering formulation using functional rearrangements. - Irina Erjomina, Aleksandr Rozentsvaig, Rushan Ziatdinov:
Server component installation and testing of the university information and educational environment on the Moodle LMS platform. - Josif Grabocka, Nicolas Schilling, Lars Schmidt-Thieme:
Optimal Time-Series Motifs. - Piotr Plonski, Dorota Stefan, Robert Sulej, Krzysztof Zaremba:
Electron Neutrino Classification in Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber Detector. - Juei-Chin Shen, Jun Zhang, Kwang-Cheng Chen, Khaled Ben Letaief:
High-Dimensional CSI Acquisition in Massive MIMO: Sparsity-Inspired Approaches. - Yong Wang:
A Unified Stability Analysis Approach for a Class of Interconnected System. - Basura Fernando, Sezer Karaoglu, Sajib Kumar Saha:
Object Class Detection and Classification using Multi Scale Gradient and Corner Point based Shape Descriptors. - Darrell Hoy, Denis Nekipelov, Vasilis Syrgkanis:
Robust Data-Driven Efficiency Guarantees in Auctions. - Jianjun Yang, Ju Shen:
Leading Undergraduate Students to Big Data Generation. - Stephen P. Luttrell:
Some Theoretical Properties of a Network of Discretely Firing Neurons. - Valerio Turri, Bart Besselink, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Cooperative look-ahead control for fuel-efficient and safe heavy-duty vehicle platooning. - Yan Jin, Jean-Philippe Hamiez, Jin-Kao Hao:
Algorithms for the minimum sum coloring problem: a review. - Akrati Saxena, S. R. S. Iyengar, Yayati Gupta:
Understanding Spreading Patterns on Social Networks Based on Network Topology. - Ratnesh Kumbhkar, Tejashri Kuber, Narayan B. Mandayam, Ivan Seskar:
Opportunistic Spectrum Allocation for Max-Min Rate in NC-OFDMA. - Stanislaw Antol, Aishwarya Agrawal, Jiasen Lu, Margaret Mitchell, Dhruv Batra, C. Lawrence Zitnick, Devi Parikh:
VQA: Visual Question Answering. - Rocco Langone, Raghvendra Mall, Carlos Alzate, Johan A. K. Suykens:
Kernel Spectral Clustering and applications. - Jörg Endrullis, Hans Zantema:
Proving Looping and Non-Looping Non-Termination by Finite Automata. - Jianhua Mo, Robert W. Heath Jr.:
Limited Feedback in Multiple-Antenna Systems with One-Bit Quantization. - Subhashini Venugopalan, Marcus Rohrbach, Jeff Donahue, Raymond J. Mooney, Trevor Darrell, Kate Saenko:
Sequence to Sequence - Video to Text. - Yulia Silina, Hamed Haddadi:
The Distant Heart: Mediating Long-Distance Relationships through Connected Computational Jewelry. - Amin Movahed, Mark C. Reed, Shahriar Etemadi Tajbakhsh:
EXIT Chart Analysis of Turbo Compressed Sensing Using Message Passing De-Quantization. - S. Ahsan Badruddin, S. M. Dildar Ali:
Recent Developments in the Optimization of Space Robotics for Perception in Planetary Exploration. - Elena G. Dorogush, Alex A. Kurzhanskiy:
Modeling Toll Lanes and Dynamic Pricing Control. - Shant Boodaghians, Adrian Vetta:
The Combinatorial World (of Auctions) According to GARP. - Andre Gustavo Degraf Uchoa, Cornelius T. Healy, Rodrigo C. de Lamare:
Iterative Detection and Decoding Algorithms using LDPC Codes for MIMO Systems in Block-Fading Channels. - Cameron Summers, Phillip Popp:
Large Scale Discovery of Seasonal Music From User Data. - Wojciech Zaremba, Ilya Sutskever:
Reinforcement Learning Neural Turing Machines. - Yong Shean Chong, Yong Haur Tay:
Modeling Representation of Videos for Anomaly Detection using Deep Learning: A Review. - Yue Wu, Stephen Rawls, Wael Abd-Almageed, Premkumar Natarajan:
Learning Document Image Binarization from Data. - Emanuele Bellini, Massimiliano Sala:
A deterministic algorithm for the distance and weight distribution of binary nonlinear codes. - Ammar Muqaddas:
Triple State QuickSort, A replacement for the C/C++ library qsort. - Radha Krishna Ganti, Andrew Thangaraj, Arijit Mondal:
Approximation of Capacity for ISI Channels with One-bit Output Quantization. - Gerd Lindner, Christian L. Staudt, Michael Hamann, Henning Meyerhenke, Dorothea Wagner:
Structure-Preserving Sparsification of Social Networks.