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42nd CDC 2003: Maui, HI, USA
- 42nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2003, Maui, Hawaii, USA, December 9-12, 2003. IEEE 2003, ISBN 0-7803-7924-1
- Shannon Zelinski, Tak-John Koo, Shankar Sastry:
Hybrid system design for formations of autonomous vehicles. 1-6 - Yan Jin, Ali A. Minai, Marios M. Polycarpou:
Cooperative real-time search and task allocation in UAV teams. 7-12 - David A. Castañón, Cynara C. Wu:
Distributed algorithms for dynamic reassignment. 13-18 - Zhijun Tang, Ümit Özgüner:
Sensor fusion for target track maintenance with multiple UAVs based on Bayesian filtering method and Hospitability Map. 19-24 - Randal W. Beard, Timothy W. McLain:
Multiple UAV cooperative search under collision avoidance and limited range communication constraints. 25-30 - Jorge Finke, Kevin M. Passino, Andrew G. Sparks:
Cooperative control via task load balancing for networked uninhabited autonomous vehicles. 31-36 - Bo Yang, Wei Lin:
Output feedback stabilization of a class of homogeneous and high-order nonlinear systems. 37-42 - Chunjiang Qian, Wei Lin:
Nonsmooth output feedback stabilization and tracking of a class of nonlinear systems. 43-48 - Murat Arcak, Dragan Nesic:
Observer design for sampled-data nonlinear systems via approximate discrete-time models. 49-54 - Alberto Isidori, Lorenzo Marconi, Andrea Serrani:
Observability conditions for the semiglobal output regulation of non-minimum phase nonlinear systems. 55-60 - D. H. Sanjeeva Maithripala, Jordan M. Berg, Wijesuriya P. Dayawansa:
Nonlinear dynamic output feedback stabilization of electrostatically actuated MEMS. 61-66 - David Angeli, Eduardo D. Sontag:
A note on multistability and monotone I/O systems. 67-72 - Robert Buche, Harold J. Kushner:
Control of mobile communications with randomly-varying channels via stability methods. 73-79 - Akshay Kashyap, Tamer Basar, R. Srikant:
Minimum distortion transmission of Gaussian sources over fading channels. 80-85 - Vikram Krishnamurthy, Xiaodong Wang, George Yin:
Adaptive discrete stochastic approximation algorithms for spreading code optimization in DS/CDMA. 86-91 - Cristina Comaniciu, H. Vincent Poor:
QoS provisioning for wireless ad hoc data networks. 92-97 - Minyi Huang, Peter E. Caines, Roland P. Malhamé
Individual and mass behaviour in large population stochastic wireless power control problems: centralized and Nash equilibrium solutions. 98-103 - Songlin Cai, Yong Liu, Weibo Gong:
Analysis of an AIMD based collision avoidance protocol in wireless data networks. 104-109 - Jaime Pacheco Martínez, Moisés E. Bonilla, Michel Malabre:
Proper exponential approximation of non proper compensators: the MIMO case. 110-115 - Moisés E. Bonilla, Jaime Pacheco Martínez, Michel Malabre:
Almost rejection of internal structural variations in linear systems. 116-121 - Martine Olivi, Jean-Paul Marmorat, Bernard Hanzon, Ralf L. M. Peeters:
Schur parametrizations and balanced realizations of real discrete-time stable all-pass systems. 122-126 - Daniel Garcia, Alireza Karimi, Roland Longchamp:
Data-driven controller tuning based on a frequency criterion. 127-132 - Zhengyun Ren, Hong Zhang, Huihe Shao:
Comparison of PID control and PPI control. 133-138 - Jianghua Xu, Huihe Shao:
A novel method of PID tuning for integrating processes. 139-142 - Aleksandar Lj. Juloski, W. P. M. H. Heemels, Yvo Boers, F. Verschure:
Two approaches to state estimation for a class of piecewise affine systems. 143-148 - Camile Rowe, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Min-max moving horizon estimation for a class of hybrid systems. 149-154 - Xenofon D. Koutsoukos:
Estimation of hybrid systems using discrete sensors. 155-160 - Shun-ichi Azuma, Jun-ichi Imura:
Optimal control of sampled-data piecewise affine systems and its application to CPU processing control. 161-166 - René Vidal, Stefano Soatto, Yi Ma, Shankar Sastry:
An algebraic geometric approach to the identification of a class of linear hybrid systems. 167-172 - Natasa A. Kablar:
Singularly impulsive or generalized impulsive dynamical systems: Lyapunov and asymptotic stability. 173-175 - Soura Dasgupta:
Control over bandlimited communication channels: limitations to stabilizability. 176-181 - Daniel Liberzon:
Stabilizing a nonlinear system with limited information feedback. 182-186 - Claudio De Persis:
A note on stabilization via communication channel in the presence of input constraints. 187-192 - Koji Tsumura, Jan M. Maciejowski:
Stabilizability of SISO control systems under constraints of channel capacities. 193-198 - Minyue Fu:
Robust stabilization of linear uncertain systems via quantized feedback. 199-203 - Wenyi Zhang:
Stabilization of networked control systems over a sharing link using ALOHA. 204-209 - Augusto Ferrante, Giovanni Marro, Lorenzo Ntogramatzidis:
Employing the algebraic Riccati equation for the solution of the finite-horizon LQ problem. 210-214 - Franco Blanchini, Felice Andrea Pellegrino
Relatively optimal control and its linear implementation. 215-220 - Yue Chen, Thomas F. Edgar, Vasilios I. Manousiouthakis:
On infinite-time nonlinear quadratic optimal control. 221-226 - Michael J. Grimble:
Robustness of full order and restricted structure optimal control systems. 227-232 - Aram V. Arutyunov, Dmitry Karamzin, Fernando Pereira:
Nondegenerate necessary conditions for optimal impulsive control problems with state constraints. 233-238 - Arik Melikyan, Naira Hovakimyan, Yutaka Ikeda:
Dynamic programming approach to a minimum distance optimal control problem. 239-244 - Nader Motee, Marcio S. de Queiroz:
A switching control strategy for magnetic bearings with a state-dependent bias. 245-250 - Satoshi Suzuki, Katsuhisa Furuta, Yaodong Pan:
State-dependent sliding-sector VS-control and application to swing-up control of pendulum. 251-256 - Tuhin Das, Ranjan Mukherjee:
Exponential stabilization of the rolling sphere: stability analysis. 257-262 - Yoshie Sudo, Hiroshi Hashimoto, Chiharu Ishii:
Perspective image for subspace of hemisphere space by digital image conversion. 263-268 - Benjamin J. G. Vautier, S. O. Reza Moheimani:
Avoiding hysteresis in vibration control using piezoelectric laminates. 269-274 - Jason J. Gorman, Kathryn W. Jablokow, David J. Cannon:
Dynamical robust backstepping using a combined sliding modes and high-gain observer approach. 275-281 - Myung-Gon Yoon, Valery A. Ugrinovskii:
Robust tracking problem for continuous time stochastic uncertain systems. 282-287 - Gang Hu, Jianmin Xu:
Robust control for uncertain singular systems with disk pole constraints. 288-293 - Brahim Behar, Françoise Lamnabhi-Lagarrigue, Tarek Ahmed-Ali:
Robust nonlinear control of transient stability of power systems. 294-299 - Hossein M. Oloomi, Bahram Shafai:
Weight selection in mixed sensitivity robust control for improving the sinusoidal tracking performance. 300-305 - Yoshito Ohta, Takashi Kunitake:
L2 gain analysis of linear parameter varying systems: dual problem and its finite dimensional approximation. 306-311 - Christopher I. Byrnes, David S. Gilliam, Alberto Isidori, Victor I. Shubov:
Set point boundary control for a nonlinear distributed parameter system. 312-317 - Patricia Cathalifaud, Thomas R. Bewley:
A noncausal strategy for feedback control of spatially-parabolic flow systems. 318-323 - Michael A. Demetriou:
Robust fault tolerant controller in parabolic distributed parameter systems with actuator faults. 324-329 - Jun Imai, Yasuaki Ando, Masami Konishi:
An optimal finite-dimensional modeling in heat conduction and diffusion equations with partially known eigenstructure. 330-335 - Hicham Ouarit, Laurent Lefèvre, Didier Georges, Ofelia Begovich:
A way to deal with nonlinear boundary conditions in open-channel optimal control problems. 336-341 - Supratik Mukhopadhyay:
Abstract spatial hybrid systems for image processing. 342-343 - Paul Maya-Ortíz
, Gerardo Espinosa-Pérez
Observer-based IDA control of synchronous generators. 344-349 - Francesco Amato, Marco Ariola, Carlo Cosentino:
Finite time control via output feedback: a general approach. 350-355 - Daniel Ferreira Coutinho, Alexandre Trofino, Karina A. Barbosa:
Robust linear dynamic output feedback controllers for a class of nonlinear systems. 356-361 - Luca Consolini, Manfredi Maggiore:
Robust output feedback tracking with a matching condition. 362-367 - Bin Xian, Marcio S. de Queiroz, Darren M. Dawson, Michael L. McIntyre:
Output feedback variable structure-like control of nonlinear mechanical systems. 368-373 - Daniel F. Coutinho, Alexandre Trofino, Karina A. Barbosa:
Robust linear dynamic output feedback controllers for a class of nonlinear systems. 374-379 - Daniel F. Coutinho, Karina A. Barbosa, Alexandre Trofino, Carlos E. de Souza:
Linear H∞ filter design for a class of uncertain nonlinear systems. 380-385 - Garry A. Einicke:
Robust noncausal filtering. 386-390 - Michael Schinkel, W. P. M. H. Heemels, Aleksandar Lj. Juloski:
State estimation for systems with varying sampling rate. 391-392 - Daniel Choukroun, Haim Weiss, Itzhack Y. Bar-Itzhack, Yaakov Oshman:
State matrix Kalman filter. 393-398 - Alexander Medvedev:
Stability of an windup prevention scheme in recursive parameter estimation. 399-404 - Li-Juan Jia, Shunshoku Kanae, Zi-Jiang Yang, Kiyoshi Wada:
On bias compensation estimation for noisy AR process. 405-410 - Claudio Altafini:
Quantum Markovian master equation driven by coherent controls: a controllability analysis. 411-415 - Ugo V. Boscain:
Resonance of minimizers for n-level quantum systems. 416-421 - Navin Khaneja, Steffen J. Glaser:
Optimal control of coupled spin dynamics under cross-correlated relaxation. 422-427 - Roger W. Brockett, Chitra Rangan, Anthony M. Bloch:
The controllability of infinite quantum systems. 428-433 - Symeon Grivopoulos, Bassam Bamieh:
Lyapunov-based control of quantum systems. 434-438 - Francesca Albertini, Domenico D'Alessandro:
Observability, measurement and parameter identification of quantum mechanical systems; applications to spin networks. 439-444 - Silvio Simani, Ron J. Patton:
Fault diagnosis of non-linear dynamic processes using identified hybrid models. 445-450 - Roberto Diversi, Silvio Simani:
Residual design for dynamic processes using decoupling technique. 451-456 - Benoît Marx
, Damien Koenig, Didier Georges
Robust fault diagnosis for linear descriptor systems using proportional integral observers. 457-462 - Edwin Lughofer, Hajrudin Efendic, Luigi del Re, Erich-Peter Klement:
Filtering of dynamic measurements in intelligent sensors for fault detection based on data-driven models. 463-468 - Steven X. Ding, Ping Zhang
, Paul Martin Frank, Eve L. Ding:
Threshold calculation using LMI-technique and its integration in the design of fault detection systems. 469-474 - Yongmin Kim, Jaehong Park:
A condition of the eigenvalues of detection filters for disturbance attenuation: an invariant zero approach. 475-479 - N. U. Ahmed:
Optimal control for a general class of Impulsive systems on Banach spaces. 480-485 - Adhemar Bultheel
, Pierre Carrette:
Fourier analysis and the Takenaka-Malmquist basis. 486-491 - Wei Li, Christos G. Cassandras:
Stability properties of a cooperative Receding Horizon controller. 492-497 - Xingping Chen, Andrea Serrani, Hitay Özbay:
Control of leader-follower formations of terrestrial UAVs. 498-503 - Vijay Gupta, Babak Hassibi, Richard M. Murray:
Stability analysis of stochastically varying formations of dynamic agents. 504-509 - Shankar K. Subramanian, Jose B. Cruz:
Adaptive models of pop-up threats for multi-agent persistent area denial. 510-515 - Qi Chen, Ümit Özgüner:
A hybrid system model and overlapping decomposition for vehicle flight formation control. 516-521 - Alvaro E. Gil, Kevin M. Passino, Sriam Ganapathy, Andrew G. Sparks:
Cooperative scheduling of tasks for networked uninhabited autonomous vehicles. 522-527 - Anthony M. Bloch, Arieh Iserles:
Optimality of double bracket and generalized double bracket flows. 528-532 - Dimitry V. Zenkov, Anthony M. Bloch, Jerrold E. Marsden:
Controlled Lagrangian methods and tracking of accelerated motions. 533-538 - Dong Eui Chang, Shawn C. Shadden, Jerrold E. Marsden, Reza Olfati-Saber:
Collision avoidance for multiple agent systems. 539-543 - Jinglai Shen
, Ainit K. Sanyal, N. Harris McClamroch:
Asymptotic stability of rigid body attitude systems. 544-549 - Sujit Nair, Naomi Ehrich Leonard, Luc Moreau:
Coordinated control of networked mechanical systems with unstable dynamics. 550-555 - John Baillieul
, Atul Suri:
Information patterns and Hedging Brockett's theorem in controlling vehicle formations. 556-563 - Saswati Sarkar, Leandros Tassiulas:
End-to-end bandwidth guarantees through fair local spectrum share in wireless ad-hoc networks. 564-569 - Subhrakanti Dey, Jamie S. Evans:
Optimal power control in wireless data networks with outage-based utility guarantees. 570-575 - Bernardo A. Movsichoff, Constantino Lagoa:
A novel approach to traffic engineering for ad-hoc networks. 576-581 - J. Douglas Birdwell, John N. Chiasson, Chaouki T. Abdallah, Zhong Tang, Nivedita Alluri, Tsewei Wang:
The effect of time delays in the stability of load balancing algorithms for parallel computations. 582-587 - Dario Bauso, Laura Giarré, Raffaele Pesenti:
Distributed consensus protocols for coordinating buyers. 588-592 - Frida Gunnarsson, Fredrik Gunnarsson, Fredrik Gustafsson:
Controlling Internet queue dynamics using recursively identified models. 593-597 - Ben Recht, Raffaello D'Andrea:
Exploiting symmetry for the distributed control of spatially interconnected systems. 598-603 - Siarhei Michailovich Dymkou, Eric Rogers, Michael Dymkov, Krzysztof Galkowski, David H. Owens:
Controllability and optimization for differential linear repetitive processes. 604-609 - Dong Yue, Qing-Long Han:
Robust H∞ filter design of uncertain descriptor systems with discrete and distributed delays. 610-615 - Samira El Faiz, Mustapha Ait Rami, Abdellah Benzaouia:
Stabilization and pole placement with respect to state constraints: a robust design via LMI. 616-621 - Wensheng Yu, Long Wang
, Yong Xiang:
Robust strictly positive real synthesis of polynomial segments for discrete time systems. 622-627 - Wojciech Paszke, Krzysztof Galkowski, Eric Rogers, David H. Owens:
H∞ control of discrete linear repetitive processes. 628-633 - Paulo Tabuada, George J. Pappas:
Finite bisimulations of controllable linear systems. 634-639 - Alberto Bemporad, Nicolò Giorgetti:
A logic-based hybrid solver for optimal control of hybrid systems. 640-645 - Gino Labinaz, Martin Guay:
Viability, the solution set, and fixed point approximation of hybrid systems. 646-650 - Jorge M. Gonçalves:
Regions of stability for limit cycles of piecewise linear systems. 651-656 - Michael S. Branicky, Michael M. Curtiss, Joshua A. Levine, Stuart B. Morgan:
RRTs for nonlinear, discrete, and hybrid planning and control. 657-663 - Luigi Palopoli, Tommaso Cucinotta, Antonio Bicchi:
Quality of service control in soft real-time applications. 664-669 - Qiang Ling, Michael D. Lemmon:
Optimal dropout compensation in networked control systems. 670-675 - Babak Azimi-Sadjadi:
Stability of networked control systems in the presence of packet losses. 676-681 - Rodney Teo, Dusan M. Stipanovic, Claire J. Tomlin:
Decentralized spacing control of a string of multiple vehicles over lossy datalinks. 682-687 - Xiangheng Liu, Andrea Goldsmith:
Wireless communication tradeoffs in distributed control. 688-694 - Poi Loon Tang, Clarence W. de Silva:
Ethernet-based predictive control of an industrial hydraulic machine. 695-700 - Bruno Sinopoli, Luca Schenato, Massimo Franceschetti, Kameshwar Poolla, Michael I. Jordan, Shankar S. Sastry:
Kalman filtering with intermittent observations. 701-708 - Michael V. Basin, Maria Aracelia Alcorta-Garcia:
Optimal controller for third degree polynomial system. 709-714 - György Hexner, Tal Shima, Haim Weiss:
An LQG guidance law with bounded acceleration command. 715-720