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54. CDC 2015: Osaka, Japan
- 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, CDC 2015, Osaka, Japan, December 15-18, 2015. IEEE 2015, ISBN 978-1-4799-7886-1
- Ramtin Madani, Javad Lavaei, Ross Baldick:
Convexification of power flow problem over arbitrary networks. 1-8 - Gustavo Cezar, Ram Rajagopal, Baosen Zhang:
Stability of interconnected DC converters. 9-14 - Desmond W. H. Cai, Enrique Mallada, Adam Wierman:
Distributed optimization decomposition for joint economic dispatch and frequency regulation. 15-22 - Krishnamurthy Dvijotham, Michael Chertkov, Steven H. Low:
A differential analysis of the power flow equations. 23-30 - Daniel K. Molzahn, Cédric Josz, Ian A. Hiskens, Patrick Panciatici:
Solution of optimal power flow problems using moment relaxations augmented with objective function penalization. 31-38 - Seyedbehzad Nabavi, Aranya Chakrabortty:
An intrusion-resilient distributed optimization algorithm for modal estimation in power systems. 39-44 - Girish N. Nair:
Nonstochastic information concepts for estimation and control. 45-56 - Fritz Colonius:
Entropy properties of deterministic control systems. 57-65 - Mohamed Abdelmonim Hassan Darwish, Pepijn B. Cox, Gianluigi Pillonetto, Roland Tóth:
Bayesian identification of LPV Box-Jenkins models. 66-71 - Claus Danielson, Stefano Di Cairano:
Reduced complexity control design for symmetric LPV systems. 72-77 - Ming Jin, Costas J. Spanos:
BRIEF: Bayesian Regression of Infinite Expert Forecasters for single and multiple time series prediction. 78-83 - Gianluca Rizzello, David Naso, Biagio Turchiano, Alexander York, Stefan Seelecke:
Robust LMI position regulation of a bistable Dielectric Electro-Active Polymer membrane. 84-90 - Hossam S. Abbas, Roland Tóth, Nader Meskin, Javad Mohammadpour, Jurre Hanema:
An MPC approach for LPV systems in input-output form. 91-96 - Mark C. Palframan, Kyle T. Guthrie, Mazen Farhood:
An LPV path-following controller for small fixed-wing UAS. 97-102 - Alberto Padoan, Alessandro Astolfi:
Dimension estimation for autonomous nonlinear systems. 103-108 - Burak Yilmaz, Mario Sznaier:
Efficient identification of Wiener systems using a combination of atomic norm minimization and interval matrix properties. 109-114 - Riccardo Sven Risuleo, Giulio Bottegal, Håkan Hjalmarsson:
A new kernel-based approach to overparameterized Hammerstein system identification. 115-120 - Wen-Xiao Zhao, Han-Fu Chen, Roberto Tempo, Fabrizio Dabbene:
Recursive identification of nonparametric nonlinear systems with binary-valued output observations. 121-126 - Alberto Padoan, Alessandro Astolfi:
Towards deterministic subspace identification for autonomous nonlinear systems. 127-132 - Palak Bhushan, Young Hwan Chang, Claire J. Tomlin:
Iterative function separation for gene regulatory function identification. 133-138 - Luca Consolini, Alessandro Costalunga:
Induced connections on virtual holonomic constraints. 139-144 - Laura Menini, Corrado Possieri, Antonio Tornambè:
On the computation of the continuous-time reference trajectory for mechanical juggling systems. 145-150 - Benjamin J. Morris, Matthew J. Powell, Aaron D. Ames:
Continuity and smoothness properties of nonlinear optimization-based feedback controllers. 151-158 - Matheus F. Reis, Antonio C. Leite, Fernando C. Lizarralde:
Modeling and control of a multifingered robot hand for object grasping and manipulation tasks. 159-164 - Mehdi Imani Masouleh, David J. N. Limebeer:
Heave spring and ride height optimisation of a Formula One car suspension system. 165-170 - Signe Moe, Andrew R. Teel, Gianluca Antonelli, Kristin Ytterstad Pettersen:
Stability analysis for set-based control within the singularity-robust multiple task-priority inverse kinematics framework. 171-178 - Vincent Grelet, Pascal Dufour, Madiha Nadri, Vincent Lemort, Thomas Reiche:
Explicit multi-model predictive control of a waste heat Rankine based system for heavy duty trucks. 179-184 - Nassim Mokrani, Ahmed Rachid, Mustapha Ait Rami:
A tracking control for pantograph-catenary system. 185-190 - Tatsuya Ibuki, Yasuhiro Awai, Yoshihiro Sakayanagi, Mitsuji Sampei, Junichi Kako:
Knocking detection in gasoline engines based on probability density functions: A mixed Gaussian distribution approach. 191-196 - Davide Tavernini, Efstathios Velenis, Stefano Longo:
Model-based active brake force distribution for pitch angle minimization. 197-202 - Chuan Hu, Rongrong Wang, Fengjun Yan, Mohammed Chadli, Hamid Reza Karimi:
Composite nonlinear feedback control for path following of four-wheel independently actuated autonomous ground vehicles. 203-208 - Hamid Dahmani, Olivier Pagès, Ahmed El Hajjaji:
Robust control with parameter uncertainties for vehicle chassis stability in critical situations. 209-214 - Michael T. Ouimet, Jorge Cortés, Sonia Martínez:
Network integrity via coordinated motion of stratospheric vehicles. 215-220 - Yancy Diaz-Mercado, Austin Jones, Calin Belta, Magnus Egerstedt:
Correct-by-construction control synthesis for multi-robot mixing. 221-226 - Osama En-Nasr, Xiaobo Tan:
Leader-follower tracking for a network of gliding robotic fish using dynamic feedback linearization. 227-233 - Yuan Fan, Guoqiang Hu:
Connectivity-preserving rendezvous of multi-agent systems with event-triggered controllers. 234-239 - Zhuoyuan Song, Kamran Mohseni:
Anisotropic active Lagrangian particle swarm control in a meandering jet. 240-245 - Xuebo Zhang, Xiang Chen, Xiao Liang, Yongchun Fang:
Distributed coverage optimization for deployment of directional sensor networks. 246-251 - Mohamed K. Helwa, Peter E. Caines:
Epsilon controllability of nonlinear systems on polytopes. 252-257 - Vladislav Nenchev, Christos G. Cassandras:
Optimal exploration and control for a robotic pick-up and delivery problem in two dimensions. 258-263 - Veaceslav Spinu, Mircea Lazar:
From non-homogeneous stabilizing control laws to tracking of constrained discrete-time linear systems. 264-269 - Soulaimane Berkane, Abdelhamid Tayebi:
On the design of synergistic potential functions on SO(3). 270-275 - Mohamed K. Helwa, Peter E. Caines:
On the construction of in-block controllable covers of nonlinear systems on polytopes. 276-281 - Dimitris Boskos, Dimos V. Dimarogonas:
Decentralized abstractions for feedback interconnected multi-agent systems. 282-287 - Lorenzo Maggi, Francesco De Pellegrini:
The Italian Coffee Queue: A dynamic priority discipline for multi-class queues. 288-293 - Stojan Trajanovski, Fernando A. Kuipers, Yezekael Hayel, Eitan Altman, Piet Van Mieghem:
Designing virus-resistant networks: A game-formation approach. 294-299 - Yezekael Hayel, Quanyan Zhu:
Evolutionary Poisson games for controlling large population behaviors. 300-305 - Sérgio Daniel Pequito, Paul Bogdan, George J. Pappas:
Minimum number of probes for brain dynamics observability. 306-311 - Azwirman Gusrialdi, Zhihua Qu:
Growing connected networks under privacy constraint: Achieving trade-off between performance and security. 312-317 - Konstantinos Gatsis, Alejandro Ribeiro, George J. Pappas:
Control with random access wireless sensors. 318-323 - Xu Wang, Marius Kloetzer, Cristian Mahulea, Manuel Silva Suárez:
Collision avoidance of mobile robots by using initial time delays. 324-329 - Bin Li:
Container terminal logistics scheduling and decision-making within the conceptual framework of computational thinking. 330-337 - Xiaofeng Jiang, Zhe Ji, Hongsheng Xi, Weiping Wang, Falin Liu:
Adaptive multicoset sampling for wideband spectrum sensing based on POMDP framework. 338-343 - Yin Tong, Zhiwu Li, Carla Seatzu, Alessandro Giua:
Verification of initial-state opacity in Petri nets. 344-349 - Guilherme Gomes da Silva, Carlos Andrey Maia:
A multiobjective formulation for Just-in-Time control of constrained Max-Plus Linear Systems in infinite horizon. 350-355 - ShouGuang Wang, Dan You, Carla Seatzu, Alessandro Giua:
Complete enumeration of minimal siphons in ordinary Petri nets based on problem partitioning. 356-361 - Salar Rahili, Wei Ren, Sheida Ghapani:
Distributed convex optimization of time-varying cost functions with swarm tracking behavior for continuous-time dynamics. 362-367 - Xiaoling Wang, Housheng Su, Xiaofan Wang:
Observer-based robust coordinated tracking of multi-agent systems with input saturation. 368-373 - Yuanye Chen, Yang Shi:
Leader-following consensus for multi-agent systems with switching topologies and time-varying delays: A switched system perspective. 374-379 - Zijian Wang, Mac Schwager:
Multi-robot manipulation with no communication using only local measurements. 380-385 - Zhenhong Li, Zhengtao Ding:
Fully distributed adaptive consensus control of multi-agent systems with LQR performance index. 386-391 - Philine Donner, Franz Christange, Martin Buss:
Fundamental dynamics based adaptive energy control for cooperative swinging of complex pendulum-like objects. 392-399 - Aswin Kannan, Angelia Nedic, Uday V. Shanbhag:
Distributed stochastic optimization under imperfect information. 400-405 - Hoi-To Wai, Anna Scaglione, Amir Leshem:
The social system identification problem. 406-411 - Junfeng Wu, Ziyang Meng, Tao Yang, Guodong Shi, Karl Henrik Johansson:
Critical sampling rate for sampled-data consensus over random networks. 412-417 - Ruggero Carli, Giuseppe Notarstefano, Luca Schenato, Damiano Varagnolo:
Analysis of Newton-Raphson consensus for multi-agent convex optimization under asynchronous and lossy communications. 418-424 - Ion Necoara:
Distributed and parallel random coordinate descent methods for huge convex programming over networks. 425-430 - Keyou You, Roberto Tempo, Li Qiu:
Randomized incremental algorithms for the PageRank computation. 431-436 - Huazhen Fang, Raymond A. de Callafon:
Simultaneous input and state filtering: An ensemble approach. 437-442 - Qi Guo, Dayan Liu, Wilfrid Perruquetti, Maxime Gautier:
Online estimation of robot dynamic parameters using causal Jacobi differentiator. 443-448 - Emanuele Ragnoli, Sergiy Zhuk, Mykhaylo Zayats, Michael Hartnett:
Localised filtering for transport models. 449-454 - Alexander Millane, Henrik Hesse, Tony A. Wood, Roy S. Smith:
Range-inertial estimation for airborne wind energy. 455-460 - Sze Zheng Yong, Minghui Zhu, Emilio Frazzoli:
Simultaneous input and state estimation of linear discrete-time stochastic systems with input aggregate information. 461-467 - Sze Zheng Yong, Minghui Zhu, Emilio Frazzoli:
Simultaneous input and state estimation with a delay. 468-475 - Liang Sun, Daniel J. Pack:
Controlling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with a pre-existing autopilot system in the loop. 476-481 - Daigo Shishika, Derek A. Paley:
Lyapunov stability analysis of a mosquito-inspired swarm model. 482-488 - Kelley E. Hashemi, Maruthi R. Akella, Chan-gi Pak:
Tracking error convergence for multi-input multi-output model reference adaptive control with known nonminimum phase zeros. 489-494 - Andrii Mironchenko, Fabian R. Wirth:
A note on input-to-state stability of linear and bilinear infinite-dimensional systems. 495-500 - Sanbo Ding, Zhanshan Wang, Dan Ye, Yingwei Zhang:
Exponential state estimation for Markovian jumping neural networks with discontinuous activation functions. 501-506 - Joel Ferguson, Richard H. Middleton, Alejandro Donaire:
Disturbance rejection via control by interconnection of port-Hamiltonian systems. 507-512 - Hiroaki Mukaidani, Mostak Ahmed, Hua Xu:
Finite horizon H∞ control for stochastic systems with multiple decision makers. 513-518 - Hiroaki Mukaidani, Hua Xu, Vasile Dragan, Toru Yamamoto:
Finite-horizon dynamic games for a class of nonlinear stochastic systems. 519-524 - Majid Zamani, Matthias Rungger, Peyman Mohajerin Esfahani:
Construction of approximations of stochastic control systems: A compositional approach. 525-530 - Georgia-Evangelia Katsargyri, Mardavij Roozbehani, Munther A. Dahleh:
Individual and systemic risk trade-offs induced by diversification barriers. 531-536 - Jean-Charles Delvenne, Henrik Sandberg:
Deriving thermodynamics from linear dissipativity theory. 537-542 - Xiaofeng Zong, Tao Li, Ji-Feng Zhang:
Stochastic consensus of continuous-time multi-agent systems with additive measurement noises. 543-548 - Seddik M. Djouadi, Jin Dong:
On the distributed control of spatially invariant systems. 549-554 - Michael A. Demetriou:
Leader selection and optimal synchronization gains in synchronization control of networked distributed parameter systems. 555-560 - Eugenio Aulisa, John A. Burns, David S. Gilliam:
The effect of viscosity in a tracking regulation problem for a counter-flow heat exchanger. 561-566 - Rasha al Jamal, Kirsten Morris:
Output feedback control of the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation. 567-571 - Sergiy Zhuk, Tigran T. Tchrakian:
Parameter estimation for Euler equations with uncertain inputs. 572-577 - Aditya A. Paranjape, Soon-Jo Chung:
Output feedback stabilization of linear PDEs with finite dimensional input-output maps and Kelvin-Voigt damping. 578-583 - Yutaka Hori, Richard M. Murray:
Engineering principles of synthetic biochemical oscillators with negative cyclic feedback. 584-589 - Alexander N. Churilov, Alexander Medvedev, Zhanybai T. Zhusubaliyev:
Delay-induced dynamical phenomena in impulsive Goodwin's oscillator: What we know so far. 590-595 - Elena Panteley, Antonio Loría, Ali El-Ati:
Analysis and control of Andronov-Hopf oscillators with applications to neuronal populations. 596-601 - Torbjörn Wigren, Per Lötstedt:
Nonlinear identification of biological clock dynamics. 602-608 - Franco Blanchini, Elisa Franco, Giulia Giordano:
Structural conditions for oscillations and multistationarity in aggregate monotone systems. 609-614 - Anton V. Proskurnikov, Ming Cao, Hai-Tao Zhang:
Entrainment of Goodwin's oscillators by periodic exogenous signals. 615-619 - Sebastien Gros, Mario Zanon, Moritz Diehl:
Baumgarte stabilisation over the SO(3) rotation group for control. 620-625 - Nak-seung Patrick Hyun, Erik I. Verriest, Patricio A. Vela:
Optimal obstacle avoidance trajectory generation using the root locus principle. 626-631 - T. C. J. Romijn, M. C. F. Donkers, John T. B. A. Kessels, Siep Weiland:
Complete Vehicle Energy Management with large horizon optimization. 632-637 - Jacopo Guanetti, Simone Formentin, Sergio M. Savaresi:
Least costly energy management for Electric Vehicles with plug-in Range Extenders. 638-643 - Nikolce Murgovski, Jonas Sjöberg:
Predictive cruise control with autonomous overtaking. 644-649 - Patrick Walters, Rushikesh Kamalapurkar, Warren E. Dixon:
Approximate optimal online continuous-time path-planner with static obstacle avoidance. 650-655 - Nikitas Rontsis, Sean P. Costello, Ioannis Lymperopoulos, Colin N. Jones:
Improved path following for kites with input delay compensation. 656-663 - Ross Drummond, Stephen R. Duncan:
A Lyapunov function for a PDE model of a supercapacitor. 664-669 - Andre Abido Figueiro, Alessandro Jacoud Peixoto, Ramon R. Costa:
State of charge estimation and battery balancing control. 670-675 - Satadru Dey, Sara Mohon, Pierluigi Pisu, Beshah Ayalew, Simona Onori:
Online state and parameter estimation of Battery-Double Layer Capacitor Hybrid Energy Storage System. 676-681 - Maria Letizia Corradini, Gianluca Ippoliti, Giuseppe Orlando:
Sensorless fault-tolerant control of VS Wind Turbines maximizing efficiency in the presence of electrical faults. 682-687 - Haocheng Li, David J. Olinger, Michael A. Demetriou:
Control of a tethered undersea kite energy system using a six degree of freedom model. 688-693 - Simon K. Niederländer, Jorge Cortés:
Distributed coordination for separable convex optimization with coupling constraints. 694-699 - Matthew T. Hale, Angelia Nedic, Magnus Egerstedt:
Cloud-based centralized/decentralized multi-agent optimization with communication delays. 700-705 - Rasul Tutunov, Haitham Bou-Ammar, Ali Jadbabaie:
Fast, accurate second order methods for network optimization. 706-711 - Ivano Notarnicola, Giuseppe Notarstefano:
Randomized dual proximal gradient for large-scale distributed optimization. 712-717 - Dimitrios Katselis, Carolyn L. Beck:
Robust principal component analysis via re-weighted minimization algorithms. 718-723 - Behrouz Touri, Bahman Gharesifard:
Continuous-time distributed convex optimization on time-varying directed networks. 724-729 - Masayuki Sato:
Gain-scheduled output feedback controllers for discrete-time LPV systems using bounded inexact scheduling parameters. 730-735 - Carlos Alberto Franco, Joaquin Collado:
Damped Hill's equation and iso-μ curves of a related second Hill's equation. 736-740 - Yuji Nagira, Yohei Hosoe, Tomomichi Hagiwara:
Gain-scheduled state feedback synthesis for systems characterized by random polytopes. 741-746 - Jan Goos, John Lataire, Rik Pintelon:
Detection and quantification of dynamic dependence in linear parameter-varying differential equations. 747-752